import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
public abstract class AbstractRememberMeServices implements RememberMeService,
InitializingBean {
public static final String REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE_KEY = "remember_me_cookie";
private static final String DELIMITER = ":";
public static final String DEFAULT_PARAMETER = "remember_me";
public static final int TWO_WEEKS_S = 1209600;
private String cookieName = REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE_KEY;
private String parameter = DEFAULT_PARAMETER;
private int tokenValiditySeconds = TWO_WEEKS_S;
private boolean alwaysRemember;
private boolean alwaysRememberCookie;
private String key;
private UserDetailsChecker userDetailsChecker = new AccountStatusUserDetailsChecker();
private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
public final UserDetails autoLogin(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws CookieTheftException {
String rememberMeCookie = extractRememberMeCookie(request);
if (rememberMeCookie == null) {
return null;
logger.debug("Remember-me cookie detected");
UserDetails user = null;
String[] cookieTokens;
try {
cookieTokens = decodeCookie(rememberMeCookie);
user = processAutoLoginCookie(cookieTokens, request, response);
} catch (CookieTheftException cte) {
cancelCookie(request, response);
throw cte;
} catch (UsernameNotFoundException noUser) {
cancelCookie(request, response);
logger.debug("Remember-me login was valid"
+ " but corresponding user not found.", noUser);
return null;
} catch (InvalidCookieException invalidCookie) {
cancelCookie(request, response);
logger.debug("Invalid remember-me cookie: "
+ invalidCookie.getMessage());
return null;
} catch (AccountStatusException statusInvalid) {
cancelCookie(request, response);
logger.debug("Invalid UserDetails: " + statusInvalid.getMessage());
return null;
} catch (RememberMeAuthenticationException e) {
cancelCookie(request, response);
return null;
logger.debug("Remember-me cookie accepted");
return user;
* Examines the incoming request and checks for the presence of the
* configured "remember me" parameter. If it's present, or if
* <tt>alwaysRemember</tt> is set to true, calls <tt>onLoginSucces</tt>.
public final boolean loginSuccess(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, UserDetails user) {
if (!rememberMeRequested(request, parameter)) {
logger.debug("Remember-me login not requested.");
return false;
return onLoginSuccess(request, response, user);
public final void loginFail(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
logger.debug("Interactive login attempt was unsuccessful.");
cancelCookie(request, response);
onLoginFail(request, response);
public void logout(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
logger.debug("Remember-me logout.");
cancelCookie(request, response);
onLogout(request, response);
* Locates the Spring Security remember me cookie in the request and returns
* its value.
* @param request
* the submitted request which is to be authenticated
* @return the cookie value (if present), null otherwise.
protected String extractRememberMeCookie(HttpServletRequest request) {
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
if ((cookies == null) || (cookies.length == 0)) {
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (cookieName.equals(cookies[i].getName())) {
return cookies[i].getValue();
return null;
* Allows customization of whether a remember-me login has been requested.
* The default is to return true if <tt>alwaysRemember</tt> is set or the
* configured parameter name has been included in the request and is set to
* the value "true".
* @param request
* the request submitted from an interactive login, which may
* include additional information indicating that a persistent
* login is desired.
* @param parameter
* the configured remember-me parameter name.
* @return true if the request includes information indicating that a
* persistent login has been requested.
protected boolean rememberMeRequested(HttpServletRequest request,
String parameter) {
if (alwaysRemember) {
return true;
String paramValue = request.getParameter(parameter);
if (paramValue != null) {
if (paramValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| paramValue.equalsIgnoreCase("on")
|| paramValue.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")
|| paramValue.equals("1")) {
return true;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Did not send remember-me cookie"
+ " (principal did not set parameter '" + parameter + "')");
return false;
* Sets the cookie on the response
* @param tokens
* the tokens which will be encoded to make the cookie value.
* @param maxAge
* the value passed to {@link Cookie#setMaxAge(int)}
* @param request
* the request
* @param response
* the response to add the cookie to.
protected void setCookie(String[] tokens, int maxAge,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
String cookieValue = encodeCookie(tokens);
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);
String ctx = request.getContextPath();
cookie.setPath(StringUtils.hasText(ctx) ? ctx : "/");
* Sets a "cancel cookie" (with maxAge = 0) on the response to disable
* persistent logins.
* @param request
* @param response
protected void cancelCookie(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
logger.debug("Cancelling cookie");
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, null);
String ctx = request.getContextPath();
cookie.setPath(StringUtils.hasText(ctx) ? ctx : "/");
* Decodes the cookie and splits it into a set of token strings using the
* ":" delimiter.
* @param cookieValue
* the value obtained from the submitted cookie
* @return the array of tokens.
* @throws InvalidCookieException
* if the cookie was not base64 encoded.
protected String[] decodeCookie(String cookieValue)
throws InvalidCookieException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(cookieValue.length() + 3)
for (int j = 0; j < sb.length() % 4; j++) {
cookieValue = sb.toString();
if (!Base64.isArrayByteBase64(cookieValue.getBytes())) {
throw new InvalidCookieException(
"Cookie token was not Base64 encoded; value was '"
+ cookieValue + "'");
String cookieAsPlainText = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(cookieValue
return StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(cookieAsPlainText,
* Inverse operation of decodeCookie.
* @param cookieTokens
* the tokens to be encoded.
* @return base64 encoding of the tokens concatenated with the ":"
* delimiter.
protected String encodeCookie(String[] cookieTokens) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < cookieTokens.length; i++) {
if (i < cookieTokens.length - 1) {
String value = sb.toString();
sb = new StringBuilder(
new String(Base64.encodeBase64(value.getBytes())));
while (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == '=') {
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
return sb.toString();
* Called from autoLogin to process the submitted persistent login cookie.
* Subclasses should validate the cookie and perform any additional
* management required.
* @param cookieTokens
* the decoded and tokenized cookie value
* @param request
* the request
* @param response
* the response, to allow the cookie to be modified if required.
* @return the UserDetails for the corresponding user account if the cookie
* was validated successfully.
* @throws RememberMeAuthenticationException
* if the cookie is invalid or the login is invalid for some
* other reason.
* @throws UsernameNotFoundException
* if the user account corresponding to the login cookie
* couldn't be found (for example if the user has been removed
* from the system).
protected abstract UserDetails processAutoLoginCookie(
String[] cookieTokens, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws RememberMeAuthenticationException, UsernameNotFoundException;
* Called from loginSuccess when a remember-me login has been requested.
* Typically implemented by subclasses to set a remember-me cookie and
* potentially store a record of it if the implementation requires this.
protected abstract boolean onLoginSuccess(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, UserDetails user);
protected void onLoginFail(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
protected void onLogout(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
protected String getCookieName() {
return cookieName;
public void setCookieName(String cookieName) {
this.cookieName = cookieName;
public boolean isAlwaysRemember() {
return alwaysRemember;
public void setAlwaysRemember(boolean alwaysRemember) {
this.alwaysRemember = alwaysRemember;
public String getParameter() {
return parameter;
public void setParameter(String parameter) {
this.parameter = parameter;
public UserDetailsService getUserDetailsService() {
return userDetailsService;
public void setUserDetailsService(UserDetailsService userDetailsService) {
this.userDetailsService = userDetailsService;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public void setKey(String key) {
this.key = key;
protected int getTokenValiditySeconds() {
return tokenValiditySeconds;
public void setTokenValiditySeconds(int tokenValiditySeconds) {
this.tokenValiditySeconds = tokenValiditySeconds;
public boolean isAlwaysRememberCookie() {
return alwaysRememberCookie;
public void setAlwaysRememberCookie(boolean alwaysRememberCookie) {
this.alwaysRememberCookie = alwaysRememberCookie;