* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: Jsoda
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: William Wong (williamw520@gmail.com)
* Portions created by William Wong are Copyright (C) 2012 William Wong, All Rights Reserved.
package wwutil.jsoda;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client;
import wwutil.sys.FnUtil;
import wwutil.sys.FnUtil.*;
import wwutil.sys.ReflectUtil;
import wwutil.model.MemCacheable;
import wwutil.model.MemCacheableSimple;
import wwutil.model.AnnotationRegistry;
import wwutil.model.AnnotationClassHandler;
import wwutil.model.AnnotationFieldHandler;
import wwutil.model.ValidationException;
import wwutil.model.BuiltinFunc;
import wwutil.model.annotation.Key;
import wwutil.model.annotation.Transient;
import wwutil.model.annotation.PrePersist;
import wwutil.model.annotation.PreValidation;
import wwutil.model.annotation.PostLoad;
import wwutil.model.annotation.DbType;
import wwutil.model.annotation.Model;
import wwutil.model.annotation.AttrName;
import wwutil.model.annotation.CachePolicy;
import wwutil.model.annotation.CacheByField;
import wwutil.model.annotation.VersionLocking;
import wwutil.model.annotation.S3Field;
* Simple object-db mapping service for AWS. Make storing POJO in SimpleDB/DynamoDB easy.
* Class is thread-safe.
* See utest.JsodaTest for usage.
public class Jsoda
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Jsoda.class);
// Services
private AWSCredentials credentials;
private ObjCacheMgr objCacheMgr;
private SimpleDBService sdbMgr;
private DynamoDBService ddbMgr;
private AmazonS3Client s3Client;
private AnnotationRegistry preStore1Registry;
private AnnotationRegistry preStore2Registry;
private AnnotationRegistry postLoadRegistry;
private AnnotationRegistry validationRegistry;
private String globalPrefix;
private String defaultS3Bucket = "";
private String s3KeyPrefix = "";
private String s3EndPoint;
// Model registry
private Map<String, Class> modelClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Class>();
private Map<String, DbService> modelDb = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DbService>();
private Map<String, String> modelTables = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, Field> modelIdFields = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Field>();
private Map<String, Field> modelRangeFields = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Field>();
private Map<String, Field> modelVersionFields = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Field>();
private Map<String, Integer> modelCachePolicy = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); // -1 for non-cacheable
private Map<String, Map<String, Field>> modelAllFieldMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, Field>>(); // all fields include db, S3, and transient
private Map<String, Map<String, Field>> modelDbFieldMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, Field>>(); // db fields are the ones stored at SimpleDB/DynamoDB
private Map<String, Map<String, Field>> modelAttrFieldMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, Field>>(); // maps db attr names to db field names
private Map<String, Map<String, String>> modelFieldAttrMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); // mape db field names to attr names.
private Map<String, Map<String, Field>> modelS3FieldMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, Field>>(); // s3 fields are the ones stored at S3
private Map<String, Set<String>> modelCacheByFields = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>();
private Map<String, Method> modelPrePersistMethod = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Method>();
private Map<String, Method> modelPreValidationMethod = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Method>();
private Map<String, Method> modelPostLoadMethod = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Method>();
private Map<String, Dao> modelDao = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Dao>();
private Map<String, S3Dao> modelS3Dao = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, S3Dao>();
private Map<String, EUtil> modelEUtil = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, EUtil>();
/** Create a Jsoda object with the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
* The tables in the database scope belonged to the AWS Access Key ID will be accessed.
public Jsoda(AWSCredentials cred)
throws Exception
this(cred, new MemCacheableSimple(10000));
/** Set a cache service for the Jsoda object. All objects accessed via the Jsoda object will be cached according to their CachePolicy. */
public Jsoda(AWSCredentials cred, MemCacheable memCacheable)
throws Exception
if (cred == null || cred.getAWSAccessKeyId() == null || cred.getAWSSecretKey() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("AWS credentials are needed.");
this.credentials = cred;
this.objCacheMgr = new ObjCacheMgr(this, memCacheable);
this.sdbMgr = new SimpleDBService(this, cred);
this.ddbMgr = new DynamoDBService(this, cred);
this.s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(cred);
this.preStore1Registry = BuiltinFunc.clonePreStore1Registry();
this.preStore2Registry = BuiltinFunc.clonePreStore2Registry();
this.validationRegistry = BuiltinFunc.cloneValidationRegistry();
this.postLoadRegistry = BuiltinFunc.clonePostLoadRegistry();
/** Set a new cache service for this Jsoda object. All old cached content are gone. */
public void setMemCacheable(MemCacheable memCacheable) {
/** Return the cache service object.
* Should only use the returned MemCacheable for dumping caching statistics and nothing else.
public MemCacheable getMemCacheable() {
return objCacheMgr.getMemCacheable();
/** Set the AWS service endpoint for the underlying dbtype. Different AWS region might have different endpoint. */
public Jsoda setDbEndpoint(DbType dbtype, String endpoint) {
return this;
/** Get the AWS service endpoint for the underlying dbtype. Return null for using AWS default. */
public String getDbEndpoint(DbType dbtype) {
return getDbService(dbtype).getDbEndpoint();
/** Set the AWS service endpoint for S3. Different AWS region might have different endpoint. */
public Jsoda setS3Endpoint(String endpoint) {
this.s3EndPoint = endpoint;
return this;
/** Get the AWS service endpoint for S3. Return null for using AWS default. */
public String getS3Endpoint() {
return this.s3EndPoint;
/** Set the global table prefix to add a prefix to all tables managed by the Jsoda object.
* The global prefix is added in front of any other per-model-class prefix defined in @Model.prefix.
* Global prefix is useful to scope all the tables for different purposes, e.g. creating test tables.
public Jsoda setGlobalPrefix(String globalPrefix) {
this.globalPrefix = globalPrefix;
return this;
/** Return the global table prefix to add a prefix to all tables managed by the Jsoda object. */
public String getGlobalPrefix() {
return globalPrefix;
/** Set default S3Bucket. This is used when @S3Field.s3Bucket is not set. */
public Jsoda setDefaultS3Bucket(String defaultS3Bucket) {
this.defaultS3Bucket = defaultS3Bucket;
return this;
public String getDefaultS3Bucket() {
return this.defaultS3Bucket;
/** Set the global s3 key prefix to add a prefix to all S3 key managed by the Jsoda object.
* The global prefix is added in front of any other per-model-field prefix defined in @S3Field.
* Global prefix is useful to scope all the S3 objects for different purposes, e.g. creating test objects.
public Jsoda setS3KeyPrefix(String s3KeyPrefix) {
this.s3KeyPrefix = s3KeyPrefix;
return this;
public String getS3KeyPrefix() {
return this.s3KeyPrefix;
/** Shut down any underlying database services and free up resources */
public void shutdown() {
/** Register a POJO model class. Calling again will re-register the model class, replacing the old one. */
public <T> void registerModel(Class<T> modelClass)
throws JsodaException
registerModel(modelClass, null);
/** Register a POJO model class. Register the model to use the dbtype, ignoring the model's dbtype annotation. */
public <T> void registerModel(Class<T> modelClass, DbType dbtype)
throws JsodaException
try {
String modelName = getModelName(modelClass);
List<Field> allFields = ReflectUtil.getAllFields(modelClass);
Field idField = toKeyField(modelClass, allFields, false);
Field rangeField = toKeyField(modelClass, allFields, true);
List<Field> savedFields = FnUtil.filter( allFields, new PredicateFn<Field>() {
public boolean apply(Field f) {
return Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers()) || // skip transient field
ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(f, Transient.class);
List<Field> dbFields = FnUtil.filter( savedFields, new PredicateFn<Field>() {
public boolean apply(Field f) {
return ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(f, S3Field.class); // skip S3 field
List<Field> s3Fields = FnUtil.filter( savedFields, new PredicateFn<Field>() {
public boolean apply(Field f) {
return !ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(f, S3Field.class); // skip non-S3 field
validateFields(modelClass, idField, rangeField);
modelClasses.put(modelName, modelClass);
modelDb.put(modelName, toDbService(modelClass, dbtype));
modelTables.put(modelName, toTableName(modelClass));
modelIdFields.put(modelName, idField);
if (rangeField != null)
modelRangeFields.put(modelName, rangeField);
Field versionField = ReflectUtil.findAnnotatedField(modelClass, VersionLocking.class);
if (versionField != null)
modelVersionFields.put(modelName, versionField);
toCachePolicy(modelName, modelClass);
modelAllFieldMap.put(modelName, toFieldMap(allFields));
modelDbFieldMap.put(modelName, toFieldMap(dbFields));
modelAttrFieldMap.put(modelName, toAttrFieldMap(dbFields));
modelFieldAttrMap.put(modelName, toFieldAttrMap(dbFields));
modelS3FieldMap.put(modelName, toFieldMap(s3Fields));
modelCacheByFields.put(modelName, toCacheByFields(dbFields)); // Build CacheByFields on all db fields, including the Id field
toAnnotatedMethods(modelName, modelClass);
modelDao.put(modelName, new Dao<T>(modelClass, this));
modelS3Dao.put(modelName, new S3Dao<T>(modelClass, this));
modelEUtil.put(modelName, new EUtil<T>(modelClass, this));
} catch(JsodaException je) {
throw je;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new JsodaException("Failed to register model class", e);
public boolean isRegistered(Class modelClass) {
return (modelClasses.get(getModelName(modelClass)) != null);
public void registerPreStore1Handler(Class annotationClass, AnnotationFieldHandler handler) {
preStore1Registry.register(annotationClass, handler);
public void registerPreStore2Handler(Class annotationClass, AnnotationFieldHandler handler) {
preStore2Registry.register(annotationClass, handler);
public void registerValidationHandler(Class annotationClass, AnnotationFieldHandler handler) {
validationRegistry.register(annotationClass, handler);
public void registerPostLoadHandler(Class annotationClass, AnnotationFieldHandler handler) {
postLoadRegistry.register(annotationClass, handler);
void validateRegisteredModel(Class modelClass)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (!modelClasses.containsKey(getModelName(modelClass)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model class " + modelClass + " has not been registered.");
void validateRegisteredModel(String modelName)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (!modelClasses.containsKey(modelName))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model class " + modelName + " has not been registered.");
void validateField(String modelName, String field) {
if (getField(modelName, field) == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + field + " does not exist in " + modelName);
/** Return the model name of a model class. */
public static String getModelName(Class modelClass) {
int index;
String name = modelClass.getName();
index = name.lastIndexOf(".");
name = (index == -1 ? name : name.substring(index + 1)); // Get classname in pkg.classname
index = name.lastIndexOf("$");
name = (index == -1 ? name : name.substring(index + 1)); // Get nested_classname in pkg.class1$nested_classname
return name;
/** Return the registered model class by its name. */
public Class getModelClass(String modelName) {
return modelClasses.get(modelName);
/** Return the DbService for the registered model class. */
DbService getDb(String modelName) {
return modelDb.get(modelName);
public AmazonS3Client getS3Client() {
return s3Client;
/** Return the table name of a registered model class. */
String getModelTable(String modelName) {
return modelTables.get(modelName);
/** Return the table name of a registered model class. */
String getModelTable(Class modelClass) {
return getModelTable((String)getModelName(modelClass));
/** Return a field of a registered model class by the field name, including all fields. */
Field getField(String modelName, String fieldName) {
return modelAllFieldMap.get(modelName).get(fieldName);
/** Return the Id field of a registered model class. */
Field getIdField(String modelName) {
return modelIdFields.get(modelName);
/** Return the RangeKey field of a registered model class. */
Field getRangeField(String modelName) {
return modelRangeFields.get(modelName);
/** Return the VersionLocking field of a registered model class. */
Field getVersionField(String modelName) {
return modelVersionFields.get(modelName);
/** Check to see if field is the Id field. */
boolean isIdField(String modelName, String fieldName) {
return getIdField(modelName).getName().equals(fieldName);
/** Check to see if field is an RangeKey field. */
boolean isRangeField(String modelName, String fieldName) {
Field rangeField = getRangeField(modelName);
return rangeField != null && rangeField.getName().equals(fieldName);
Map<String, Field> getAllFieldMap(String modelName) {
return modelAllFieldMap.get(modelName);
// DB Table API
/** Create modelClass' table in the registered model's database */
public <T> void createModelTable(Class<T> modelClass)
throws JsodaException
if (!isRegistered(modelClass))
String modelName = getModelName(modelClass);
/** Delete modelClass' table in the registered model's database */
public <T> void deleteModelTable(Class<T> modelClass)
throws JsodaException
if (!isRegistered(modelClass))
String modelName = getModelName(modelClass);
String tableName = getModelTable(modelName);
/** Delete the table in the database, as named in tableName, in the dbtype */
public void deleteNativeTable(DbType dbtype, String tableName) {
/** Create tables for all registered models. */
public void createRegisteredTables()
throws JsodaException
for (Class modelClass : modelClasses.values()) {
/** Get the list of native table names from the underlying database.
* @param dbtype the dbtype, as defined in Model.
public List<String> listNativeTables(DbType dbtype) {
return getDbService(dbtype).listTables();
/** Get the data access object for the model class.
* DAO has methods to load or save the data object.
* The modelClass is registered automatically if it has not been registered.
* <pre>
* e.g.
* Dao<Model1> dao1 = jsoda.dao(Model1.class);
* Dao<Model2> dao2 = jsoda.dao(Model2.class);
* dao1.put(model1One);
* dao1.put(model1Two);
* dao2.put(model2One);
* dao2.put(model2Two);
* </pre>
public <T> Dao<T> dao(Class<T> modelClass)
throws JsodaException
if (!isRegistered(modelClass))
return (Dao<T>)modelDao.get(getModelName(modelClass));
/** Create a Query object for a model class. Additional conditions can be specified on the query.
* Call this method or the Dao's constructor to create a dao for a model class.
* <pre>
* e.g.
* Dao<Model1> query1 = jsoda.query(Model1.class);
* Dao<Model2> query2 = new Query<Model2>(Model2.class, jsoda);
* </pre>
public <T> Query<T> query(Class<T> modelClass)
throws JsodaException
if (!isRegistered(modelClass))
return new Query<T>(modelClass, this);
public <T> S3Dao<T> s3dao(Class<T> modelClass)
throws JsodaException
if (!isRegistered(modelClass))
return (S3Dao<T>)modelS3Dao.get(getModelName(modelClass));
/** Get the helper entity util class for util methods to work on the instance object.
* <pre>
* e.g.
* EUtil<Model1> model1 = jsoda.eutil(Model1.class);
* EUtil<Model2> model2 = jsoda.eutil(Model2.class);
* </pre>
public <T> EUtil<T> eutil(Class<T> modelClass)
throws JsodaException
if (!isRegistered(modelClass))
return (EUtil<T>)modelEUtil.get(getModelName(modelClass));
/** @deprecated Use EUtil.dump() instead.
public static String dump(Object obj) {
return EUtil.dump(obj);
// Package level methods
ObjCacheMgr getObjCacheMgr() {
return objCacheMgr;
Field getFieldByAttr(String modelName, String attrName) {
Field idField = modelIdFields.get(modelName);
Field field = modelAttrFieldMap.get(modelName).get(attrName);
if (field == null) {
if (idField.getName().equals(attrName))
return idField;
return null;
return field;
Map<String, String> getFieldAttrMap(String modelName) {
return modelFieldAttrMap.get(modelName);
Map<String, Field> getAttrFieldMap(String modelName) {
return modelAttrFieldMap.get(modelName);
Map<String, Field> getS3Fields(String modelName) {
return modelS3FieldMap.get(modelName);
Set<String> getCacheByFields(String modelName) {
return modelCacheByFields.get(modelName);
Integer getCachePolicy(String modelName) {
return modelCachePolicy.get(modelName);
Method getPrePersistMethod(String modelName) {
return modelPrePersistMethod.get(modelName);
Method getPreValidationMethod(String modelName) {
return modelPreValidationMethod.get(modelName);
Method getPostLoadMethod(String modelName) {
return modelPostLoadMethod.get(modelName);
String makePkKey(String modelName, Object dataObj)
throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException
Field idField = getIdField(modelName);
Object idKey = idField.get(dataObj);
Field rangeField = getRangeField(modelName);
Object rangeKey = rangeField == null ? null : rangeField.get(dataObj);
return makePkKey(modelName, idKey, rangeKey);
String makePkKey(String modelName, Object idKey, Object rangeKey) {
String dbId = getDb(modelName).getDbTypeId();
String idStr = DataUtil.encodeValueToAttrStr(idKey, getIdField(modelName).getType());
Field rangeField = getRangeField(modelName);
return rangeField == null ? idStr : idStr + "/" + DataUtil.encodeValueToAttrStr(rangeKey, rangeField.getType());
// Registration helper methods
private void validateClass(Class modelClass) {
private void validateFields(Class modelClass, Field idField, Field rangeField) {
if (idField == null)
throw new ValidationException("Missing the annotated @Id field in the model class.");
if (Modifier.isTransient(idField.getModifiers()) || ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(idField, Transient.class))
throw new ValidationException("The @Key field cannot be transient or annotated with Transient in the model class.");
if (rangeField != null && (Modifier.isTransient(idField.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isTransient(rangeField.getModifiers())))
throw new ValidationException("The @Key field cannot be transient in the model class.");
if (ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(idField, S3Field.class))
throw new ValidationException("The @Key field cannot be @S3Field in the model class.");
if (rangeField != null && ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(rangeField, S3Field.class))
throw new ValidationException("The @Key field cannot be @S3Field in the model class.");
if (idField.getType() != String.class &&
idField.getType() != Integer.class &&
idField.getType() != int.class &&
idField.getType() != Long.class &&
idField.getType() != long.class)
throw new ValidationException("The @Id field can only be String, Integer, or Long.");
private Field toKeyField(Class modelClass, List<Field> allFields, boolean returnRangeKey) {
Field idField = null;
Field hashKeyField = null;
Field rangeKeyField = null;
for (Field field : allFields) {
if (!ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(field, Key.class))
if (ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValueEx(field, Key.class, "hashKey", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE)) {
if (hashKeyField == null) {
hashKeyField = field;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one field can be annotated as haskKey with @Key(hashKey=true).");
} else if (ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValueEx(field, Key.class, "rangeKey", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE)) {
if (rangeKeyField == null) {
rangeKeyField = field;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one field can be annotated as rangeKey with @Key(rangeKey=true).");
} else if (ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValueEx(field, Key.class, "id", Boolean.class, Boolean.FALSE)) {
if (idField == null) {
idField = field;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one field can be annotated as primary key with @Key(id=true).");
if (idField != null && (hashKeyField != null || rangeKeyField != null))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Key(id=true) and @Key(hashKey=ture) cannot be specified in the same class.");
if (returnRangeKey) {
return rangeKeyField;
if (idField != null)
return idField;
return hashKeyField;
private DbService getDbService(DbType dbtype) {
if (dbtype == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'dbtype' parameter");
if (dbtype == DbType.SimpleDB)
return sdbMgr;
if (dbtype == DbType.DynamoDB)
return ddbMgr;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(dbtype + " is not a supported dbtype");
private DbService toDbService(Class modelClass, DbType dbtype) {
if (dbtype == null) {
try {
dbtype = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValue(modelClass, Model.class, "dbtype", DbType.class, null);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in getting dbtype from the Model annotation for " + modelClass, e);
if (dbtype == null || dbtype == DbType.None)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid 'dbtype' specification in the Model annotation for " + modelClass);
return getDbService(dbtype);
private String toTableName(Class modelClass) {
String modelName = getModelName(modelClass);
String tableName = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValue(modelClass, Model.class, "table", modelName); // default to modelName
String prefix = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValue(modelClass, Model.class, "prefix", "");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(globalPrefix))
prefix = globalPrefix + prefix;
return prefix + tableName;
private void toCachePolicy(String modelName, Class modelClass)
throws Exception
// See if class has implemented Serializable
List<Class> allInterfaces = ReflectUtil.getAllInterfaces(modelClass);
boolean hasSerializable = FnUtil.fold(false, allInterfaces, new FoldFn<Boolean, Class>() {
public Boolean apply(Boolean hasSerializable, Class intf) {
return hasSerializable || (intf == Serializable.class);
// Decide CachePolicy
boolean cacheable = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValue(modelClass, CachePolicy.class, "cacheable", Boolean.class, Boolean.TRUE); // default is true
if (hasSerializable) {
if (cacheable) {
// Serializable and Cacheable. Can cache.
int expireInSeconds = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValue(modelClass, CachePolicy.class, "expireInSeconds", Integer.class, 0);
modelCachePolicy.put(modelName, new Integer(expireInSeconds));
} else {
if (ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(modelClass, CachePolicy.class)) {
// Not Serializable but CachePolicy specified. Specification conflict.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model class " + modelClass.getName() + " must implement the java.io.Serializable when specifying CachePolicy for caching.");
// Don't cache objects of the model.
modelCachePolicy.put(modelName, new Integer(-1));
private Map<String, Field> toFieldMap(List<Field> fields) {
Map<String, Field> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Field>();
for (Field field : fields)
map.put(field.getName(), field);
return map;
private Map<String, Field> toAttrFieldMap(List<Field> fields)
throws Exception
Map<String, Field> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Field>();
for (Field field : fields) {
String attrName = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValue(field, AttrName.class, "value", field.getName());
map.put(attrName, field);
return map;
private Map<String, String> toFieldAttrMap(List<Field> fields)
throws Exception
Map<String, String> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
for (Field field : fields) {
String attrName = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValue(field, AttrName.class, "value", field.getName());
map.put(field.getName(), attrName);
return map;
private void toAnnotatedMethods(String modelName, Class modelClass)
throws Exception
for (Method method : ReflectUtil.getAllMethods(modelClass)) {
if (ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(method, PrePersist.class))
modelPrePersistMethod.put(modelName, method);
if (ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(method, PreValidation.class))
modelPreValidationMethod.put(modelName, method);
if (ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(method, PostLoad.class))
modelPostLoadMethod.put(modelName, method);
private Set<String> toCacheByFields(List<Field> fields)
throws Exception
Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
for (Field field : fields) {
if (ReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(field, CacheByField.class))
return set;
* Perform the pre-store data transformation steps to call the data generators, conversion.
* Note that the validations are not called. This is for initializing a data object.
void preStoreTransformSteps(Object dataObj)
throws Exception
if (dataObj == null)
String modelName = getModelName(dataObj.getClass());
if (getPrePersistMethod(modelName) != null)
preStore1Registry.applyFieldHandlers(dataObj, modelAllFieldMap.get(modelName));
preStore2Registry.applyFieldHandlers(dataObj, modelAllFieldMap.get(modelName));
* Perform the pre-store steps to call the data generators, conversion, and validation on the object.
* The object is not stored yet; only its fields are transformed.
* Call this directly for debugging data conversion and validation.
public void preStoreSteps(Object dataObj)
throws Exception
if (dataObj == null)
String modelName = getModelName(dataObj.getClass());
if (getPreValidationMethod(modelName) != null)
validationRegistry.applyFieldHandlers(dataObj, modelAllFieldMap.get(modelName));
* Perform the post-loading data transformation steps to call the data generators, conversion.
* Note that the validations are not called. This is for building transient fields of a data object after loading.
void postLoadTransformSteps(Object dataObj)
throws Exception
if (dataObj == null)
String modelName = getModelName(dataObj.getClass());
if (getPostLoadMethod(modelName) != null)
postLoadRegistry.applyFieldHandlers(dataObj, modelAllFieldMap.get(modelName));
public void postLoadSteps(Object dataObj, boolean toCache)
throws Exception
if (dataObj == null)
String modelName = getModelName(dataObj.getClass());
if (toCache)
getObjCacheMgr().cachePut(modelName, dataObj);
public void postLoadSteps(Object dataObj)
throws Exception
postLoadSteps(dataObj, true);