* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: Jsoda
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: William Wong (williamw520@gmail.com)
* Portions created by William Wong are Copyright (C) 2012 William Wong, All Rights Reserved.
package wwutil.jsoda;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.AmazonDynamoDBClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.CreateTableRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.DeleteTableRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.ListTablesResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.KeySchema;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.KeySchemaElement;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.ProvisionedThroughput;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.Key;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.PutItemRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.ExpectedAttributeValue;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.GetItemRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.GetItemResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.DeleteItemRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.ComparisonOperator;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.QueryRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.QueryResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.ScanRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.ScanResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.Condition;
import wwutil.sys.ReflectUtil;
import wwutil.model.MemCacheable;
import wwutil.model.annotation.DbType;
import wwutil.model.annotation.Model;
import wwutil.model.annotation.CachePolicy;
import wwutil.model.annotation.DefaultGUID;
import wwutil.model.annotation.DefaultComposite;
import wwutil.model.annotation.CacheByField;
* DynamoDB specific functions
class DynamoDBService implements DbService
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DynamoDBService.class);
static final Map<String, ComparisonOperator> sOperatorMap = new HashMap<String, ComparisonOperator>(){{
put(Filter.NULL, ComparisonOperator.NULL);
put(Filter.NOT_NULL, ComparisonOperator.NOT_NULL);
put(Filter.EQ, ComparisonOperator.EQ);
put(Filter.NE, ComparisonOperator.NE);
put(Filter.LE, ComparisonOperator.LE);
put(Filter.LT, ComparisonOperator.LT);
put(Filter.GE, ComparisonOperator.GE);
put(Filter.GT, ComparisonOperator.GT);
put(Filter.CONTAINS, ComparisonOperator.CONTAINS);
put(Filter.NOT_CONTAINS, ComparisonOperator.NOT_CONTAINS);
put(Filter.BEGINS_WITH, ComparisonOperator.BEGINS_WITH);
put(Filter.BETWEEN, ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN);
put(Filter.IN, ComparisonOperator.IN);
private Jsoda jsoda;
private AmazonDynamoDBClient ddbClient;
private String endPoint;
// AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
public DynamoDBService(Jsoda jsoda, AWSCredentials cred) {
this.jsoda = jsoda;
this.ddbClient = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(cred);
public void shutdown() {
public DbType getDbType() {
return DbType.DynamoDB;
public String getDbTypeId() {
return "DYN";
public void setDbEndpoint(String endpoint) {
this.endPoint = endpoint;
public String getDbEndpoint() {
return this.endPoint;
// Delegated Dynamodb API
public void createModelTable(String modelName) {
Class modelClass = jsoda.getModelClass(modelName);
String table = jsoda.getModelTable(modelName);
Field idField = jsoda.getIdField(modelName);
String idName = getFieldAttrName(modelName, idField.getName());
Field rangeField = jsoda.getRangeField(modelName);
KeySchema key = new KeySchema();
Long readTP = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValueEx(modelClass, Model.class, "readThroughput", Long.class, new Long(10));
Long writeTP = ReflectUtil.getAnnotationValueEx(modelClass, Model.class, "writeThroughput", Long.class, new Long(5));
if (rangeField != null)
ddbClient.createTable(new CreateTableRequest(table, key)
.withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput()
private KeySchemaElement makeKeySchemaElement(Field field) {
KeySchemaElement elem = new KeySchemaElement();
String attrType;
if (isN(field.getType()))
attrType = "N";
attrType = "S"; // everything else has string attribute type.
return elem.withAttributeName(field.getName()).withAttributeType(attrType);
public void deleteTable(String tableName) {
ddbClient.deleteTable(new DeleteTableRequest(tableName));
public List<String> listTables() {
ListTablesResult list = ddbClient.listTables();
return list.getTableNames();
public <T> void putObj(Class<T> modelClass, T dataObj, String expectedField, Object expectedValue, boolean expectedExists)
throws Exception
String modelName = jsoda.getModelName(modelClass);
String table = jsoda.getModelTable(modelName);
PutItemRequest req = new PutItemRequest(table, objToAttrs(dataObj, modelName));
if (expectedField != null)
req.setExpected(makeExpectedMap(modelName, expectedField, expectedValue, expectedExists));
public <T> void putObjs(Class<T> modelClass, List<T> dataObjs)
throws Exception
// Dynamodb has no batch put support. Emulate it.
for (T obj : dataObjs)
putObj(modelClass, obj, null, null, false);
public <T> T getObj(Class<T> modelClass, Object id, Object rangeKey)
throws Exception
String modelName = jsoda.getModelName(modelClass);
String table = jsoda.getModelTable(modelName);
GetItemRequest req = new GetItemRequest(table, makeKey(modelName, id, rangeKey));
GetItemResult result = ddbClient.getItem(req);
if (result.getItem() == null || result.getItem().size() == 0)
return null; // not existed.
return itemToObj(modelClass, result.getItem());
public void delete(String modelName, Object id, Object rangeKey)
throws Exception
String table = jsoda.getModelTable(modelName);
ddbClient.deleteItem(new DeleteItemRequest(table, makeKey(modelName, id, rangeKey)));
public void batchDelete(String modelName, List idList, List rangeKeyList)
throws Exception
for (int i = 0; i < idList.size(); i++) {
delete(modelName, idList.get(i), rangeKeyList == null ? null : rangeKeyList.get(i));
public void validateFilterOperator(String operator) {
if (sOperatorMap.get(operator) == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported operator: " + operator);
// /** Get by a field beside the id */
// public <T> T findBy(Class<T> modelClass, String field, Object fieldValue)
// throws Exception
// {
// String modelName = getModelName(modelClass);
// T obj = (T)cacheGet(modelName, field, fieldValue);
// if (obj != null)
// return obj;
// List<T> items = query(modelClass).filter(field, "=", fieldValue).run();
// // runQuery() has already cached the object. No need to cache it here.
// return items.size() == 0 ? null : items.get(0);
// }
public <T> long queryCount(Class<T> modelClass, Query<T> query)
throws JsodaException
String modelName = jsoda.getModelName(modelClass);
QueryRequest queryReq = new QueryRequest();
ScanRequest scanReq = new ScanRequest();
try {
if (toRequest(query, queryReq, scanReq)) {
return ddbClient.query(queryReq).getCount().intValue();
} else {
return ddbClient.scan(scanReq).getCount().intValue();
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new JsodaException("Query failed. Error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public <T> List<T> queryRun(Class<T> modelClass, Query<T> query, boolean continueFromLastRun)
throws JsodaException
List<T> resultObjs = new ArrayList<T>();
if (continueFromLastRun && !queryHasNext(query))
return resultObjs;
QueryRequest queryReq = new QueryRequest();
ScanRequest scanReq = new ScanRequest();
List<Map<String,AttributeValue>> items;
try {
if (toRequest(query, queryReq, scanReq)) {
if (continueFromLastRun)
QueryResult result = ddbClient.query(queryReq);
query.nextKey = result.getLastEvaluatedKey();
items = result.getItems();
} else {
if (continueFromLastRun)
ScanResult result = ddbClient.scan(scanReq);
query.nextKey = result.getLastEvaluatedKey();
items = result.getItems();
for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : items) {
T obj = itemToObj(modelClass, item);
return resultObjs;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new JsodaException("Query failed. Error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public <T> boolean queryHasNext(Query<T> query) {
return query.nextKey != null;
public String getFieldAttrName(String modelName, String fieldName) {
String attrName = jsoda.getFieldAttrMap(modelName).get(fieldName);
return attrName;
private boolean isN(Class valueType) {
if (valueType == Integer.class || valueType == int.class)
return true;
if (valueType == Long.class || valueType == long.class)
return true;
if (valueType == Float.class || valueType == float.class)
return true;
if (valueType == Double.class || valueType == double.class)
return true;
return false;
private boolean isMultiValuetype(Class valueType) {
if (valueType != null &&
(valueType == Integer.class ||
valueType == Long.class ||
valueType == Float.class ||
valueType == Double.class ||
valueType == String.class))
return true;
return false;
private AttributeValue valueToAttr(Field field, Object value) {
// Don't set the AttributeValue for null value
if (value == null)
return null;
// Handle Set<String>, Set<Long>, or Set<Integer> field.
if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
Class paramType = ReflectUtil.getGenericParamType1(field.getGenericType());
if (isMultiValuetype(paramType)) {
if (isN(paramType)) {
return new AttributeValue().withNS(DataUtil.toStringSet((Set)value, paramType));
} else {
return new AttributeValue().withSS(DataUtil.toStringSet((Set)value, paramType));
// Handle number types
if (isN(field.getType())) {
return new AttributeValue().withN(value.toString());
// Delegate to DataUtil to encode the rest.
return new AttributeValue().withS(DataUtil.encodeValueToAttrStr(value, field.getType()));
private Object attrToValue(Field field, AttributeValue attr)
throws Exception
// Handle Set<String>, Set<Long>, or Set<Integer> field.
if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
Class paramType = ReflectUtil.getGenericParamType1(field.getGenericType());
if (isMultiValuetype(paramType)) {
if (isN(paramType))
return DataUtil.toObjectSet(attr.getNS(), paramType);
return DataUtil.toObjectSet(attr.getSS(), paramType);
// Handle number types
if (isN(field.getType())) {
return ConvertUtils.convert(attr.getN(), field.getType());
// Delegate to DataUtil to decode the rest.
return DataUtil.decodeAttrStrToValue(attr.getS(), field.getType());
private Map<String, AttributeValue> objToAttrs(Object dataObj, String modelName)
throws Exception
Map<String, AttributeValue> attrs = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> fieldAttr : jsoda.getFieldAttrMap(modelName).entrySet()) {
String fieldName = fieldAttr.getKey();
String attrName = fieldAttr.getValue();
Field field = jsoda.getField(modelName, fieldName);
Object fieldValue = field.get(dataObj);
AttributeValue attr = valueToAttr(field, fieldValue);
if (attr != null)
attrs.put(attrName, attr);
// Skip setting attribute if it's null.
return attrs;
private Key makeKey(String modelName, Object id, Object rangeKey)
throws Exception
if (id == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id cannot be null.");
Field idField = jsoda.getIdField(modelName);
Field rangeField = jsoda.getRangeField(modelName);
if (rangeField == null)
return new Key(valueToAttr(idField, id));
else {
if (rangeKey == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing range key for the composite primary key (id,rangekey) of " + modelName);
return new Key(valueToAttr(idField, id), valueToAttr(rangeField, rangeKey));
private Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> makeExpectedMap(String modelName, String expectedField, Object expectedValue, boolean expectedExists)
throws Exception
if (expectedValue == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ExpectedValue cannot be null.");
String attrName = jsoda.getFieldAttrMap(modelName).get(expectedField);
Field field = jsoda.getField(modelName, expectedField);
ExpectedAttributeValue cond;
if (expectedExists) {
cond = new ExpectedAttributeValue(expectedExists).withValue(valueToAttr(field, expectedValue));
} else {
cond = new ExpectedAttributeValue(expectedExists);
Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedMap = new HashMap<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>();
expectedMap.put(attrName, cond);
return expectedMap;
private <T> T itemToObj(Class<T> modelClass, Map<String, AttributeValue> attrs)
throws Exception
String modelName = jsoda.getModelName(modelClass);
T dataObj = modelClass.newInstance();
// Set the attr field
for (String attrName : attrs.keySet()) {
Field field = jsoda.getFieldByAttr(modelName, attrName);
if (field == null) {
//throw new Exception("Attribute " + attrName + " from db has no corresponding field in object " + modelClass);
log.warn("Attribute " + attrName + " from db has no corresponding field in model class " + modelClass);
AttributeValue attr = attrs.get(attrName);
Object fieldValue = attrToValue(field, attr);
//log.debug("attrName " + attrName + " attr: " + attr);
field.set(dataObj, fieldValue);
return dataObj;
private <T> boolean toRequest(Query<T> query, QueryRequest queryReq, ScanRequest scanReq) {
addSelect(query, queryReq, scanReq);
addFrom(query, queryReq, scanReq);
boolean doQuery = addFilter(query, queryReq, scanReq);
addOrderby(query, queryReq, scanReq, doQuery);
addLimit(query, queryReq, scanReq, doQuery);
return doQuery;
private <T> void addSelect(Query<T> query, QueryRequest queryReq, ScanRequest scanReq) {
if (query.selectTerms.size() == 0)
boolean hasId = false;
boolean hasRangeKey = false;
Collection<String> attributesToGet = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String fieldName : query.selectTerms) {
attributesToGet.add(getFieldAttrName(query.modelName, fieldName));
if (jsoda.isIdField(query.modelName, fieldName))
hasId = true;
if (jsoda.isRangeField(query.modelName, fieldName))
hasRangeKey = true;
private <T> void addFrom(Query<T> query, QueryRequest queryReq, ScanRequest scanReq) {
private <T> boolean addFilter(Query<T> query, QueryRequest queryReq, ScanRequest scanReq) {
boolean hasIdEq = false;
boolean hasRange = false;
boolean doQuery;
// Find out if query has an Id EQ filter and a Range filter.
for (Filter filter : query.filters) {
if (jsoda.isIdField(query.modelName, filter.fieldName)) {
if (filter.operator.equals(Filter.EQ))
hasIdEq = true;
} else if (jsoda.isRangeField(query.modelName, filter.fieldName)) {
hasRange = true;
doQuery = (hasIdEq && hasRange);
if (doQuery) {
log.info("Query results in a DynamoDB query.");
addQueryFilter(query, queryReq);
} else {
log.info("Query results in a DynamoDB scan.");
addScanFilter(query, scanReq);
return doQuery;
private <T> void addQueryFilter(Query<T> query, QueryRequest queryReq) {
AttributeValue hashKeyValue = null;
Condition rangeCondition = null;
for (Filter filter : query.filters) {
if (jsoda.isIdField(query.modelName, filter.fieldName)) {
if (filter.operator.equals(Filter.EQ))
if (filter.operand == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operand of EQ cannot be null.");
hashKeyValue = valueToAttr(jsoda.getIdField(query.modelName), filter.operand);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only EQ condition is allowed on the Id field for DynamoDB.");
} else if (jsoda.isRangeField(query.modelName, filter.fieldName)) {
rangeCondition = toCondition(filter);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Condition on " + filter.fieldName +
" is not supported. DynamoDB only supports condition on the Id field and the RangeKey field.");
if (hashKeyValue != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing an EQ condition for the Id field. DynamoDB query requires the HashKey value from the Id field.");
if (rangeCondition != null)
private <T> void addScanFilter(Query<T> query, ScanRequest scanReq) {
Map<String,Condition> conditions = new HashMap<String,Condition>();
for (Filter filter : query.filters) {
String attrName = jsoda.getFieldAttrMap(query.modelName).get(filter.fieldName);
conditions.put(attrName, toCondition(filter));
private Condition toCondition(Filter filter) {
if (Filter.BINARY_OPERATORS.contains(filter.operator)) {
if (filter.operand == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operand of a condition cannot be null.");
return new Condition()
.withAttributeValueList(valueToAttr(filter.field, filter.operand));
if (Filter.UNARY_OPERATORS.contains(filter.operator)) {
return new Condition()
if (Filter.TRINARY_OPERATORS.contains(filter.operator)) {
if (filter.operand == null || filter.operand2 == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operand of a condition cannot be null.");
return new Condition()
.withAttributeValueList(valueToAttr(filter.field, filter.operand),
valueToAttr(filter.field, filter.operand2));
if (Filter.LIST_OPERATORS.contains(filter.operator)) {
Condition cond = new Condition()
List<AttributeValue> attrs = new ArrayList<AttributeValue>();
for (Object valueObj : filter.operands) {
attrs.add(valueToAttr(filter.field, valueObj));
return cond;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Condition operator " + filter.operator + " is not supported.");
private <T> void addOrderby(Query<T> query, QueryRequest queryReq, ScanRequest scanReq, boolean doQuery) {
for (String orderby : query.orderbyFields) {
String fieldName = orderby.substring(1);
boolean forward = orderby.charAt(0) == '+';
if (!jsoda.isRangeField(query.modelName, fieldName))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldName + " is not the Range Key field. DynamoDB only supports order by on the Range Key field.");
if (doQuery)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DynamoDB doesn't support order by on scanning. Use Id and Range Key conditions to form a query for order by.");
private <T> void addLimit(Query<T> query, QueryRequest queryReq, ScanRequest scanReq, boolean doQuery) {
if (query.limit > 0) {
if (doQuery)