import java.util.Date;
import wwutil.model.annotation.DefaultGUID;
import wwutil.model.annotation.DbType;
import wwutil.model.annotation.Model;
import wwutil.model.annotation.Key;
import wwutil.model.annotation.ModifiedTime;
import wwutil.model.annotation.PrePersist;
import wwutil.model.annotation.MinSize;
import wwutil.model.annotation.MaxSize;
import wwutil.model.annotation.MinValue;
import wwutil.model.annotation.MaxValue;
import wwutil.model.annotation.Required;
import wwutil.model.annotation.ToUpper;
import wwutil.model.annotation.MaskMatch;
import wwutil.model.annotation.OneOf;
import wwutil.model.annotation.NotContains;
import wwutil.jsoda.Jsoda;
import wwutil.jsoda.Dao;
import wwutil.jsoda.Query;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
* Sample to illustrate field data conversion and field validation.
* When an object is stored, it goes through a series of steps to
* call the data conversion annotations and validation annotations.
* Pre-Storing Steps:
* 1. The @PrePersist method in the model class is called if one is
* annotated, giving you the chance to modify any data field.
* 2. The data generators annotated on the fields are called to fill in the
* field value. E.g. @DefaultGUID or @ModifiedTime.
* 3. The composite data generatorson the fields are called to fill in the field
* value. E.g. @DefaultComposite.
* 4. The @PreValidation method in the model class is called if one
* is annotated, giving you the chance to modify the field after the data
* generators run and do any custom validation before the built-in ones run.
* 5. Built-in validations annotated on the fields are called.
public class Sample3 {
// Get AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from environment variables.
// You can hardcode them here for testing but should remove them afterward.
private static final String key = System.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID");
private static final String secret = System.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY");
// A sample model class for illustrating saving and loading from the SimpleDB.
// Implements Serializable for automatic caching support.
public static class SampleProduct2 implements Serializable {
@DefaultGUID // generate a GUID for the field if it's not set.
public String productId;
@MinSize(3) // validation: field has minimum size of 3
@MaxSize(10) // validation: field has maximum size of 10
@Required // validation: field cannot be null
@OneOf(choices = {"Red Shirt", "Tophat", "Socks", "Steak"}) // validation: must be one of the choices.
public String name;
@NotContains("blue sky") // validation: field cannot contain "blue sky"
@ToUpper // conversion: convert field to upper case
public String desc;
@MaskMatch( pattern = "(###) ###-####" ) // validation: must be phone pattern
public String phone;
@MaskMatch(pattern = "800-###-****") // validation: phone pattern starts with 800-, 3 digits, and then anything
public String phone800;
@MinValue(10.5) // conversion: set minimum value at field
@MaxValue(20.5) // conversion: set maximum value at field
public Float price;
public SampleProduct2() {}
public SampleProduct2(String productId, String name, String desc, String phone, String phone800, Float price) {
this.productId = productId; = name;
this.desc = desc; = phone;
this.phone800 = phone800;
this.price = price;
public String toString() {
return " Product [" + productId + ", " + name + ", " + desc + ", " + phone + ", " + phone800 + ", " + price + "]";
// This method will be called when the object is being saved.
public void myPrePersist() {
System.out.println("myPrePersist called on " + toString());
// Fill in the desc field if it's not set.
if (desc == null)
desc = "Product " + name;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
Jsoda jsoda = new Jsoda(new BasicAWSCredentials(key, secret));
// Create the table corresponding to the model class. Only need to do this once.
// Save some objects
Dao<SampleProduct2> dao = jsoda.dao(SampleProduct2.class);
dao.put(new SampleProduct2("item1", "Red Shirt", "Premium red shirt", "(415) 555-1212", "800-123-4567", 29.95f));
dao.put(new SampleProduct2("item2", "Tophat", "Tophat for the cat", "(415) 555-1212", "800-789-ABCD", 90f));
dao.put(new SampleProduct2("item3", "Socks", null, "(415) 555-1212", "800-555-1212", 2.95f));
dao.put(new SampleProduct2("item4", "Steak", "Sizzling steak", "(415) 555-1212", "800-555-ab$d", 12.95f));
dao.put(new SampleProduct2("item5", "Tophat", "product with null name", "(415) 555-1212", "800-123-4567", 0.0f));
// Create a query object specific to the SampleProduct2 model class.
// No additional filtering condition means to get all the items.
Query<SampleProduct2> query = jsoda.query(SampleProduct2.class);
// Run the count query to get back the count of the query.
System.out.println("Number of objects: " + query.count());
// Run the query to get all the items.
for (SampleProduct2 product : {
// Run a query to get all products whose price > 10
Query<SampleProduct2> query2 = jsoda.query(SampleProduct2.class).gt("price", 10);
for (SampleProduct2 product : {
// Run a query to get the null name product. Chaining style method calls.
for (SampleProduct2 product : jsoda.query(SampleProduct2.class)
.run()) {
// Run a query to get all products with name not null and price >= 29.95
for (SampleProduct2 product : jsoda.query(SampleProduct2.class)
.ge("price", 29.95f)
.run()) {
// Run a query to get all products whose price > 10 and order by price descending.
for (SampleProduct2 product : jsoda.query(SampleProduct2.class)
.gt("price", 10)
.run()) {