
Source Code of$BasicComparator

* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 VCNC Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;


import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


* Representation of single transaction in Haeinsa.
* It contains {@link HaeinsaTableTransaction}s to include information of overall transaction,
* and have reference to {@link HaeinsaTransactionManager} which created this instance.
* <p>
* HaeinsaTransaction can be generated via calling {@link HaeinsaTransactionManager#begin()}
* or {@link HaeinsaTransactionManager#getTransaction()}.
* Former is used when start new transaction, later is used when try to roll back or retry failed transaction.
* <p>
* One {@link HaeinsaTransaction} can't be used after calling {@link #commit()} or {@link #rollback()} is called.
public class HaeinsaTransaction {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HaeinsaTransaction.class);
    private final HaeinsaTransactionState txStates = new HaeinsaTransactionState();

    private final HaeinsaTransactionManager manager;
    private TRowKey primary;
    private long commitTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    private long prewriteTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    private long created = System.currentTimeMillis();
    private long timeout = HaeinsaConstants.DEFAULT_ROW_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
    private long expiry = created + timeout;
    private final AtomicBoolean used = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private HaeinsaTransactionLocals txLocals;

    private static enum CommitMethod {
         * If all rowTx do not have mutation. (only consisted with Get/Scan)
         * If there is only one rowTx and type of its mutation is HaeinsaPut.
         * When there is multiple rowTx and at least one of that include mutation,
         * or there is only one rowTx and its mutation contains HaeinsaDelete.
         * If there is no rowTx (there is no actual DB access).

    public HaeinsaTransaction(HaeinsaTransactionManager manager) {
        this.manager = manager;

    protected NavigableMap<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> getMutationRowStates() {
        return txStates.getMutationRowStates();

     * Indicate whether this transaction has any changes.
     * This method return true if the transaction contains one or more {@link HaeinsaPut} or
     * {@link HaeinsaDelete} operation.
     * @return true if this transaction has any changes, otherwise, false.
    public boolean hasChanges() {
        return txStates.hasChanges();

    public HaeinsaTransactionManager getManager() {
        return manager;

    public long getPrewriteTimestamp() {
        return prewriteTimestamp;

    protected void setPrewriteTimestamp(long prewriteTimestamp) {
        this.prewriteTimestamp = prewriteTimestamp;

    public long getCommitTimestamp() {
        return commitTimestamp;

    protected void setCommitTimestamp(long commitTimestamp) {
        this.commitTimestamp = commitTimestamp;

    public long getExpiry() {
        return expiry;

    protected void setExpiry(long expiry) {
        this.expiry = expiry;

    private void extendExpiry() {
        // Expiry is max(getCommitTimestamp, System.currentTimeMillis()) + DEFAULT_ROW_LOCK_TIMEOUT
        setExpiry(Math.max(getCommitTimestamp(), System.currentTimeMillis()) + timeout);

    public long getCreated() {
        return created;

    public long getTimeout() {
        return timeout;

    public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
        this.timeout = timeout;
        this.expiry = created + timeout;

    public TRowKey getPrimary() {
        return primary;

    protected void setPrimary(TRowKey primary) {
        this.primary = primary;

    HaeinsaTransactionLocals getLocals() {
        if (txLocals == null) {
            txLocals = new HaeinsaTransactionLocals();
        return txLocals;

     * Bring {@link HaeinsaTableTransaction} which have name of tableName.
     * If there is no {@link HaeinsaTableTransaction} have this name,
     * then create one instance for it and save inside {@link #tableStates} and return.
     * @param tableName
     * @return instance of {@link HaeinsaTableTransaction}
    protected HaeinsaTableTransaction createOrGetTableState(byte[] tableName) {
        HaeinsaTableTransaction tableTxState = txStates.getTableStates().get(tableName);
        if (tableTxState == null) {
            tableTxState = new HaeinsaTableTransaction(this);
            txStates.getTableStates().put(tableName, tableTxState);
        return tableTxState;

    public void rollback() throws IOException {
        // check if this transaction is used.
        if (!used.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("this transaction is already used.");

     * Commit transaction to HBase. Once succeed, data will applied to HBase
     * permanently. If the transaction conflict with other concurrent
     * transaction, entire data will be failed, and throw
     * {@link ConflictException}.
     * <p>
     * Once this method is invoked, this instance is not usable anymore.
     * If invoked twice, {@link IllegalStateException} will thrown.
     * @throws IOException Error during executing HBase operation or {@link ConflictException} during commit operation.
    public void commit() throws IOException {
        // Check whether this transaction already used.
        if (!used.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("this transaction is already used.");
        boolean onRecovery = false;

        // Determine maxCurrentCommitTimestamp and maxIterationCount, from all participating rows of transaction.
        // It is used in determining prewriteTimestamp and commmitTimestamp of the transaction.
        long maxCurrentCommitTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long maxIterationCount = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        for (Entry<byte[], HaeinsaTableTransaction> tableStateEntry : txStates.getTableStates().entrySet()) {
            for (Entry<byte[], HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowStateEntry : tableStateEntry.getValue().getRowStates().entrySet()) {
                HaeinsaRowTransaction rowState = rowStateEntry.getValue();
                maxIterationCount = Math.max(maxIterationCount, rowState.getIterationCount());
                maxCurrentCommitTimestamp = Math.max(maxCurrentCommitTimestamp, rowState.getCurrent().getCommitTimestamp());

        // The prewriteTimestamp of the transaction should bigger than any other commitTimestamps of rows in the
        // transaction.
        // Written data can be disappear randomly if write with same timestamp during major compaction.
        // (It is because of algorithm which is used for determining newest data in multiple HFiles during major
        // compaction)
        // That's why we have to add 1 to maxCurrentCommitTimestamp.
        setPrewriteTimestamp(maxCurrentCommitTimestamp + 1);

        // CommitTimestamp should bigger than all of timestamps which are used in the transaction.
        // If some row contains multiple mutations, several timestamps are used in applying mutations to row
        // sequentially.
        // So, we have to determine commitTimestamp properly.
        setCommitTimestamp(Math.max(getPrewriteTimestamp() + 2, maxCurrentCommitTimestamp + maxIterationCount + 2));


        TRowKey primaryRowKey = null;
        NavigableMap<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> mutationRowStates = txStates.getMutationRowStates();
        NavigableMap<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> readOnlyRowStates = txStates.getReadOnlyRowStates();

        // Mutation row is preferred to be primary row than read-only row.
        if (mutationRowStates.size() > 0) {
            primaryRowKey = mutationRowStates.firstKey();
        } else if (readOnlyRowStates.size() > 0) {
            primaryRowKey = readOnlyRowStates.firstKey();

        // primaryRowKey can be null at this point, which means there is no rowStates at all.
        // Than determineCommitMethod whill return NOTHING.

        CommitMethod method = txStates.determineCommitMethod();
        switch (method) {
        case READ_ONLY: {
        case SINGLE_ROW_PUT_ONLY: {
        case MULTI_ROW_MUTATIONS: {
        case NOTHING: {

     * Use {@link HaeinsaTable#checkSingleRowLock()} to check RowLock on HBase
     * of read-only rows of tx. If all lock-checking by get was success,
     * read-only tx was success. Throws ConflictException otherwise.
     * @throws IOException ConflictException, HBase IOException
    private void commitReadOnly() throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkState(txStates.getMutationRowStates().size() == 0);
        Preconditions.checkState(txStates.getReadOnlyRowStates().size() > 0);
        HaeinsaTablePool tablePool = getManager().getTablePool();

        // check secondaries
        for (Entry<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowKeyStateEntry : txStates.getReadOnlyRowStates().entrySet()) {
            TRowKey key = rowKeyStateEntry.getKey();
            HaeinsaRowTransaction rowTx = rowKeyStateEntry.getValue();
            if (Bytes.equals(key.getTableName(), primary.getTableName())
                    && Bytes.equals(key.getRow(), primary.getRow())) {
                // if this is primaryRow
            try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(key.getTableName())) {
                table.checkSingleRowLock(rowTx, key.getRow());

        // check primary last
        HaeinsaTableTransaction primaryTableState = createOrGetTableState(primary.getTableName());
        HaeinsaRowTransaction primaryRowState = primaryTableState.createOrGetRowState(primary.getRow());
        try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(primary.getTableName())) {
            table.checkSingleRowLock(primaryRowState, primary.getRow());
        // do not need stable-phase

     * Commit single row & PUT only (possibly include get/scan, but not Delete)
     * Transaction.
     * @throws IOException
    private void commitSingleRowPutOnly() throws IOException {
        HaeinsaTableTransaction primaryTableState = createOrGetTableState(primary.getTableName());
        HaeinsaRowTransaction primaryRowState = primaryTableState.createOrGetRowState(primary.getRow());

        HaeinsaTablePool tablePool = getManager().getTablePool();
        // commit primary row
        try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(primary.getTableName())) {
            table.commitSingleRowPutOnly(primaryRowState, primary.getRow());

     * Commit multiple row Transaction or single row Transaction which includes
     * Delete operation.
     * @throws IOException ConflictException, HBase IOException
    private void commitMultiRowsMutation() throws IOException {
        Preconditions.checkState(txStates.getMutationRowStates().size() > 0);
        HaeinsaTableTransaction primaryTableState = createOrGetTableState(primary.getTableName());
        HaeinsaRowTransaction primaryRowState = primaryTableState.createOrGetRowState(primary.getRow());

        HaeinsaTablePool tablePool = getManager().getTablePool();
        // prewrite primary row (mutation row)
        try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(primary.getTableName())) {
            table.prewrite(primaryRowState, primary.getRow(), true);

        // prewrite secondaries (mutation rows)
        for (Entry<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowKeyStateEntry : txStates.getMutationRowStates().entrySet()) {
            TRowKey key = rowKeyStateEntry.getKey();
            HaeinsaRowTransaction rowTx = rowKeyStateEntry.getValue();
            if (Bytes.equals(key.getTableName(), primary.getTableName())
                    && Bytes.equals(key.getRow(), primary.getRow())) {
                // if this is primaryRow
            try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(key.getTableName())) {
                table.prewrite(rowTx, key.getRow(), false);

        // check locking of secondaries by get (read-only rows)
        for (Entry<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowKeyStateEntry : txStates.getReadOnlyRowStates().entrySet()) {
            TRowKey rowKey = rowKeyStateEntry.getKey();
            HaeinsaRowTransaction rowTx = rowKeyStateEntry.getValue();
            try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(rowKey.getTableName())) {
                table.checkSingleRowLock(rowTx, rowKey.getRow());


     * Change states of {@link TRowLock} of all mutation rows to {@link TRowLockState#STABLE}.
     * This can be called by following two cases.
     * <p>
     * 1. In case of {@link #commitMultiRowsMutation()}, after changing primary row to
     * {@link TRowLockState#COMMITTED} and applying all mutations in primary row and secondary rows.
     * <p>
     * 2. When try to {@link #recover()} failed transaction in the middle of execution.
     * This method should be called only when primary row is in the state of {@link TRowLockState#COMMITTED}.
     * @throws IOException ConflictException, HBase IOException.
    private void makeStable() throws IOException {

        HaeinsaTablePool tablePool = getManager().getTablePool();
        HaeinsaRowTransaction primaryRowTx = createOrGetTableState(primary.getTableName())
        // commit primary or get more time to commit this.
        try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(primary.getTableName())) {
            // commitPrimary can be happened two times, this is because recovering client need to
            // extend expiry during recovering.
            table.commitPrimary(primaryRowTx, primary.getRow());
        // if transaction reached this state, the transaction is considered as success one.
        try {
            // Change state of secondary rows to stable
            for (Entry<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowKeyStateEntry : txStates.getMutationRowStates().entrySet()) {
                TRowKey rowKey = rowKeyStateEntry.getKey();
                HaeinsaRowTransaction rowTx = rowKeyStateEntry.getValue();
                try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(rowKey.getTableName())) {
                    table.applyMutations(rowTx, rowKey.getRow());
                    if (Bytes.equals(rowKey.getTableName(), primary.getTableName())
                            && Bytes.equals(rowKey.getRow(), primary.getRow())) {
                        // in case of primary row
                    // make secondary rows from prewritten to stable
                    table.makeStable(rowTx, rowKey.getRow());

            // make primary row stable
            try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(primary.getTableName())) {
                table.makeStable(primaryRowTx, primary.getRow());
        } catch (RecoverableConflictException e) {
            // if making row stable is failed, but primary is committed. Then treat this transaction as succeeded.
            LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Reload information of failed transaction and complete it by calling {@link #makStable()}
     * if already completed one, ( when primaryRow have {@link TRowLockState#COMMITTED} state }
     * or abort by calling {@link #abort()} otherwise.
     * @param ignoreExpiry ignore row lock's expiry
     * @throws IOException
    protected void recover(boolean ignoreExpiry) throws IOException {
        boolean onRecovery = true;
        HaeinsaRowTransaction primaryRowTx = createOrGetTableState(primary.getTableName()).createOrGetRowState(primary.getRow());
        if (primaryRowTx.getCurrent().getState() == TRowLockState.PREWRITTEN) {
            // If primary row is in prewritten state, transaction can be aborted only after expiry.
            if (ignoreExpiry || primaryRowTx.getCurrent().getExpiry() < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                // if transaction is not expired, process recover
            } else {
                // if transaction haven't past expiry, recover should be failed.
                throw new ConflictException();


        switch (primaryRowTx.getCurrent().getState()) {
        case ABORTED:
        case PREWRITTEN: {
        case COMMITTED: {
            // Transaction is already succeeded.
            throw new ConflictException();

     * Method that abort transaction and make rows to state before transaction was started.
     * Transaction can be canceled by client which started it when failed to acquire lock of mutation row,
     * or by other client which try to access any row of failed transaction which have past expiry.
     * Aborting failed transaction is basically processed by lazy-recovering.
     * <p>
     * When try to roll back failed transaction started by other client,
     * this method assume that state of failed transaction is properly loaded from
     * locks of primary and secondary rows to {@link #txStates} of this instance.
     * <p>
     * Aborting is executed by following order.
     * <ol>
     * <li>Abort primary row by calling {@link HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal#abortPrimary()}.</li>
     * <li>Visit all secondary rows and change from prewritten to stable state.
     * Prewritten data on rows are removed at this state.</li>
     * <li>Change primary row to stable state.</li>
     * </ol>
     * @throws IOException ConflictException, HBase IOException.
    protected void abort() throws IOException {
        if (txStates.getMutationRowStates().size() == 0) {
            // if commitReadOnly fails, don't abort

        HaeinsaTablePool tablePool = getManager().getTablePool();
        HaeinsaRowTransaction primaryRowTx = createOrGetTableState(primary.getTableName()).createOrGetRowState(primary.getRow());
        // abort primary row
        try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(primary.getTableName())) {
            table.abortPrimary(primaryRowTx, primary.getRow());

        // recover secondary mutation rows
        for (Entry<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowKeyStateEntry : txStates.getMutationRowStates().entrySet()) {
            TRowKey rowKey = rowKeyStateEntry.getKey();
            HaeinsaRowTransaction rowTx = rowKeyStateEntry.getValue();
            try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(rowKey.getTableName())) {
                table.deletePrewritten(rowTx, rowKey.getRow());

                if (Bytes.equals(rowKey.getTableName(), primary.getTableName())
                        && Bytes.equals(rowKey.getRow(), primary.getRow())) {
                // make secondary rows from prewritten to stable
                table.makeStable(rowTx, rowKey.getRow());

        // make primary row stable
        try (HaeinsaTableIfaceInternal table = tablePool.getTableInternal(primary.getTableName())) {
            table.makeStable(primaryRowTx, primary.getRow());

     * for unit test code
     * @param onRecovery onRecovery
    void classifyAndSortRows(boolean onRecovery) {

     * Container which contain {byte[] : {@link HaeinsaTableTransaction} map.
     * <p>
     * This class is not Thread-safe. This class will separate each
     * {@link HaeinsaRowTransaction} to ReadOnlyRowStates and MutationRowStates.
     * <p>
     * If rowState have more than 1 mutations or state of row is not
     * {@link TRowLockState#STABLE}, then that row is MutationRow. ReadOnlyRow
     * otherwise (There is no mutations, and state is STABLE).
    private static class HaeinsaTransactionState {
        private final NavigableMap<byte[], HaeinsaTableTransaction> tableStates = Maps.newTreeMap(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
        private final Comparator<TRowKey> comparator = new HashComparator();
        private NavigableMap<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> mutationRowStates = null;
        private NavigableMap<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> readOnlyRowStates = null;

        public NavigableMap<byte[], HaeinsaTableTransaction> getTableStates() {
            return tableStates;

         * Check whether there is row which contains mutation.
         * This method returns false only if there is no changes on data in the transaction.
         * @return true if one or more row state has mutation,
         *         false if any row does not contains mutation.
        public boolean hasChanges() {
            for (HaeinsaTableTransaction tableState : tableStates.values()) {
                for (HaeinsaRowTransaction rowState : tableState.getRowStates().values()) {
                    if (rowState.getMutations().size() > 0) {
                        return true;
            return false;

         * Determine commitMethod among {@link CommitMethod#READ_ONLY},
         * {@link CommitMethod#SINGLE_ROW_PUT_ONLY} and
         * {@link CommitMethod#MULTI_ROW_MUTATIONS}
         * <p>
         * Transaction of single row with at least one of {@link HaeinsaDelete}
         * will be considered as {@link CommitMethod#MULTI_ROW_MUTATIONS}.
         * @return
        public CommitMethod determineCommitMethod() {
            int count = 0;
            boolean haveMuations = false;
            CommitMethod method = CommitMethod.NOTHING;
            for (HaeinsaTableTransaction tableState : tableStates.values()) {
                for (HaeinsaRowTransaction rowState : tableState.getRowStates().values()) {
                    if (rowState.getMutations().size() > 0) {
                        // if any rowTx in Tx contains mutation ( Put/Delete )
                        haveMuations = true;

                    if (count == 1) {
                        if (rowState.getMutations().size() <= 0) {
                            method = CommitMethod.READ_ONLY;
                        } else if (rowState.getMutations().get(0) instanceof HaeinsaPut
                                && rowState.getMutations().size() == 1) {
                            method = CommitMethod.SINGLE_ROW_PUT_ONLY;
                        } else if (haveMuations) {
                            // if rowTx contiains HaeinsaDelete
                            method = CommitMethod.MULTI_ROW_MUTATIONS;
                    if (count > 1) {
                        if (haveMuations) {
                            return CommitMethod.MULTI_ROW_MUTATIONS;
                        } else {
                            method = CommitMethod.READ_ONLY;
            return method;

         * Return mutation rows which is hash-sorted by TRowKey(table, row).
         * @return
        public NavigableMap<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> getMutationRowStates() {
            Preconditions.checkNotNull(mutationRowStates, "Should call classifyAndSortRows first.");
            return mutationRowStates;

         * Return read-only rows which is hash-sorted by TRowKey(table, row).
         * @return
        public NavigableMap<TRowKey, HaeinsaRowTransaction> getReadOnlyRowStates() {
            Preconditions.checkNotNull(readOnlyRowStates, "Should call classifyAndSortRows first.");
            return readOnlyRowStates;

        public void classifyAndSortRows(boolean onRecovery) {
            mutationRowStates = Maps.newTreeMap(comparator);
            readOnlyRowStates = Maps.newTreeMap(comparator);
            if (!onRecovery) {
                for (Entry<byte[], HaeinsaTableTransaction> tableStateEntry : tableStates.entrySet()) {
                    for (Entry<byte[], HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowStateEntry : tableStateEntry.getValue().getRowStates().entrySet()) {
                        HaeinsaRowTransaction rowState = rowStateEntry.getValue();
                        TRowKey rowKey = new TRowKey();
                        if (rowState.getMutations().size() > 0) {
                            mutationRowStates.put(rowKey, rowState);
                        } else {
                            readOnlyRowStates.put(rowKey, rowState);
            } else {
                for (Entry<byte[], HaeinsaTableTransaction> tableStateEntry : tableStates.entrySet()) {
                    for (Entry<byte[], HaeinsaRowTransaction> rowStateEntry : tableStateEntry.getValue().getRowStates().entrySet()) {
                        HaeinsaRowTransaction rowState = rowStateEntry.getValue();
                        TRowKey rowKey = new TRowKey();
                        mutationRowStates.put(rowKey, rowState);

     * Basic comparator which use lexicographical ordering of (byte[] table,
     * byte[] row). Thread-safe & stateless
    private static class BasicComparator implements Comparator<TRowKey> {
        public int compare(TRowKey o1, TRowKey o2) {
            return ComparisonChain
                    .compare(o1.getTableName(), o2.getTableName(), Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR)
                    .compare(o1.getRow(), o2.getRow(), Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR)

     * Comparator which will deterministically order processing of each row.
     * <p>
     * Get guava murmur3_32bit hash value of (byte[] table, byte[] row), and
     * compare those two to order {@link TRowKey}
    private static class HashComparator implements Comparator<TRowKey> {
        private static HashFunction HASH = Hashing.murmur3_32();
        private static Comparator<TRowKey> BASIC_COMP = new BasicComparator();

        public int compare(TRowKey o1, TRowKey o2) {
            int hash1 = HASH.newHasher().putBytes(o1.getTableName()).putBytes(o1.getRow()).hash().asInt();
            int hash2 = HASH.newHasher().putBytes(o2.getTableName()).putBytes(o2.getRow()).hash().asInt();
            if (hash1 > hash2) {
                return 1;
            } else if (hash1 == hash2) {
                return, o2);
            } else {
                return -1;

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