Package org.mapstruct.ap.test.conversion.java8time

Source Code of org.mapstruct.ap.test.conversion.java8time.Java8TimeConversionTest

*  Copyright 2012-2014 Gunnar Morling (
*  and/or other contributors as indicated by the @authors tag. See the
*  copyright.txt file in the distribution for a full listing of all
*  contributors.
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.
package org.mapstruct.ap.test.conversion.java8time;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mapstruct.ap.testutil.IssueKey;
import org.mapstruct.ap.testutil.WithClasses;
import org.mapstruct.ap.testutil.runner.AnnotationProcessorTestRunner;

import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;

@WithClasses({ Source.class, Target.class, SourceTargetMapper.class })
public class Java8TimeConversionTest {

    public void testDateTimeToString() {
        Source src = new Source();
        src.setZonedDateTime( ZonedDateTime.of( java.time.LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ), ZoneId.of( "UTC" ) ) );
        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTargetDateTimeMapped( src );
        assertThat( target ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( target.getZonedDateTime() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014 00:00 UTC" );

    public void testLocalDateTimeToString() {
        Source src = new Source();
        src.setLocalDateTime( LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ) );
        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTargetLocalDateTimeMapped( src );
        assertThat( target ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( target.getLocalDateTime() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014 00:00" );

    public void testLocalDateToString() {
        Source src = new Source();
        src.setLocalDate( LocalDate.of( 2014, 1, 1 ) );
        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTargetLocalDateMapped( src );
        assertThat( target ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( target.getLocalDate() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014" );

    public void testLocalTimeToString() {
        Source src = new Source();
        src.setLocalTime( LocalTime.of( 0, 0 ) );
        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTargetLocalTimeMapped( src );
        assertThat( target ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( target.getLocalTime() ).isEqualTo( "00:00" );

    public void testSourceToTargetMappingForStrings() {
        Source src = new Source();
        src.setLocalTime( LocalTime.of( 0, 0 ) );
        src.setLocalDate( LocalDate.of( 2014, 1, 1 ) );
        src.setLocalDateTime( LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ) );
        src.setZonedDateTime( ZonedDateTime.of( java.time.LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ), ZoneId.of( "UTC" ) ) );

        // with given format
        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTarget( src );

        assertThat( target ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( target.getZonedDateTime() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014 00:00 UTC" );
        assertThat( target.getLocalDateTime() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014 00:00" );
        assertThat( target.getLocalDate() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014" );
        assertThat( target.getLocalTime() ).isEqualTo( "00:00" );

        // and now with default mappings
        target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTargetDefaultMapping( src );
        assertThat( target ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( target.getZonedDateTime() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014 00:00 UTC" );
        assertThat( target.getLocalDateTime() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014 00:00" );
        assertThat( target.getLocalDate() ).isEqualTo( "01.01.2014" );
        assertThat( target.getLocalTime() ).isEqualTo( "00:00" );

    public void testStringToDateTime() {
        String dateTimeAsString = "01.01.2014 00:00 UTC";
        Target target = new Target();
        target.setZonedDateTime( dateTimeAsString );
        ZonedDateTime sourceDateTime =
                        ZonedDateTime.of( java.time.LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ), ZoneId.of( "UTC" ) );

        Source src = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSourceDateTimeMapped( target );
        assertThat( src ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( src.getZonedDateTime() ).isEqualTo( sourceDateTime );

    public void testStringToLocalDateTime() {
        String dateTimeAsString = "01.01.2014 00:00";
        Target target = new Target();
        target.setLocalDateTime( dateTimeAsString );
        LocalDateTime sourceDateTime =
                        LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );

        Source src = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSourceLocalDateTimeMapped( target );
        assertThat( src ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( src.getLocalDateTime() ).isEqualTo( sourceDateTime );

    public void testStringToLocalDate() {
        String dateTimeAsString = "01.01.2014";
        Target target = new Target();
        target.setLocalDate( dateTimeAsString );
        LocalDate sourceDate =
                        LocalDate.of( 2014, 1, 1 );

        Source src = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSourceLocalDateMapped( target );
        assertThat( src ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( src.getLocalDate() ).isEqualTo( sourceDate );

    public void testStringToLocalTime() {
        String dateTimeAsString = "00:00";
        Target target = new Target();
        target.setLocalTime( dateTimeAsString );
        LocalTime sourceTime =
                        LocalTime.of( 0, 0 );

        Source src = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSourceLocalTimeMapped( target );
        assertThat( src ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( src.getLocalTime() ).isEqualTo( sourceTime );

    public void testTargetToSourceNullMapping() {
        Target target = new Target();
        Source src = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSource( target );

        assertThat( src ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( src.getZonedDateTime() ).isNull();
        assertThat( src.getLocalDate() ).isNull();
        assertThat( src.getLocalDateTime() ).isNull();
        assertThat( src.getLocalTime() ).isNull();

    public void testTargetToSourceMappingForStrings() {
        Target target = new Target();

        target.setZonedDateTime( "01.01.2014 00:00 UTC" );
        target.setLocalDateTime( "01.01.2014 00:00" );
        target.setLocalDate( "01.01.2014" );
        target.setLocalTime( "00:00" );

        Source src = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSource( target );

        assertThat( src.getZonedDateTime() ).isEqualTo(
                                                        0 ), ZoneId.of( "UTC" ) ) );
        assertThat( src.getLocalDateTime() ).isEqualTo( LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ) );
        assertThat( src.getLocalDate() ).isEqualTo( LocalDate.of( 2014, 1, 1 ) );
        assertThat( src.getLocalTime() ).isEqualTo( LocalTime.of( 0, 0 ) );

    public void testCalendarMapping() {
        Source source = new Source();
        ZonedDateTime dateTime = ZonedDateTime.of( LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ), ZoneId.of( "UTC" ) );
                        dateTime );

        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTarget( source );

        assertThat( target.getForCalendarConversion() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( target.getForCalendarConversion().getTimeZone() ).isEqualTo(
                                        "UTC" ) );
        assertThat( target.getForCalendarConversion().get( Calendar.YEAR ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getYear() );
        assertThat( target.getForCalendarConversion().get( Calendar.MONTH ) ).isEqualTo(
                        dateTime.getMonthValue() - 1 );
        assertThat( target.getForCalendarConversion().get( Calendar.DATE ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getDayOfMonth() );
        assertThat( target.getForCalendarConversion().get( Calendar.MINUTE ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getMinute() );
        assertThat( target.getForCalendarConversion().get( Calendar.HOUR ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getHour() );

        source = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSource( target );

        assertThat( source.getForCalendarConversion() ).isEqualTo( dateTime );

    public void testZonedDateTimeToDateMapping() {
        TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
        Source source = new Source();
        ZonedDateTime dateTime = ZonedDateTime.of( LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 ), ZoneId.of( "UTC" ) );
                        dateTime );
        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTargetDefaultMapping( source );

        assertThat( target.getForDateConversionWithZonedDateTime() ).isNotNull();

        Calendar instance = Calendar.getInstance( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
        instance.setTimeInMillis( target.getForDateConversionWithZonedDateTime().getTime() );

        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.YEAR ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getYear() );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.MONTH ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getMonthValue() - 1 );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.DATE ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getDayOfMonth() );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.MINUTE ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getMinute() );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.HOUR ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getHour() );

        source = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSource( target );

        assertThat( source.getForDateConversionWithZonedDateTime() ).isEqualTo( dateTime );


    public void testLocalDateTimeToDateMapping() {
        TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
        Source source = new Source();
        LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of( 2014, 1, 1, 0, 0 );
        source.setForDateConversionWithLocalDateTime( dateTime );

        Target target = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.sourceToTargetDefaultMapping( source );

        assertThat( target.getForDateConversionWithLocalDateTime() ).isNotNull();

        Calendar instance = Calendar.getInstance( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
        instance.setTimeInMillis( target.getForDateConversionWithLocalDateTime().getTime() );

        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.YEAR ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getYear() );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.MONTH ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getMonthValue() - 1 );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.DATE ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getDayOfMonth() );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.MINUTE ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getMinute() );
        assertThat( instance.get( Calendar.HOUR ) ).isEqualTo( dateTime.getHour() );

        source = SourceTargetMapper.INSTANCE.targetToSource( target );

        assertThat( source.getForDateConversionWithLocalDateTime() ).isEqualTo( dateTime );



Related Classes of org.mapstruct.ap.test.conversion.java8time.Java8TimeConversionTest

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