* Sone - SoneTextParserTest.java - Copyright © 2011–2013 David Roden
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.pterodactylus.sone.text;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Sone;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.SoneImpl;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.SoneProvider;
* JUnit test case for {@link SoneTextParser}.
* @author <a href="mailto:bombe@pterodactylus.net">David ‘Bombe’ Roden</a>
public class SoneTextParserTest extends TestCase {
* Tests basic plain-text operation of the parser.
* @throws IOException
* if an I/O error occurs
public void testPlainText() throws IOException {
SoneTextParser soneTextParser = new SoneTextParser(null, null);
Iterable<Part> parts;
/* check basic operation. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("Test."));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "Test.", convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class));
/* check empty lines at start and end. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("\nTest.\n\n"));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "Test.", convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class));
/* check duplicate empty lines in the text. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("\nTest.\n\n\nTest."));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "Test.\n\nTest.", convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class));
* Tests parsing of KSK links.
* @throws IOException
* if an I/O error occurs
public void testKSKLinks() throws IOException {
SoneTextParser soneTextParser = new SoneTextParser(null, null);
Iterable<Part> parts;
/* check basic links. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("KSK@gpl.txt"));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "[KSK@gpl.txt|gpl.txt|gpl.txt]", convertText(parts, FreenetLinkPart.class));
/* check embedded links. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("Link is KSK@gpl.txt\u200b."));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "Link is [KSK@gpl.txt|gpl.txt|gpl.txt]\u200b.", convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class, FreenetLinkPart.class));
/* check embedded links and line breaks. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("Link is KSK@gpl.txt\nKSK@test.dat\n"));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "Link is [KSK@gpl.txt|gpl.txt|gpl.txt]\n[KSK@test.dat|test.dat|test.dat]", convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class, FreenetLinkPart.class));
* Test case for a bug that was discovered in 0.6.7.
* @throws IOException
* if an I/O error occurs
@SuppressWarnings({ "synthetic-access", "static-method" })
public void testEmptyLinesAndSoneLinks() throws IOException {
SoneTextParser soneTextParser = new SoneTextParser(new TestSoneProvider(), null);
Iterable<Part> parts;
/* check basic links. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("Some text.\n\nLink to sone://DAxKQzS48mtaQc7sUVHIgx3fnWZPQBz0EueBreUVWrU and stuff."));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "Some text.\n\nLink to [Sone|DAxKQzS48mtaQc7sUVHIgx3fnWZPQBz0EueBreUVWrU] and stuff.", convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class, SonePart.class));
* Test for a bug discovered in Sone 0.8.4 where a plain “http://” would be
* parsed into a link.
* @throws IOException
* if an I/O error occurs
@SuppressWarnings({ "synthetic-access", "static-method" })
public void testEmpyHttpLinks() throws IOException {
SoneTextParser soneTextParser = new SoneTextParser(new TestSoneProvider(), null);
Iterable<Part> parts;
/* check empty http links. */
parts = soneTextParser.parse(null, new StringReader("Some text. Empty link: http:// – nice!"));
assertNotNull("Parts", parts);
assertEquals("Part Text", "Some text. Empty link: http:// – nice!", convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class));
* Converts all given {@link Part}s into a string, validating that the
* part’s classes match only the expected classes.
* @param parts
* The parts to convert to text
* @param validClasses
* The valid classes; if no classes are given, all classes are
* valid
* @return The converted text
private static String convertText(Iterable<Part> parts, Class<?>... validClasses) {
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
for (Part part : parts) {
assertNotNull("Part", part);
boolean classValid = validClasses.length == 0;
for (Class<?> validClass : validClasses) {
if (validClass.isAssignableFrom(part.getClass())) {
classValid = true;
if (!classValid) {
fail("Part’s Class (" + part.getClass() + ") is not one of " + Arrays.toString(validClasses));
if (part instanceof PlainTextPart) {
text.append(((PlainTextPart) part).getText());
} else if (part instanceof FreenetLinkPart) {
FreenetLinkPart freenetLinkPart = (FreenetLinkPart) part;
text.append('[').append(freenetLinkPart.getLink()).append('|').append(freenetLinkPart.isTrusted() ? "trusted|" : "").append(freenetLinkPart.getTitle()).append('|').append(freenetLinkPart.getText()).append(']');
} else if (part instanceof LinkPart) {
LinkPart linkPart = (LinkPart) part;
} else if (part instanceof SonePart) {
SonePart sonePart = (SonePart) part;
return text.toString();
* Mock Sone provider.
* @author <a href="mailto:bombe@pterodactylus.net">David ‘Bombe’ Roden</a>
private static class TestSoneProvider implements SoneProvider {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Optional<Sone> getSone(final String soneId) {
return Optional.<Sone>of(new SoneImpl(soneId, false) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getName() {
return soneId;
* {@inheritDocs}
public Collection<Sone> getSones() {
return null;
* {@inheritDocs}
public Collection<Sone> getLocalSones() {
return null;
* {@inheritDocs}
public Collection<Sone> getRemoteSones() {
return null;