package org.voltdb.regressionsuites.specexecprocs;
import org.voltdb.ProcInfo;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import edu.brown.benchmark.smallbank.procedures.SendPayment;
* Special version of SmallBank's SendPayment that is not blockable but
* will not abort if there is no data.
* @author pavlo
partitionParam = 0,
singlePartition = false
public class NonBlockingSendPayment extends SendPayment {
public VoltTable[] run(long sendAcct, long destAcct, double amount) {
// BATCH #1
voltQueueSQL(GetAccount, sendAcct);
voltQueueSQL(GetAccount, destAcct);
final VoltTable acctResults[] = voltExecuteSQL();
assert(acctResults != null);
// BATCH #2
voltQueueSQL(GetCheckingBalance, sendAcct);
final VoltTable balResults[] = voltExecuteSQL();
assert(balResults != null);
// BATCH #3
voltQueueSQL(UpdateCheckingBalance, amount*-1d, sendAcct);
voltQueueSQL(UpdateCheckingBalance, amount, destAcct);
final VoltTable updateResults[] = voltExecuteSQL();
return (updateResults);