package org.voltdb.regressionsuites;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.voltdb.BackendTarget;
import org.voltdb.CatalogContext;
import org.voltdb.VoltSystemProcedure;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.client.Client;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
import org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException;
import org.voltdb.sysprocs.AdHoc;
import org.voltdb.utils.VoltTableUtil;
import edu.brown.benchmark.smallbank.SmallBankConstants;
import edu.brown.benchmark.smallbank.SmallBankLoader;
import edu.brown.benchmark.smallbank.SmallBankProjectBuilder;
import edu.brown.benchmark.smallbank.procedures.SendPayment;
import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status;
* Simple test suite for the SmallBank benchmark
* @author pavlo
public class TestSmallBankSuite extends RegressionSuite {
private static final String PREFIX = "smallbank";
private static final double SCALEFACTOR = 0.0001;
* Constructor needed for JUnit. Should just pass on parameters to superclass.
* @param name The name of the method to test. This is just passed to the superclass.
public TestSmallBankSuite(String name) {
* testSendPayment
public void testSendPayment() throws Exception {
CatalogContext catalogContext = this.getCatalogContext();
Client client = this.getClient();
TestSmallBankSuite.initializeSmallBankDatabase(catalogContext, client);
long acctIds[] = { 1l, 2l };
double balances[] = { 100d, 0d };
ClientResponse cresponse;
VoltTable results[];
Table catalog_tbl = catalogContext.getTableByName(SmallBankConstants.TABLENAME_ACCOUNTS);
long num_rows = RegressionSuiteUtil.getRowCount(client, catalog_tbl);
assert(num_rows > acctIds[acctIds.length-1]);
// System.err.println("# of Rows: " + num_rows);
for (int i = 0; i < acctIds.length; i++) {
updateBalance(client, acctIds[i], balances[i]);
checkBalance(client, acctIds[i], balances[i]);
} // FOR
// Run the SendPayment txn to send all the money from the first
// account to the second account.
cresponse = client.callProcedure(SendPayment.class.getSimpleName(),
acctIds[0], acctIds[1], balances[0]);
assertEquals(Status.OK, cresponse.getStatus());
results = cresponse.getResults();
assertEquals(2, results.length);
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
assertEquals(1l, results[i].asScalarLong());
// System.err.println(VoltTableUtil.format(results[i]));
} // FOR
// Make sure the account balances have switched
for (int i = 0; i < acctIds.length; i++) {
checkBalance(client, acctIds[i], balances[i == 0 ? 1 : 0]);
} // FOR
* testSendPaymentInsufficientFunds
public void testSendPaymentInsufficientFunds() throws Exception {
CatalogContext catalogContext = this.getCatalogContext();
Client client = this.getClient();
TestSmallBankSuite.initializeSmallBankDatabase(catalogContext, client);
long acctIds[] = { 1l, 2l };
double balances[] = { 0d, 100d };
ClientResponse cresponse;
for (int i = 0; i < acctIds.length; i++) {
updateBalance(client, acctIds[i], balances[i]);
checkBalance(client, acctIds[i], balances[i]);
} // FOR
// Run the SendPayment txn that tries to send to money from the first account,
// but it should fail because the balance is zero
try {
cresponse = client.callProcedure(SendPayment.class.getSimpleName(),
acctIds[0], acctIds[1], balances[1]);
} catch (ProcCallException ex) {
cresponse = ex.getClientResponse();
assertEquals(Status.ABORT_USER, cresponse.getStatus());
// Make sure the account balances are still the same
for (int i = 0; i < acctIds.length; i++) {
checkBalance(client, acctIds[i], balances[i]);
} // FOR
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final void initializeSmallBankDatabase(final CatalogContext catalogContext, final Client client) throws Exception {
String args[] = {
SmallBankLoader loader = new SmallBankLoader(args) {
public CatalogContext getCatalogContext() {
return (catalogContext);
public static void checkBalance(Client client, long acctId, double expected) throws Exception {
// Make sure that we set it correctly
String query = String.format("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE custid = %d",
SmallBankConstants.TABLENAME_CHECKING, acctId);
ClientResponse cresponse = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", query);
assertEquals(Status.OK, cresponse.getStatus());
VoltTable results[] = cresponse.getResults();
assertEquals(1, results.length);
if (results[0].getRowCount() == 0) {
assertEquals("No rows for acctId "+acctId, 1, results[0].getRowCount());
assertEquals("Mismatched balance for acctId "+acctId, expected, results[0].getDouble("bal"));
public static void updateBalance(Client client, long acctId, double balance) throws Exception {
// Prime the customer's balance
String query = String.format("UPDATE %s SET bal = %f WHERE custid = %d",
balance, acctId);
String procName = VoltSystemProcedure.procCallName(AdHoc.class);
ClientResponse cresponse = client.callProcedure(procName, query);
assertEquals(Status.OK, cresponse.getStatus());
VoltTable results[] = cresponse.getResults();
assertEquals(1, results.length);
public static Test suite() {
// the suite made here will all be using the tests from this class
MultiConfigSuiteBuilder builder = new MultiConfigSuiteBuilder(TestSmallBankSuite.class);
SmallBankProjectBuilder project = new SmallBankProjectBuilder();
boolean success;
VoltServerConfig config;
// CONFIG #1: 1 Local Site/Partition running on JNI backend
config = new LocalSingleProcessServer(PREFIX+"-1part.jar", 1, BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI);
success = config.compile(project);
// CONFIG #2: 1 Local Site with 2 Partitions running on JNI backend
config = new LocalSingleProcessServer(PREFIX+"-2part.jar", 2, BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI);
success = config.compile(project);
// CONFIG #3: cluster of 2 nodes running 2 site each, one replica
config = new LocalCluster(PREFIX+"-cluster.jar", 2, 2, 1, BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI);
success = config.compile(project);
return builder;