package edu.brown.hstore;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.voltdb.ClientResponseDebug;
import org.voltdb.VoltSystemProcedure;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Site;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.client.Client;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
import org.voltdb.client.ProcedureCallback;
import org.voltdb.regressionsuites.specexecprocs.CheckSubscriber;
import org.voltdb.regressionsuites.specexecprocs.DtxnTester;
import org.voltdb.regressionsuites.specexecprocs.SinglePartitionTester;
import org.voltdb.sysprocs.LoadMultipartitionTable;
import org.voltdb.utils.VoltTableUtil;
import edu.brown.BaseTestCase;
import edu.brown.HStoreSiteTestUtil;
import edu.brown.HStoreSiteTestUtil.LatchableProcedureCallback;
import edu.brown.benchmark.tm1.TM1Constants;
import edu.brown.benchmark.tm1.TM1ProjectBuilder;
import edu.brown.benchmark.tm1.procedures.GetSubscriberData;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status;
import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf;
import edu.brown.hstore.specexec.checkers.AbstractConflictChecker;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.AbstractTransaction;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.LocalTransaction;
import edu.brown.hstore.util.TransactionCounter;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.ThreadUtil;
* PartitionExecutor Tests for Speculative Execution
* @author pavlo
public class TestPartitionExecutorSpecExec extends BaseTestCase {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestPartitionExecutorSpecExec.class);
private static final int NUM_PARTITIONS = 2;
private static final int BASE_PARTITION = 0;
private static final int NOTIFY_TIMEOUT = 1000; // ms
private static final int NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS = 5;
private HStoreSite hstore_site;
private HStoreConf hstore_conf;
private Client client;
private Procedure dtxnProc;
private Procedure spProc;
private PartitionExecutor executors[];
private PartitionExecutor baseExecutor;
private PartitionExecutor remoteExecutor;
private final Semaphore lockBefore = DtxnTester.LOCK_BEFORE;
private final Semaphore lockAfter = DtxnTester.LOCK_AFTER;
private final Semaphore notifyBefore = DtxnTester.NOTIFY_BEFORE;
private final Semaphore notifyAfter = DtxnTester.NOTIFY_AFTER;
private final TM1ProjectBuilder builder = new TM1ProjectBuilder() {
* Simple conflict checker that allows anything to be executed
private final AbstractConflictChecker checker = new AbstractConflictChecker(null) {
public boolean shouldIgnoreTransaction(AbstractTransaction ts) {
return (false);
public boolean hasConflictBefore(AbstractTransaction dtxn, LocalTransaction candidate, int partitionId) {
return (false);
public boolean hasConflictAfter(AbstractTransaction ts0, LocalTransaction ts1, int partitionId) {
return (false);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private ClientResponse dtxnResponse = null;
private CountDownLatch dtxnLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
private final ProcedureCallback dtxnCallback = new ProcedureCallback() {
public void clientCallback(ClientResponse clientResponse) {
dtxnResponse = clientResponse;"DTXN ClientResponse: %d / %s\n",
clientResponse.getTransactionId(), clientResponse.getStatus()));
public void setUp() throws Exception {
initializeCatalog(1, 1, NUM_PARTITIONS);
for (TransactionCounter tc : TransactionCounter.values()) {
} // FOR
Site catalog_site = CollectionUtil.first(catalogContext.sites);
this.hstore_conf = HStoreConf.singleton(); = true; = true; = true; = true; = true;
this.hstore_site = this.createHStoreSite(catalog_site, hstore_conf);
this.client = createClient();
this.baseExecutor = this.hstore_site.getPartitionExecutor(BASE_PARTITION);
this.remoteExecutor = this.hstore_site.getPartitionExecutor(BASE_PARTITION+1);
assertNotSame(this.baseExecutor.getPartitionId(), this.remoteExecutor.getPartitionId());
this.executors = new PartitionExecutor[]{ this.baseExecutor, this.remoteExecutor };
this.dtxnProc = this.getProcedure(DtxnTester.class);
this.spProc = this.getProcedure(GetSubscriberData.class);
// Make sure that we replace the conflict checker on the remote partition
// so that it can schedule our speculative txns
PartitionExecutor.Debug remoteDebug = this.remoteExecutor.getDebugContext();
// Make sure that we always set to false to ensure that the dtxn won't abort
// unless the test case really wants it to
// We want to always insert one SUBSCRIBER record per partition so
// that we can play with them. Set VLR_LOCATION to zero so that
// can check whether it has been modified
Table catalog_tbl = this.getTable(TM1Constants.TABLENAME_SUBSCRIBER);
Column catalog_col = this.getColumn(catalog_tbl, "VLR_LOCATION");
VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(catalog_tbl);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTITIONS; i++) {
Object row[] = VoltTableUtil.getRandomRow(catalog_tbl);
row[0] = new Long(i);
row[catalog_col.getIndex()] = 0l;
} // FOR
String procName = VoltSystemProcedure.procCallName(LoadMultipartitionTable.class);
ClientResponse cr = this.client.callProcedure(procName, catalog_tbl.getName(), vt);
assertEquals(cr.toString(), Status.OK, cr.getStatus());
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (this.client != null) this.client.close();
if (this.hstore_site != null) this.hstore_site.shutdown();
// HACK: Delete JAR
if (catalogContext.jarPath != null && catalogContext.jarPath.exists()) {
// System.err.println("DELETE: " + catalogContext.jarPath);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void checkCurrentDtxn() {
// Make sure that this txn is the current dtxn at each of the partitions
AbstractTransaction dtxn = null;
for (PartitionExecutor executor : this.executors) {
AbstractTransaction ts = null;
int tries = 3;
while (tries-- > 0) {
ts = executor.getDebugContext().getCurrentDtxn();
if (ts != null) break;
} // WHILE
assertNotNull("No dtxn at " + executor.getPartition(), ts);
if (dtxn == null) {
dtxn = ts;
} else {
assertEquals(dtxn, ts);
} // FOR
private void checkClientResponses(Collection<ClientResponse> responses, Status status, boolean speculative, Integer restarts) {
for (ClientResponse cr : responses) {
assertEquals(cr.toString(), status, cr.getStatus());
assertTrue(cr.toString(), cr.isSinglePartition());
assertEquals(cr.getTransactionId() + " - SPECULATIVE", speculative, cr.isSpeculative());
assertTrue(cr.toString(), cr.hasDebug());
ClientResponseDebug crDebug = cr.getDebug();
if (restarts != null) {
assertEquals(cr.getTransactionId() + " - RESTARTS", restarts.intValue(), cr.getRestartCounter());
} // FOR
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* testIdleSpeculation
public void testIdleSpeculation() throws Throwable {
// Check that we can speculative execute txns whenever the
// PartitionExecutor is idle waiting to start a txn that still
// hasn't gotten all of the locks that it needs.
boolean result;
// First fire off a single-partition txn that will block
int marker = 1000;
Semaphore spLock = new Semaphore(0);
SinglePartitionTester.LOCK_BEFORE.put(marker, spLock);
Semaphore spNotify = new Semaphore(0);
SinglePartitionTester.NOTIFY_BEFORE.put(marker, spNotify);
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback0 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(1);
Object params[] = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION, marker, 0 };
Procedure spProc = this.getProcedure(SinglePartitionTester.class);
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback0, spProc.getName(), params);
// Block until we know that the txn has started running
result = spNotify.tryAcquire(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Then execute a distributed txn. It will get the lock for the
// other partition that the first partition isn't running on
Object dtxnParams[] = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1 };
this.client.callProcedure(this.dtxnCallback, this.dtxnProc.getName(), dtxnParams);
// Now blast out a single-partition txn that will get
// speculatively executed on the idle partition
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback1 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(1);
params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1, marker + 1, 0 };
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback1, spProc.getName(), params);
result = spCallback1.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P1 LATCH: " + spCallback1.latch, result);
assertEquals(1, spCallback1.responses.size());
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback1.responses, Status.OK, true, 0);
// Release all the locks and let this one fly
assertEquals(0, spCallback0.responses.size());
// Everyone else should succeed and not be speculative.
result = this.dtxnLatch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("DTXN LATCH"+this.dtxnLatch, result);
assertEquals(Status.OK, this.dtxnResponse.getStatus());
result = spCallback0.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P0 LATCH"+spCallback0.latch, result);
assertEquals(1, spCallback0.responses.size());
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback0.responses, Status.OK, false, 0);
* testAllCommitsBefore
public void testAllCommitsBefore() throws Throwable {
// We will submit a distributed transaction that will first acquire the locks
// for all of the partitions and then block.
// We will then submit a bunch of single-partition transactions that will execute
// on the partition that's not the distributed txns base partition before the dtxn
// does anything at the partition.
// All of these txns should get speculatively executed but then never released
// until we release our distributed txn.
// All of the txns are going to commit successfully in the right order
Object params[] = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION };
this.client.callProcedure(this.dtxnCallback, this.dtxnProc.getName(), params);
// Block until we know that the txn has started running
// Release the first lock so that it updates the table.
boolean result = this.notifyAfter.tryAcquire(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Now fire off a bunch of single-partition txns
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback = new LatchableProcedureCallback(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1 }; // S_ID
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS; i++) {
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback, this.spProc.getName(), params);
} // FOR
HStoreSiteTestUtil.checkBlockedSpeculativeTxns(this.remoteExecutor, NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
// Now release the locks and then wait until the dtxn returns and all
// of the single-partition txns return
result = this.dtxnLatch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("DTXN LATCH"+this.dtxnLatch, result);
result = spCallback.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH: "+spCallback.latch, result);
// Check to make sure that the dtxn succeeded
assertEquals(Status.OK, this.dtxnResponse.getStatus());
// And that all of our single-partition txns succeeded and were speculatively executed
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback.responses, Status.OK, true, null);
assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, spCallback.responses.size());
* testSpeculativeInterleavedAborts
public void testSpeculativeInterleavedAborts() throws Exception {
// This one is a bit more complicated. We're going to execute
// transactions where we interleave speculative txns that abort
// We want to make sure that the final value is what we expect it to be
Object params[] = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION };
this.client.callProcedure(this.dtxnCallback, this.dtxnProc.getName(), params);
// Block until we know that the txn has started running
boolean result = this.notifyAfter.tryAcquire(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Now submit our aborting single-partition txn
// This should be allowed to be speculatively executed right away
Procedure spProc0 = this.getProcedure(SinglePartitionTester.class);
Procedure spProc1 = this.getProcedure(CheckSubscriber.class);
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback0 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback1 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback2 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
int MARKER = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS; i++) {
// First txn will not abort
params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1, MARKER, 0 };
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback0, spProc0.getName(), params);
// Second txn will abort
params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1, MARKER+1, 1 };
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback1, spProc0.getName(), params);
// Third txn should only see the first txn's marker value
params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1, MARKER, 1 }; // SHOULD BE EQUAL!
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback2, spProc1.getName(), params);
} // FOR
// We should get back all of the aborting txns' responses, but none from
// the other txns
result = spCallback1.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH1: "+spCallback1.latch, result);
// Release all of the dtxn's locks
result = this.dtxnLatch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("DTXN LATCH"+this.dtxnLatch, result);
assertEquals(this.dtxnResponse.toString(), Status.OK, this.dtxnResponse.getStatus());
// Now all of our single-partition txns should now come back to us too
result = spCallback0.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH0: "+spCallback0.latch, result);
result = spCallback2.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH2: "+spCallback2.latch, result);
// The first + third batch should be all successful
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback0.responses, Status.OK, true, 0);
assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, spCallback0.responses.size());
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback2.responses, Status.OK, true, 0);
assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, spCallback2.responses.size());
// The second batch should all have been aborted
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback1.responses, Status.ABORT_USER, true, 0);
assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, spCallback1.responses.size());
* testSpeculativeAbort
public void testSpeculativeAbort() throws Exception {
// We're going to execute a dtxn that will block on the remote partition
// We will then execute a single-partition transaction that will throw a user
// abort. We will then execute a bunch of speculative txns that should *not*
// see the changes made by the aborted txn
Object params[] = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION };
this.client.callProcedure(this.dtxnCallback, this.dtxnProc.getName(), params);
// Block until we know that the txn has started running
boolean result = this.notifyAfter.tryAcquire(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Now submit our aborting single-partition txn
// This should be allowed to be speculatively executed right away
Procedure spProc0 = this.getProcedure(SinglePartitionTester.class);
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback0 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(1);
int MARKER = 9999;
params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1, MARKER, 1 };
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback0, spProc0.getName(), params);
// Now execute the second batch of single-partition txns
// These should never see the changes made by our first single-partition txn
Procedure spProc1 = this.getProcedure(CheckSubscriber.class);
LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback1 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1, MARKER, 0 }; // Should not be equal!
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS; i++) {
this.client.callProcedure(spCallback1, spProc1.getName(), params);
} // FOR
HStoreSiteTestUtil.checkBlockedSpeculativeTxns(this.remoteExecutor, NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
// Release all of the dtxn's locks
result = this.dtxnLatch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("DTXN LATCH"+this.dtxnLatch, result);
assertEquals(this.dtxnResponse.toString(), Status.OK, this.dtxnResponse.getStatus());
// All of our single-partition txns should now come back to us too
result = spCallback0.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH0: "+spCallback0.latch, result);
result = spCallback1.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH1: "+spCallback1.latch, result);
// We should only have one response in the first batch that should have aborted
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback0.responses, Status.ABORT_USER, true, 0);
assertEquals(1, spCallback0.responses.size());
// The second wave should have all succeeded with being marked as speculative
// with no restarts
this.checkClientResponses(spCallback1.responses, Status.OK, true, 0);
assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, spCallback1.responses.size());
// /**
// * testDtxnAbort
// */
// @Test
// public void testDtxnAbort() throws Exception {
// // Execute a dtxn that will abort *after* it executes a query
// // We will also issue two batches of single-p txns. The first batch
// // will get executed before the dtxn executes a query at the remote partition
// // The second will get executed after the dtxn executed a query.
// // When the dtxn aborts, this means that all of the txns in the first batch
// // will be allowed to commit, but the second batch will get restarted
// Object params[] = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION };
// DtxnTester.SHOULD_ABORT.set(true);
// this.client.callProcedure(this.dtxnCallback, this.dtxnProc.getName(), params);
// // Block until we know that the txn has started running
// boolean result = this.notifyBefore.tryAcquire(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// assertTrue(result);
// this.checkCurrentDtxn();
// // Now fire off our first batch of single-partition txns
// // This should be allowed to be speculatively executed right away
// LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback0 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
// params = new Object[]{ BASE_PARTITION+1 }; // S_ID
// for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS; i++) {
// this.client.callProcedure(spCallback0, this.spProc.getName(), params);
// } // FOR
// this.checkClientResponses(spCallback0.responses, Status.OK, true, 0);
// // Release the before lock, then wait until it reaches the next barrier
// this.lockBefore.release();
// result = this.notifyAfter.tryAcquire(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// assertTrue(result);
// this.checkBlockedSpeculativeTxns(this.remoteExecutor, BASE_PARTITION);
// // Now execute the second batch of single-partition txns
// // All of these will get restarted when the dtxn gets aborted
// LatchableProcedureCallback spCallback1 = new LatchableProcedureCallback(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS);
// for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS; i++) {
// this.client.callProcedure(spCallback1, this.spProc.getName(), params);
// } // FOR
// ThreadUtil.sleep(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT);
// assertEquals(0, spCallback1.responses.size());
// this.checkBlockedSpeculativeTxns(this.remoteExecutor, (NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS*2)-1);
// // We will now release the last lock. The dtxn will abort and will
// // get its response
// this.lockAfter.release();
// result = this.dtxnLatch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// assertTrue("DTXN LATCH"+this.dtxnLatch, result);
// assertEquals(this.dtxnResponse.toString(), Status.ABORT_USER, this.dtxnResponse.getStatus());
// // All of our single-partition txns should now come back to us too
// result = spCallback0.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH0: "+spCallback0.latch, result);
// result = spCallback1.latch.await(NOTIFY_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// assertTrue("SINGLE-P LATCH1: "+spCallback1.latch, result);
// // The first wave should have succeeded with zero restarts and marked as speculative
// this.checkClientResponses(spCallback0.responses, Status.OK, true, 0);
// assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, spCallback0.responses.size());
// // The second wave should have succeeded but with one restart and not marked as speculative
// this.checkClientResponses(spCallback1.responses, Status.OK, false, 1);
// assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, spCallback1.responses.size());
// // Check TransactionCounters
// System.err.println(TransactionCounter.debug());
// assertEquals(1+(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS*2), TransactionCounter.COMPLETED.get());
// assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, TransactionCounter.SPECULATIVE.get());
// assertEquals(NUM_SPECEXEC_TXNS, TransactionCounter.ABORT_SPECULATIVE.get());
// }