/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 VoltDB L.L.C.
* VoltDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* VoltDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.planner;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hsqldb.HSQLInterface;
import org.hsqldb.HSQLInterface.HSQLParseException;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Cluster;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.compiler.DatabaseEstimates;
import org.voltdb.compiler.ScalarValueHints;
import org.voltdb.planner.microoptimizations.MicroOptimizationRunner;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.PlanNodeList;
import org.voltdb.utils.BuildDirectoryUtils;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
* The query planner accepts catalog data, SQL statements from the catalog, then
* outputs the plan with the lowest cost according to the cost model.
public class QueryPlanner {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(QueryPlanner.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
private static boolean TPCE_WARNING = false;
PlanAssembler m_assembler;
HSQLInterface m_HSQL;
DatabaseEstimates m_estimates;
Cluster m_cluster;
Database m_db;
String m_recentErrorMsg;
Throwable m_recentError;
boolean m_useGlobalIds;
boolean m_quietPlanner;
final PlannerContext m_context;
* Initialize planner with physical schema info and a reference to HSQLDB parser.
* @param catalogCluster Catalog info about the physical layout of the cluster.
* @param catalogDb Catalog info about schema, metadata and procedures.
* @param HSQL HSQLInterface pointer used for parsing SQL into XML.
* @param useGlobalIds
public QueryPlanner(Cluster catalogCluster, Database catalogDb,
HSQLInterface HSQL, DatabaseEstimates estimates,
boolean useGlobalIds, boolean suppressDebugOutput) {
assert(HSQL != null);
assert(catalogCluster != null);
assert(catalogDb != null);
// PAVLO: We have to use the global singleton in order to get the same guids across queries
m_context = PlannerContext.singleton(); // new PlannerContext();
m_assembler = new PlanAssembler(m_context, catalogCluster, catalogDb);
m_db = catalogDb;
m_cluster = catalogCluster;
m_estimates = estimates;
m_useGlobalIds = useGlobalIds;
m_quietPlanner = suppressDebugOutput;
* Get the best plan for the SQL statement given, assuming the given costModel.
* @param costModel The current cost model to evaluate plans with.
* @param sql SQL stmt text to be planned.
* @param stmtName The name of the sql statement to be planned.
* @param procName The name of the procedure containing the sql statement to be planned.
* @param singlePartition Is the stmt single-partition?
* @param paramHints
* @return The best plan found for the SQL statement or null if none can be found.
public CompiledPlan compilePlan(AbstractCostModel costModel, String sql, String stmtName, String procName, boolean singlePartition, ScalarValueHints[] paramHints) {
assert(costModel != null);
assert(sql != null);
assert(stmtName != null);
assert(procName != null);
// reset any error message
m_recentErrorMsg = null;
// set the usage of global ids in the plan assembler
// use HSQLDB to get XML that describes the semantics of the statement
// this is much easier to parse than SQL and is checked against the catalog
String xmlSQL = null;
try {
xmlSQL = m_HSQL.getXMLCompiledStatement(sql);
} catch (HSQLParseException e) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn(String.format("Failed to retrieve compiled XML for %s.%s\n%s", procName, stmtName, sql));
m_recentErrorMsg = e.getMessage();
return null;
if (!m_quietPlanner)
// output the xml from hsql to disk for debugging
PrintStream xmlDebugOut =
BuildDirectoryUtils.getDebugOutputPrintStream("statement-hsql-xml", procName + "_" + stmtName + ".xml");
// get a parsed statement from the xml
AbstractParsedStmt initialParsedStmt = null;
try {
initialParsedStmt = AbstractParsedStmt.parse(sql, xmlSQL, m_db);
catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error(String.format("Failed to parse SQL for %s.%s", procName, stmtName), e);
m_recentErrorMsg = e.getMessage();
return null;
if (initialParsedStmt == null)
m_recentErrorMsg = "Failed to parse SQL statement: " + sql;
return null;
if (!m_quietPlanner)
// output a description of the parsed stmt
PrintStream parsedDebugOut =
BuildDirectoryUtils.getDebugOutputPrintStream("statement-parsed", procName + "_" + stmtName + ".txt");
// get ready to find the plan with minimal cost
CompiledPlan rawplan = null;
CompiledPlan bestPlan = null;
double minCost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
HashMap<String, String> planOutputs = new HashMap<String, String>();
HashMap<String, String> dotPlanOutputs = new HashMap<String, String>();
String winnerName = "";
// index of the currently being "costed" plan
int i = 0;
PlanStatistics stats = null;
Integer tpce_limit = null;
// iterate though all the variations on the abstract parsed stmts
for (AbstractParsedStmt parsedStmt : ExpressionEquivalenceProcessor.getEquivalentStmts(initialParsedStmt)) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
// u" uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu "u
// u" u$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u "u
// u" u$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u "u
// u" u$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u "u
// u" u$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u "u
// u" u$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$u "u
// $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $
// $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $
// $ $$$" ... "$... ...$" ... "$$$ ... "$$$ $
// $ $$$u `"$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $
// $ $$$$$$uu "$$$$ $$$ $$$$$ $$ """ u$$$ $
// $ $$$""$$$ $$$$ $$$u "$$$" u$$ $$$$$$$$ $
// $ $$$$....,$$$$$..$$$$$....,$$$$..$$$$$$$$ $
// $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $
// "u "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" u"
// "u "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" u"
// "u "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" u"
// "u "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" u"
// "u "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" u"
// "u """""""""""""""""" u"
// """"""""""""""""""""
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// If this is the BrokerVolume query in TPC-E, then don't let it go past 25,000 iterations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
tpce_limit = 25000;
LOG.warn("PAVLO: Enabled TPC-E BrokerVolume limit: " + tpce_limit);
// set up the plan assembler for this particular plan
m_assembler.setupForNewPlans(parsedStmt, singlePartition);
// loop over all possible plans
while (true) {
try {
rawplan = m_assembler.getNextPlan();
// on exception, set the error message and bail...
catch (Throwable e) {
m_recentError = e;
m_recentErrorMsg = e.getMessage();
return null;
// stop this while loop when no more plans are generated
if (rawplan == null)
// run the set of microptimizations, which may return many plans (or not)
List<CompiledPlan> optimizedPlans = MicroOptimizationRunner.applyAll(rawplan);
// iterate through the subset of plans
for (CompiledPlan plan : optimizedPlans) {
// HACK: There is one query in TPC-E that our planner always chokes on and gets stuck
// in an infinite loop. So we'll print an error message and break out.
if (tpce_limit != null && tpce_limit-- <= 0) {
if (TPCE_WARNING == false) {
LOG.warn("PAVLO: The TPC-E BrokerVolume BREAKOUT! The legend lives on!!!");
// compute resource usage using the single stats collector
stats = new PlanStatistics();
AbstractPlanNode planGraph = plan.fragments.get(0).planGraph;
// compute statistics about a plan
boolean result = planGraph.computeEstimatesRecursively(stats, m_cluster, m_db, m_estimates, paramHints);
// convert a tree into an execution list
PlanNodeList nodeList = new PlanNodeList(planGraph);
// get the json serialized version of the plan
String json = "";
// try {
// String crunchJson = nodeList.toJSONString();
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(crunchJson);
json = jobj.toString(4);
} catch (JSONException e2) {
// Any plan that can't be serialized to JSON to
// write to debugging output is also going to fail
// to get written to the catalog, to sysprocs, etc.
// Just bail.
m_recentErrorMsg = "Plan for sql: '" + sql +
"' can't be serialized to JSON";
return null;
// compute the cost based on the resources using the current cost model
double cost = costModel.getPlanCost(stats);
// find the minimum cost plan
if (cost < minCost) {
minCost = cost;
// free the PlanColumns held by the previous best plan
if (bestPlan != null) {
bestPlan.freePlan(m_context, plan.getColumnGuids());
bestPlan = plan;
} else {
plan.freePlan(m_context, bestPlan.getColumnGuids());
// output a description of the parsed stmt
String filename = String.valueOf(i++);
if (bestPlan == plan) winnerName = filename;
json = "COST: " + String.valueOf(cost) + "\n" + json;
planOutputs.put(filename, json);
// create a graph friendly version
dotPlanOutputs.put(filename, nodeList.toDOTString("name"));
tpce_limit = null;
// make sure we got a winner
if (bestPlan == null) {
m_recentErrorMsg = "Unable to plan for statement. Error unknown.";
return null;
// Validate that everything is there
Set<Integer> bestPlan_columns = bestPlan.getColumnGuids();
for (Integer column_guid : bestPlan_columns) {
if (m_context.hasColumn(column_guid) == false) {
m_recentErrorMsg = "Missing column guid " + column_guid;
return (null);
} // FOR
if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("All columns are there for %s.%s: %s", procName, stmtName, bestPlan_columns));
// reset all the plan node ids for a given plan
if (!m_quietPlanner)
// print all the plans to disk for debugging
for (Entry<String, String> output : planOutputs.entrySet()) {
String filename = output.getKey();
if (winnerName.equals(filename)) {
filename = "WINNER " + filename;
PrintStream candidatePlanOut =
BuildDirectoryUtils.getDebugOutputPrintStream("statement-all-plans/" + procName + "_" + stmtName,
filename + ".txt");
for (Entry<String, String> output : dotPlanOutputs.entrySet()) {
String filename = output.getKey();
if (winnerName.equals(filename)) {
filename = "WINNER " + filename;
PrintStream candidatePlanOut =
BuildDirectoryUtils.getDebugOutputPrintStream("statement-all-plans/" + procName + "_" + stmtName,
filename + ".dot");
// output the plan statistics to disk for debugging
PrintStream plansOut =
BuildDirectoryUtils.getDebugOutputPrintStream("statement-stats", procName + "_" + stmtName + ".txt");
// PAVLO: Get the full plan json
AbstractPlanNode root = bestPlan.fragments.get(0).planGraph;
// String orig_debug = PlanNodeUtil.debug(root);
assert(root != null);
String json = null;
try {
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(new PlanNodeList(root).toJSONString());
json = jobj.toString();
} catch (JSONException e2) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed to serialize JSON query plan for %s.%s", procName, stmtName), e2);
assert(json != null);
// split up the plan everywhere we see send/recieve into multiple plan fragments
bestPlan = Fragmentizer.fragmentize(bestPlan, m_db);
bestPlan.fullplan_json = json;
if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("Stored serialized JSON query plan for %s.%s", procName, stmtName));
// if (singlePartition == false && procName.equalsIgnoreCase("GetTableCounts") && stmtName.equalsIgnoreCase("HistoryCount")) {
// System.err.println(sql + "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
// System.err.println("ORIGINAL:\n" + orig_debug + StringUtil.SINGLE_LINE);
// System.err.println("NEW:");
// for (int ii = 0; ii < bestPlan.fragments.size(); ii++) {
// Fragment f = bestPlan.fragments.get(ii);
// System.err.println(String.format("Fragment #%02d\n%s\n", ii, PlanNodeUtil.debug(f.planGraph)));
// }
// System.err.println(StringUtil.DOUBLE_LINE);
// System.exit(1);
// }
// DTXN/EE can't handle plans that have more than 2 fragments yet.
// if (bestPlan.fragments.size() > 2) {
// m_recentErrorMsg = "Unable to plan for statement. Likely statement is "+
// "joining two partitioned tables in a multi-partition stamtent. " +
// "This is not supported at this time.";
// return null;
// }
return bestPlan;
public PlannerContext getPlannerContext() {
return m_context;
public Throwable getError() {
return m_recentError;
public String getErrorMessage() {
return m_recentErrorMsg;