/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 VoltDB L.L.C.
* VoltDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* VoltDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.client;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.CatalogContext;
import org.voltdb.StoredProcedureInvocation;
import org.voltdb.StoredProcedureInvocationHints;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.messaging.FastSerializer;
import org.voltdb.utils.DBBPool.BBContainer;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreConstants;
import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status;
import edu.brown.hstore.conf.HStoreConf;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.profilers.ProfileMeasurement;
import edu.brown.utils.PartitionEstimator;
* A client that connects to one or more nodes in a VoltCluster
* and provides methods to call stored procedures and receive
* responses.
final class ClientImpl implements Client {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ClientImpl.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
static {
LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);
private final AtomicLong m_handle = new AtomicLong(new Random().nextLong() * -1l); // Long.MAX_VALUE
private final int m_expectedOutgoingMessageSize;
Public API
* Clients may queue a wide variety of messages and a lot of them
* so give them a large max arena size.
private static final int m_defaultMaxArenaSize = 134217728;
private volatile boolean m_isShutdown = false;
* If we have a catalog, then we'll enable client-side hints
private Catalog m_catalog;
private CatalogContext m_catalogContext;
private PartitionEstimator m_pEstimator;
private int m_partitionSiteXref[];
private final HStoreConf m_hstoreConf;
private final ProfileMeasurement m_queueTime = new ProfileMeasurement("queue");
/** Create a new client without any initial connections. */
ClientImpl() {
this( 128, new int[] {
* Create a new client without any initial connections.
* Also provide a hint indicating the expected serialized size of
* most outgoing procedure invocations. This helps size initial allocations
* for serializing network writes
* @param expectedOutgoingMessageSize Expected size of procedure invocations in bytes
* @param maxArenaSizes Maximum size arenas in the memory pool should grow to
* @param heavyweight Whether to use multiple or a single thread
int expectedOutgoingMessageSize,
int maxArenaSizes[],
boolean heavyweight,
StatsUploaderSettings statsSettings,
Catalog catalog) {
m_expectedOutgoingMessageSize = expectedOutgoingMessageSize;
m_hstoreConf = HStoreConf.singleton(true);
if (catalog != null && m_hstoreConf.client.txn_hints) {
m_catalog = catalog;
m_catalogContext = new CatalogContext(m_catalog);
m_pEstimator = new PartitionEstimator(m_catalogContext);
m_partitionSiteXref = CatalogUtil.getPartitionSiteXrefArray(m_catalog);
m_distributer = new Distributer(
m_distributer.addClientStatusListener(new CSL());
* Create a connection to another VoltDB node.
* @param host
* @param password
* @param program
* @throws UnknownHostException
* @throws IOException
public void createConnection(String host, int port) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
if (m_isShutdown) {
throw new IOException("Client instance is shutdown");
String subProgram = "default";
String subPassword = "password";
m_distributer.createConnection(null, host, port, subProgram, subPassword);
* Create a connection to another VoltDB node.
* @param host
* @param password
* @param program
* @throws UnknownHostException
* @throws IOException
public void createConnection(Integer site_id, String host, int port, String program, String password)
throws UnknownHostException, IOException
if (m_isShutdown) {
throw new IOException("Client instance is shutdown");
final String subProgram = (program == null) ? "" : program;
final String subPassword = (password == null) ? "" : password;
m_distributer.createConnection(site_id, host, port, subProgram, subPassword);
* Synchronously invoke a procedure call blocking until a result is available.
* @param procName class name (not qualified by package) of the procedure to execute.
* @param parameters vararg list of procedure's parameter values.
* @return array of VoltTable results.
* @throws org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException
* @throws NoConnectionsException
public final ClientResponse callProcedure(String procName, Object... parameters)
throws IOException, NoConnectionsException, ProcCallException
return this.callProcedure(procName, null, parameters);
* Synchronously invoke a procedure call blocking until a result is available.
* @param procName class name (not qualified by package) of the procedure to execute.
* @param hints Extra information about what the transaction will do.
* @param parameters vararg list of procedure's parameter values.
* @return array of VoltTable results.
* @throws org.voltdb.client.ProcCallException
* @throws NoConnectionsException
public final ClientResponse callProcedure(String procName, StoredProcedureInvocationHints hints, Object... parameters)
throws IOException, NoConnectionsException, ProcCallException
if (m_isShutdown) {
throw new NoConnectionsException("Client instance is shutdown");
final SyncCallback cb = new SyncCallback();
final StoredProcedureInvocation invocation =
new StoredProcedureInvocation(m_handle.getAndIncrement(), procName, parameters);
Integer site_id = null;
if (hints != null && hints.basePartition != HStoreConstants.NULL_PARTITION_ID) {
if (m_partitionSiteXref != null) {
site_id = m_partitionSiteXref[hints.basePartition];
else if (m_catalog != null && procName.startsWith("@") == false) {
try {
int partition = m_pEstimator.getBasePartition(invocation);
if (partition != HStoreConstants.NULL_PARTITION_ID) {
site_id = m_partitionSiteXref[partition];
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to estimate base partition for new invocation of '" + procName + "'", ex);
long start = ProfileMeasurement.getTime();
m_queueTime.appendTime(start, ProfileMeasurement.getTime());
try {
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(String.format("Waiting for response for %s txn [clientHandle=%d]",
procName, invocation.getClientHandle()));
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
throw new java.io.InterruptedIOException("Interrupted while waiting for response");
if (cb.getResponse().getStatus() != Status.OK) {
if (debug.val) LOG.error("the response failed!!!");
throw new ProcCallException(cb.getResponse(), cb.getResponse().getStatusString(), cb.getResponse().getException());
// cb.result() throws ProcCallException if procedure failed
return cb.getResponse();
* Asynchronously invoke a procedure call.
* @param callback TransactionCallback that will be invoked with procedure results.
* @param procName class name (not qualified by package) of the procedure to execute.
* @param parameters vararg list of procedure's parameter values.
* @return True if the procedure was queued and false otherwise
public final boolean callProcedure(ProcedureCallback callback, String procName, Object... parameters)
throws IOException, NoConnectionsException {
if (m_isShutdown) {
return false;
return callProcedure(callback, m_expectedOutgoingMessageSize, procName, null, parameters);
public final boolean callProcedure(ProcedureCallback callback, String procName, StoredProcedureInvocationHints hints, Object... parameters)
throws IOException, NoConnectionsException {
if (m_isShutdown) {
return false;
return callProcedure(callback, m_expectedOutgoingMessageSize, procName, hints, parameters);
public int calculateInvocationSerializedSize(String procName,
Object... parameters) {
final StoredProcedureInvocation invocation =
new StoredProcedureInvocation(0, procName, parameters);
final FastSerializer fds = new FastSerializer();
int size = 0;
try {
final BBContainer c = fds.writeObjectForMessaging(invocation);
size = c.b.remaining();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return size;
public final boolean callProcedure(
ProcedureCallback callback,
int expectedSerializedSize,
String procName,
StoredProcedureInvocationHints hints,
Object... parameters)
throws IOException, NoConnectionsException {
if (m_isShutdown) {
return false;
if (callback == null) {
callback = new NullCallback();
} else if (callback instanceof ProcedureArgumentCacher) {
StoredProcedureInvocation invocation =
new StoredProcedureInvocation(m_handle.getAndIncrement(), procName, parameters);
Integer site_id = null;
if (m_catalog != null) {
Procedure catalog_proc = m_catalogContext.procedures.getIgnoreCase(procName);
if (catalog_proc != null) {
// OPTIMIZATION: If we have the the catalog, then we'll send just
// the procId. This reduces the number of strings that we need to
// allocate on the server side.
// OPTIMIZATION: If this isn't a sysproc, then we can tell them
// what the base partition for this request will be
if ((hints == null || hints.basePartition == HStoreConstants.NULL_PARTITION_ID) &&
catalog_proc.getSystemproc() == false) {
try {
int partition = m_pEstimator.getBasePartition(invocation);
if (partition != HStoreConstants.NULL_PARTITION_ID) {
site_id = m_partitionSiteXref[partition];
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to estimate base partition for new invocation of '" + procName + "'", ex);
if (hints != null && hints.basePartition != HStoreConstants.NULL_PARTITION_ID) {
if (m_blockingQueue) {
long start = ProfileMeasurement.getTime();
while (!m_distributer.queue(invocation, callback, expectedSerializedSize, true, site_id)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new java.io.InterruptedIOException("Interrupted while invoking procedure asynchronously");
m_queueTime.appendTime(start, ProfileMeasurement.getTime(), 1);
return true;
} else {
long start = ProfileMeasurement.getTime();
boolean ret = m_distributer.queue(invocation, callback, expectedSerializedSize, false, site_id);
m_queueTime.appendTime(start, ProfileMeasurement.getTime(), 1);
return ret;
public void drain() throws NoConnectionsException, InterruptedException {
if (m_isShutdown) {
* Shutdown the client closing all network connections and release
* all memory resources.
* @throws InterruptedException
public void close() throws InterruptedException {
m_isShutdown = true;
synchronized (m_backpressureLock) {
public void addClientStatusListener(ClientStatusListener listener) {
public boolean removeClientStatusListener(ClientStatusListener listener) {
return m_distributer.removeClientStatusListener(listener);
public void backpressureBarrier() throws InterruptedException {
if (m_isShutdown) {
if (m_backpressure) {
synchronized (m_backpressureLock) {
while (m_backpressure && !m_isShutdown) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(String.format("Blocking client due to backup pressure [backPressure=%s, #connections=%d]",
m_backpressure, m_distributer.getConnectionCount()));
m_backpressure = false;
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(String.format("Unblocking client [m_backpressure=%s]", m_backpressure));
} // WHILE
} // SYNCH
class CSL implements ClientStatusListener {
public void backpressure(boolean status) {
synchronized (m_backpressureLock) {
if (status) {
m_backpressure = true;
} else {
m_backpressure = false;
} // SYNCH
public void connectionLost(String hostname, int connectionsLeft) {
if (connectionsLeft == 0) {
//Wake up client and let it attempt to queue work
//and then fail with a NoConnectionsException
synchronized (m_backpressureLock) {
m_backpressure = false;
public void uncaughtException(ProcedureCallback callback, ClientResponse r, Throwable e) {
// static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ClientImpl.class.getName()); // Logger shared by client package.
private final Distributer m_distributer; // de/multiplexes connections to a cluster
private final Object m_backpressureLock = new Object();
private boolean m_backpressure = false;
private boolean m_blockingQueue = false;
public void configureBlocking(boolean blocking) {
LOG.info("Set Blocking Queue: " + blocking);
m_blockingQueue = blocking;
public VoltTable getIOStats() {
return m_distributer.getConnectionStats(false);
public VoltTable getIOStatsInterval() {
return m_distributer.getConnectionStats(true);
public Object[] getInstanceId() {
return m_distributer.getInstanceId();
public VoltTable getProcedureStats() {
return m_distributer.getProcedureStats(false);
public VoltTable getProcedureStatsInterval() {
return m_distributer.getProcedureStats(false);
public String getBuildString() {
return m_distributer.getBuildString();
public boolean blocking() {
return m_blockingQueue;
public ProfileMeasurement getQueueTime() {
return m_queueTime;