package edu.brown.statistics;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import edu.brown.utils.ArgumentsParser;
import edu.brown.utils.ProjectType;
public abstract class FixStatistics {
/** java.util.logging logger. */
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FixStatistics.class.getName());
public static final class Constants {
// Item constants
public static final int NUM_ITEMS = 100000;
// Warehouse constants
public static final int NUM_WAREHOUSES = 10;
// Stock constants
public static final int STOCK_PER_WAREHOUSE = 100000;
// District constants
public static final int DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE = 10;
// Customer constants
public static final int CUSTOMERS_PER_DISTRICT = 3000;
// Order constants
public static final int INITIAL_ORDERS_PER_DISTRICT = 3000;
// Order line constants
public static final int INITIAL_QUANTITY = 5;
// History constants
public static final double INITIAL_AMOUNT = 10.00f;
// New order constants
public static final int INITIAL_NEW_ORDERS_PER_DISTRICT = 900;
public static final Map<ProjectType, Map<String, Integer>> TUPLE_COUNTS = new HashMap<ProjectType, Map<String, Integer>>();
static {
// --------------------------------------
// TPC-C
// --------------------------------------
Map<String, Integer> tuples = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
tuples.put("ITEM", Constants.NUM_ITEMS);
tuples.put("WAREHOUSE", 10); // FIXME
tuples.put("STOCK", tuples.get("WAREHOUSE") * Constants.STOCK_PER_WAREHOUSE);
tuples.put("DISTRICT", tuples.get("WAREHOUSE") * Constants.DISTRICTS_PER_WAREHOUSE);
tuples.put("CUSTOMER", tuples.get("DISTRICT") * Constants.CUSTOMERS_PER_DISTRICT);
tuples.put("ORDERS", tuples.get("DISTRICT") * Constants.INITIAL_ORDERS_PER_DISTRICT);
tuples.put("ORDER_LINE", tuples.get("ORDERS") * Constants.INITIAL_QUANTITY);
tuples.put("HISTORY", tuples.get("CUSTOMER"));
tuples.put("NEW_ORDER", tuples.get("DISTRICT") * Constants.INITIAL_NEW_ORDERS_PER_DISTRICT);
TUPLE_COUNTS.put(ProjectType.TPCC, tuples);
* @param catalog_db
* @throws Exception
public static void populateStatistics(ProjectType project_type, Database catalog_db, WorkloadStatistics stats) throws Exception {
assert (TUPLE_COUNTS.containsKey(project_type));
// Map<String, Integer> tuples = TUPLE_COUNTS.get(project_type);
// We first need to go through all the partitions and figure out the
// tuple count skew
* int num_partitions =
* stats.getTableStatistics(catalog_db.getTables().get
* (0)).partition_count; Map<Integer, Long> partition_total_count = new
* HashMap<Integer, Long>(); for (int i = 0; i < num_partitions; i++) {
* partition_total_count.put(i, 0l); } // FOR // // Go through each
* partition and count the total number of tuples stored there // When
* we then go through and update the number of tuples we'll use the
* ratio // of the number tuples on each partition compared to the total
* number of tuples // to determine the skew of the data. // This is all
* super hackish and we should just figure out how to really get the
* number of // tuples first loaded into the system... // long
* orig_total_tuples = 0; for (Table catalog_tbl :
* catalog_db.getTables()) { String table_key =
* CatalogUtil.createKey(catalog_tbl); String table_name =
* catalog_tbl.getName(); TableStatistics table_stats =
* stats.getTableStatistics(table_key); assert(table_stats != null);
* assert(tuples.containsKey(table_name));
* assert(table_stats.partition_count == num_partitions); boolean
* has_data = false; for (Integer partition_idx :
* table_stats.tuple_count_partitions.keySet()) { long stats_cnt =
* table_stats.tuple_count_partitions.get(partition_idx); if (stats_cnt
* > 0) { long new_cnt = partition_total_count.get(partition_idx);
* partition_total_count.put(partition_idx, (stats_cnt + new_cnt));
* has_data = true; } } // FOR orig_total_tuples +=
* table_stats.tuple_count_total; } // FOR // // Update missing table
* information // for (Table catalog_tbl : catalog_db.getTables()) {
* String table_key = CatalogUtil.createKey(catalog_tbl); String
* table_name = catalog_tbl.getName(); TableStatistics table_stats =
* stats.getTableStatistics(table_key); assert(table_stats != null);
* assert(tuples.containsKey(table_name)); int num_tuples =
* tuples.get(table_name); assert(num_tuples >= 0); // // Tuple Counts
* // table_stats.tuple_count_total += num_tuples; for (Integer
* partition_idx : table_stats.tuple_count_partitions.keySet()) { // We
* have to account for skew double skew =
* partition_total_count.get(partition_idx) / orig_total_tuples;
* table_stats.tuple_count_partitions.put(partition_idx,
* Math.round(table_stats.tuple_count_total * skew)); } // FOR long
* tuples_per_partition = (catalog_tbl.getIsreplicated() ? num_tuples :
* (num_tuples / num_partitions)); if (table_stats.tuple_count_min == 0)
* table_stats.tuple_count_min = tuples_per_partition; if
* (table_stats.tuple_count_max == 0) table_stats.tuple_count_max =
* tuples_per_partition; if (table_stats.tuple_count_avg == 0)
* table_stats.tuple_count_avg = tuples_per_partition;
// Tuple Sizes
* int size_tuple = table_stats.tuple_size_avg; int
* orig_tuple_size_total = table_stats.tuple_size_total;
* table_stats.tuple_size_total += table_stats.tuple_count_total *
* size_tuple; for (Integer partition_idx :
* table_stats.tuple_size_partitions.keySet()) { // We have to account
* for skew int size =
* table_stats.tuple_size_partitions.get(partition_idx); double skew =
* size / orig_tuple_size_total;
* table_stats.tuple_size_partitions.put(partition_idx,
* (int)Math.round(table_stats.tuple_size_total * skew)); } // FOR
// } // FOR
* @param args
public static void main(String[] vargs) throws Exception {
ArgumentsParser args = ArgumentsParser.load(vargs);
assert (args.stats != null);
String output_path = args.getParam(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_STATS_OUTPUT);
assert (output_path != null);
ProjectType project_type = args.catalog_type;
// Fix the catalog!
populateStatistics(project_type, args.catalog_db, args.stats);
// We need to write this things somewhere now...
//;"Wrote updated statistics to '" + output_path + "'");