package edu.brown.optimizer.optimizations;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractJoinPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractScanPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.LimitPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.utils.Pair;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.optimizer.PlanOptimizerState;
import edu.brown.plannodes.PlanNodeUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
* Pushdown a LIMIT before we send data over the network
* @author pavlo
public class LimitPushdownOptimization extends AbstractOptimization {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LimitPushdownOptimization.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
public LimitPushdownOptimization(PlanOptimizerState state) {
public Pair<Boolean, AbstractPlanNode> optimize(final AbstractPlanNode root) {
// Check whether this PlanTree contains a LimitPlanNode
// If it does and there are no joins, then we should be able to push duplicates
// down into the ScanPlanNode so that we can prune out as much as we can before
// we send it over the wire. This is a basic a Merge-Sort operation
Collection<OrderByPlanNode> orderby_nodes = PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, OrderByPlanNode.class);
Collection<LimitPlanNode> limit_nodes = PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, LimitPlanNode.class);
Collection<AbstractJoinPlanNode> join_nodes = PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, AbstractJoinPlanNode.class);
Collection<ReceivePlanNode> recv_nodes = PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, ReceivePlanNode.class);
if (limit_nodes.size() != 1) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("SKIP - Number of LimitPlanNodes is " + limit_nodes.size());
return (Pair.of(false, root));
else if (join_nodes.isEmpty() == false) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("SKIP - Contains a JoinPlanNode " + join_nodes);
return (Pair.of(false, root));
else if (recv_nodes.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("SKIP - Does not contain any ReceivePlanNodes");
return (Pair.of(false, root));
OrderByPlanNode orderby_node = null;
LimitPlanNode limit_node = null;
try {
// If there is an OrderByPlanNode, then that we need to clone that too.
if (orderby_nodes.size() != 0) {
orderby_node = (OrderByPlanNode) CollectionUtil.first(orderby_nodes).clone(false, true);
assert (orderby_node != null);
limit_node = (LimitPlanNode) CollectionUtil.first(limit_nodes).clone(false, true);
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
assert (limit_node != null);
if (debug.val) {
LOG.debug("LIMIT: " + PlanNodeUtil.debug(limit_node));
LOG.debug("ORDER BY: " + PlanNodeUtil.debug(orderby_node));
LOG.debug(PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, AbstractScanPlanNode.class));
AbstractScanPlanNode scan_node = CollectionUtil.first(PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, AbstractScanPlanNode.class));
assert (scan_node != null) : "Unexpected PlanTree:\n" + PlanNodeUtil.debug(root);
SendPlanNode send_node = (SendPlanNode) scan_node.getParent(0);
assert (send_node != null);
if (orderby_node != null) {
// Need to make sure that the LIMIT has the proper output columns
} else {
// Need to make sure that the LIMIT has the proper output columns
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("PLANOPT - Added " + limit_node + " after " + scan_node);
return (Pair.of(true, root));