package edu.brown.markov;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.CatalogContext;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.types.QueryType;
import org.voltdb.utils.Pair;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.graphs.GraphvizExport;
import edu.brown.graphs.GraphvizExport.Attribute;
import edu.brown.graphs.GraphvizExport.AttributeValues;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainerUtil;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainer;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.PartitionSet;
import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil;
* MarkovUtil class is here to help with comparisons and help cut down on the clutter in
* MarkovGraph.
* For convenience use stop_stmt,start_stmt, and abort_stmt to get the vertices you would like
* Constants are defined here as well. Define FIRST_PARTITION and NUM_PARTITIONS for your install
* @author svelagap
* @author pavlo
public abstract class MarkovUtil {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MarkovUtil.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
static {
LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);
public static final Integer GLOBAL_MARKOV_CONTAINER_ID = -1;
* Wrapper class for our special "marker" vertices
public static class StatementWrapper extends Statement {
private final Catalog catalog;
private final MarkovVertex.Type type;
private String id;
private final Procedure parent = new Procedure() {
public String getName() {
return ("markov");
public Catalog getCatalog() {
return (StatementWrapper.this.catalog);
public StatementWrapper(Catalog catalog, MarkovVertex.Type type) {
this.catalog = catalog;
this.type = type;"";
public StatementWrapper(Catalog catalog, MarkovVertex.Type type, boolean readonly, String id) {
this.catalog = catalog;
this.type = type; = id;
public Catalog getCatalog() {
return (this.catalog);
public String getTypeName() {
return ("--" + this.type.toString() + id +"--");
public String fullName() {
return this.getName();
public CatalogType getParent() {
return (this.parent);
* Return the Statement object representing the special Vertex type
* @param catalog_db TODO
* @param type
* @return
public static Statement getSpecialStatement(Database catalog_db, MarkovVertex.Type type) {
Map<MarkovVertex.Type, Statement> cache = CACHE_specialStatements.get(catalog_db);
if (cache == null) {
cache = new HashMap<MarkovVertex.Type, Statement>();
CACHE_specialStatements.put(catalog_db, cache);
Statement catalog_stmt = cache.get(type);
if (catalog_stmt == null) {
catalog_stmt = new StatementWrapper(catalog_db.getCatalog(), type);
cache.put(type, catalog_stmt);
return (catalog_stmt);
private final static Map<Database, Map<MarkovVertex.Type, Statement>> CACHE_specialStatements = new HashMap<Database, Map<MarkovVertex.Type, Statement>>();
* For the given Vertex type, return a unique Vertex instance
* @param type
* @return
public static MarkovVertex getSpecialVertex(Database catalog_db, MarkovVertex.Type type) {
Statement catalog_stmt = MarkovUtil.getSpecialStatement(catalog_db, type);
assert(catalog_stmt != null);
MarkovVertex v = new MarkovVertex(catalog_stmt, type);
if (type == MarkovVertex.Type.ABORT) {
if (type != MarkovVertex.Type.START) {
PartitionSet partitions = CatalogUtil.getAllPartitionIds(catalog_db);
for (int partition : partitions.values()) {
v.setDoneProbability(partition, 1.0f);
} // FOR
assert(v != null);
return (v);
* Return a new instance of the special start vertex
* @return
public static MarkovVertex getStartVertex(CatalogContext catalogContext) {
return (MarkovUtil.getSpecialVertex(catalogContext.database, MarkovVertex.Type.START));
* A stop vertex has done probability of 1.0 at all partitions
* @return a stop Vertex
public static MarkovVertex getCommitVertex(CatalogContext catalogContext) {
return (MarkovUtil.getSpecialVertex(catalogContext.database, MarkovVertex.Type.COMMIT));
* An aborted vertex has an abort and done probability of 1.0 at all partitions
* @return an abort Vertex
public static MarkovVertex getAbortVertex(CatalogContext catalogContext) {
return (MarkovUtil.getSpecialVertex(catalogContext.database, MarkovVertex.Type.ABORT));
* Give a blank graph to fill in for each partition for the given procedure. Called by
* anyone who wants to create MarkovGraphs
* @param numPartitions the number of partitions/sites in this installation
* @param catalog_proc - the given procedure
* @return mapping of Partition to MarkovGraph
public static Map<Integer, MarkovGraph> getBlankPartitionGraphs(CatalogContext catalogContext, Procedure catalog_proc) {
HashMap<Integer, MarkovGraph> graphs = new HashMap<Integer, MarkovGraph>();
for (int partition : catalogContext.getAllPartitionIds().values()) {
MarkovGraph g = new MarkovGraph(catalog_proc);
graphs.put(partition, g);
} // FOR
return (graphs);
* Returns a unique set of Statement catalog objects for a given collection of vertices
* @param vertices
* @return
public static Set<Statement> getStatements(Collection<MarkovVertex> vertices) {
Set<Statement> ret = new HashSet<Statement>();
for (MarkovVertex v : vertices) {
Statement catalog_stmt = v.getCatalogItem();
assert(catalog_stmt != null);
} // FOR
return (ret);
* Load a list of Markov objects from a serialized for a particular id
* @param catalog_db
* @param input_path
* @param id
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static MarkovGraphsContainer loadId(CatalogContext catalogContext, File input_path, int id) throws Exception {
Set<Integer> idset = (Set<Integer>)CollectionUtil.addAll(new HashSet<Integer>(), Integer.valueOf(id));
Map<Integer, MarkovGraphsContainer> markovs = MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.load(catalogContext, input_path, null, idset);
assert(markovs.size() == 1);
return (markovs.get(id));
public static Map<Integer, MarkovGraphsContainer> load(CatalogContext catalogContext, File input_path) throws Exception {
return (MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.load(catalogContext, input_path, null, null));
* Return a GraphvizExport handle for the given MarkovGraph.
* This will highlight all of the special vertices
* @param markov
* @param use_full_output - Whether to use the full debug information for vertex labels
* @param path - A path to highlight (can be null)
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static GraphvizExport<MarkovVertex, MarkovEdge> exportGraphviz(MarkovGraph markov, boolean use_full_output, List<MarkovEdge> path) {
return MarkovUtil.exportGraphviz(markov, use_full_output, false, false, path);
* Return a GraphvizExport handle for the given MarkovGraph.
* This will highlight all of the special vertices
* @param markov
* @param use_full_output - Whether to use the full debug information for vertex labels
* @param use_vldb_output - Whether to use labels for paper figures
* @param high_invalid - Whether to highlight invalid edges/vertices
* @param path - A path to highlight (can be null)
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static GraphvizExport<MarkovVertex, MarkovEdge> exportGraphviz(MarkovGraph markov, boolean use_full_output, boolean use_vldb_output, boolean highlight_invalid, List<MarkovEdge> path) {
GraphvizExport<MarkovVertex, MarkovEdge> graphviz = new GraphvizExport<MarkovVertex, MarkovEdge>(markov);
graphviz.getGlobalGraphAttributes().put(Attribute.PACK, "true");
graphviz.getGlobalVertexAttributes().put(Attribute.FONTNAME, "Courier");
graphviz.setGlobalLabel(String.format("MarkovGraph %s - GraphId:%d", markov.getProcedure().getName(), markov.getGraphId()));
MarkovVertex v = markov.getStartVertex();
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FILLCOLOR, "blue");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FONTCOLOR, "white");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.STYLE, "filled");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FONTSIZE, "24");
v = markov.getCommitVertex();
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FILLCOLOR, "darkgreen");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FONTCOLOR, "white");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.STYLE, "filled");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FONTSIZE, "24");
v = markov.getAbortVertex();
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FILLCOLOR, "firebrick4");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FONTCOLOR, "white");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.STYLE, "filled");
graphviz.getAttributes(v).put(Attribute.FONTSIZE, "24");
// Highlight Path
if (path != null) graphviz.highlightPath(path, "red");
if (use_vldb_output || use_full_output) {
final String empty_set = "\u2205";
if (use_full_output) {
for (MarkovEdge e : markov.getEdges()) {
AttributeValues av = graphviz.getAttributes(e);
av.put(Attribute.LABEL, e.toString(true));
} // FOR
for (MarkovVertex v0 : markov.getVertices()) {
AttributeValues av = graphviz.getAttributes(v0);
if (highlight_invalid && v0.isValid(markov) == false) {
av.put(Attribute.FILLCOLOR, "red");
if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Highlighting " + v0 + " as invalid");
String label = "";
// VLDB Figure Output
if (use_vldb_output) {
if (v0.isAbortVertex()) {
label = "abort";
} else if (v0.isStartVertex()) {
label = "begin";
} else if (v0.isCommitVertex()) {
label = "commit";
} else {
String name = v0.getCatalogItem().getName();
name = StringUtil.title(name.replace("_", " "), true).replace(" ", "");
label = name + "\n";
label += "Counter: " + v0.getQueryCounter() + "\n";
label += "Partitions: ";
if (v0.getPartitions().isEmpty()) {
label += empty_set;
} else {
label += "{ ";
String add = "";
for (Integer p : v0.getPartitions()) {
label += add + p;
add = ", ";
} // FOR
label += " }";
label += "\n";
label += "Previous: ";
if (v0.getPastPartitions().isEmpty()) {
label += empty_set;
} else {
label += "{ ";
String add = "";
for (Integer p : v0.getPastPartitions()) {
label += add + p;
add = ", ";
} // FOR
label += " }";
} else {
label = v0.debug();
av.put(Attribute.LABEL, label);
} // FOR
return (graphviz);
* Get the set of all partitions touched (either read or write) by the list of vertices
* @param path
* @return
public static PartitionSet getTouchedPartitions(List<MarkovVertex> path) {
PartitionSet partitions = new PartitionSet();
for (MarkovVertex v : path) {
} // FOR
return (partitions);
* Get the read/write partition counts for the given path
* @param path
* @return Set<ReadPartitions>, Set<WritePartitions>
public static Pair<PartitionSet, PartitionSet> getReadWritePartitions(List<MarkovVertex> path) {
PartitionSet read_p = new PartitionSet();
PartitionSet write_p = new PartitionSet();
MarkovUtil.getReadWritePartitions(path, read_p, write_p);
return (Pair.of(read_p, write_p));
* Get the read/write partition counts for the given path
* @param path
* @param read_p
* @param write_p
public static void getReadWritePartitions(List<MarkovVertex> path, PartitionSet read_p, PartitionSet write_p) {
for (MarkovVertex v : path) {
if (v.isQueryVertex() == false) continue;
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(String.format("%s - R:%s / W:%s", v, read_p, write_p));
Statement catalog_stmt = v.getCatalogItem();
QueryType qtype = QueryType.get(catalog_stmt.getQuerytype());
switch (qtype) {
case SELECT:
case INSERT:
case UPDATE:
case DELETE:
assert(false) : "Invalid QueryType: " + qtype;
} // FOR