Package edu.brown.markov

Source Code of edu.brown.markov.MarkovGraph

package edu.brown.markov;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONStringer;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;

import edu.brown.graphs.AbstractDirectedGraph;
import edu.brown.graphs.AbstractGraphElement;
import edu.brown.graphs.GraphUtil;
import edu.brown.graphs.exceptions.InvalidGraphElementException;
import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.AuctionMarkMarkovGraphsContainer;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.GlobalMarkovGraphsContainer;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainerUtil;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainer;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.SEATSMarkovGraphsContainer;
import edu.brown.markov.containers.TPCCMarkovGraphsContainer;
import edu.brown.utils.ArgumentsParser;
import edu.brown.utils.MathUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.PartitionEstimator;
import edu.brown.utils.PartitionSet;
import edu.brown.utils.ProjectType;
import edu.brown.workload.QueryTrace;
import edu.brown.workload.TransactionTrace;

* Markov Model Graph
* @author svelagap
* @author pavlo
public class MarkovGraph extends AbstractDirectedGraph<MarkovVertex, MarkovEdge> implements Comparable<MarkovGraph> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3548405718926801012L;
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MarkovGraph.class);
    private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
    private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
    static {
        LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);

     * If this global parameter is set to true, then all of the MarkovGraphs will evaluate the
     * past partitions set at each vertex. If this is parameter is false, then all of the calculations
     * to determine the uniqueness of vertices will not include past partitions.
    public static final boolean USE_PAST_PARTITIONS = true;
     * The precision we care about for vertex probabilities
    public static final float PROBABILITY_EPSILON = 0.00001f;
     * TODO
    public static final int MIN_HITS_FOR_NO_ABORT = 5;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private final Procedure catalog_proc;

    /** Keep track of how many times we have used this graph for transactions */
    private transient int xact_count = 0;
    /** Keep track of how many times we have used this graph but the transaction mispredicted */
    private transient int xact_mispredict = 0;
    /** Percentage of how accurate this graph has been */
    private transient double xact_accuracy = 1.0;
    /** How many times have we recomputed the probabilities for this graph */
    private transient int recompute_count = 0;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Constructor
     * @param catalog_proc
    public MarkovGraph(Procedure catalog_proc){
        super((Database) catalog_proc.getParent());
        this.catalog_proc = catalog_proc;
     * Add the START, COMMIT, and ABORT vertices to the current graph
    public MarkovGraph initialize() {
        for (MarkovVertex.Type type : MarkovVertex.Type.values()) {
            switch (type) {
                case START:
                case COMMIT:
                case ABORT:
                    MarkovVertex v = MarkovUtil.getSpecialVertex(this.getDatabase(), type);
                    assert(v != null);
                    // IGNORE
            } // SWITCH
        return (this);
     * Returns true if this graph has been initialized
     * @return
    public boolean isInitialized() {
        boolean ret;
        if (cache_isInitialized == null) {
            ret = (this.vertices.isEmpty() == false);
            if (ret) this.cache_isInitialized = ret;
        } else {
            ret = this.cache_isInitialized.booleanValue();
        return (ret);
    private Boolean cache_isInitialized = null;
    public String toString() {
//        return (this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "<" + this.getProcedure().getName() + ", " + this.getBasePartition() + ">");
        String ret = this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "<" + this.getProcedure().getName() + ">";
        // ret += "/" + this.hashCode();
        return (ret);
    public int compareTo(MarkovGraph o) {
        assert(o != null);
        return (this.catalog_proc.compareTo(o.catalog_proc));

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Cached references to the special marker vertices
    private transient final MarkovVertex cache_specialVertices[] = new MarkovVertex[MarkovVertex.Type.values().length];
    private transient final Map<Statement, Collection<MarkovVertex>> cache_stmtVertices = new HashMap<Statement, Collection<MarkovVertex>>();
    private transient final Map<MarkovVertex, Collection<MarkovVertex>> cache_getSuccessors = new ConcurrentHashMap<MarkovVertex, Collection<MarkovVertex>>();
    public void buildCache() {
        for (Statement catalog_stmt : this.catalog_proc.getStatements().values()) {
            if (this.cache_stmtVertices.containsKey(catalog_stmt) == false)
                this.cache_stmtVertices.put(catalog_stmt, new HashSet<MarkovVertex>());
        } // FOR
        for (MarkovVertex v : this.getVertices()) {
            if (v.isQueryVertex()) {
                Statement catalog_stmt = v.getCatalogItem();
        } // FOR
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Return the Procedure catalog object that this Markov graph represents
     * @return
    public Procedure getProcedure() {
        return (this.catalog_proc);

     * Increases the weight between two vertices. Creates an edge if one does
     * not exist, then increments the source vertex's count and the edge's count
     * @param source the source vertex
     * @param dest the destination vertex
    public MarkovEdge addToEdge(MarkovVertex source, MarkovVertex dest) {
        assert(source != null);
        assert(dest != null);
        MarkovEdge e = this.findEdge(source, dest);
        if (e == null) {
            e = new MarkovEdge(this);
            this.addEdge(e, source, dest);
        return (e);
    public boolean addVertex(MarkovVertex v) {
        boolean ret = super.addVertex(v);
        if (ret) {
            if (v.isQueryVertex()) {
                Collection<MarkovVertex> stmt_vertices = this.cache_stmtVertices.get(v.getCatalogItem());
                if (stmt_vertices == null) {
                    stmt_vertices = new ArrayList<MarkovVertex>();
                    this.cache_stmtVertices.put((Statement)v.getCatalogItem(), stmt_vertices);
            } else {
                MarkovVertex.Type vtype = v.getType();
                int idx = vtype.ordinal();
                assert(this.cache_specialVertices[idx] == null) : "Trying add duplicate " + vtype + " vertex";
                this.cache_specialVertices[idx] = v;
        return (ret);

     * For the given Vertex type, return the special vertex
     * @param vtype - the Vertex type (cannot be a regular query)
     * @return the single vertex for that type 
    public MarkovVertex getSpecialVertex(MarkovVertex.Type vtype) {
        assert(vtype != MarkovVertex.Type.QUERY);
        MarkovVertex v = null;
        switch (vtype) {
            case START:
            case COMMIT:
            case ABORT: {
                v = this.cache_specialVertices[vtype.ordinal()];
                assert(v != null) : "The special vertex for type " + vtype + " is null";
                // Ignore others
        } // SWITCH
        return (v);
     * For the given Vertex type, return the special vertex
     * @param vtype - the Vertex type (cannot be a regular query)
     * @return the single vertex for that type 
    public MarkovVertex getFinishVertex(Status status) {
        MarkovVertex v = null;
        switch (status) {
            case OK:
                v = this.getSpecialVertex(MarkovVertex.Type.COMMIT);
            case ABORT_USER:
            case ABORT_GRACEFUL:
            case ABORT_MISPREDICT:
                v = this.getSpecialVertex(MarkovVertex.Type.ABORT);
                // Ignore others
        } // SWITCH
        return (v);

     * Get the start vertex for this MarkovGraph
     * @return
    public final MarkovVertex getStartVertex() {
        return (this.getSpecialVertex(MarkovVertex.Type.START));
     * Get the stop vertex for this MarkovGraph
     * @return
    public final MarkovVertex getCommitVertex() {
        return (this.getSpecialVertex(MarkovVertex.Type.COMMIT));
     * Get the abort vertex for this MarkovGraph
     * @return
    public final MarkovVertex getAbortVertex() {
        return (this.getSpecialVertex(MarkovVertex.Type.ABORT));
     * Get the vertex based on it's unique identifier. This is a combination of
     * the query, the partitions the query is touching and where the query is in
     * the transaction
     * @param a
     * @param partitions
     *            set of partitions this query is touching
     * @param queryInstanceIndex
     *            query's location in transactiontrace
     * @return
    protected MarkovVertex getVertex(Statement a, PartitionSet partitions, PartitionSet past_partitions, int queryInstanceIndex) {
        Collection<MarkovVertex> stmt_vertices = this.cache_stmtVertices.get(a);
        if (stmt_vertices == null) {
            stmt_vertices = this.cache_stmtVertices.get(a);
        for (MarkovVertex v : stmt_vertices) {
            if (v.isEqual(a, partitions, past_partitions, queryInstanceIndex)) {
                return v;
        return null;
    public Collection<MarkovVertex> getSuccessors(MarkovVertex vertex) {
        Collection<MarkovVertex> successors = this.cache_getSuccessors.get(vertex);
        if (successors == null) {
            synchronized (vertex) {
                // getSuccessors() can return null, but ConcurrentHashMap
                // doesn't allow null values.
                successors = super.getSuccessors(vertex);
                if (successors != null) {
                    this.cache_getSuccessors.put(vertex, successors);
            } // SYNCH
        return (successors);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Calculate the probabilities for this graph.
     * First we will reset all of the existing probabilities and then apply the instancehits to
     * the totalhits for each graph element
    public void calculateProbabilities(PartitionSet partitions) {
        // Reset all probabilities
        for (MarkovVertex v : this.getVertices()) {
        } // FOR
        for (MarkovVertex v : this.getVertices()) {
        for (MarkovEdge e : this.getEdges()) {
        // We first need to calculate the edge probabilities because the probabilities
        // at each vertex are going to be derived from these
        // Then traverse the graph and calculate the vertex probability tables

     * Calculate vertex probabilities
    private void calculateVertexProbabilities(PartitionSet partitions) {
        if (trace.val) LOG.trace("Calculating Vertex probabilities for " + this);
        new MarkovProbabilityCalculator(this, partitions).calculate();

     * Calculates the probabilities for each edge to be traversed
    private void calculateEdgeProbabilities() {
        Collection<MarkovVertex> vertices = this.getVertices();
        for (MarkovVertex v : vertices) {
            if (v.isQueryVertex() && v.getTotalHits() == 0) continue;
            for (MarkovEdge e : this.getOutEdges(v)) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed to calculate probabilities for edge %s -> %s", v, this.getDest(e)), ex)
     * Checks to make sure the graph doesn't contain nonsense. We make sure
     * execution times and probabilities all add up correctly.
     * @return whether graph contains sane data
    public boolean isValid() {
        try {
        } catch (InvalidGraphElementException ex) {
            return (false);
        return (true);
    public void validate() throws InvalidGraphElementException {
        if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Calling MarkovGraph.isValid(). This should never be done at runtime!");
        Map<Long, AbstractGraphElement> seen_ids = new HashMap<Long, AbstractGraphElement>();
        // Validate Edges
        for (MarkovEdge e : this.getEdges()) {
            // Make sure the edge thinks it's valid
            // Make sure that nobody else has the same element id
            if (seen_ids.containsKey(e.getElementId())) {
                String msg = String.format("Duplicate element id #%d: Edge[%s] <-> %s",
                                           e.getElementId(), e.toString(true),
                throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, e, msg);
            seen_ids.put(e.getElementId(), e);
        } // FOR
        // Validate Vertices
        Set<MarkovVertex> seen_vertices = new HashSet<MarkovVertex>();
        PartitionSet all_partitions = new PartitionSet();
        for (MarkovVertex v0 : this.getVertices()) {
            float total_prob = 0.0f;
            long total_edgehits = 0;
            // Make sure the vertex thinks it's valid
            Collection<MarkovEdge> outbound = this.getOutEdges(v0);
            Collection<MarkovEdge> inbound = this.getInEdges(v0);
            // Make sure that nobody else has the same element id
            if (seen_ids.containsKey(v0.getElementId())) {
                throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, v0, String.format("Duplicate element id #%d: Vertex[%s] <-> %s",
                                                                 v0.getElementId(), v0, seen_ids.get(v0.getElementId())));
            seen_ids.put(v0.getElementId(), v0);
            for (MarkovEdge e : outbound) {
                MarkovVertex v1 = this.getOpposite(v0, e);
                // Make sure that each vertex only has one edge to another vertex
                if (seen_vertices.contains(v1)) {
                    throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, v0, "Vertex has more than one edge to vertex " + v1);
                // The totalhits for this vertex should always be greater than or equal to the total hints for
                // all of its edges and equal to the sum
                if (v0.getTotalHits() < e.getTotalHits()) {
                    throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, v0, String.format("Vertex has %d totalHits but edge from %s to %s has %d",
                                                                                   v0.getTotalHits(), v0, v1, e.getTotalHits()));
                // Make sure that this the destination vertex has the same partitions as the past+current partitions
                // for the destination vertex
                if (v0.isQueryVertex() && v1.isQueryVertex() && v1.past_partitions.equals(all_partitions) == false) {
                    throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, e, "Destination vertex in edge does not have the correct past partitions");
                // Make sure that if the two vertices are for the same Statement, that
                // the source vertex's instance counter is one less than the destination
                if (v0.getCatalogKey().equals(v1.getCatalogKey())) {
                    if (v0.counter+1 != v1.counter) {
                        throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, e, String.format("Invalid edge in from multiple invocations of %s: %d+1 != %d",
                                                                                       this.catalog_proc.getName(), v0.counter, v1.counter));
                // Calculate total edge probabilities and hits
                total_prob += e.getProbability();
                total_edgehits += e.getTotalHits();
            } // FOR
            if (v0.isQueryVertex()) {
                if (MathUtil.equals(total_prob, 1.0f, MarkovGraph.PROBABILITY_EPSILON) == false && outbound.size() > 0) {
                    throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, v0, "Total outbound edge probability is not equal to one: " + total_prob);
                if (total_edgehits != v0.getTotalHits()) {
                    throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, v0, String.format("Vertex has %d totalHits but the sum of all its edges has %d",
                                                                                   v0.getTotalHits(), total_edgehits));
            total_prob = 0.0f;
            total_edgehits = 0;
            for (MarkovEdge e : inbound) {
                total_prob += e.getProbability();
                total_edgehits += e.getTotalHits();
            } // FOR
            if (MathUtil.greaterThan(total_prob, 0.0f, MarkovGraph.PROBABILITY_EPSILON) == false && inbound.size() > 0 && total_edgehits > 0) {
                throw new InvalidGraphElementException(this, v0, "Total inbound edge probability is not greater than zero: " + total_prob);
        } // FOR

    public boolean shouldRecompute(int instance_count, double recomputeTolerance) {
        double VERTEX_PROPORTION = 0.5f; // If VERTEX_PROPORTION of
        int count = 0;
        for (MarkovVertex v : this.getVertices()) {
            if (v.shouldRecompute(instance_count, recomputeTolerance, xact_count)) {
        return (count * 1.0 / getVertices().size()) >= VERTEX_PROPORTION;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * For a given TransactionTrace object, process its contents and update our graph
     * @param txn_trace - The TransactionTrace to process and update the graph with
     * @param pest - The PartitionEstimator to use for estimating where things go
    public List<MarkovVertex> processTransaction(TransactionTrace txn_trace, PartitionEstimator pest) throws Exception {
        Procedure catalog_proc = txn_trace.getCatalogItem(this.getDatabase());
        MarkovVertex previous = this.getStartVertex();
        previous.addExecutionTime(txn_trace.getStopTimestamp() - txn_trace.getStartTimestamp());

        final List<MarkovVertex> path = new ArrayList<MarkovVertex>();
        Map<Statement, AtomicInteger> query_instance_counters = new HashMap<Statement, AtomicInteger>();
        for (Statement catalog_stmt : catalog_proc.getStatements()) {
            query_instance_counters.put(catalog_stmt, new AtomicInteger(0));
        } // FOR
        final int base_partition = pest.getBasePartition(txn_trace);
        // The past partitions is all of the partitions that this txn has touched,
        // included the base partition where the java executes
        PartitionSet past_partitions = new PartitionSet();
        // XXX past_partitions.add(this.getBasePartition());
        // -----------QUERY TRACE-VERTEX CREATION--------------
        for (QueryTrace query_trace : txn_trace.getQueries()) {
            PartitionSet partitions = new PartitionSet();
            pest.getAllPartitions(partitions, query_trace, base_partition);
            assert(partitions != null);
            Statement catalog_stmnt = query_trace.getCatalogItem(this.getDatabase());

            int queryInstanceIndex = query_instance_counters.get(catalog_stmnt).getAndIncrement();
            MarkovVertex v = null;
            synchronized (previous) {
                v = this.getVertex(catalog_stmnt, partitions, past_partitions, queryInstanceIndex);
                if (v == null) {
                    // If no such vertex exists we simply create one
                    v = new MarkovVertex(catalog_stmnt, MarkovVertex.Type.QUERY, queryInstanceIndex, partitions, new PartitionSet(past_partitions));
                // Add to the edge between the previous vertex and the current one
                MarkovEdge e = this.addToEdge(previous, v);
                assert(e != null);
                // Annotate the vertex with remaining execution time
                v.addExecutionTime(txn_trace.getStopTimestamp() - query_trace.getStartTimestamp());
            } // SYNCH
            previous = v;
        } // FOR
        synchronized (previous) {
            MarkovVertex v = (txn_trace.isAborted() ? this.getAbortVertex() : this.getCommitVertex());
            assert(v != null);
            MarkovEdge e = this.addToEdge(previous, v);
            assert(e != null);
        } // SYNCH
        // -----------END QUERY TRACE-VERTEX CREATION--------------
        return (path);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Reset the instance hit counters
     * XXX: This assumes that this will not be manipulated concurrently, no
     * other transaction running at the same time
    public synchronized void resetCounters() {
        for (MarkovVertex v : this.getVertices()) {
        for (MarkovEdge e : this.getEdges()) {
     * @return The number of xacts used to make this MarkovGraph
    public int getTransactionCount() {
        return xact_count;
    public void setTransactionCount(int xact_count){
        this.xact_count = xact_count;
     * Increase the transaction count for this MarkovGraph by one
    public void incrementTransasctionCount() {
    public void incrementMispredictionCount() {
        if (this.xact_count > 0) this.xact_accuracy = (this.xact_count - this.xact_mispredict) / (double)this.xact_count;
    public double getAccuracyRatio() {
        return (this.xact_accuracy);
    public int getRecomputeCount() {
        return (this.recompute_count);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public void toJSON(JSONStringer stringer) throws JSONException {
        // Ignore any vertices with no totalhits
        Set<MarkovVertex> ignore = new HashSet<MarkovVertex>();
        for (MarkovVertex v : this.getVertices()) {
            if (v.isQueryVertex() && (v.instancehits == 0 && v.totalhits == 0)) ignore.add(v);
        GraphUtil.serialize(this, ignore, null, stringer);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public static void main(String vargs[]) throws Exception {
        ArgumentsParser args = ArgumentsParser.load(vargs);
        final PartitionEstimator p_estimator = new PartitionEstimator(args.catalogContext, args.hasher);
        Class<? extends MarkovGraphsContainer> containerClass = MarkovGraphsContainer.class;
        // Check whether we are generating the global graphs or the clustered versions
        Boolean global = args.getBooleanParam(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_MARKOV_GLOBAL);
        if (global != null && global == true) {
            containerClass = GlobalMarkovGraphsContainer.class;

        // TPCCMarkovGraphsContainer
        } else if (args.catalog_type == ProjectType.TPCC) {
            containerClass = TPCCMarkovGraphsContainer.class;
        // SEATSMarkovGraphsContainer
        } else if (args.catalog_type == ProjectType.SEATS) {
            containerClass = SEATSMarkovGraphsContainer.class;
        // AuctionMarkMarkovGraphsContainer
        } else if (args.catalog_type == ProjectType.AUCTIONMARK) {
            containerClass = AuctionMarkMarkovGraphsContainer.class;
        assert(containerClass != null);
        Map<Integer, MarkovGraphsContainer> markovs_map = null;

        // Check whether we want to update an existing collection of MarkovGraphsContainers
        if (args.hasParam(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_MARKOV)) {
            File path = args.getFileParam(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_MARKOV);
            markovs_map = MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.load(args.catalogContext, path);
            MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.setHasher(markovs_map, p_estimator.getHasher());
        if (markovs_map == null) {
            markovs_map = MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.createMarkovGraphsContainers(args.catalogContext,
        } else {
            markovs_map = MarkovGraphsContainerUtil.createMarkovGraphsContainers(args.catalogContext,
        // Save the graphs
        assert(markovs_map != null);
        File output = args.getFileParam(ArgumentsParser.PARAM_MARKOV_OUTPUT);"Writing graphs out to " + output);, output);

Related Classes of edu.brown.markov.MarkovGraph

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