package edu.brown.mappings;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONStringer;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.catalog.StmtParameter;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.JSONSerializable;
import edu.brown.utils.JSONUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil;
* Container class for all of the ParameterMappings for a single project.
* We maintain internal index structures to make it easier to find the proper ParameterMapping
* objects for various search arguments.
* @author pavlo
public class ParameterMappingsSet extends HashSet<ParameterMapping> implements JSONSerializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Dear son,
* This right here is nasty old boy! Don't do what Daddy did...
private final transient HashMap<Statement, StatementMappings> stmtIndex = new HashMap<Statement, StatementMappings>();
private final transient HashMap<Procedure, ProcedureMappings> procIndex = new HashMap<Procedure, ProcedureMappings>();
private final transient HashMap<ProcParameter, ProcParameterMappings> procParamIndex = new HashMap<ProcParameter, ProcParameterMappings>();
protected static class StatementMappings extends TreeMap<Integer, SortedMap<StmtParameter, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>>> { }
protected static class ProcedureMappings extends TreeMap<ProcParameter, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>> { }
protected static class ProcParameterMappings extends HashMap<Column, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>> { }
* Constructor
* @param catalogContext
public ParameterMappingsSet() {
// Nothing for now...
* Removes all of the elements from this set and the internal index.
public void clear() {
* Add a new ParameterMapping object for the given StmtParameter
* @param c
public boolean add(ParameterMapping c) {
assert(c != null);
Statement catalog_stmt = c.getStatement();
assert(catalog_stmt != null);
StmtParameter catalog_stmt_param = c.getStmtParameter();
assert(catalog_stmt_param != null);
Procedure catalog_proc = catalog_stmt.getParent();
assert(catalog_proc != null);
ProcParameter catalog_proc_param = c.getProcParameter();
Column catalog_col = c.getColumn();
// Procedure Index
if (!this.procIndex.containsKey(catalog_proc)) {
this.procIndex.put(catalog_proc, new ProcedureMappings());
if (!this.procIndex.get(catalog_proc).containsKey(catalog_proc_param)) {
this.procIndex.get(catalog_proc).put(catalog_proc_param, new TreeSet<ParameterMapping>());
// ProcParameter->Column Index
if (catalog_col != null) {
ProcParameterMappings m = this.procParamIndex.get(catalog_proc_param);
if (m == null) {
m = new ProcParameterMappings();
this.procParamIndex.put(catalog_proc_param, m);
if (m.containsKey(catalog_col) == false) {
m.put(catalog_col, new TreeSet<ParameterMapping>());
// Statement Index
if (!this.stmtIndex.containsKey(catalog_stmt)) {
this.stmtIndex.put(catalog_stmt, new StatementMappings());
if (!this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).containsKey(c.getStatementIndex())) {
this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).put(c.getStatementIndex(), new TreeMap<StmtParameter, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>>());
if (!this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).get(c.getStatementIndex()).containsKey(catalog_stmt_param)) {
this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).get(c.getStatementIndex()).put(catalog_stmt_param, new TreeSet<ParameterMapping>());
// Now add it to our internal set
return (super.add(c));
* Return the ParameterMappings for the StmtParameter in the Statement
* executed at the provided offset
* @param catalog_stmt
* @param catalog_stmt_index The # of times that this Statement has already been executed
* @param catalog_stmt_param
* @return
public Collection<ParameterMapping> get(Statement catalog_stmt, int catalog_stmt_index, StmtParameter catalog_stmt_param) {
assert(catalog_stmt != null);
assert(catalog_stmt_index >= 0);
assert(catalog_stmt_param != null);
Collection<ParameterMapping> ret = null;
StatementMappings mappings = this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt);
if (mappings != null && mappings.containsKey(catalog_stmt_index)) {
ret = mappings.get(catalog_stmt_index).get(catalog_stmt_param);
return (ret);
* Return the ParameterMappings for the StmtParameter offset in the Statement
* @param catalog_stmt
* @param catalog_stmt_index The # of times that this Statement has already been executed
* @param catalog_stmt_param_index
* @return
public Collection<ParameterMapping> get(Statement catalog_stmt, int catalog_stmt_index, int catalog_stmt_param_index) {
assert(catalog_stmt != null);
assert(catalog_stmt_index >= 0);
assert(catalog_stmt_param_index < catalog_stmt.getParameters().size());
return (this.get(catalog_stmt, catalog_stmt_index, catalog_stmt.getParameters().values()[catalog_stmt_param_index]));
* Return a mapping from StmtParameters to ParameterMapping
* @param catalog_stmt The Statement to retrieve the mappings for
* @param catalog_stmt_index The # of times that this Statement has already been executed
* @return
public Map<StmtParameter, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>> get(Statement catalog_stmt, Integer catalog_stmt_index) {
StatementMappings mappings = this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt);
if (mappings != null) {
return (mappings.get(catalog_stmt_index));
return (null);
* Get all of the ParameterMapping for this StmtParameter, regardless of the catalog_stmt_index
* @param catalog_stmt
* @param catalog_stmt_param
* @return
protected Collection<ParameterMapping> get(Statement catalog_stmt, StmtParameter catalog_stmt_param) {
assert(catalog_stmt != null);
assert(catalog_stmt_param != null);
Collection<ParameterMapping> set = new TreeSet<ParameterMapping>();
StatementMappings mappings = this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt);
if (mappings != null) {
for (SortedMap<StmtParameter, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>> m : mappings.values()) {
if (m.containsKey(catalog_stmt_param)) {
} // FOR
return (set);
* Return a sorted list of the ParameterMapping for this ProcParameter regardless of ProcParameter index
* @param catalog_proc_param
* @return
public Collection<ParameterMapping> get(ProcParameter catalog_proc_param) {
assert(catalog_proc_param != null);
Procedure catalog_proc = catalog_proc_param.getParent();
assert(catalog_proc != null);
Collection<ParameterMapping> ret = null;
ProcedureMappings mappings = this.procIndex.get(catalog_proc);
if (mappings != null && mappings.containsKey(catalog_proc_param)) {
ret = this.procIndex.get(catalog_proc).get(catalog_proc_param);
return (ret);
* Return all of the ParameterMappings for the given ProcParameter that are mapped to
* a particular Column via the StmtParameter.
* <B>NOTE:</B> If you have to ask, then you probably don't need this method...
* @param catalog_proc_param
* @param catalog_col
* @return
public Collection<ParameterMapping> get(ProcParameter catalog_proc_param, Column catalog_col) {
assert(catalog_proc_param != null);
assert(catalog_col != null);
Collection<ParameterMapping> ret = null;
ProcParameterMappings mappings = this.procParamIndex.get(catalog_proc_param);
if (mappings != null) {
ret = mappings.get(catalog_col);
return (ret);
* Convenience method to return all of the ParameterMappings for a Procedure
* @param catalog_proc
* @return
public Collection<ParameterMapping> get(Procedure catalog_proc) {
Collection<ParameterMapping> ret = new ArrayList<ParameterMapping>();
for (ProcParameter catalog_param : catalog_proc.getParameters()) {
} // FOR
return (ret);
* Convenience method to return all of the ParameterMappings for a Statement
* @param catalog_stmt
* @return
protected StatementMappings get(Statement catalog_stmt) {
return (this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt));
public String debug() {
return (this.debug(this.stmtIndex.keySet()));
public String debug(Statement...catalog_stmts) {
return (this.debug(CollectionUtil.addAll(new ArrayList<Statement>(), catalog_stmts)));
public String debug(Collection<Statement> catalog_stmts) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Statement catalog_stmt : catalog_stmts) {
if (this.stmtIndex.containsKey(catalog_stmt)) {
int num_instances = this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).size();
sb.append(catalog_stmt.getName() + " [# of Instances=" + num_instances + "]\n");
for (Integer catalog_stmt_index : this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).keySet()) {
if (num_instances > 1) sb.append(String.format(" Instance #%02d:\n", catalog_stmt_index));
if (this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).containsKey(catalog_stmt_index)) {
SortedMap<StmtParameter, SortedSet<ParameterMapping>> params = this.stmtIndex.get(catalog_stmt).get(catalog_stmt_index);
for (StmtParameter catalog_stmt_param : params.keySet()) {
for (ParameterMapping c : params.get(catalog_stmt_param)) {
sb.append(" " + c + "\n");
} // FOR (correlation)
} // FOR (catalog_stmt_param)
} else {
sb.append(" <NONE>\n");
} // FOR (catalog_stmt_index)
} // FOR (catalot_stmt)
return (sb.toString());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void load(File input_path, Database catalog_db) throws IOException {
JSONUtil.load(this, catalog_db, input_path);
public void save(File output_path) throws IOException {, output_path);
public String toJSONString() {
return (JSONUtil.toJSONString(this));
public void toJSON(JSONStringer stringer) throws JSONException {
for (ParameterMapping c : this) {
assert(c != null);
} // FOR
public void fromJSON(JSONObject object, Database catalog_db) throws JSONException {
JSONArray json_array = object.getJSONArray("MAPPINGS");
for (int i = 0, cnt = json_array.length(); i < cnt; i++) {
JSONObject json_object = json_array.getJSONObject(i);
ParameterMapping c = new ParameterMapping();
c.fromJSON(json_object, catalog_db);
} // FOR
assert(json_array.length() == this.size());