package edu.brown.hstore.util;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.VoltMapReduceProcedure;
import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.ServerFaultException;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreConstants;
import edu.brown.hstore.HStoreSite;
import edu.brown.hstore.PartitionExecutor;
import edu.brown.hstore.callbacks.SendDataCallback;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.AbstractTransaction;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.LocalTransaction;
import edu.brown.hstore.txns.MapReduceTransaction;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.utils.PartitionEstimator;
* Special helper thread for executing non-blocking operations in MapReduce transactions.
* @author pavlo
* @author xin
public class MapReduceHelperThread extends AbstractProcessingRunnable<MapReduceTransaction> {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MapReduceHelperThread.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
static {
LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);
private final PartitionEstimator p_estimator;
public MapReduceHelperThread(HStoreSite hstore_site) {
new LinkedBlockingDeque<MapReduceTransaction>(),
this.p_estimator = hstore_site.getPartitionEstimator();
public void queue(MapReduceTransaction ts) {
protected void processingCallback(MapReduceTransaction ts) {
// Take all of the Map output tables and perform the shuffle operation
if (ts.isShufflePhase()) {
if (ts.isReducePhase() && == false) {
// public void map(final MapReduceTransaction mr_ts) {
// // Runtime
// VoltProcedure volt_proc = this.executor.getVoltProcedure(mr_ts.getInvocation().getProcName());
// if (hstore_site.getLocalPartitionIds().contains(mr_ts.getBasePartition()) && !mr_ts.isBasePartition_map_runed()) {
// if (debug.val)
// LOG.debug(String.format("TXN: %s $$$1 non-blocking map, partition:%d", mr_ts, volt_proc.getPartitionId()));
// volt_proc.setPartitionId(mr_ts.getBasePartition());
// if (debug.val)
// LOG.debug(String.format("TXN: %s $$$2 non-blocking map, partition:%d", mr_ts, volt_proc.getPartitionId()));
// assert(execState != null);
// execState.clear();
// mr_ts.setExecutionState(execState);
//, mr_ts.getInitiateTaskMessage().getParameters());
// } else {
// for (int partition : hstore_site.getLocalPartitionIds()) {
// if (debug.val)
// LOG.debug(String.format("TXN: %s $$$3 non-blocking map, partition called on:%d", mr_ts, partition));
// if (partition != mr_ts.getBasePartition()) {
// LocalTransaction ts = mr_ts.getLocalTransaction(partition);
// if (debug.val)
// LOG.debug(String.format("TXN: %s $$$4 non-blocking map, partition called on:%d", mr_ts, partition));
// volt_proc.setPartitionId(partition);
// execState.clear();
// ts.setExecutionState(execState);
//, mr_ts.getInitiateTaskMessage().getParameters());
// }
// }
// }
// }
* Loop through all of the MAP output tables from the txn handle For
* each of those, iterate through the table row-by-row and use the
* PartitionEstimator to determine what partition you need to send the
* row to.
* @see LoadMultipartitionTable.createNonReplicatedPlan() Partitions
* Then you will use HStoreCoordinator.sendData() to send the
* partitioned table data to each of the partitions. Once that is
* all done, clean things up and invoke the network-outbound
* callback stored in the TransactionMapWrapperCallback
protected void shuffle(final MapReduceTransaction ts) {
// create a table for each partition
Map<Integer, VoltTable> partitionedTables = new HashMap<Integer, VoltTable>();
for (Integer partition : hstore_site.getCatalogContext().getAllPartitionIds()) {
partitionedTables.put(partition, CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(ts.getMapEmit()));
} // FOR
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(String.format("Created %d VoltTables for SHUFFLE phase of %s", partitionedTables.size(), ts));
VoltTable table = null;
int rp = -1;
for (int partition : this.hstore_site.getLocalPartitionIds()) {
table = ts.getMapOutputByPartition(partition);
assert (table != null) : String.format("Missing MapOutput table for txn #%d", ts.getTransactionId());
while (table.advanceRow()) {
int rowPartition = -1;
try {
rowPartition = p_estimator.getTableRowPartition(ts.getMapEmit(), table);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.fatal("Failed to split input table into partitions", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(Arrays.toString(table.getRowArray()) + " => " + rowPartition);
assert (rowPartition >= 0);
// this adds the active row from table
rp = rowPartition;
} // WHILE
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(String.format("<SendTable to Dest Partition>:%d\n %s", rp, partitionedTables.get(rp)));
} // FOR
// The SendDataCallback should invoke the TransactionMapCallback to tell it that
// the SHUFFLE phase is complete and that we need to send a message back to the
// transaction's base partition to let it know that the MAP phase is complete
SendDataCallback sendData_callback = ts.getSendDataCallback();
sendData_callback.init(ts, new RpcCallback<AbstractTransaction>() {
public void run(AbstractTransaction parameter) {
this.hstore_site.getCoordinator().sendData(ts, partitionedTables, sendData_callback);
* Non-blocking REDUCE phase execution.
* @param mr_ts
public void reduce(final MapReduceTransaction mr_ts) {
// Runtime
int basePartition = mr_ts.getBasePartition();
Procedure catalog_proc = mr_ts.getProcedure();
// XXX: Why do we need to have a distinction between the base partition and all
// of the other partitions?
if (hstore_site.isLocalPartition(basePartition) && mr_ts.isBasePartitionReduceExec() == false) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(String.format("TXN: %s $$$2 non-blocking reduce, partition:%d",
mr_ts, basePartition));
VoltMapReduceProcedure<?> volt_proc = this.getVoltMapReduceProcedure(catalog_proc, basePartition);, mr_ts.getProcedureParameters());
// Local partitions at this site that are not the base partition
else {
for (int partition : hstore_site.getLocalPartitionIds().values()) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(String.format("TXN: %s $$$3 non-blocking reduce, partition called on:%d",
mr_ts, partition));
if (partition != basePartition) {
LocalTransaction ts = mr_ts.getLocalTransaction(partition);
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(String.format("TXN: %s $$$4 non-blocking reduce, partition called on:%d",
mr_ts, partition));
VoltMapReduceProcedure<?> volt_proc = this.getVoltMapReduceProcedure(catalog_proc, partition);, ts.getProcedureParameters());
} // FOR
* Returns the VoltMapReduceProcedure handle for the given Procedure that
* is initialized for the specific partition.
* @param catalog_proc
* @param partition
* @return
protected VoltMapReduceProcedure<?> getVoltMapReduceProcedure(Procedure catalog_proc, int partition) {
PartitionExecutor executor = hstore_site.getPartitionExecutor(partition);
VoltMapReduceProcedure<?> volt_proc = null;
// TODO: We are creating a new instance every single time per partition.
// We can probably cache these...
// Only try to load the Java class file for the SP if it has one
Class<? extends VoltProcedure> p_class = null;
final String className = catalog_proc.getClassname();
try {
p_class = (Class<? extends VoltMapReduceProcedure<?>>)Class.forName(className);
volt_proc = (VoltMapReduceProcedure<?>)p_class.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServerFaultException("Failed to created VoltProcedure instance for " + catalog_proc.getName() , e);
volt_proc.init(executor, catalog_proc, executor.getBackendTarget());
return (volt_proc);