package edu.brown.graphs;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONStringer;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.utils.NotImplementedException;
import edu.brown.utils.JSONSerializable;
import edu.brown.utils.JSONUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil;
public abstract class AbstractGraphElement implements JSONSerializable, Comparable<AbstractGraphElement> {
// private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AbstractGraphElement.class.getName());
private Map<IGraph<?, ?>, Map<String, Object>> attributes;
private Long element_id;
private transient boolean enable_verbose = false;
private static final AtomicLong NEXT_ELEMENT_ID = new AtomicLong(1000);
public AbstractGraphElement() {
// Nothing...
* Copies the attributes from all the graphs from another vertex into
* the attribute set for this vertex
* @param graph
* @param copy
public AbstractGraphElement(IGraph<?, ?> graph, AbstractGraphElement copy) {
if (copy != null) {
for (IGraph<?, ?> copy_graph : copy.attributes.keySet()) {
for (String key : copy.getAttributes(copy_graph)) {
Object value = copy.getAttribute(copy_graph, key);
this.setAttribute(graph, key, value);
} // FOR
} // FOR
private Map<IGraph<?, ?>, Map<String, Object>> lazyAttributeAllocation() {
if (this.attributes == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (this.attributes == null) {
this.attributes = new HashMap<IGraph<?, ?>, Map<String,Object>>();
} // SYNCH
return (this.attributes);
public int compareTo(AbstractGraphElement o) {
if (o != null) {
Long id0 = this.getElementId();
Long id1 = o.getElementId();
return (id0.compareTo(id1));
return -1;
private long computeElementId() {
return (NEXT_ELEMENT_ID.getAndIncrement());
public Long getElementId() {
if (this.element_id == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (this.element_id == null) this.element_id = computeElementId();
} // SYNCH
return this.element_id;
public Set<String> getAttributes(IGraph<?, ?> graph) {
Set<String> ret = null;
if (this.attributes.containsKey(graph)) {
ret = this.attributes.get(graph).keySet();
return (ret);
public Map<IGraph<?, ?>, Map<String, Object>> getAllAttributeValues() {
return (this.attributes);
public Map<String, Object> getAttributeValues(IGraph<?, ?> graph) {
return (this.attributes.get(graph));
public boolean hasAttribute(IGraph<?, ?> graph, String key) {
return (this.attributes.containsKey(graph) && this.attributes.get(graph).containsKey(key));
public <T> T getAttribute(IGraph<?, ?> graph, String key) {
return (this.attributes.containsKey(graph) ? (T)this.attributes.get(graph).get(key) : null);
public <T, E extends Enum<?>> T getAttribute(IGraph<?, ?> graph, E e) {
return ((T)this.getAttribute(graph,;
public <T> void setAttribute(IGraph<?, ?> graph, String key, T value) {
if (!this.attributes.containsKey(graph)) {
this.attributes.put(graph, new HashMap<String, Object>());
this.attributes.get(graph).put(key, value);
public <T, E extends Enum<?>> void setAttribute(IGraph<?, ?> graph, E key, T value) {
this.setAttribute(graph,, value);
public void copyAttributes(IGraph<?, ?> graph0, IGraph<?, ?> graph1) {
for (String key : this.getAttributes(graph0)) {
this.setAttribute(graph1, key, this.getAttribute(graph0, key));
} // FOR
* Enable verbose output when toString() is called
* @param enableVerbose
public void setVerbose(boolean enableVerbose) {
this.enable_verbose = enableVerbose;
public boolean getVerbose() {
return (this.enable_verbose);
public String debug() {
String ret = this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "{" + this.toString() + "}\n";
for (IGraph<?, ?> graph : this.attributes.keySet()) {
ret += this.debug(graph);
} // FOR
return (ret);
public String debug(IGraph<?, ?> graph) {
String ret = StringUtil.SPACER + graph + "\n";
for (String key : this.attributes.get(graph).keySet()) {
ret += StringUtil.SPACER + StringUtil.SPACER + key + ": " + this.attributes.get(graph).get(key) + "\n";
} // FOR
return (ret);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected abstract void toJSONStringImpl(JSONStringer stringer) throws JSONException;
protected abstract void fromJSONObjectImpl(JSONObject object, Database catalog_db) throws JSONException;
public String toJSONString() {
return (JSONUtil.toJSONString(this));
public void toJSON(JSONStringer stringer) throws JSONException {
public void load(File input_path, Database catalog_db) throws IOException {
throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot load a " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " from a file");
public void save(File output_path) throws IOException {
throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot save a " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " to a file");
* For a given Enum, write out the contents of the corresponding field to the JSONObject
* We assume that the given object has matching fields that correspond to the Enum members, except
* that their names are lower case.
* @param <E>
* @param stringer
* @param members
* @throws JSONException
protected <E extends Enum<?>> void fieldsToJSONString(JSONStringer stringer, Class<? extends AbstractGraphElement> base_class, E members[]) throws JSONException {
JSONUtil.fieldsToJSON(stringer, this, base_class, members);
public void fromJSON(JSONObject object, Database catalog_db) throws JSONException {
this.element_id = object.getLong("ELEMENT_ID");
this.fromJSONObjectImpl(object, catalog_db);
* For the given enum, load in the values from the JSON object into the current object
* @param <E>
* @param object
* @param catalog_db
* @param members
* @throws JSONException
protected <E extends Enum<?>> void fieldsFromJSONObject(JSONObject object, Database catalog_db, Class<? extends AbstractGraphElement> base_class, E members[]) throws JSONException {
JSONUtil.fieldsFromJSON(object, catalog_db, this, base_class, members);