package edu.brown.designer.partitioners;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.commons.collections15.set.ListOrderedSet;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.types.QueryType;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogKey;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogPair;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.catalog.DependencyUtil;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.MultiColumn;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.MultiProcParameter;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.ReplicatedColumn;
import edu.brown.designer.AccessGraph;
import edu.brown.designer.DependencyGraph;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerEdge;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerHints;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerInfo;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerVertex;
import edu.brown.graphs.IGraph;
import edu.brown.graphs.VertexTreeWalker;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.mappings.ParameterMapping;
import edu.brown.mappings.ParameterMappingsSet;
import edu.brown.statistics.Histogram;
import edu.brown.statistics.ObjectHistogram;
import edu.brown.statistics.TableStatistics;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.MathUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.PredicatePairs;
public abstract class PartitionerUtil {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PartitionerUtil.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
static {
LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);
* @param <T>
private static class CatalogWeightComparator<T extends CatalogType> implements Comparator<T> {
private final Map<T, Double> weights;
public CatalogWeightComparator(Map<T, Double> weights) {
this.weights = weights;
public int compare(T t0, T t1) {
Double w0 = this.weights.get(t0);
assert (w0 != null) : "Missing weight for " + t0;
Double w1 = this.weights.get(t1);
assert (w1 != null) : "Missing weight for " + t1;
if (w0.equals(w1))
return (t0.getName().compareTo(t1.getName()));
return (w1.compareTo(w0));
* Returns true if a procedure should be ignored in any calculations or
* decision making
* @param hints
* @param catalog_proc
* @return
public static boolean shouldIgnoreProcedure(final DesignerHints hints, final Procedure catalog_proc) {
assert (catalog_proc != null);
// Ignore criteria:
// (1) The procedure is a sysproc
// (2) The procedure doesn't have any input parameters (meaning it just
// have to be randomly assigned)
// (3) The procedure is set to be ignored in the given DesignerHints
boolean ignore = PartitionerUtil.isPartitionable(catalog_proc) == false;
if (hints != null && ignore == false) {
ignore = hints.shouldIgnoreProcedure(catalog_proc);
return (ignore);
* Returns true if this Proce
* @param catalog_proc
* @return
public static boolean isPartitionable(Procedure catalog_proc) {
assert (catalog_proc != null);
return (!catalog_proc.getSystemproc() && catalog_proc.getParameters().size() > 0);
* Generate the ordered list of Procedures that we need to visit for
* partitioning
* @param catalog_db
* @param hints
* @return
* @throws Exception
public LinkedList<String> generateProcedureOrder(final DesignerInfo info, final Database catalog_db, final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Generating Procedure visit order");
final Map<Procedure, Double> proc_weights = new HashMap<Procedure, Double>();
Histogram<String> hist = info.workload.getProcedureHistogram();
TreeSet<Procedure> proc_visit_order = new TreeSet<Procedure>(new PartitionerUtil.CatalogWeightComparator<Procedure>(proc_weights));
for (Procedure catalog_proc : catalog_db.getProcedures()) {
if (catalog_proc.getSystemproc())
String proc_key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_proc);
Long weight = hist.get(proc_key);
if (weight != null && weight.longValue() > 0) {
proc_weights.put(catalog_proc, weight.doubleValue());
} // FOR
// Convert to CatalogKeys
LinkedList<String> ret = new LinkedList<String>();
for (Procedure catalog_proc : proc_visit_order)
return (ret);
* @param catalog_db
* @param hints
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static ListOrderedSet<String> generateProcParameterOrder(final DesignerInfo info, final Database catalog_db, final Procedure catalog_proc, final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
// HACK: Reload the correlations file so that we can get the proper
// catalog objects
ParameterMappingsSet mappings = info.getMappings();
assert (mappings != null);
// ParameterCorrelations correlations = new ParameterCorrelations();
// assert(info.getCorrelationsFile() != null) :
// "The correlations file path was not set";
// correlations.load(info.getCorrelationsFile(), catalog_db);
// For each procedure, we need to generate a list of potential
// partitioning parameters
String proc_key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_proc);
assert (proc_key != null);
// For each ProcParameter, get a list of the correlations that can be
// mapped to the partitioning columns
// of tables. We will generate a total weight for each ProcParameter
final Map<ProcParameter, List<Double>> param_correlations = new HashMap<ProcParameter, List<Double>>();
// Get the list of tables accessed by this procedure
for (Table catalog_tbl : CatalogUtil.getReferencedTables(catalog_proc)) {
if (catalog_tbl.getIsreplicated())
Column catalog_col = catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn();
for (ProcParameter catalog_proc_param : catalog_proc.getParameters()) {
// Skip if this is an array
if (hints.enable_array_procparameter_candidates == false && catalog_proc_param.getIsarray())
if (!param_correlations.containsKey(catalog_proc_param)) {
param_correlations.put(catalog_proc_param, new ArrayList<Double>());
// Special Case: MultiProcParameter
if (catalog_proc_param instanceof MultiProcParameter) {
if (hints.enable_multi_partitioning) {
MultiProcParameter mpp = (MultiProcParameter) catalog_proc_param;
for (ProcParameter inner : mpp) {
// Divide the values by the number of attributes in
// mpp so that we take the average
Collection<ParameterMapping> pms = mappings.get(inner, catalog_col);
if (pms != null) {
for (ParameterMapping c : pms) {
param_correlations.get(catalog_proc_param).add(c.getCoefficient() / (double) mpp.size());
} // FOR (ParameterMapping)
} // FOR
} else {
Collection<ParameterMapping> pms = mappings.get(catalog_proc_param, catalog_col);
if (pms != null) {
for (ParameterMapping c : pms) {
} // FOR (Correlation)
} // FOR (ProcParameter)
} // FOR (Table)
// The weights for each ProcParameter will be the geometric mean of the
// correlation coefficients
Map<ProcParameter, Double> param_weights = new HashMap<ProcParameter, Double>();
for (Entry<ProcParameter, List<Double>> e : param_correlations.entrySet()) {
List<Double> weights_list = e.getValue();
if (!weights_list.isEmpty()) {
double weights[] = new double[weights_list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++)
weights[i] = weights_list.get(i);
double mean = MathUtil.geometricMean(weights, MathUtil.GEOMETRIC_MEAN_ZERO);
param_weights.put(e.getKey(), mean);
} // FOR
// Convert to CatalogKeys
ListOrderedSet<String> ret = new ListOrderedSet<String>();
// If there were no matches, then we'll just include all of the
// attributes
if (param_weights.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.warn("No parameter correlations found for " + catalog_proc.getName() + ". Returning all candidates!");
for (ProcParameter catalog_proc_param : catalog_proc.getParameters()) {
if (hints.enable_multi_partitioning || !(catalog_proc_param instanceof MultiProcParameter)) {
} // FOR
} else {
List<ProcParameter> param_visit_order = new ArrayList<ProcParameter>(param_weights.keySet());
Collections.sort(param_visit_order, new PartitionerUtil.CatalogWeightComparator<ProcParameter>(param_weights));
for (ProcParameter catalog_proc_param : param_visit_order)
} // FOR
return (ret);
* Generate an ordered list of the tables that define how we should traverse
* the search tree
* @param agraph
* @param hints
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static List<Table> generateTableOrder(final DesignerInfo info, final AccessGraph agraph, final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
final List<Table> table_visit_order = new ArrayList<Table>();
// Put small read-only tables at the top of the list so that we can try
// everything with replicating them first
if (hints.force_replication_size_limit != null) {
final Map<Table, Double> replication_weights = new HashMap<Table, Double>();
final TreeSet<Table> temp_list = new TreeSet<Table>(new PartitionerUtil.CatalogWeightComparator<Table>(replication_weights));
for (Table catalog_tbl : info.catalogContext.database.getTables()) {
TableStatistics ts = info.stats.getTableStatistics(catalog_tbl);
assert (ts != null);
double size_ratio = ts.tuple_size_total / (double) hints.max_memory_per_partition;
if (ts.readonly && size_ratio <= hints.force_replication_size_limit) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(catalog_tbl) + " is read-only and only " + String.format("%.02f", (size_ratio * 100)) + "% of total memory. Forcing replication...");
replication_weights.put(catalog_tbl, size_ratio);
} // FOR
for (Table catalog_tbl : temp_list) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Forced Replication: " + table_visit_order);
for (DesignerVertex root : PartitionerUtil.createCandidateRoots(info, hints, agraph)) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Examining edges for candidate root '" + root.getCatalogItem().getName() + "'");
// From each candidate root, traverse the graph in breadth first
// order based on
// the edge weights in the AccessGraph
new VertexTreeWalker<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge>(info.dgraph, VertexTreeWalker.TraverseOrder.BREADTH) {
protected void populate_children(VertexTreeWalker.Children<DesignerVertex> children, DesignerVertex element) {
// For the current element, look at all of its children and
// count up the total
// weight of all the edges to each child
final Map<Table, Double> vertex_weights = new HashMap<Table, Double>();
DependencyGraph dgraph = (DependencyGraph) this.getGraph();
if (agraph.containsVertex(element)) {
for (DesignerVertex child : dgraph.getSuccessors(element)) {
Table child_tbl = child.getCatalogItem();
DesignerVertex child_vertex = this.getGraph().getVertex(child_tbl);
if (agraph.containsVertex(child_vertex)) {
for (DesignerEdge edge : agraph.findEdgeSet(element, child_vertex)) {
Double orig_weight = vertex_weights.get(child_tbl);
if (orig_weight == null)
orig_weight = 0.0d;
vertex_weights.put(child_tbl, orig_weight + edge.getTotalWeight());
} // FOR
} // FOR
// Now sort the children them by weights and throw them at
// the walker
List<Table> sorted = new ArrayList<Table>(vertex_weights.keySet());
Collections.sort(sorted, new PartitionerUtil.CatalogWeightComparator<Table>(vertex_weights));
for (Table child_tbl : sorted) {
} // FOR
if (debug.val) {
LOG.debug(" sorted=" + sorted);
LOG.debug(" weights=" + vertex_weights);
LOG.debug(" children=" + children);
protected void callback(DesignerVertex element) {
Table catalog_tbl = element.getCatalogItem();
if (!table_visit_order.contains(catalog_tbl)) {
} // FOR
// Remove ignored tables.
if (hints.ignore_tables.isEmpty() == false) {
Set<Table> toRemove = new HashSet<Table>();
for (Table tbl : table_visit_order) {
if (hints.ignore_tables.contains(tbl.getName())) {
} // FOR
// Add in any missing tables to the end of the list
// This can occur if there are tables that do not appear in the
// AccessGraph for whatever reason
// Note that we have to traverse the graph so that we don't try to plan
// a parent before a child
// for (DesignerVertex root : info.dgraph.getRoots()) {
// if (trace.val)
// LOG.trace("Creating table visit order starting from root " + root);
// new VertexTreeWalker<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge>(info.dgraph,
// VertexTreeWalker.TraverseOrder.BREADTH) {
// protected void callback(DesignerVertex element) {
// Table catalog_tbl = element.getCatalogItem();
// assert(catalog_tbl != null);
// String table_key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_tbl);
// if (!table_visit_order.contains(table_key)) {
// if (debug.val) LOG.warn("Added " + catalog_tbl +
// " because it does not appear in the AccessGraph");
// table_visit_order.add(table_key);
// }
// };
// }.traverse(root);
// if (table_visit_order.size() == info.catalog_db.getTables().size())
// break;
// } // FOR
return (table_visit_order);
* For a given table, generate the search order of its columns
* @param agraph
* @param catalog_tbl
* @param hints
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static List<Column> generateColumnOrder(final DesignerInfo info, final AccessGraph agraph, final Table catalog_tbl, final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
return (PartitionerUtil.generateColumnOrder(info, agraph, catalog_tbl, hints, false, false));
* @param info
* @param agraph
* @param catalog_tbl
* @param hints
* @param no_replication
* @param force_replication_last
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static List<Column> generateColumnOrder(final DesignerInfo info, final AccessGraph agraph, final Table catalog_tbl, final DesignerHints hints, boolean no_replication,
boolean force_replication_last) throws Exception {
assert (agraph != null);
final List<Column> ret = new ArrayList<Column>();
final String table_key = CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_tbl);
// Force columns in hints
Collection<Column> force_columns = hints.getForcedTablePartitionCandidates(catalog_tbl);
if (!force_columns.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Force " + catalog_tbl + " candidates: " + force_columns);
for (Column catalog_col : force_columns) {
return (ret);
// Get a list of this table's attributes that were used in the workload.
// Luckily, the AccessGraph
// already has that for us. We'll sort them by their weights so that we
// traverse the likely
// best candidate first, thereby pruning other branches more quickly
final Map<Column, Double> column_weights = new HashMap<Column, Double>();
// SortedMap<Double, Collection<Column>> weighted_columnsets = new
// TreeMap<Double, Collection<Column>>(Collections.reverseOrder());
DesignerVertex vertex = agraph.getVertex(catalog_tbl);
assert (vertex != null) : "No vertex exists in AccesGraph for " + catalog_tbl;
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Retreiving edges for " + vertex + " from AccessGraph");
Collection<DesignerEdge> edges = agraph.getIncidentEdges(vertex);
if (edges == null) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.warn("No edges were found for " + vertex + " in AccessGraph");
} else {
for (DesignerEdge edge : agraph.getIncidentEdges(vertex)) {
PredicatePairs orig_cset = (PredicatePairs) edge.getAttribute(;
assert (orig_cset != null);
// Skip any ColumnSets that were used only for INSERTs
PredicatePairs cset = new PredicatePairs();
for (CatalogPair entry : orig_cset) {
if (!(entry.containsQueryType(QueryType.INSERT) && entry.getQueryTypeCount() == 1)) {
} // FOR
double edge_weight = edge.getTotalWeight();
for (Column catalog_col : cset.findAllForParent(Column.class, catalog_tbl)) {
Double column_weight = column_weights.get(catalog_col);
if (column_weight == null)
column_weight = 0.0d;
column_weights.put(catalog_col, column_weight + edge_weight);
} // FOR
} // FOR
// Increase the weight of the columns based on the number foreign key
// descendants they have
DependencyUtil dependencies = DependencyUtil.singleton(CatalogUtil.getDatabase(catalog_tbl));
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Calculating descendants for columns");
for (Entry<Column, Double> entry : column_weights.entrySet()) {
Column catalog_col = entry.getKey();
Double weight = entry.getValue();
int descendants = dependencies.getDescendants(catalog_col).size();
column_weights.put(catalog_col, weight * (descendants + 1));
if (descendants > 0)
LOG.debug(" " + catalog_col + ": " + descendants);
} // FOR
// Now sort them by the weights
// TODO: Do we want to consider ancestory paths? Like what if there is a
// foreign key that is
// used down in a bunch of children tables? Well, then if they are
// really important relationships,
// they will show up with greater weights in the
List<Column> sorted = new ArrayList<Column>(column_weights.keySet());
Collections.sort(sorted, new PartitionerUtil.CatalogWeightComparator<Column>(column_weights));
if (debug.val) {
LOG.debug(" sorted=" + sorted);
LOG.debug(" weights=" + column_weights);
LOG.debug(" children=" + agraph.getIncidentEdges(vertex));
// Always add replicated column placeholder
// Simple Optimization: Put the replication placeholder as the last
// attribute in the
// list if the table is not read-only
if (!no_replication) {
ReplicatedColumn replicated_col = ReplicatedColumn.get(catalog_tbl);
if (info.stats.getTableStatistics(table_key).readonly && !force_replication_last) {
sorted.add(0, replicated_col);
} else {
return (sorted);
* @param info
* @param hints
* @param catalog_proc
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static ObjectHistogram<Column> generateProcedureColumnAccessHistogram(final DesignerInfo info, final DesignerHints hints, final AccessGraph agraph, final Procedure catalog_proc) throws Exception {
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Constructing column access histogram for " + catalog_proc.getName());
ObjectHistogram<Column> column_histogram = new ObjectHistogram<Column>();
for (Table catalog_tbl : CatalogUtil.getReferencedTables(catalog_proc)) {
DesignerVertex v = agraph.getVertex(catalog_tbl);
for (DesignerEdge e : agraph.getIncidentEdges(v)) {
Collection<DesignerVertex> vertices = agraph.getVertices();
if (vertices.size() != 1) {
DesignerVertex v0 = CollectionUtil.get(vertices, 0);
DesignerVertex v1 = CollectionUtil.get(vertices, 1);
if (v0.equals(v) && v1.equals(v))
double edge_weight = e.getTotalWeight();
PredicatePairs predicates = e.getAttribute(;
Histogram<Column> cset_histogram = predicates.buildHistogramForType(Column.class);
for (Column catalog_col : cset_histogram.values()) {
if (!catalog_col.getParent().equals(catalog_tbl))
long cnt = cset_histogram.get(catalog_col);
column_histogram.put(catalog_col, Math.round(cnt * edge_weight));
} // FOR
} // FOR (EDGE)
} // FOR (TABLE)
return (column_histogram);
* Generate a cross-product of
* @param info
* @param hints
* @param catalog_proc
public static Map<ProcParameter, Set<MultiProcParameter>> generateMultiProcParameters(final DesignerInfo info, final DesignerHints hints, final Procedure catalog_proc) {
List<ProcParameter> params = new ArrayList<ProcParameter>();
Map<ProcParameter, Set<MultiProcParameter>> param_map = new ListOrderedMap<ProcParameter, Set<MultiProcParameter>>();
CollectionUtil.addAll(params, catalog_proc.getParameters());
// Why do I need to make a map like this?
for (ProcParameter catalog_param : params) {
param_map.put(catalog_param, new HashSet<MultiProcParameter>());
} // FOR
for (int i = 0, cnt = params.size(); i < cnt; i++) {
ProcParameter param0 = params.get(i);
assert (param0 != null);
if (param0 instanceof MultiProcParameter || param0.getIsarray())
for (int ii = i + 1; ii < cnt; ii++) {
ProcParameter param1 = params.get(ii);
assert (param1 != null);
if (param1 instanceof MultiProcParameter || param1.getIsarray())
// This will automatically update the Procedure, so there isn't
// anything more
// we need to do here...
MultiProcParameter mpp = MultiProcParameter.get(param0, param1);
assert (mpp != null);
} // FOR
} // FOR
return (param_map);
* @param info
* @param hints
* @param catalog_proc
* @param agraph
* @return
protected static Map<Table, Collection<MultiColumn>> generateMultiColumns(final DesignerInfo info, final DesignerHints hints, final Procedure catalog_proc) {
Map<Table, Collection<MultiColumn>> multicolumns = new HashMap<Table, Collection<MultiColumn>>();
// For each Statement, find the columns that are accessed together
for (Statement catalog_stmt : catalog_proc.getStatements()) {
// Skip inserts for now...
if (catalog_stmt.getQuerytype() == QueryType.INSERT.getValue())
// Collection<Column> columns =
// CatalogUtil.getReferencedColumns(catalog_stmt);
// assert(columns != null) : catalog_stmt.fullName();
// Collection<Column> modified =
// CatalogUtil.getModifiedColumns(catalog_stmt);
// assert(modified != null) : catalog_stmt.fullName();
// We only want to consider those columns that read-only
Collection<Column> columns = CatalogUtil.getReadOnlyColumns(catalog_stmt);
assert (columns != null) : catalog_stmt.fullName();
// For now we only bother with two-column pairs
for (Column catalog_col0 : columns) {
Table catalog_tbl = catalog_col0.getParent();
if (!multicolumns.containsKey(catalog_tbl)) {
multicolumns.put(catalog_tbl, new ArrayList<MultiColumn>());
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(String.format("%s - MultiColumn Candidate: %s", catalog_stmt.fullName(), catalog_col0.fullName()));
for (Column catalog_col1 : columns) {
if (catalog_col0.equals(catalog_col1) || !catalog_tbl.equals(catalog_col1.getParent()))
MultiColumn mc = MultiColumn.get(catalog_col0, catalog_col1);
assert (mc != null);
} // FOR
} // FOR
} // FOR
return (multicolumns);
* @param graph
* @param agraph
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static List<DesignerVertex> createCandidateRoots(final DesignerInfo info, final DesignerHints hints, final IGraph<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge> agraph) throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Searching for candidate roots...");
if (agraph == null)
throw new NullPointerException("AccessGraph is Null");
// For each vertex, count the number of edges that point to it
List<DesignerVertex> roots = new ArrayList<DesignerVertex>();
SortedMap<Double, Set<DesignerVertex>> candidates = new TreeMap<Double, Set<DesignerVertex>>(Collections.reverseOrder());
for (DesignerVertex vertex : info.dgraph.getVertices()) {
if (!agraph.containsVertex(vertex))
if (hints.force_replication.contains(vertex.getCatalogItem().getName()))
// We only can only use this vertex as a candidate root if
// none of its parents (if it even has any) are used in the
// AccessGraph or are
// not marked for replication
boolean valid = true;
Collection<DesignerVertex> parents = info.dgraph.getPredecessors(vertex);
for (DesignerVertex other : agraph.getNeighbors(vertex)) {
if (parents.contains(other) && !hints.force_replication.contains(other.getCatalogItem().getName())) {
LOG.debug("SKIP " + vertex + " [" + other + "]");
valid = false;
} // FOR
if (!valid)
// System.out.println("CANDIDATE: " + vertex);
// We now need to set the weight of the candidate.
// The first way I did this was to count the number of outgoing
// edges from the candidate
// Now I'm going to use the weights of the outgoing edges in the
// AccessGraph.
final List<Double> weights = new ArrayList<Double>();
new VertexTreeWalker<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge>(info.dgraph) {
protected void callback(DesignerVertex element) {
// Get the total weights from this vertex to all of its
// descendants
if (agraph.containsVertex(element)) {
double total_weight = 0d;
Collection<DesignerVertex> descedents = info.dgraph.getDescendants(element);
// System.out.println(element + ": " + descedents);
for (DesignerVertex descendent : descedents) {
if (descendent != element && agraph.containsVertex(descendent)) {
for (DesignerEdge edge : agraph.findEdgeSet(element, descendent)) {
Double weight = edge.getTotalWeight();
if (weight != null)
total_weight += weight;
// System.out.println(element + "->" +
// descendent);
} // FOR
// Vertex parent = this.getPrevious();
// if (agraph.containsVertex(element) && parent != null) {
// for (Edge edge : agraph.findEdgeSet(parent, element)) {
// Double weight =
// (Double)edge.getAttribute(;
// weights.add(weight);
// System.out.println(parent + "->" + element);
// }
// }
double weight = 0d;
for (Double _weight : weights)
weight += _weight;
if (!candidates.containsKey(weight))
candidates.put(weight, new HashSet<DesignerVertex>());
* int count = info.dgraph.getOutEdges(vertex).size(); if (count > 0
* || agraph.getVertexCount() == 1) { if
* (!candidates.containsKey(count)) candidates.put(count, new
* HashSet<Vertex>()); candidates.get(count).add(vertex);
* LOG.debug("Found candidate root '" + vertex + "' [" + count +
* "]"); }
} // FOR
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("Found ").append(candidates.size()).append(" candidate roots and ranked them as follows:\n");
int ctr = 0;
for (Double weight : candidates.keySet()) {
for (DesignerVertex vertex : candidates.get(weight)) {
buffer.append("\t[").append(ctr++).append("] ").append(vertex).append(" Weight=").append(weight).append("\n");
} // FOR
} // FOR
return (roots);