package edu.brown.designer.partitioners;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.commons.collections15.map.ListOrderedMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections15.set.ListOrderedSet;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONStringer;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.types.TimestampType;
import org.voltdb.utils.Pair;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogKey;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.MultiColumn;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.MultiProcParameter;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.NullProcParameter;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.ReplicatedColumn;
import edu.brown.costmodel.AbstractCostModel;
import edu.brown.designer.AccessGraph;
import edu.brown.designer.Designer;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerHints;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerInfo;
import edu.brown.designer.DesignerVertex;
import edu.brown.designer.generators.AccessGraphGenerator;
import edu.brown.designer.partitioners.plan.PartitionPlan;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.mappings.ParameterMapping;
import edu.brown.mappings.ParameterMappingsSet;
import edu.brown.profilers.ProfileMeasurement;
import edu.brown.rand.RandomDistribution;
import edu.brown.statistics.Histogram;
import edu.brown.statistics.ObjectHistogram;
import edu.brown.statistics.TableStatistics;
import edu.brown.utils.CollectionUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.JSONSerializable;
import edu.brown.utils.JSONUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.MathUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.StringBoxUtil;
import edu.brown.utils.StringUtil;
* Large-Neighborhood Search Partitioner
* @author pavlo
public class LNSPartitioner extends AbstractPartitioner implements JSONSerializable {
protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LNSPartitioner.class);
private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
static {
LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);
private static final String DEBUG_COST_FORMAT = "%.04f";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public PartitionPlan initial_solution;
public double initial_cost;
public double initial_memory;
public PartitionPlan best_solution;
public double best_cost;
public double best_memory;
public TimestampType start_time = null;
public ProfileMeasurement total_search_time = new ProfileMeasurement("total");
public TimestampType last_checkpoint = null;
public int last_relax_size = 0;
public int last_elapsed_time = 0;
public Long last_backtrack_count = null;
public Double last_backtrack_limit = null;
public Double last_localtime_limit = null;
public HaltReason last_halt_reason = HaltReason.NULL;
public Double last_entropy_weight = null;
public Integer restart_ctr = null;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected final AbstractCostModel costmodel;
protected final ParameterMappingsSet mappings;
protected AccessGraph agraph;
protected transient boolean init_called = false;
* Keep track of our sets of relaxed tables When we've processed all
* combinations for the current relaxation size, we can then automatically
* jump to the next size without waiting for the timeout
protected final Set<Collection<Table>> relaxed_sets = new HashSet<Collection<Table>>();
protected transient BigInteger relaxed_sets_max = null;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** TODO */
protected final ListOrderedMap<Table, ListOrderedSet<Column>> orig_table_attributes = new ListOrderedMap<Table, ListOrderedSet<Column>>();
/** Estimate total size of each Table if split by the number of partitions */
protected final Map<Table, Long> table_nonreplicated_size = new HashMap<Table, Long>();
/** Estimate total size of each Table if replicated at all partitions */
protected final Map<Table, Long> table_replicated_size = new HashMap<Table, Long>();
* Mapping from Table to the set of Procedures that has a Statement that
* references that Table
protected final Map<Table, Collection<Procedure>> table_procedures = new HashMap<Table, Collection<Procedure>>();
* Mapping from Column to the set of Procedures that has a Statement that
* references that Column
protected final Map<Column, Collection<Procedure>> column_procedures = new HashMap<Column, Collection<Procedure>>();
protected final Map<Column, Map<Column, Set<Procedure>>> columnswap_procedures = new HashMap<Column, Map<Column, Set<Procedure>>>();
protected final ListOrderedMap<Procedure, ListOrderedSet<ProcParameter>> orig_proc_attributes = new ListOrderedMap<Procedure, ListOrderedSet<ProcParameter>>();
protected final Map<Procedure, Collection<Column>> proc_columns = new HashMap<Procedure, Collection<Column>>();
protected final Map<Procedure, ObjectHistogram<Column>> proc_column_histogram = new HashMap<Procedure, ObjectHistogram<Column>>();
protected final Map<Procedure, Map<ProcParameter, Set<MultiProcParameter>>> proc_multipoc_map = new HashMap<Procedure, Map<ProcParameter, Set<MultiProcParameter>>>();
private final Set<Table> ignore_tables = new HashSet<Table>();
private final Set<Procedure> ignore_procs = new HashSet<Procedure>();
* @param designer
* @param info
public LNSPartitioner(Designer designer, DesignerInfo info) {
super(designer, info);
this.costmodel = info.getCostModel();
assert (this.costmodel != null) : "CostModel is null!";
this.mappings = new ParameterMappingsSet();
assert (info.getMappingsFile() != null) : "The parameter mappings file path was not set";
* Initialize the LNS partitioner. Creates all of the internal data
* structures that we need for performing the various relaxations and local
* searches
* @param hints
* @throws Exception
protected void init(DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
assert (hints != null);
this.init_called = true;
AccessGraph first = this.generateAccessGraph();
this.agraph = AccessGraphGenerator.convertToSingleColumnEdges(info.catalogContext.database, first);
// Set the limits initially from the hints file
if (hints.limit_back_tracks != null)
this.last_backtrack_limit = new Double(hints.limit_back_tracks);
if (hints.limit_local_time != null)
this.last_localtime_limit = new Double(hints.limit_local_time);
if (this.last_entropy_weight == null)
this.last_entropy_weight = hints.weight_costmodel_skew;
// HACK: Reload the correlations file so that we can get the proper
// catalog objects
this.mappings.load(info.getMappingsFile(), info.catalogContext.database);
// this.agraph.setVertexVerbose(true);
// GraphvizExport<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge> gv = new
// GraphvizExport<DesignerVertex, DesignerEdge>(this.agraph);
// gv.setCollapseEdges(true);
// System.err.println("ORIG GRAPH:" + gv.writeToTempFile());
// gv = new GraphvizExport<DesignerVertex,
// DesignerEdge>(this.single_agraph);
// gv.setCollapseEdges(true);
// System.err.println("SINGLE GRAPH:" + gv.writeToTempFile());
// Gather all the information we need about each table
for (Table catalog_tbl : PartitionerUtil.generateTableOrder(info, this.agraph, hints)) {
// Ignore this table if it's not used in the AcessGraph
DesignerVertex v = null;
try {
v = this.agraph.getVertex(catalog_tbl);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
if (v == null) {
LOG.warn(String.format("Ignoring %s - No references in workload AccessGraph", catalog_tbl));
// Potential Partitioning Attributes
Collection<Column> columns = PartitionerUtil.generateColumnOrder(info, this.agraph, catalog_tbl, hints, false, true);
assert (!columns.isEmpty()) : "No potential partitioning columns selected for " + catalog_tbl;
this.orig_table_attributes.put(catalog_tbl, (ListOrderedSet<Column>) CollectionUtil.addAll(new ListOrderedSet<Column>(), columns));
// Table Size (when the table is and is not replicated)
TableStatistics ts = info.stats.getTableStatistics(catalog_tbl);
this.table_nonreplicated_size.put(catalog_tbl, Math.round(ts.tuple_size_total / (double) this.num_partitions));
this.table_replicated_size.put(catalog_tbl, ts.tuple_size_total);
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(catalog_tbl.getName() + ": " + columns);
} // FOR
// We also need to know some things about the Procedures and their
// ProcParameters
Histogram<String> workloadHistogram = info.workload.getProcedureHistogram();
for (Procedure catalog_proc : info.catalogContext.database.getProcedures()) {
// Skip if we're explicitly force to ignore this guy
if (PartitionerUtil.shouldIgnoreProcedure(hints, catalog_proc)) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn(String.format("Ignoring %s - Set to be ignored by the DesignerHints.", catalog_proc));
// Or if there are not transactions in the sample workload
else if (workloadHistogram.get(CatalogKey.createKey(catalog_proc), 0) == 0) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn(String.format("Ignoring %s - No transaction records in sample workload.", catalog_proc));
Collection<Column> columns = CatalogUtil.getReferencedColumns(catalog_proc);
if (columns.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.val) LOG.warn(String.format("Ignoring %s - Does not reference any columns in its queries.", catalog_proc));
this.proc_columns.put(catalog_proc, columns);
// Aha! Use the Procedure-specific AccessGraph to build our
// Histogram! Where's your god now??
AccessGraph proc_agraph = this.designer.getAccessGraph(catalog_proc);
assert (proc_agraph != null);
// if (catalog_proc.getName().equals("GetAccessData")) {
// GraphVisualizationPanel.createFrame(proc_agraph).setVisible(true);
// }
this.proc_column_histogram.put(catalog_proc, PartitionerUtil.generateProcedureColumnAccessHistogram(info, hints, proc_agraph, catalog_proc));
// Gather the list ProcParameters we should even consider for
// partitioning each procedure
// TODO: For now we'll just put all the parameters in there plus the
// null one
HashMap<ProcParameter, Set<MultiProcParameter>> multiparams = new HashMap<ProcParameter, Set<MultiProcParameter>>();
if (hints.enable_multi_partitioning) {
multiparams.putAll(PartitionerUtil.generateMultiProcParameters(info, hints, catalog_proc));
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(catalog_proc + " MultiProcParameters:\n" + multiparams);
this.proc_multipoc_map.put(catalog_proc, multiparams);
ListOrderedSet<ProcParameter> params = new ListOrderedSet<ProcParameter>();
CollectionUtil.addAll(params, CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(catalog_proc.getParameters(), "index"));
if (hints.enable_array_procparameter_candidates == false) {
this.orig_proc_attributes.put(catalog_proc, params);
// Add multi-column partitioning parameters for each table
if (hints.enable_multi_partitioning) {
Map<Table, Collection<MultiColumn>> multicolumns = PartitionerUtil.generateMultiColumns(info, hints, catalog_proc);
for (Entry<Table, Collection<MultiColumn>> e : multicolumns.entrySet()) {
if (this.ignore_tables.contains(e.getKey()))
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace(e.getKey().getName() + " MultiColumns:\n" + multicolumns);
ListOrderedSet<Column> cols = this.orig_table_attributes.get(e.getKey());
if (cols == null) {
cols = new ListOrderedSet<Column>();
this.orig_table_attributes.put(e.getKey(), cols);
} // FOR
} // FOR
// Go back through the table and create the sets of Procedures that
// touch Columns
for (Entry<Table, ListOrderedSet<Column>> e : this.orig_table_attributes.entrySet()) {
Table catalog_tbl = e.getKey();
// We need to know which Procedures reference each table so that we
// can selectively choose
// a new ProcParameter for each swap. Make sure we only include
// those Procedures that
// we can make a decision about partitioning
this.table_procedures.put(catalog_tbl, CatalogUtil.getReferencingProcedures(catalog_tbl));
// We actually can be a bit more fine-grained in our costmodel cache
// invalidation if we know
// which columns are actually referenced in each of the procedures
for (Column catalog_col : this.orig_table_attributes.get(catalog_tbl)) {
Collection<Procedure> procedures = CatalogUtil.getReferencingProcedures(catalog_col);
this.column_procedures.put(catalog_col, procedures);
} // FOR
// And also pre-compute the intersection of the procedure sets for
// each Column pair
for (Column catalog_col0 : this.orig_table_attributes.get(catalog_tbl)) {
Map<Column, Set<Procedure>> intersections = new HashMap<Column, Set<Procedure>>();
Collection<Procedure> procs0 = this.column_procedures.get(catalog_col0);
for (Column catalog_col1 : this.orig_table_attributes.get(catalog_tbl)) {
if (catalog_col0.equals(catalog_col1))
Collection<Procedure> procs1 = this.column_procedures.get(catalog_col1);
intersections.put(catalog_col1, new HashSet<Procedure>(procs0));
} // FOR
this.columnswap_procedures.put(catalog_col0, intersections);
} // FOR
} // FOR
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* edu.brown.designer.partitioners.AbstractPartitioner#generate(edu.brown
* .designer.DesignerHints)
public PartitionPlan generate(DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
// Reload the checkpoint file so that we can continue this dirty mess!
if (hints.enable_checkpoints) {
if (this.checkpoint != null && this.checkpoint.exists()) {
this.load(this.checkpoint, info.catalogContext.database);
LOG.info("Loaded checkpoint from '" + this.checkpoint + "'");
// Important! We need to update the hints based on what's in the
// checkpoint
// We really need to link the hints and the checkpoints
// better...
hints.weight_costmodel_skew = this.last_entropy_weight;
} else if (this.checkpoint != null) {
LOG.info("Not loading non-existent checkpoint file: " + this.checkpoint);
if (this.start_time == null && this.last_checkpoint == null) {
this.start_time = hints.startGlobalSearchTimer();
} else {
LOG.info("Setting checkpoint offset times");
assert (hints != null);
assert (this.start_time != null) : "Start Time is null";
assert (this.last_checkpoint != null) : "Last CheckPoint is null";
hints.offsetCheckpointTime(this.start_time, this.last_checkpoint);
assert (this.start_time != null);
} else {
LOG.info("Checkpoints disabled");
// Initialize a bunch of stuff we need
LOG.info("Starting Large-Neighborhood Search\n" + this.debugHeader(hints));
// Tell the costmodel about the hints.
// First we need to hit up the MostPopularPartitioner in order to get an
// initial solution
if (this.initial_solution == null)
assert (this.initial_solution != null);
if (this.best_solution == null) {
LOG.info("Initializing current best solution to be initial solution");
this.best_solution = new PartitionPlan(this.initial_solution);
this.best_memory = this.initial_memory;
this.best_cost = this.initial_cost;
} else {
LOG.info("Checking whether previously calculated best solution has the same cost");
// Sanity Check!
double cost = this.costmodel.estimateWorkloadCost(info.catalogContext, info.workload);
boolean valid = MathUtil.equals(this.best_cost, cost, 0.01);
LOG.info(String.format("Checkpoint Cost [" + DEBUG_COST_FORMAT + "] <-> Reloaded Cost [" + DEBUG_COST_FORMAT + "] ==> %s", cost, this.best_cost, (valid ? "VALID" : "FAIL")));
// assert(valid) : cost + " == " + this.best_cost + "\n" +
// PartitionPlan.createFromCatalog(info.catalogContext.database, hints);
this.best_cost = cost;
assert (this.best_solution != null);
// Relax and begin the new search!
if (this.restart_ctr == null)
this.restart_ctr = 0;
final ListOrderedSet<Table> table_attributes = new ListOrderedSet<Table>();
final ListOrderedSet<Procedure> proc_attributes = new ListOrderedSet<Procedure>();
while (true) {
// Found search target
if (this.last_halt_reason == HaltReason.FOUND_TARGET) {
LOG.info("Found target PartitionPlan. Halting");
// Time Limit
else if (hints.limit_total_time != null && this.total_search_time.getTotalThinkTimeSeconds() > hints.limit_total_time) {
LOG.info("Time limit reached: " + hints.limit_total_time + " seconds");
// IMPORTANT: Make sure that we are always start comparing swaps
// using the solution
// at the beginning of a restart (or the start of the search). We do
// *not* want to
// compare swaps using the global best cost
if (!this.relaxCurrentSolution(hints, this.restart_ctr++, table_attributes, proc_attributes)) {
LOG.debug("Halting LNS!");
// Local Search!
this.localSearch(hints, table_attributes.asList(), proc_attributes.asList());
// Sanity Check!
if (this.restart_ctr % 3 == 0) {
LOG.info("Running sanity check on best solution...");
double cost2 = this.costmodel.estimateWorkloadCost(info.catalogContext, info.workload);
LOG.info(String.format("Before[" + DEBUG_COST_FORMAT + "] <=> After[" + DEBUG_COST_FORMAT + "]", this.best_cost, cost2));
assert (MathUtil.equals(this.best_cost, cost2, 2, 0.2)) : cost2 + " == " + this.best_cost + "\n" + PartitionPlan.createFromCatalog(info.catalogContext.database) + "\n"
+ this.costmodel.getLastDebugMessage();
// Save checkpoint
this.last_checkpoint = new TimestampType();
if (this.checkpoint != null) {
LOG.info("Saved Round #" + this.restart_ctr + " checkpoint to '" + this.checkpoint.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
} // WHILE
if (this.total_search_time.isStarted())
LOG.info("Final Solution Cost: " + String.format(DEBUG_COST_FORMAT, this.best_cost));
LOG.info("Final Solution Memory: " + String.format(DEBUG_COST_FORMAT, this.best_memory));
LOG.info("Final Search Time: " + String.format("%.2f sec", this.total_search_time.getTotalThinkTimeSeconds()));
// if (this.initial_cost > this.best_cost)
// LOG.warn("BAD MOJO! Initial Cost = " + this.initial_cost + " > " +
// this.best_cost);
// assert(this.best_cost <= this.initial_cost);
this.setProcedureSinglePartitionFlags(this.best_solution, hints);
return (this.best_solution);
* @param hints
* @throws Exception
protected void calculateInitialSolution(final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
LOG.info("Calculating Initial Solution using MostPopularPartitioner");
this.initial_solution = new MostPopularPartitioner(this.designer, this.info).generate(hints);
// Check whether we have enough memory for the initial solution
if (hints.max_memory_per_partition > 0) {
long total_size = this.info.getMemoryEstimator().estimate(this.info.catalogContext.database, this.num_partitions);
this.initial_memory = total_size / (double) hints.max_memory_per_partition;
if (this.initial_memory > 1.0) {
LOG.error("Invalid initial solution. Total size = " + StringUtil.formatSize(total_size) + "\n" + this.initial_solution);
assert (this.initial_memory <= 1.0) : "Not enough memory: " + this.initial_memory; // Never
// should
// happen!
} else {
hints.max_memory_per_partition = 0;
// Now calculate the cost. We do this after the memory estimation so
// that we don't waste our time if it won't fit
this.initial_cost = this.costmodel.estimateWorkloadCost(this.info.catalogContext, this.info.workload);
// We need to examine whether the solution utilized all of the
// partitions. If it didn't, then
// we need to increase the entropy weight in the costmodel. This will
// help steer us towards
// a solution that fully utilizes partitions
if (hints.enable_costmodel_idlepartition_penalty) {
Set<Integer> untouched_partitions = this.costmodel.getUntouchedPartitions(this.num_partitions);
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Number of Idle Partitions: " + untouched_partitions.size());
if (!untouched_partitions.isEmpty()) {
double entropy_weight = this.costmodel.getEntropyWeight();
entropy_weight *= this.num_partitions / (double) untouched_partitions.size();
// Oh god this took forever to track down! If we want to
// re-adjust the weights, we have to make
// sure that we do it to the hints so that it is picked up by
// everyone!
// 2010-11-27: Actually no! We want to make sure we put it in
// the local object so that it gets written
// out when we checkpoint and then load the checkpoint back in
this.last_entropy_weight = entropy_weight;
hints.weight_costmodel_skew = this.last_entropy_weight;
LOG.info("Initial Solution has " + untouched_partitions.size() + " unused partitions. New Entropy Weight: " + entropy_weight);
this.initial_cost = this.costmodel.estimateWorkloadCost(this.info.catalogContext, this.info.workload);
if (debug.val) {
LOG.debug("Initial Solution Cost: " + String.format(DEBUG_COST_FORMAT, this.initial_cost));
LOG.debug("Initial Solution Memory: " + String.format(DEBUG_COST_FORMAT, this.initial_memory));
LOG.debug("Initial Solution:\n" + this.initial_solution);
if (hints.shouldLogSolutionCosts()) {
double singlep_txns = this.costmodel.getSinglePartitionProcedureHistogram().getSampleCount() / (double) this.costmodel.getProcedureHistogram().getSampleCount();
hints.logSolutionCost(this.initial_cost, singlep_txns);
* @param hints
* @param restart_ctr
* @throws Exception
protected boolean relaxCurrentSolution(final DesignerHints hints, int restart_ctr, Set<Table> table_attributes, Set<Procedure> proc_attributes) throws Exception {
assert (this.init_called);
RandomDistribution.DiscreteRNG rand = new RandomDistribution.Flat(this.rng, 0, this.orig_table_attributes.size());
int num_tables = this.orig_table_attributes.size();
// If the last search was exhaustive and its relaxation size was the
// same as the total number of tables,
// then we know that we're done! This won't happen too often...
if (this.last_relax_size == num_tables && this.last_halt_reason == HaltReason.EXHAUSTED_SEARCH) {
LOG.info("Exhaustively search solution space! Nothing more to do!");
return (false);
// Apply the best solution to the catalog
// TODO: Calculate relaxation weights
// Map<Table, Double> relax_weights = new HashMap<Table, Double>();
// Figure out what how far along we are in the search and use that to
// determine how many to relax
int relax_min = (int) Math.round(hints.relaxation_factor_min * num_tables);
int relax_max = (int) Math.round(hints.relaxation_factor_max * num_tables);
// We should probably try to do something smart here, but for now we can
// just be random
// int relax_size = (int)Math.round(RELAXATION_FACTOR_MIN * num_tables)
// + (restart_ctr / 2);
double elapsed_ratio = hints.getElapsedGlobalPercent();
int relax_size = Math.max(hints.relaxation_min_size, (int) Math.max(this.last_relax_size, (int) Math.round(((relax_max - relax_min) * elapsed_ratio) + relax_min)));
if (relax_size > num_tables)
relax_size = num_tables;
// if (relax_size > relax_max) relax_size = relax_max;
// Check whether we've already examined all combinations of the tables
// at this relaxation size
// That means we should automatically increase our size
if (restart_ctr > 0 && ((relax_size != this.last_relax_size) || (this.relaxed_sets_max != null && this.relaxed_sets_max.intValue() == this.relaxed_sets.size()))) {
LOG.info(String.format("Already processed all %s relaxation sets of size %d. Increasing relaxation set size", this.relaxed_sets_max, relax_size));
this.relaxed_sets_max = null;
if (relax_size > num_tables)
return (false);
if (this.relaxed_sets_max == null) {
// n! / k!(n - k)!
BigInteger nFact = MathUtil.factorial(num_tables);
BigInteger kFact = MathUtil.factorial(relax_size);
BigInteger nminuskFact = MathUtil.factorial(num_tables - relax_size);
this.relaxed_sets_max = nFact.divide(kFact.multiply(nminuskFact));
// If we exhausted our last search, then we want to make sure we
// increase our
// relaxation size...
// if (this.last_halt_reason == HaltReason.EXHAUSTED_SEARCH &&
// relax_size < relax_max) relax_size = this.last_relax_size + 1;
assert (relax_size >= relax_min) : "Invalid Relax Size: " + relax_size;
// assert(relax_size <= relax_max) : "Invalid Relax Size: " +
// relax_size;
assert (relax_size > 0) : "Invalid Relax Size: " + relax_size;
assert (relax_size <= num_tables) : "Invalid Relax Size: " + relax_size;
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
Map<String, Object> m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>();
m.put(" - relaxed_sets", this.relaxed_sets.size());
m.put(" - relaxed_sets_max", this.relaxed_sets_max);
m.put(" - last_relax_size", this.last_relax_size);
m.put(" - last_halt_reason", this.last_halt_reason);
m.put(" - last_elapsed_time", this.last_elapsed_time);
m.put(" - last_backtracks", this.last_backtrack_count);
m.put(" - elapsed_ratio", String.format("%.02f", elapsed_ratio));
m.put(" - limit_local_time", String.format("%.02f", this.last_localtime_limit));
m.put(" - limit_back_track", String.format("%.02f", this.last_backtrack_limit));
m.put(" - best_cost", String.format(DEBUG_COST_FORMAT, this.best_cost));
m.put(" - best_memory", this.best_memory);
LOG.info("\n" + StringBoxUtil.box(String.format("LNS RESTART #%03d [relax_size=%d]\n%s", restart_ctr, relax_size, StringUtil.formatMaps(m)), "+", 125));
// Select which tables we want to relax on this restart
// We will keep looking until we find one that we haven't processed
// before
Collection<Table> relaxed_tables = new TreeSet<Table>(Collections.reverseOrder());
while (true) {
Collection<Integer> rand_idxs = rand.getRandomIntSet(relax_size);
if (trace.val)
LOG.trace("Relaxed Table Identifiers: " + rand_idxs);
for (int idx : rand_idxs) {
assert (idx < this.orig_table_attributes.size()) : "Random Index is too large: " + idx + " " + this.orig_table_attributes.keySet();
Table catalog_tbl = this.orig_table_attributes.get(idx);
} // FOR (table)
if (this.relaxed_sets.contains(relaxed_tables) == false) {
} // WHILE
assert (relaxed_tables.size() == relax_size) : relax_size + " => " + relaxed_tables;
LOG.info("Relaxed Tables: " + CatalogUtil.getDisplayNames(relaxed_tables));
// Now for each of the relaxed tables, figure out what columns we want
// to consider for swaps
Collection<Table> nonrelaxed_tables = new ArrayList<Table>(this.orig_table_attributes.asList());
for (Table catalog_tbl : relaxed_tables) {
for (Procedure catalog_proc : this.table_procedures.get(catalog_tbl)) {
} // FOR
} // FOR
// Now estimate the size of a partition for the non-relaxed tables
double nonrelaxed_memory = this.info.getMemoryEstimator().estimate(info.catalogContext.database, this.num_partitions, nonrelaxed_tables) / (double) hints.max_memory_per_partition;
assert (nonrelaxed_memory >= 0.0) : "Invalid memory: " + nonrelaxed_memory;
assert (nonrelaxed_memory < 1.0) : "Invalid memory: " + nonrelaxed_memory;
// (0) We think we actually need to relax very first time too...
// (1) Make it less likely that we are going to relax a small/read-only
// table
this.last_relax_size = relax_size;
return (true);
* Local Search
* @param hints
* @param table_attributes
* @param proc_attributes
* @throws Exception
protected void localSearch(final DesignerHints hints, List<Table> table_attributes, List<Procedure> proc_attributes) throws Exception {
// -------------------------------
// Apply relaxation and invalidate caches!
// -------------------------------
for (Table catalog_tbl : table_attributes) {
// catalog_tbl.setPartitioncolumn(null);
} // FOR
for (Procedure catalog_proc : proc_attributes) {
} // FOR
// Sanity Check: Make sure the non-relaxed tables come back with the
// same partitioning attribute
Map<CatalogType, CatalogType> orig_solution = new HashMap<CatalogType, CatalogType>();
for (Table catalog_tbl : info.catalogContext.database.getTables()) {
if (!table_attributes.contains(catalog_tbl))
orig_solution.put(catalog_tbl, catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn());
for (Procedure catalog_proc : info.catalogContext.database.getProcedures()) {
if (!proc_attributes.contains(catalog_proc)) {
ProcParameter catalog_param = catalog_proc.getParameters().get(catalog_proc.getPartitionparameter());
orig_solution.put(catalog_proc, catalog_param);
// -------------------------------
// Calculate the number of backtracks and the local search time
// we want to allow in this round.
// -------------------------------
if (hints.enable_local_search_increase) {
if (this.last_halt_reason == HaltReason.BACKTRACK_LIMIT && this.last_backtrack_limit != null) {
// Give them more backtracks
this.last_backtrack_limit = this.last_backtrack_limit * hints.back_tracks_multiplier;
LOG.info(String.format("Increasing BackTrack limit from %d to %.02f", hints.limit_back_tracks, this.last_backtrack_limit));
hints.limit_back_tracks = (int) Math.round(this.last_backtrack_limit);
} else if (this.last_halt_reason == HaltReason.LOCAL_TIME_LIMIT && this.last_localtime_limit != null) {
// Give them more time
this.last_localtime_limit = this.last_localtime_limit * hints.local_time_multiplier;
LOG.info(String.format("Increasing LocalTime limit from %d to %.02f", hints.limit_local_time, this.last_localtime_limit));
hints.limit_local_time = (int) Math.round(this.last_localtime_limit);
// -------------------------------
// -------------------------------
Pair<PartitionPlan, BranchAndBoundPartitioner.StateVertex> pair = this.executeLocalSearch(hints, this.agraph, table_attributes, proc_attributes);
assert (pair != null);
PartitionPlan result = pair.getFirst();
BranchAndBoundPartitioner.StateVertex state = pair.getSecond();
// -------------------------------
// Validation
// -------------------------------
for (Table catalog_tbl : info.catalogContext.database.getTables()) {
if (catalog_tbl.getSystable() == false && orig_solution.containsKey(catalog_tbl)) {
assert (orig_solution.get(catalog_tbl).equals(catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn())) : String.format("%s got changed: %s => %s", catalog_tbl, orig_solution.get(catalog_tbl),
} // FOR
for (Procedure catalog_proc : info.catalogContext.database.getProcedures()) {
if (orig_solution.containsKey(catalog_proc)) {
ProcParameter catalog_param = catalog_proc.getParameters().get(catalog_proc.getPartitionparameter());
if (catalog_param == null) {
assert (orig_solution.get(catalog_proc) == null) : catalog_proc + " got changed: " + orig_solution.get(catalog_proc) + " => " + catalog_param + "\n" + result;
} else {
assert (catalog_param.equals(orig_solution.get(catalog_proc))) : catalog_proc + " got changed: " + orig_solution.get(catalog_proc) + " => " + catalog_param + "\n" + result;
} // FOR
// -------------------------------
// Comparison with current best solution
// -------------------------------
if (state.getCost() < this.best_cost) {
LOG.info("New Best Solution Found from Local Search!");
this.best_solution = result;
this.best_cost = state.getCost();
this.best_memory = state.getMemory() / (double) hints.max_memory_per_partition;
LOG.info("Best Solution Cost: " + String.format(DEBUG_COST_FORMAT, this.best_cost));
LOG.info("Best Solution Memory: " + String.format(DEBUG_COST_FORMAT, this.best_memory));
LOG.info("Best Solution:\n" + this.best_solution);
* @param hints
* @param table_attributes
* @param key_attributes
* @return
* @throws Exception
protected Pair<PartitionPlan, BranchAndBoundPartitioner.StateVertex> executeLocalSearch(final DesignerHints hints, final AccessGraph agraph, final List<Table> table_visit_order,
final List<Procedure> proc_visit_order) throws Exception {
assert (agraph != null) : "Missing AccessGraph!";
BranchAndBoundPartitioner local_search = new BranchAndBoundPartitioner(this.designer, this.info, agraph, table_visit_order, proc_visit_order);
local_search.setUpperBounds(hints, this.best_solution, this.best_cost, (long) (this.best_memory * hints.max_memory_per_partition));
// local_search.setTraversalAttributes(key_attributes,
// table_attributes.size());
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
PartitionPlan result = local_search.generate(hints);
this.last_elapsed_time = Math.round((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000);
this.last_halt_reason = local_search.halt_reason;
this.last_backtrack_count = local_search.getLastBackTrackCount();
return (Pair.of(result, local_search.getBestVertex()));
* @param hints
* @return
* @throws Exception
protected Pair<Double, Double> recalculateCost(final DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
long memory = info.getMemoryEstimator().estimate(info.catalogContext.database, this.num_partitions, this.orig_table_attributes.keySet());
double memory_ratio = memory / (double) hints.max_memory_per_partition;
double cost = this.costmodel.estimateWorkloadCost(info.catalogContext, info.workload);
return (Pair.of(cost, memory_ratio));
* @param hints
* @param procs
* @throws Exception
protected void recalculateProcParameters(final DesignerHints hints, Iterable<Procedure> procs) throws Exception {
Map<Procedure, Integer> new_procparams = new HashMap<Procedure, Integer>();
for (Procedure catalog_proc : procs) {
if (catalog_proc.getSystemproc() || catalog_proc.getParameters().size() == 0)
// If we get back a null ProcParameter, then just the Procedure
// alone
ProcParameter catalog_proc_param = this.findBestProcParameter(hints, catalog_proc);
if (catalog_proc_param != null)
new_procparams.put(catalog_proc, catalog_proc_param.getIndex());
} // FOR
this.applyProcParameterSwap(hints, new_procparams);
* @param hints
* @param catalog_proc
* @return
* @throws Exception
protected ProcParameter findBestProcParameter(final DesignerHints hints, final Procedure catalog_proc) throws Exception {
assert (!catalog_proc.getSystemproc());
assert (catalog_proc.getParameters().size() > 0);
// Find all the ProcParameter correlations that map to the target column
// in the Procedure
// ParameterCorrelations correlations = info.getCorrelations();
// assert(correlations != null);
ProcParameter default_param = catalog_proc.getParameters().get(0);
ObjectHistogram<Column> col_access_histogram = this.proc_column_histogram.get(catalog_proc);
if (col_access_histogram == null) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.warn("No column access histogram for " + catalog_proc + ". Setting to default");
return (default_param);
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(catalog_proc + " Column Histogram:\n" + col_access_histogram);
// Loop through each Table and check whether its partitioning column is
// referenced in this procedure
Map<ProcParameter, List<Double>> param_weights = new HashMap<ProcParameter, List<Double>>();
for (Table catalog_tbl : info.catalogContext.database.getTables()) {
if (catalog_tbl.getIsreplicated())
Column catalog_col = catalog_tbl.getPartitioncolumn();
if (!col_access_histogram.contains(catalog_col))
long col_access_cnt = col_access_histogram.get(catalog_col);
if (debug.val)
// Now loop through the ProcParameters and figure out which ones are
// correlated to the Column
for (ProcParameter catalog_proc_param : catalog_proc.getParameters()) {
// Skip if this is an array
if (hints.enable_array_procparameter_candidates == false && catalog_proc_param.getIsarray())
if (!param_weights.containsKey(catalog_proc_param)) {
param_weights.put(catalog_proc_param, new ArrayList<Double>());
List<Double> weights_list = param_weights.get(catalog_proc_param);
Collection<ParameterMapping> pms = mappings.get(catalog_proc_param, catalog_col);
if (pms != null) {
for (ParameterMapping c : pms) {
weights_list.add(c.getCoefficient() * col_access_cnt);
} // FOR
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug(" " + catalog_proc_param + ": " + weights_list);
} // FOR
if (debug.val)
} // FOR (Table)
final Map<ProcParameter, Double> final_param_weights = new HashMap<ProcParameter, Double>();
for (Entry<ProcParameter, List<Double>> e : param_weights.entrySet()) {
// The weights for each ProcParameter will be the geometric mean of
// the correlation coefficients
if (!e.getValue().isEmpty()) {
double weights[] = new double[e.getValue().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++)
weights[i] = e.getValue().get(i);
final_param_weights.put(e.getKey(), MathUtil.geometricMean(weights, MathUtil.GEOMETRIC_MEAN_ZERO));
} // FOR
if (final_param_weights.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.val)
LOG.warn("Failed to find any ProcParameters for " + catalog_proc.getName() + " that map to partition columns");
return (default_param);
Map<ProcParameter, Double> sorted = CollectionUtil.sortByValues(final_param_weights, true);
assert (sorted != null);
ProcParameter best_param = CollectionUtil.first(sorted.keySet());
if (debug.val)
LOG.debug("Best Param: " + best_param + " " + sorted);
return (best_param);
protected void applyColumnSwap(DesignerHints hints, Table catalog_tbl, Column new_column) throws Exception {
assert (catalog_tbl != null);
assert (new_column != null);
catalog_tbl.setIsreplicated(new_column instanceof ReplicatedColumn);
if (hints.enable_costmodel_caching) {
} else {
protected void applyProcParameterSwap(DesignerHints hints, Map<Procedure, Integer> param_map) {
for (Entry<Procedure, Integer> e : param_map.entrySet()) {
int orig_param = e.getKey().getPartitionparameter();
if (orig_param != e.getValue()) {
if (hints.enable_costmodel_caching) {
} else {
} // FOR
public String dumpCatalogState(Database catalog_db) {
return (PartitionPlan.createFromCatalog(catalog_db).toString());
public String debug() {
Map<String, Object> maps[] = new Map[this.orig_table_attributes.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Table catalog_tbl : this.orig_table_attributes.keySet()) {
Map<String, Object> m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>();
m.put(catalog_tbl.getName(), "");
m.put("Non-Replicated Size", this.table_nonreplicated_size.get(catalog_tbl));
m.put("Replicated Size", this.table_replicated_size.get(catalog_tbl));
m.put("Touching Procedures", CatalogUtil.debug(this.table_procedures.get(catalog_tbl)));
m.put("Original Columns", CatalogUtil.debug(this.orig_table_attributes.get(catalog_tbl)));
for (Column catalog_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) {
Map<String, Object> inner = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>();
boolean has_col_procs = this.column_procedures.containsKey(catalog_col);
boolean has_col_swaps = this.columnswap_procedures.containsKey(catalog_col);
if (has_col_procs == false && has_col_swaps == false)
String procs = "<NONE>";
if (has_col_procs) {
procs = CatalogUtil.debug(this.column_procedures.get(catalog_col));
inner.put("Procedures", procs);
String swaps = "<NONE>";
if (has_col_swaps) {
swaps = "";
for (Entry<Column, Set<Procedure>> e : this.columnswap_procedures.get(catalog_col).entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue().isEmpty() == false) {
if (swaps.isEmpty() == false)
swaps += "\n";
swaps += String.format("%s => %s", e.getKey().getName(), CatalogUtil.debug(e.getValue()));
} // FOR
inner.put("ColumnSwaps", swaps);
m.put("+ " + catalog_col.fullName(), StringUtil.formatMaps(inner));
} // FOR
maps[i++] = m;
// sb.append(StringUtil.repeat("=", 100)).append("\n")
// .append("TABLE INFORMATION\n")
// .append(StringUtil.repeat("=", 100)).append("\n");
// for (int i = 0, cnt = this.orig_table_attributes.size(); i < cnt;
// i++) {
// Table catalog_tbl = this.orig_table_attributes.get(i);
// ListOrderedSet<Column> cols =
// this.orig_table_attributes.get(catalog_tbl);
// sb.append(String.format("[%02d] %s\n", i, catalog_tbl.getName()));
// sb.append(" Column Candidates [").append(cols.size()).append("]\n");
// for (int ii = 0; ii < cols.size(); ii++) {
// sb.append(" ")
// .append(String.format("[%02d] %s\n", ii, cols.get(ii).getName()));
// } // FOR (cols)
// } // FOR (tables)
// sb.append("\n");
// sb.append(StringUtil.repeat("=", 100)).append("\n")
// .append(StringUtil.repeat("=", 100)).append("\n");
// for (int i = 0, cnt = this.orig_proc_attributes.size(); i < cnt; i++)
// {
// Procedure catalog_proc = this.orig_proc_attributes.get(i);
// ListOrderedSet<ProcParameter> params =
// this.orig_proc_attributes.get(catalog_proc);
// sb.append(String.format("[%02d] %s\n", i, catalog_proc.getName()));
// sb.append(" Parameter Candidates [").append(params.size()).append("]\n");
// for (int ii = 0; ii < params.size(); ii++) {
// sb.append(" ")
// .append(String.format("[%02d] %s\n", ii, params.get(ii).getName()));
// } // FOR (params)
// } // FOR (procedres)
// sb.append("\n");
return (StringUtil.formatMaps(maps));
public String debugHeader(DesignerHints hints) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> m[] = new Map[3];
m[0] = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>();
m[0].put("Start Time", hints.getStartTime());
m[0].put("Total Time", String.format("%.2f sec", this.total_search_time.getTotalThinkTimeSeconds()));
m[0].put("Remaining Time", (hints.limit_total_time != null ? (hints.limit_total_time - this.total_search_time.getTotalThinkTimeSeconds()) + " sec" : "-"));
m[0].put("Cost Model", info.getCostModel().getClass().getSimpleName());
m[0].put("# of Transactions", info.workload.getTransactionCount());
m[0].put("# of Partitions", info.catalogContext.numberOfPartitions);
m[0].put("# of Intervals", info.getArgs().num_intervals);
m[0].put("# of Restarts", (this.restart_ctr != null ? this.restart_ctr : "-"));
m[0].put("Database Total Size", StringUtil.formatSize(info.getMemoryEstimator().estimateTotalSize(info.catalogContext.database)));
m[0].put("Cluster Total Size", StringUtil.formatSize(info.getNumPartitions() * hints.max_memory_per_partition));
m[1] = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>();
String fields[] = { "enable_checkpoints", "greedy_search", "relaxation_factor_min", "relaxation_factor_max", "relaxation_factor_min", "back_tracks_multiplier", "local_time_multiplier",
"limit_total_time" };
for (String f_name : fields) {
Field f = DesignerHints.class.getField(f_name);
assert (f != null);
m[1].put("hints." + f_name, f.get(hints));
} // FOR
m[2] = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>();
m[2].put(info.workload.getProcedureHistogram().toString(), null);
return (StringBoxUtil.box(StringUtil.formatMaps(m), "+"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void load(File input_path, Database catalog_db) throws IOException {
JSONUtil.load(this, catalog_db, input_path);
public void save(File output_path) throws IOException {
JSONUtil.save(this, output_path);
public String toJSONString() {
return (JSONUtil.toJSONString(this));
public void toJSON(JSONStringer stringer) throws JSONException {
JSONUtil.fieldsToJSON(stringer, this, LNSPartitioner.class, JSONUtil.getSerializableFields(this.getClass()));
public void fromJSON(JSONObject json_object, Database catalog_db) throws JSONException {
JSONUtil.fieldsFromJSON(json_object, catalog_db, this, LNSPartitioner.class, true, JSONUtil.getSerializableFields(this.getClass()));