package edu.brown.benchmark.articles;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import edu.brown.api.BenchmarkComponent;
import edu.brown.api.Loader;
import edu.brown.catalog.CatalogUtil;
public class ArticlesLoader extends Loader{
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ArticlesLoader.class);
private static final boolean d = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
private long articlesSize;
private long usersSize;
private long maxComments;
private HashMap<Long, Long> articleToCommentMap;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BenchmarkComponent.main(ArticlesLoader.class, args, true);
public ArticlesLoader(String[] args) {
this.articlesSize = Math.round(ArticlesConstants.ARTICLES_SIZE * this.getScaleFactor());
this.usersSize = Math.round(ArticlesConstants.USERS_SIZE * this.getScaleFactor());
this.maxComments = ArticlesConstants.MAX_COMMENTS_PER_ARTICLE;
this.articleToCommentMap = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
public void load() {
if (d) LOG.debug("Starting ArticlesLoader");
final Database catalog_db = this.getCatalogContext().database;
if (d) LOG.debug("Start loading " + ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_ARTICLES);
Table catalog_tbl = catalog_db.getTables().get(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_ARTICLES);
if (d) LOG.debug("Finished loading " + ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_ARTICLES);
if (d) LOG.debug("Start loading " + ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_USERS);
catalog_tbl = catalog_db.getTables().get(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_USERS);
if (d) LOG.debug("Finished loading " + ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_USERS);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (d) LOG.debug("Start loading " + ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_COMMENTS);
Table catalog_spe = catalog_db.getTables().get(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_COMMENTS);
if (d) LOG.debug("Finished loading " + ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_COMMENTS);
* Populate Articles table per benchmark spec.
void genArticles(Table catalog_tbl) {
final VoltTable table = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(catalog_tbl);
Object row[] = new Object[table.getColumnCount()];
long total = 0;
for (long a_id = 0; a_id < this.articlesSize; a_id++) {
int col = 0;
row[col++] = a_id;
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(100, 100); // title
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(100, 100); // text
long numComments = ArticlesUtil.number(0, this.maxComments);
row[col++] = numComments; // number of comments
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
row[col++] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // text
this.articleToCommentMap.put(a_id, numComments);
// assert col == table.getColumnCount();
if (table.getRowCount() >= ArticlesConstants.BATCH_SIZE) {
if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s: %6d / %d",
ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_ARTICLES, total, this.articlesSize));
loadVoltTable(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_ARTICLES, table);
assert(table.getRowCount() == 0);
} // FOR
if (table.getRowCount() > 0) {
if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s: %6d / %d",
ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_ARTICLES, total, this.articlesSize));
loadVoltTable(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_ARTICLES, table);
assert(table.getRowCount() == 0);
* Populate Users table per benchmark spec.
void genUsers(Table catalog_tbl) {
final VoltTable table = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(catalog_tbl);
/*-- u_firstname User's first name
-- u_lastname User's last name
-- u_password User's password
-- u_email User's email
* */
long total = 0;
for (long s_id = 0; s_id < this.usersSize; s_id++) {
Object row[] = new Object[table.getColumnCount()];
row[0] = s_id;
row[1] = ArticlesUtil.astring(3, 3);
row[2] = ArticlesUtil.astring(3, 3);
row[3] = ArticlesUtil.astring(3, 3);
row[4] = ArticlesUtil.astring(3, 3);
if (table.getRowCount() >= ArticlesConstants.BATCH_SIZE) {
if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s: %6d / %d",
ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_USERS, total, usersSize));
loadVoltTable(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_USERS, table);
} // WHILE
if (table.getRowCount() > 0) {
if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s: %6d / %d",
ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_USERS, total, usersSize));
loadVoltTable(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_USERS, table);
* Populate Comments table per benchmark spec.
void genComments(Table catalog_comments) {
* -- c_id Comment's ID
-- a_id Article's ID
-- u_id User's ID
-- c_text Actual comment text
* */
VoltTable speTbl = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(catalog_comments);
long speTotal = 0;
for (long a_id = 0; a_id < this.articlesSize; a_id++) {
Long numComments = this.articleToCommentMap.get(a_id);
for (long i = 0 ; i < numComments; i++){
Object row_spe[] = new Object[speTbl.getColumnCount()];
row_spe[0] = a_id*ArticlesConstants.MAX_COMMENTS_PER_ARTICLE+i;
row_spe[1] = a_id; // random number from the article id
row_spe[2] = ArticlesUtil.number(0, this.usersSize); // random number from user id
row_spe[3] = ArticlesUtil.astring(100, 100); // comment
row_spe[4] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[5] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[6] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[7] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[8] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[9] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[10] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[11] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[12] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
row_spe[13] = ArticlesUtil.astring(8, 8); // comment
if (speTbl.getRowCount() >= ArticlesConstants.BATCH_SIZE) {
if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s: %d", ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_COMMENTS, speTotal));
loadVoltTable(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_COMMENTS, speTbl);
assert(speTbl.getRowCount() == 0);
} // WHILE
if (speTbl.getRowCount() > 0) {
if (d) LOG.debug(String.format("%s: %d", ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_COMMENTS, speTotal));
loadVoltTable(ArticlesConstants.TABLENAME_COMMENTS, speTbl);
assert(speTbl.getRowCount() == 0);