Package edu.brown.benchmark.articles

Source Code of edu.brown.benchmark.articles.ArticlesClient

package edu.brown.benchmark.articles;
import java.util.Random;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.client.Client;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
import org.voltdb.client.NoConnectionsException;
import org.voltdb.client.ProcedureCallback;

import edu.brown.api.BenchmarkComponent;
import edu.brown.hstore.Hstoreservice.Status;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil;
import edu.brown.logging.LoggerUtil.LoggerBoolean;
import edu.brown.rand.RandomDistribution.FlatHistogram;
import edu.brown.rand.RandomDistribution.Zipf;
import edu.brown.statistics.Histogram;
import edu.brown.statistics.ObjectHistogram;

public class ArticlesClient extends BenchmarkComponent {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ArticlesClient.class);
      private static final LoggerBoolean debug = new LoggerBoolean();
      private static final LoggerBoolean trace = new LoggerBoolean();
      static {
          LoggerUtil.attachObserver(LOG, debug, trace);
      public static void main(String args[]) {
          BenchmarkComponent.main(ArticlesClient.class, args, false);
      int run_count = 0;
    private FlatHistogram<Transaction> txnWeights;
    private final Random rand_gen;
    private Zipf readRecord;
    private Zipf userRecord;
    public ArticlesClient(String[] args) {
          // Initialize the sampling table
          Histogram<Transaction> txns = new ObjectHistogram<Transaction>();
          for (Transaction t : Transaction.values()) {
              Integer weight = this.getTransactionWeight(t.callName);
              if (weight == null) weight = t.weight;
              txns.put(t, weight);
          } // FOR
          assert(txns.getSampleCount() == 100) : txns;
          this.rand_gen = new Random();
          long articlesSize = Math.round(ArticlesConstants.ARTICLES_SIZE * this.getScaleFactor());
          long usersSize = Math.round(ArticlesConstants.USERS_SIZE * this.getScaleFactor());

          this.readRecord = new Zipf(this.rand_gen, 0,
                    articlesSize, 1.0001);
          this.userRecord = new Zipf(this.rand_gen, 0, usersSize, 1.0001);

          this.txnWeights = new FlatHistogram<Transaction>(this.rand_gen, txns);
      public static enum Transaction {
      GET_ARTICLE("Get Article", ArticlesConstants.FREQUENCY_GET_ARTICLE),
      GET_COMMENTS("Get Comments", ArticlesConstants.FREQUENCY_GET_COMMENTS),
      ADD_COMMENT("Add Comment", ArticlesConstants.FREQUENCY_ADD_COMMENT),
      UPDATE_USER("Update User Info", ArticlesConstants.FREQUENCY_UPDATE_USER_INFO);

       * Constructor
      private Transaction(String displayName, int weight) {
          this.displayName = displayName;
          this.callName = displayName.replace(" ", "");
          this.weight = weight;
      public final String displayName;
      public final String callName;
      public final int weight; // probability (in terms of percentage) the transaction gets executed

      protected boolean runOnce() throws IOException {
          // pick random transaction to call, weighted by txnWeights
          final Transaction target = this.txnWeights.nextValue();
          Object params[];
//          ProcedureCallback callback = null;
          switch (target) {
              case GET_ARTICLE: {
                  //long articlesSize = Math.round(ArticlesConstants.ARTICLES_SIZE * this.getScaleFactor());
      params = new Object[]{ ((Random) this.readRecord).nextInt() };
//                  callback = new GetCommentsCallback(this.getClientHandle(), params);
              case GET_COMMENTS: {
                  //long articlesSize = Math.round(ArticlesConstants.ARTICLES_SIZE * this.getScaleFactor());
      params = new Object[]{ ((Random) this.readRecord).nextInt() };
//                  callback = new GetCommentsCallback(this.getClientHandle(), params);
              case ADD_COMMENT: {
                  //long articlesSize = Math.round(ArticlesConstants.ARTICLES_SIZE * this.getScaleFactor());
      int a_id = this.readRecord.nextInt();
      //int a_id = this.readRecord.nextInt(); // aid
                  int u_id = this.userRecord.nextInt();// uid
                  String text = ArticlesUtil.astring(100, 100);
                  params = new Object[]{ a_id, u_id, text};
              case UPDATE_USER:
                String lastname = ArticlesUtil.astring(100, 100);
                int u_id = this.userRecord.nextInt();
                  params = new Object[]{ lastname, u_id };
                  throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected txn '" + target + "'");
          } // SWITCH
          assert(params != null);
//          if(callback==null)
          Callback callback = new Callback(target.ordinal());
          boolean val = this.getClientHandle().callProcedure(callback, target.callName, params);
          return val;
      public void runLoop() {
        Client client = this.getClientHandle();
          try {
              while (true) {
              } // WHILE
          } catch (Exception ex) {
//          try {
//              Random rand = new Random();
//              int key = -1;
//              int scan_count;
//              while (true) {
//                System.out.println("loop print");
//                  runOnce();
//                  this.run_count++;
//              }
//          }
//          catch (IOException e) {
//          }
      private class Callback implements ProcedureCallback {       
          private final int idx;
          public Callback(int idx) {
              this.idx = idx;
          public void clientCallback(ClientResponse clientResponse) {
            if (clientResponse.getStatus() == Status.ABORT_UNEXPECTED) {
                    LOG.error(String.format("Unexpected Error in %s: %s",
                              this.idx, clientResponse.getStatusString()),
                    System.out.println(String.format("Unexpected Error in %s: %s",
                            this.idx, clientResponse.getStatusString())+ clientResponse.getException());
              // Increment the BenchmarkComponent's internal counter on the
              // number of transactions that have been completed
              incrementTransactionCounter(clientResponse, this.idx);
      } // END CLASS
      private class GetCommentsCallback implements ProcedureCallback {       
          private Client clientHandle;
      private Object[] params;
      public GetCommentsCallback(Client clientHandle, Object[] params) {
            this.clientHandle = clientHandle;
            this.params = params;
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
          public void clientCallback(ClientResponse clientResponse) {
        try {
          this.clientHandle.callProcedure(null, "GetComments", this.params);
        } catch (NoConnectionsException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      } // END CLASS
      public String[] getTransactionDisplayNames() {
          // Return an array of transaction names
          String procNames[] = new String[ArticlesProjectBuilder.PROCEDURES.length];
          for (int i = 0; i < procNames.length; i++) {
              procNames[i] = ArticlesProjectBuilder.PROCEDURES[i].getSimpleName();
          return (procNames);


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