* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php.
package org.broad.igv.tools.motiffinder;
import org.broad.igv.AbstractHeadlessTest;
import org.broad.igv.feature.BasicFeature;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Strand;
import htsjdk.tribble.Feature;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
* User: jacob
* Date: 2013-Jan-22
public class MotifFinderSourceTest extends AbstractHeadlessTest{
public void testSearchShortSeqPosStrand() throws Exception{
tstSearchShortSeq(Strand.POSITIVE, 2);
public void testSearchShortSeqNegStrand() throws Exception{
tstSearchShortSeq(Strand.NEGATIVE, 1);
private void tstSearchShortSeq(Strand strand, int expFeatures) throws Exception{
int posStart = 0;//19389;
//Motif is twice on positive strand, once on negative
String motif = "ACT";
Iterator<Feature> matchIter = MotifFinderSource.search(motif, strand, null, posStart, shortSeq.getBytes());
assertTrue("No matches found for motif " + motif, matchIter.hasNext());
int count = 0;
int lastStart = -1;
Feature feat = matchIter.next();
assertTrue("Features out of order", feat.getStart() >= lastStart);
checkPatternMatches(motif, feat, shortSeq.getBytes());
lastStart = feat.getStart();
assertEquals("Unexpected number of features", expFeatures, count);
public void testBasicSearchNegStrand_end() throws Exception{
int posStart = 19389;
//Motif is at the end of this sequence on the negative strand
String motif = "CTGATC";
Strand strand = Strand.NEGATIVE;
Iterator<Feature> matchIter = MotifFinderSource.searchSingleStrand(motif, strand, null, posStart, shortSeq.getBytes());
assertTrue("No matches found for motif " + motif, matchIter.hasNext());
Feature feat = matchIter.next();
int expStart = posStart + shortSeq.length() - motif.length();
int expEnd = expStart + motif.length();
assertEquals(expStart, feat.getStart());
assertEquals(expEnd, feat.getEnd());
checkPatternMatches(motif, feat, shortSeq.getBytes());
public void testBasicSearchNegStrand_few() throws Exception{
int posStart = 19389;
//Should have several hits
String motif = "TG";
String revSeq = "CA";
Strand strand = Strand.NEGATIVE;
Iterator<Feature> matchIter = MotifFinderSource.searchSingleStrand(motif, strand, null, posStart, shortSeq.getBytes());
assertTrue("No matches found for motif " + motif, matchIter.hasNext());
Feature feat = matchIter.next();
checkPatternMatches(motif, feat, shortSeq.getBytes());
public void testSearchSingleStrandPos() throws Exception{
int posStart = 19389;
String motif = "TCTG";
Strand strand = Strand.POSITIVE;
Iterator<Feature> matchIter = MotifFinderSource.searchSingleStrand(motif, strand, null, posStart, shortSeq.getBytes());
assertTrue("No matches found for motif " + motif, matchIter.hasNext());
Feature feat = matchIter.next();
assertEquals(posStart + 3, feat.getStart());
assertEquals(posStart + 7, feat.getEnd());
checkPatternMatches(motif, feat, shortSeq.getBytes());
feat = matchIter.next();
assertEquals(posStart + 14, feat.getStart());
assertEquals(posStart + 18, feat.getEnd());
checkPatternMatches(motif, feat, shortSeq.getBytes());
public void testConvertMotifToRegex_Basic() throws Exception{
String motif = "ACTGACTGACTG";
String regex = MotifFinderDialog.convertMotifToRegex(motif);
assertEquals(motif, regex);
public void testConvertMotifToRegex_02() throws Exception{
String motif = "ACTGMACTGNACTSG";
String regex = MotifFinderDialog.convertMotifToRegex(motif);
assertTrue(regex.length() >= motif.length());
assertEquals("ACTG[M,A,C]ACTG.ACT[S,G,C]G", regex);
public void testExactSearch_EGFR() throws Exception{
int expStart = 55054449;
tstSearchGenome_EGFR(motif, expStart, expStart + motif.length());
public void testAmbiguousSearch_EGFR() throws Exception{
int expStart = 55054449;
String pattern = MotifFinderDialog.convertMotifToRegex(motif);
tstSearchGenome_EGFR(pattern, expStart, expStart + motif.length());
public void testSearchNoResult() throws Exception{
0, 100000, -1, -1);
* Test searching for a motif which has 2 overlapping hits
* @throws Exception
public void testSearchOverlapping() throws Exception{
String motif = "ATGCATGCATGC";
MotifFinderSource source = new MotifFinderSource(motif, Strand.POSITIVE, genome);
String queryChr = "chr8";
int queryStart = 40823007;
int queryEnd = 40863995;
Iterator<Feature> iter = source.getFeatures(queryChr, queryStart, queryEnd);
BasicFeature feat = (BasicFeature) iter.next();
int expFeatureStart = 40843500;
int exFeatureEnd = 40843512;
assertEquals(expFeatureStart, feat.getStart());
assertEquals(exFeatureEnd, feat.getEnd());
checkPatternMatches(motif, feat);
//Negative strand hit
// feat = (BasicFeature) iter.next();
// assertEquals(expFeatureStart + 2, feat.getStart());
// assertEquals(exFeatureEnd + 2, feat.getEnd());
// checkPatternMatches(motif, feat);
feat = (BasicFeature) iter.next();
assertEquals(expFeatureStart + 4, feat.getStart());
assertEquals(exFeatureEnd + 4, feat.getEnd());
checkPatternMatches(motif, feat);
* Test searching chromosome 1 for nonexistent motif. Test is timed at 30 seconds,
* this is a loose performance test. Takes ~13 seconds on my machine
* @throws Exception
public void testSearchWholeChromo() throws Exception{
String chromo = "chr1";
int reps = 20;
//Really long string, probably no matches
String motif = umotif;
for(int ii=0; ii < reps; ii++) motif += umotif;
tstSearchGenomeSingResult(motif, Strand.POSITIVE, chromo,
0, genome.getChromosome(chromo).getLength(), -1, -1);
private void tstSearchGenome_EGFR(String motif, int expStart, int expEnd) throws Exception {
//Our favorite, EGFR
String chr = "chr7";
int start = 55052219;
int end = 55244525;
tstSearchGenomeSingResult(motif, Strand.POSITIVE, chr, start, end, expStart, expEnd);
* Test searching for pattern in the specified region, asserting that at most 1 feature
* is found and starts at {@code expFeatureStart}. If expFeatureStart < 0, it is assumed
* no features should be found
* @param pattern
* @param strand
* @param chr
* @param start
* @param end
* @param expFeatStart
* @throws Exception
private void tstSearchGenomeSingResult(String pattern, Strand strand, String chr, int start, int end, int expFeatStart, int expFeatureEnd) throws Exception {
MotifFinderSource source = new MotifFinderSource(pattern, strand, genome);
Iterator<Feature> iter = source.getFeatures(chr, start, end);
if(expFeatStart >= 0){
Feature feat = iter.next();
assertEquals(expFeatStart, feat.getStart());
if(expFeatureEnd > 0){
assertEquals(expFeatureEnd, feat.getEnd());
checkPatternMatches(pattern, feat);
assertFalse("Iterator should be empty but isn't", iter.hasNext());
private void checkPatternMatches(String pattern, Feature feature){
byte[] sequence = genome.getSequence(feature.getChr(), feature.getStart(), feature.getEnd());
checkPatternMatches(pattern, feature, sequence);
private void checkPatternMatches(String pattern, Feature feature, byte[] sequence){
Matcher matcher = MotifFinderSource.getMatcher(pattern, ((BasicFeature) feature).getStrand(), sequence);
assertTrue("No match found for pattern " + pattern + " at " + feature.getStart(), matcher.find());