Package org.broad.igv.feature.genome

Source Code of org.broad.igv.feature.genome.GenbankParserTest

package org.broad.igv.feature.genome;

import org.broad.igv.feature.BasicFeature;
import org.broad.igv.util.TestUtils;
import htsjdk.tribble.Feature;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.List;

import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

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* Date: 6/19/12
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public class GenbankParserTest {

    public void testReadSequence() throws Exception {

        String testFile = TestUtils.DATA_DIR + "gbk/pten_test.gbk";

        GenbankParser genbankParser = new GenbankParser(testFile);

        String expectedChr = "NT_030059";
        assertEquals(expectedChr, genbankParser.getChr());

        String[] expectedTypes = {"gene", "mRNA", "CDS", "gene", "variation", "variation"};
        int[] expectedStarts = {0, 0, 1032, 82042, -79, 10554};
        int[] expectedEnds = {105338, 105338, 102035, 82643, -78, 10555};

        List<Feature> features = genbankParser.getFeatures();
        for (int i=0; i<expectedTypes.length; i++) {
            BasicFeature bf = (BasicFeature) features.get(i);
            assertEquals(expectedTypes[i], bf.getType());
            assertEquals(expectedStarts[i], bf.getStart());
            assertEquals(expectedEnds[i], bf.getEnd());

        //       61 ttccgaggcg cccgggctcc cggcgcggcg gcggaggggg cgggcaggcc ggcgggcggt
        String chr = genbankParser.getChr();
        int start = 60;
        int end = 70;
        String expectedSequence = "ttccgaggcg";
        byte[] seqbytes = genbankParser.getSequence(chr, start, end);
        String sequence = new String(seqbytes);
        assertEquals(expectedSequence, sequence);

        // Test end of sequence
        expectedSequence = "tcttgtca";
        end = 105338;
        start = end - expectedSequence.length();
        seqbytes = genbankParser.getSequence(chr, start, end);
        sequence = new String(seqbytes);
        assertEquals(expectedSequence, sequence);

        assertEquals(105338, genbankParser.getSequenceLenth());


     *  variation       -78
     variation       10555
     *      gene            1..105338
     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
     gene prediction method: BestRefseq."
     mRNA            join(1..1111,30588..30672,62076..62120,67609..67652,
     /product="phosphatase and tensin homolog"
     /exception="unclassified transcription discrepancy"
     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
     gene prediction method: BestRefseq."
     CDS             join(1033..1111,30588..30672,62076..62120,67609..67652,
     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
     gene prediction method: BestRefseq."
     3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase
     gene            82043..82643
     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
     gene prediction method: Curated Genomic."

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