* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php.
package org.broad.igv.feature.exome;
import org.broad.igv.AbstractHeadlessTest;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Locus;
import org.broad.igv.feature.tribble.CodecFactory;
import org.broad.igv.ui.panel.ReferenceFrame;
import org.broad.igv.util.TestUtils;
import htsjdk.tribble.AbstractFeatureReader;
import htsjdk.tribble.Feature;
import htsjdk.tribble.FeatureCodec;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
* @author Jim Robinson
* @date 5/24/12
public class ExomeUtilsTest extends AbstractHeadlessTest {
static ExomeReferenceFrame frame;
public static void setup() throws IOException {
Map<String, List<Feature>> allFeatures = loadTestFeatures();
frame = new ExomeReferenceFrame(new ReferenceFrame("test"), allFeatures);
frame.jumpTo(new Locus("chr6", 1, 100));
public void genomeToExomePosition() {
final int genomeStart = 10831323;
final int exomeStart = 2685;
// Genome positino at exact start of blocks
int calcExomePosition = frame.genomeToExomePosition(genomeStart);
assertEquals(exomeStart, calcExomePosition);
// Genome position in interior of blocks
int genomePosition = genomeStart + 100;
int expectedExomePosition = exomeStart + 100;
calcExomePosition = frame.genomeToExomePosition(genomePosition);
assertEquals(expectedExomePosition, calcExomePosition);
// Between 2 blocks -- position exome at end of first blocks
//Block 2 [2208833, 2208917, 223, 84]
//Block 3 [2214930, 2215032, 307, 102]
genomePosition = (2208917 + 2214930) / 2;
expectedExomePosition = 223 + 84;
calcExomePosition = frame.genomeToExomePosition(genomePosition);
assertEquals(expectedExomePosition, calcExomePosition);
// Before first blocks
genomePosition = 100;
expectedExomePosition = 0;
calcExomePosition = frame.genomeToExomePosition(genomePosition);
assertEquals(expectedExomePosition, calcExomePosition);
// After last blocks
//Block 100 [111693771, 111696954, 29865, 3183]
genomePosition = 111696954 + 100;
expectedExomePosition = 29865 + 3183;
calcExomePosition = frame.genomeToExomePosition(genomePosition);
assertEquals(expectedExomePosition, calcExomePosition);
public void exomeToGenomePosition() {
final int genomeStart = 10831323;
final int exomeStart = 2685;
int exomePosition = exomeStart + 100;
int expectedGenomePosition = genomeStart + 100;
int calcGenomePosition = frame.exomeToGenomePosition(exomePosition);
assertEquals(expectedGenomePosition, calcGenomePosition);
static Map<String, List<Feature>> loadTestFeatures() throws IOException {
Map<String, List<Feature>> allFeatures = new HashMap<String, List<Feature>>();
String file = TestUtils.DATA_DIR + "gene/UCSCgenes_sample.gene";
FeatureCodec codec = CodecFactory.getCodec(file, null);
AbstractFeatureReader<Feature, ?> bfs = AbstractFeatureReader.getFeatureReader(file, codec, false);
Iterable<Feature> iter = bfs.iterator();
for (Feature f : iter) {
List<Feature> flist = allFeatures.get(f.getChr());
if (flist == null) {
flist = new ArrayList<Feature>(5000);
allFeatures.put(f.getChr(), flist);
return allFeatures;