* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php.
package org.broad.igv.ui.panel;
import org.broad.igv.PreferenceManager;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Locus;
import org.broad.igv.feature.exome.ExomeReferenceFrame;
import org.broad.igv.lists.GeneList;
import org.broad.igv.track.FeatureTrack;
import org.broad.igv.track.RegionScoreType;
import org.broad.igv.track.Track;
import org.broad.igv.ui.IGV;
import org.broad.igv.ui.action.SearchCommand;
import org.broad.igv.ui.util.MessageUtils;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* @author jrobinso
* @date Sep 10, 2010
public class FrameManager {
private static List<ReferenceFrame> frames = new ArrayList();
private static ReferenceFrame defaultFrame;
private static boolean exomeMode = false;
public static final String DEFAULT_FRAME_NAME = "genome";
static {
public synchronized static ReferenceFrame getDefaultFrame() {
if (defaultFrame == null) {
defaultFrame = new ReferenceFrame(DEFAULT_FRAME_NAME);
return defaultFrame;
* Set exome mode.
* @param b
* @param showTrackMenu
* @return true if a change was made,
* false if not.
public static boolean setExomeMode(boolean b, boolean showTrackMenu) {
if (b == exomeMode) return false; // No change
if (b) {
return switchToExomeMode(showTrackMenu);
} else {
return switchToGenomeMode();
public static boolean isExomeMode() {
return exomeMode;
static FeatureTrack exomeTrack = null;
private static boolean switchToExomeMode(boolean showTrackMenu) {
Frame parent = IGV.hasInstance() ? IGV.getMainFrame() : null;
List<FeatureTrack> featureTracks = IGV.getInstance().getFeatureTracks();
if (featureTracks.size() == 1) {
exomeTrack = featureTracks.get(0);
} else {
if (exomeTrack == null || showTrackMenu) {
FeatureTrackSelectionDialog dlg = new FeatureTrackSelectionDialog(parent);
if (dlg.getIsCancelled()) return false;
exomeTrack = dlg.getSelectedTrack();
if (exomeTrack == null) return false;
ExomeReferenceFrame exomeFrame = new ExomeReferenceFrame(defaultFrame, exomeTrack);
Locus locus = new Locus(defaultFrame.getChrName(), (int) defaultFrame.getOrigin(), (int) defaultFrame.getEnd());
defaultFrame = exomeFrame;
exomeMode = true;
return true;
private static boolean switchToGenomeMode() {
ReferenceFrame refFrame = new ReferenceFrame(defaultFrame);
Locus locus = new Locus(defaultFrame.getChrName(), (int) defaultFrame.getOrigin(), (int) defaultFrame.getEnd());
defaultFrame = refFrame;
exomeMode = false;
return true;
public static List<ReferenceFrame> getFrames() {
return frames;
public static ReferenceFrame getFrame(String frameName){
for(ReferenceFrame frame: frames){
return frame;
return null;
public static void setFrames(List<ReferenceFrame> f) {
frames = f;
public static boolean isGeneListMode() {
return frames.size() > 1;
public static void setToDefaultFrame(String searchString) {
if (searchString != null) {
Locus locus = getLocus(searchString, 0);
if (locus != null) {
private static boolean addNewFrame(String searchString){
boolean locusAdded = false;
Locus locus = getLocus(searchString);
if (locus != null) {
ReferenceFrame referenceFrame = new ReferenceFrame(searchString);
locusAdded = frames.add(referenceFrame);
return locusAdded;
public static void resetFrames(GeneList gl) {
if (gl == null) {
} else {
List<String> lociNotFound = new ArrayList();
List<String> loci = gl.getLoci();
if (loci.size() == 1) {
Locus locus = getLocus(loci.get(0));
if (locus == null) {
} else {
getDefaultFrame().jumpTo(locus.getChr(), locus.getStart(), locus.getEnd());
} else {
for (String searchString : gl.getLoci()) {
if (lociNotFound.size() > 1) {
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
message.append("<html>The following loci could not be found in the currently loaded annotation sets: <br>");
for (String s : lociNotFound) {
message.append(s + " ");
* @return The minimum scale among all active frames
* TODO -- track this with "rescale" events, rather than compute on the fly
public static double getMinimumScale() {
double minScale = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (ReferenceFrame frame : frames) {
minScale = Math.min(minScale, frame.getScale());
return minScale;
* Uses default flanking region with
* {@link #getLocus(String, int)}
* @param searchString
* @return
public static Locus getLocus(String searchString) {
int flankingRegion = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsInt(PreferenceManager.FLANKING_REGION);
return getLocus(searchString, flankingRegion);
* Runs a search for the specified string, and returns a locus
* of the given region with additional space on each side.
* Note: We DO NOT add the flanking region if the {@code searchString}
* is a locus (e.g. chr1:50-100), only if it's a gene or feature name (or something else)
* @param searchString
* @param flankingRegion
* @return The found locus, null if not found
public static Locus getLocus(String searchString, int flankingRegion) {
SearchCommand cmd = new SearchCommand(getDefaultFrame(), searchString);
List<SearchCommand.SearchResult> results = cmd.runSearch(searchString);
Locus locus = null;
for (SearchCommand.SearchResult result : results) {
if (result.getType() != SearchCommand.ResultType.ERROR) {
int delta = 0;
if (result.getType() != SearchCommand.ResultType.LOCUS) {
if (flankingRegion < 0) {
delta = (-flankingRegion * (result.getEnd() - result.getStart())) / 100;
} else {
delta = flankingRegion;
int start = result.getStart() - delta;
//Don't allow flanking region to extend past origin
//There are some circumstances in which we render before origin (e.g. soft-clips)
//so we are conservative
if (start < 0 && result.getStart() >= -1) {
start = 0;
locus = new Locus(
result.getEnd() + delta);
//We just take the first result
return locus;
public static void removeFrame(ReferenceFrame frame) {
public static void sortFrames(final Track t) {
Collections.sort(frames, new Comparator<ReferenceFrame>() {
public int compare(ReferenceFrame o1, ReferenceFrame o2) {
float s1 = t.getRegionScore(o1.getChromosome().getName(), (int) o1.getOrigin(), (int) o1.getEnd(),
o1.getZoom(), RegionScoreType.SCORE, o1.getName());
float s2 = t.getRegionScore(o2.getChromosome().getName(), (int) o2.getOrigin(), (int) o2.getEnd(),
o2.getZoom(), RegionScoreType.SCORE, o2.getName());
return (s1 == s2 ? 0 : (s1 > s2) ? -1 : 1);