* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php.
* FeatureTrackH5.java
* Created on November 12, 2007, 8:22 PM
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.
package org.broad.igv.track;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.broad.igv.Globals;
import org.broad.igv.PreferenceManager;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Chromosome;
import org.broad.igv.feature.FeatureUtils;
import org.broad.igv.feature.LocusScore;
import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.Genome;
import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.GenomeManager;
import org.broad.igv.renderer.*;
import org.broad.igv.session.IGVSessionReader;
import org.broad.igv.session.SessionXmlAdapters;
import org.broad.igv.session.SubtlyImportant;
import org.broad.igv.ui.IGV;
import org.broad.igv.ui.panel.FrameManager;
import org.broad.igv.ui.panel.ReferenceFrame;
import org.broad.igv.util.ResourceLocator;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* Represents a track of numeric data
* @author jrobinso
@XmlType(factoryMethod = "getNextTrack")
public abstract class DataTrack extends AbstractTrack {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DataTrack.class);
private DataRenderer renderer;
// TODO -- memory leak. This needs to get cleared when the gene list changes
private HashMap<String, LoadedDataInterval> loadedIntervalCache = new HashMap(200);
private boolean featuresLoading = false;
public DataTrack(ResourceLocator locator, String id, String name) {
super(locator, id, name);
autoScale = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_AUTOSCALE);
public void render(RenderContext context, Rectangle rect){
if (featuresLoading) {
overlay(context, rect);
renderFirstTimeY(context, rect);
this.lastRenderY = rect.y;
* Called the first time we render for a given Y-coordinate
* @param context
* @param rect
private void renderFirstTimeY(RenderContext context, Rectangle rect) {
List<LocusScore> inViewScores = getInViewScores(context, rect);
if ((inViewScores == null || inViewScores.size() == 0) && Globals.CHR_ALL.equals(context.getChr())) {
Graphics2D g = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.gray);
GraphicUtils.drawCenteredText("Data not available for whole genome view; zoom in to see data", rect, g);
getRenderer().render(inViewScores, context, rect, this);
int x = context.getGraphics().getClipBounds().x;
Rectangle scaleRect = new Rectangle(x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
DataRenderer.drawScale(getDataRange(), context, scaleRect);
public void overlay(RenderContext context, Rectangle rect){
List<LocusScore> inViewScores = getInViewScores(context, rect);
if(inViewScores != null){
synchronized (inViewScores){
getRenderer().renderScores(this, inViewScores, context, rect);
getRenderer().renderBorder(this, context, rect);
private List<LocusScore> getInViewScores(RenderContext context, Rectangle rect){
String chr = context.getChr();
int start = (int) context.getOrigin();
int end = (int) context.getEndLocation() + 1;
int zoom = context.getZoom();
List<LocusScore> inViewScores = null;
LoadedDataInterval interval = loadedIntervalCache.get(context.getReferenceFrame().getName());
if (interval != null && interval.contains(chr, start, end, zoom)) {
inViewScores = interval.getScores();
} else {
inViewScores = loadScores(context);
//Not all data sources support whole genome views, tell user if CHR_ALL not available
if ((inViewScores == null || inViewScores.size() == 0) && Globals.CHR_ALL.equals(chr)) {
Graphics2D g = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.gray);
GraphicUtils.drawCenteredText("Data not available for whole genome view; zoom in to see data", rect, g);
} else {
if (autoScale && !FrameManager.isGeneListMode()) {
InViewInterval inter = computeScale(start, end, inViewScores);
if (inter.endIdx > inter.startIdx) {
inViewScores = inViewScores.subList(inter.startIdx, inter.endIdx);
DataRange dr = getDataRange();
float min = Math.min(0, inter.dataMin);
float base = Math.max(min, dr.getBaseline());
float max = inter.dataMax;
// Pathological case where min ~= max (no data in view)
if (max - min <= (2 * Float.MIN_VALUE)) {
max = min + 1;
DataRange newDR = new DataRange(min, base, max, dr.isDrawBaseline());
return inViewScores;
public synchronized void load(RenderContext context) {
String chr = context.getChr();
int start = (int) context.getOrigin();
int end = (int) context.getEndLocation() + 1;
int zoom = context.getZoom();
LoadedDataInterval interval = loadedIntervalCache.get(context.getReferenceFrame().getName());
if (interval == null || !interval.contains(chr, start, end, zoom)) {
public List<LocusScore> loadScores(final RenderContext context) {
String chr = context.getChr();
int start = (int) context.getOrigin();
int end = (int) context.getEndLocation() + 1;
int zoom = context.getZoom();
try {
featuresLoading = true;
int maxEnd = end;
Genome genome = GenomeManager.getInstance().getCurrentGenome();
String queryChr = chr;
if (genome != null) {
queryChr = genome.getChromosomeAlias(chr);
Chromosome c = genome.getChromosome(chr);
if (c != null) maxEnd = Math.max(c.getLength(), end);
// Expand interval +/- 50%, unless in a multi-locus mode with "lots" of frames
boolean multiLocus = FrameManager.isExomeMode() || (FrameManager.getFrames().size() > 4);
int delta = multiLocus ? 1 : (end - start) / 2;
int expandedStart = Math.max(0, start - delta);
int expandedEnd = Math.min(maxEnd, end + delta);
List<LocusScore> inViewScores = getSummaryScores(queryChr, expandedStart, expandedEnd, zoom);
LoadedDataInterval interval = new LoadedDataInterval(chr, start, end, zoom, inViewScores);
loadedIntervalCache.put(context.getReferenceFrame().getName(), interval);
return inViewScores;
} finally {
featuresLoading = false;
public void clearCaches() {
public void setRendererClass(Class rc) {
try {
renderer = (DataRenderer) rc.newInstance();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error instantiating renderer ", ex);
protected void setRenderer(Renderer renderer) {
this.renderer = (DataRenderer) renderer;
@XmlAttribute(name = "renderer")
public DataRenderer getRenderer() {
if (renderer == null) {
return renderer;
* Return a value string for the tooltip window at the given location, or null to signal there is no value
* at that location
* @param chr
* @param position
* @param y
* @param frame
* @return
public String getValueStringAt(String chr, double position, int y, ReferenceFrame frame) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
LocusScore score = getLocusScoreAt(chr, position, frame);
// If there is no value here, return null to signal no popup
if (score == null) {
return null;
buf.append(getName() + "<br>");
if ((getDataRange() != null) && (getRenderer() instanceof XYPlotRenderer)) {
buf.append("Data scale: " + getDataRange().getMinimum() + " - " + getDataRange().getMaximum() + "<br>");
buf.append(score.getValueString(position, getWindowFunction()));
return buf.toString();
private LocusScore getLocusScoreAt(String chr, double position, ReferenceFrame frame) {
int zoom = Math.max(0, frame.getZoom());
List<LocusScore> scores = getSummaryScores(chr, (int) position - 10, (int) position + 10, zoom);
if (scores == null) {
return null;
} else {
// give a 2 pixel window, otherwise very narrow features will be missed.
double bpPerPixel = frame.getScale();
int buffer = (int) (2 * bpPerPixel); /* * */
return (LocusScore) FeatureUtils.getFeatureAt(position, buffer, scores);
abstract public List<LocusScore> getSummaryScores(String chr, int startLocation, int endLocation, int zoom);
private InViewInterval computeScale(double origin, double end, List<LocusScore> scores) {
InViewInterval interval = new InViewInterval();
if (scores.size() == 1) {
interval.dataMax = Math.max(0, scores.get(0).getScore());
interval.dataMin = Math.min(0, scores.get(0).getScore());
} else {
interval.startIdx = 0;
interval.endIdx = scores.size();
for (int i = 1; i < scores.size(); i++) {
if (scores.get(i).getEnd() >= origin) {
interval.startIdx = i - 1;
for (int i = interval.startIdx + 1; i < scores.size(); i++) {
LocusScore locusScore = scores.get(i);
float value = locusScore.getScore();
if (Float.isNaN(value)) value = 0;
interval.dataMax = Math.max(interval.dataMax, value);
interval.dataMin = Math.min(interval.dataMin, value);
if (locusScore.getStart() > end) {
interval.endIdx = i;
return interval;
* Get the score over the provided region for the given type. Different types
* are processed differently. Results are cached according to the provided frameName,
* if provided. If not, a string is created based on the inputs.
* @param chr
* @param start
* @param end
* @param zoom
* @param type
* @param frameName
* @param tracks Mutation scores require other tracks to calculate the score. If provided,
* use these tracks. If null and not headless we use the currently loaded tracks.
* @return
public float getRegionScore(String chr, int start, int end, int zoom, RegionScoreType type, String frameName,
List<Track> tracks) {
if (end <= start) {
return 0;
if (isRegionScoreType(type)) {
List<LocusScore> scores = null;
if (frameName == null) {
//Essentially covering headless case here
frameName = (chr + start) + end;
frameName += zoom;
frameName += type;
LoadedDataInterval loadedInterval = loadedIntervalCache.get(frameName);
if (loadedInterval != null && loadedInterval.contains(chr, start, end, zoom)) {
scores = loadedInterval.getScores();
} else {
scores = this.getSummaryScores(chr, start, end, zoom);
loadedIntervalCache.put(frameName, new LoadedDataInterval(chr, start, end, zoom, scores));
if (type == RegionScoreType.FLUX) {
float sumDiffs = 0;
float lastScore = Float.NaN;
for (LocusScore score : scores) {
if ((score.getEnd() >= start) && (score.getStart() <= end)) {
if (Float.isNaN(lastScore)) {
lastScore = Math.min(2, Math.max(-2, logScaleData(score.getScore())));
} else {
float s = Math.min(2, Math.max(-2, logScaleData(score.getScore())));
sumDiffs += Math.abs(s - lastScore);
lastScore = s;
return sumDiffs;
} else if (type == RegionScoreType.MUTATION_COUNT) {
// Sort by overlaid mutation count.
if (!Globals.isHeadless() && tracks == null) {
tracks = IGV.getInstance().getOverlayTracks(this);
float count = 0;
String tSamp = this.getSample();
if (tracks != null && tSamp != null) {
for (Track t : tracks) {
if (t.getTrackType() == TrackType.MUTATION && tSamp.equals(t.getSample())) {
count += t.getRegionScore(chr, start, end, zoom, type, frameName);
return count;
} else {
float regionScore = 0;
int intervalSum = 0;
boolean hasNan = false;
for (LocusScore score : scores) {
if ((score.getEnd() >= start) && (score.getStart() <= end)) {
int interval = Math.min(end, score.getEnd()) - Math.max(start, score.getStart());
float value = score.getScore();
//For sorting it makes sense to skip NaNs. Not sure about other contexts
hasNan = true;
regionScore += value * interval;
intervalSum += interval;
if (intervalSum <= 0) {
//If the only existing scores are NaN, the overall score should be NaN
return Float.NaN;
// No scores in interval
return -Float.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
regionScore /= intervalSum;
return (type == RegionScoreType.DELETION) ? -regionScore : regionScore;
} else {
return -Float.MAX_VALUE;
* Return the average zcore over the interval.
* @param chr
* @param start
* @param end
* @param zoom
* @return
public double getAverageScore(String chr, int start, int end, int zoom) {
double regionScore = 0;
int intervalSum = 0;
Collection<LocusScore> scores = getSummaryScores(chr, start, end, zoom);
for (LocusScore score : scores) {
if ((score.getEnd() >= start) && (score.getStart() <= end)) {
int interval = 1; //Math.min(end, score.getEnd()) - Math.max(start, score.getStart());
float value = score.getScore();
regionScore += value * interval;
intervalSum += interval;
if (intervalSum > 0) {
regionScore /= intervalSum;
return regionScore;
class InViewInterval {
int startIdx;
int endIdx;
float dataMax = 0;
float dataMin = 0;
private static DataTrack getNextTrack() {
return (DataTrack) IGVSessionReader.getNextTrack();