* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php.
package org.broad.igv.sam;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.broad.igv.Globals;
import org.broad.igv.PreferenceManager;
import org.broad.igv.feature.SpliceJunctionFeature;
import org.broad.igv.sam.reader.AlignmentReader;
import org.broad.igv.sam.reader.ReadGroupFilter;
import org.broad.igv.ui.IGV;
import org.broad.igv.ui.util.MessageUtils;
import org.broad.igv.ui.util.ProgressMonitor;
import org.broad.igv.util.ObjectCache;
import org.broad.igv.util.RuntimeUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.*;
* A wrapper for an AlignmentQueryReader that caches query results
* @author jrobinso
public class AlignmentTileLoader {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AlignmentTileLoader.class);
private static Set<WeakReference<AlignmentTileLoader>> activeLoaders = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());
* Flag to mark a corrupt index. Without this attempted reads will continue in an infinite loop
private boolean corruptIndex = false;
private AlignmentReader reader;
private boolean cancel = false;
private boolean pairedEnd = false;
static void cancelReaders() {
for (WeakReference<AlignmentTileLoader> readerRef : activeLoaders) {
AlignmentTileLoader reader = readerRef.get();
if (reader != null) {
reader.cancel = true;
log.debug("Readers canceled");
public AlignmentTileLoader(AlignmentReader reader) {
this.reader = reader;
activeLoaders.add(new WeakReference<AlignmentTileLoader>(this));
public void close() throws IOException {
public SAMFileHeader getFileHeader() {
return this.reader.getFileHeader();
public List<String> getSequenceNames() {
return reader.getSequenceNames();
public CloseableIterator<Alignment> iterator() {
return reader.iterator();
public boolean hasIndex() {
return reader.hasIndex();
AlignmentTile loadTile(String chr, int start, int end,
SpliceJunctionHelper spliceJunctionHelper,
AlignmentDataManager.DownsampleOptions downsampleOptions,
Map<String, PEStats> peStats,
AlignmentTrack.BisulfiteContext bisulfiteContext,
ProgressMonitor monitor) {
AlignmentTile t = new AlignmentTile(start, end, spliceJunctionHelper, downsampleOptions, bisulfiteContext);
//assert (tiles.size() > 0);
if (corruptIndex) {
return t;
final PreferenceManager prefMgr = PreferenceManager.getInstance();
boolean filterFailedReads = prefMgr.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_FILTER_FAILED_READS);
boolean filterSecondaryAlignments = prefMgr.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_FILTER_SECONDARY_ALIGNMENTS);
boolean filterSupplementaryAlignments = prefMgr.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_FILTER_SUPPLEMENTARY_ALIGNMENTS);
ReadGroupFilter filter = ReadGroupFilter.getFilter();
boolean showDuplicates = prefMgr.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_SHOW_DUPLICATES);
int qualityThreshold = prefMgr.getAsInt(PreferenceManager.SAM_QUALITY_THRESHOLD);
CloseableIterator<Alignment> iter = null;
//log.debug("Loading : " + start + " - " + end);
int alignmentCount = 0;
WeakReference<AlignmentTileLoader> ref = new WeakReference(this);
try {
ObjectCache<String, Alignment> mappedMates = new ObjectCache<String, Alignment>(1000);
ObjectCache<String, Alignment> unmappedMates = new ObjectCache<String, Alignment>(1000);
iter = reader.query(chr, start, end, false);
while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) {
if (cancel) {
return t;
Alignment record = iter.next();
// Set mate sequence of unmapped mates
// Put a limit on the total size of this collection.
String readName = record.getReadName();
if (record.isPaired()) {
pairedEnd = true;
if (record.isMapped()) {
if (!record.getMate().isMapped()) {
// record is mapped, mate is not
Alignment mate = unmappedMates.get(readName);
if (mate == null) {
mappedMates.put(readName, record);
} else {
} else if (record.getMate().isMapped()) {
// record not mapped, mate is
Alignment mappedMate = mappedMates.get(readName);
if (mappedMate == null) {
unmappedMates.put(readName, record);
} else {
if (!record.isMapped() || (!showDuplicates && record.isDuplicate()) ||
(filterFailedReads && record.isVendorFailedRead()) ||
(filterSecondaryAlignments && !record.isPrimary()) ||
(filterSupplementaryAlignments && record.isSupplementary()) ||
record.getMappingQuality() < qualityThreshold ||
(filter != null && filter.filterAlignment(record))) {
int interval = Globals.isTesting() ? 100000 : 1000;
if (alignmentCount % interval == 0) {
if (cancel) return null;
String msg = "Reads loaded: " + alignmentCount;
if (monitor != null) {
if (memoryTooLow()) {
if (monitor != null) monitor.fireProgressChange(100);
return t; // <= TODO need to cancel all readers
// Update pe stats
if (peStats != null && record.isPaired() && record.isProperPair()) {
String lb = record.getLibrary();
if (lb == null) lb = "null";
PEStats stats = peStats.get(lb);
if (stats == null) {
stats = new PEStats(lb);
peStats.put(lb, stats);
// End iteration over alignments
// Compute peStats
if (peStats != null) {
// TODO -- something smarter re the percentiles. For small samples these will revert to min and max
double minPercentile = prefMgr.getAsFloat(PreferenceManager.SAM_MIN_INSERT_SIZE_PERCENTILE);
double maxPercentile = prefMgr.getAsFloat(PreferenceManager.SAM_MAX_INSERT_SIZE_PERCENTILE);
for (PEStats stats : peStats.values()) {
stats.compute(minPercentile, maxPercentile);
// Clean up any remaining unmapped mate sequences
for (String mappedMateName : mappedMates.getKeys()) {
Alignment mappedMate = mappedMates.get(mappedMateName);
if (mappedMate != null) {
Alignment mate = unmappedMates.get(mappedMate.getReadName());
if (mate != null) {
} catch (java.nio.BufferUnderflowException e) {
// This almost always indicates a corrupt BAM index, or less frequently a corrupt bam file
corruptIndex = true;
MessageUtils.showMessage("<html>Error encountered querying alignments: " + e.toString() +
"<br>This is often caused by a corrupt index file.");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error loading alignment data", e);
MessageUtils.showMessage("<html>Error encountered querying alignments: " + e.toString());
} finally {
// reset cancel flag. It doesn't matter how we got here, the read is complete and this flag is reset
// for the next time
cancel = false;
if (monitor != null) {
if (iter != null) {
if (!Globals.isHeadless()) {
return t;
private static synchronized boolean memoryTooLow() {
if (RuntimeUtils.getAvailableMemoryFraction() < 0.2) {
if (RuntimeUtils.getAvailableMemoryFraction() < 0.2) {
String msg = "Memory is low, reading terminating.";
return true;
return false;
* Does this file contain paired end data? Assume not until proven otherwise.
public boolean isPairedEnd() {
return pairedEnd;
public Set<String> getPlatforms() {
return reader.getPlatforms();
* Caches alignments, coverage, splice junctions, and downsampled intervals
public static class AlignmentTile {
private boolean loaded = false;
private int end;
private int start;
private AlignmentCounts counts;
private List<Alignment> alignments;
private List<DownsampledInterval> downsampledIntervals;
private SpliceJunctionHelper spliceJunctionHelper;
private static final Random RAND = new Random();
private boolean downsample;
private int samplingWindowSize;
private int samplingDepth;
private int currentSamplingWindowStart = -1;
private int curEffSamplingWindowDepth = 0;
//Although not strictly necessary, we keep track of the currentDownsampledInterval
//for easy incrementing
private DownsampledInterval currentDownsampledInterval;
* We keep a data structure of alignments which can efficiently
* look up by string (read name) or index (for random replacement)
IndexableMap<String, Alignment> imAlignments;
private int downsampledCount = 0;
private int offset = 0;
AlignmentTile(int start, int end,
SpliceJunctionHelper spliceJunctionHelper,
AlignmentDataManager.DownsampleOptions downsampleOptions,
AlignmentTrack.BisulfiteContext bisulfiteContext) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.downsampledIntervals = new ArrayList<DownsampledInterval>();
long seed = System.currentTimeMillis();
//System.out.println("seed: " + seed);
// Use a sparse array for large regions (> 10 mb)
if ((end - start) > 10000000) {
this.counts = new SparseAlignmentCounts(start, end, bisulfiteContext);
} else {
this.counts = new DenseAlignmentCounts(start, end, bisulfiteContext);
// Set the max depth, and the max depth of the sampling bucket.
if (downsampleOptions == null) {
// Use default settings (from preferences)
downsampleOptions = new AlignmentDataManager.DownsampleOptions();
this.downsample = downsampleOptions.isDownsample();
this.samplingWindowSize = downsampleOptions.getSampleWindowSize();
this.samplingDepth = Math.max(1, downsampleOptions.getMaxReadCount());
this.spliceJunctionHelper = spliceJunctionHelper;
if (this.downsample) {
imAlignments = new IndexableMap<String, Alignment>(8000);
} else {
alignments = new ArrayList<Alignment>(16000);
public int getStart() {
return start;
public void setStart(int start) {
this.start = start;
int ignoredCount = 0; // <= just for debugging
* Add an alignment record to this tile. This record is not necessarily retained after down-sampling.
* @param alignment
public void addRecord(Alignment alignment) {
if (spliceJunctionHelper != null) {
if (downsample) {
final int alignmentStart = alignment.getAlignmentStart();
int currentSamplingBucketEnd = currentSamplingWindowStart + samplingWindowSize;
if (currentSamplingWindowStart < 0 || alignmentStart >= currentSamplingBucketEnd) {
} else {
* Attempt to add this alignment. The alignment is definitely added if there is another
* read with the same name. Typically this other read is a mate pair, but it could also be a secondary alignment
* or chimeric read.
* If we haven't seen another read like that, the record is added with some probability according to
* reservoir sampling
* @param alignment
private void attemptAddRecordDownsampled(Alignment alignment) {
String readName = alignment.getReadName();
//A simple way to turn off the same-readName-checking is to replace the read name with a random string
//so that there are no repeats
//readName = String.format("%s%d", readName, RAND.nextInt());
//There are 3 possibilities: other-kept, other-rejected, other-unknown (haven't seen)
//If we kept or rejected the another read with the same name, we do the same for this one
boolean hasRead = imAlignments.containsKey(readName);
if (hasRead) {
List<Alignment> mateAlignments = imAlignments.get(readName);
boolean haveOther = mateAlignments != null;
if (haveOther) {
//We keep the alignment if others have been kept
imAlignments.append(readName, alignment);
} else {
} else {
if (curEffSamplingWindowDepth < samplingDepth) {
imAlignments.append(readName, alignment);
} else {
double samplingProb = ((double) samplingDepth) / (samplingDepth + downsampledCount + 1);
if (RAND.nextDouble() < samplingProb) {
int rndInt = (int) (RAND.nextDouble() * (samplingDepth - 1));
int idx = offset + rndInt;
// Replace random record with this one
List<Alignment> removedValues = imAlignments.replace(idx, readName, alignment);
} else {
//Mark that record was not kept
private void setCurrentSamplingBucket(int alignmentStart) {
curEffSamplingWindowDepth = 0;
downsampledCount = 0;
currentSamplingWindowStart = alignmentStart;
offset = imAlignments.size();
int currentSamplingBucketEnd = currentSamplingWindowStart + samplingWindowSize;
currentDownsampledInterval = new DownsampledInterval(alignmentStart, currentSamplingBucketEnd, 0);
private void incrementDownsampledIntervals(List<Alignment> removedValues) {
if (removedValues == null) return;
for (Alignment al : removedValues) {
DownsampledInterval interval = findDownsampledInterval(al);
if (interval != null) interval.incCount();
private DownsampledInterval findDownsampledInterval(Alignment al) {
return findDownsampledInterval(al, 0, downsampledIntervals.size());
* Attempt to find appropriate DownsampledInterval by recursive binary search
* @param al
* @param startInd Start search index, 0-based inclusive
* @param endInd End search index, 0-based exclusive
* @return
private DownsampledInterval findDownsampledInterval(Alignment al, int startInd, int endInd) {
//Length-0 search space
if (startInd == endInd) {
return null;
final int midInd = (startInd + endInd) / 2;
final DownsampledInterval curInterval = downsampledIntervals.get(midInd);
if (al.getStart() >= curInterval.getStart() && al.getStart() < curInterval.getEnd()) {
return curInterval;
if (al.getStart() >= curInterval.getEnd()) {
startInd = midInd + 1;
} else {
endInd = midInd;
return findDownsampledInterval(al, startInd, endInd);
* Sort the alignments by start position, and filter {@code downsampledIntervals}.
* This will have the same results as if no downsampling occurred, although will incur
* extra computational cost
private void sortFilterDownsampled() {
if ((this.alignments == null || this.alignments.size() == 0) && this.downsample) {
this.alignments = imAlignments.getAllValues();
Comparator<Alignment> alignmentSorter = new Comparator<Alignment>() {
public int compare(Alignment alignment, Alignment alignment1) {
return alignment.getStart() - alignment1.getStart();
Collections.sort(this.alignments, alignmentSorter);
//Only keep the intervals for which count > 0
List<DownsampledInterval> tmp = new ArrayList<DownsampledInterval>(this.downsampledIntervals.size());
for (DownsampledInterval interval : this.downsampledIntervals) {
if (interval.getCount() > 0) {
this.downsampledIntervals = tmp;
public List<Alignment> getAlignments() {
if(alignments == null) {
finish(); // TODO -- I'm not sure this should ever happen
return alignments;
public List<DownsampledInterval> getDownsampledIntervals() {
return downsampledIntervals;
public void finish() {
//If we downsampled, we need to sort
if (downsample) {
public AlignmentCounts getCounts() {
return counts;
private void finalizeSpliceJunctions() {
if (spliceJunctionHelper != null) {
public List<SpliceJunctionFeature> getSpliceJunctionFeatures() {
if (spliceJunctionHelper == null) return null;
return spliceJunctionHelper.getFilteredJunctions();
public SpliceJunctionHelper getSpliceJunctionHelper() {
return spliceJunctionHelper;
* Map-like structure designed to be accessible both by key, and by numeric index
* Multiple values are stored for each key, and a list is returned
* If the value for a key is set as null, nothing can be added
* <p/>
* Intended to support downsampling, where if a read name is added and then removed
* we don't want to add the read pair
* @param <K>
* @param <V>
private class IndexableMap<K, V> {
private HashMap<K, List<V>> map;
private List<K> list;
IndexableMap(int size) {
this.map = new HashMap<K, List<V>>(size);
this.list = new ArrayList<K>(size);
public List<V> get(K key) {
return map.get(key);
* Append a value for the specified key, unless
* the current value is null. If the current value is
* null, it's a no-op.
* @param key
* @param value
* @return Whether the element was added
public boolean append(K key, V value) {
if (!map.containsKey(key)) {
addNewValueToMap(key, value);
return list.add(key);
} else {
List<V> curList = map.get(key);
if (curList == null) return false;
return curList.add(value);
public List<V> markNull(K key) {
return map.put(key, null);
private void addNewValueToMap(K key, V value) {
List<V> curList = new ArrayList<V>(2);
map.put(key, curList);
* Place the specified {@code key} and {@code value} in the map,
* at index {@code index}.
* <p/>
* In the unlikely event that {@code key} is already
* at {@code index}, {@code value} will be appended
* @param index
* @param key
* @param value
* @return Whether the replacement actually happened
public List<V> replace(int index, K key, V value) {
K oldKey = list.get(index);
if (!oldKey.equals(key)) {
//Remove the old key from map, and make sure nothing else gets put there
List<V> oldValue = markNull(oldKey);
addNewValueToMap(key, value);
list.set(index, key);
return oldValue;
} else {
append(key, value);
return null;
public int size() {
return list.size();
private void checkSize(int index) {
if (index >= size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + index + " greater than current size" + size());
public List<V> getAllValues() {
List<V> allValues = new ArrayList<V>(2 * size());
for (K k : list) {
return allValues;
public boolean containsKey(K key) {
return map.containsKey(key);
public void clear() {