* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php.
package org.broad.igv.sam;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.broad.igv.Globals;
import org.broad.igv.PreferenceManager;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Strand;
import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.Genome;
import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.GenomeManager;
import org.broad.igv.renderer.ContinuousColorScale;
import org.broad.igv.renderer.GraphicUtils;
import org.broad.igv.sam.AlignmentTrack.ColorOption;
import org.broad.igv.sam.AlignmentTrack.RenderOptions;
import org.broad.igv.sam.AlignmentTrack.ShadeBasesOption;
import org.broad.igv.sam.BisulfiteBaseInfo.DisplayStatus;
import org.broad.igv.track.RenderContext;
import org.broad.igv.ui.FontManager;
import org.broad.igv.ui.color.ColorPalette;
import org.broad.igv.ui.color.ColorTable;
import org.broad.igv.ui.color.ColorUtilities;
import org.broad.igv.ui.color.PaletteColorTable;
import org.broad.igv.util.ChromosomeColors;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
* @author jrobinso
public class AlignmentRenderer implements FeatureRenderer {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AlignmentRenderer.class);
public static final Color GROUP_DIVIDER_COLOR = new Color(200, 200, 200);
// A "dummy" reference for soft-clipped reads.
private static byte[] softClippedReference = new byte[1000];
private static Color smallISizeColor = new Color(0, 0, 150);
private static Color largeISizeColor = new Color(150, 0, 0);
private static Color purple = new Color(118, 24, 220);
private static Color deletionColor = Color.black;
private static Color skippedColor = new Color(150, 184, 200);
public static Color grey1 = new Color(200, 200, 200);
private static Stroke thickStroke = new BasicStroke(2.0f);
// Bisulfite constants
private final Color bisulfiteColorFw1 = new Color(195, 195, 195);
private final Color bisulfiteColorRev1 = new Color(195, 210, 195);
private final Color nomeseqColor = new Color(195, 195, 195);
public static final Color negStrandColor = new Color(150, 150, 230);
public static final Color posStrandColor = new Color(230, 150, 150);
private ColorTable readGroupColors;
private ColorTable sampleColors;
private ColorTable tagValueColors;
private final Color LR_COLOR = grey1; // "Normal" alignment color
//private final Color LR_COLOR_12 = new Color(190, 190, 210);
//private final Color LR_COLOR_21 = new Color(210, 190, 190);
private final Color RL_COLOR = new Color(0, 150, 0);
private final Color RR_COLOR = new Color(20, 50, 200);
private final Color LL_COLOR = new Color(0, 150, 150);
private final Color OUTLINE_COLOR = new Color(185, 185, 185);
private static final Color SUPPLEMENTARY_OUTLINE_COLOR = Color.blue;
private static Map<String, AlignmentTrack.OrientationType> frOrientationTypes;
private static Map<String, AlignmentTrack.OrientationType> f1f2OrientationTypes;
private static Map<String, AlignmentTrack.OrientationType> f2f1OrientationTypes;
private static Map<String, AlignmentTrack.OrientationType> rfOrientationTypes;
private Map<AlignmentTrack.OrientationType, Color> typeToColorMap;
public static HashMap<Character, Color> nucleotideColors;
static {
PreferenceManager prefs;
private static AlignmentRenderer instance;
private TreeSet<Shape> arcsByStart;
private TreeSet<Shape> arcsByEnd;
private HashMap<Shape, Alignment> curveMap;
private static void setNucleotideColors() {
PreferenceManager prefs = PreferenceManager.getInstance();
nucleotideColors = new HashMap();
Color a = ColorUtilities.stringToColor(prefs.get(PreferenceManager.SAM_COLOR_A), Color.green);
Color c = ColorUtilities.stringToColor(prefs.get(PreferenceManager.SAM_COLOR_C), Color.blue);
Color t = ColorUtilities.stringToColor(prefs.get(PreferenceManager.SAM_COLOR_T), Color.red);
Color g = ColorUtilities.stringToColor(prefs.get(PreferenceManager.SAM_COLOR_G), Color.gray);
Color n = ColorUtilities.stringToColor(prefs.get(PreferenceManager.SAM_COLOR_N), Color.gray);
nucleotideColors.put('A', a);
nucleotideColors.put('a', a);
nucleotideColors.put('C', c);
nucleotideColors.put('c', c);
nucleotideColors.put('T', t);
nucleotideColors.put('t', t);
nucleotideColors.put('G', g);
nucleotideColors.put('g', g);
nucleotideColors.put('N', n);
nucleotideColors.put('n', n);
public static AlignmentRenderer getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new AlignmentRenderer();
return instance;
private AlignmentRenderer() {
this.prefs = PreferenceManager.getInstance();
curveMap = new HashMap<Shape, Alignment>();
arcsByStart = new TreeSet<Shape>(new Comparator<Shape>() {
public int compare(Shape o1, Shape o2) {
double x1 = o1.getBounds().getMinX();
double x2 = o2.getBounds().getMinX();
return (int) Math.signum(x1 - x2);
arcsByEnd = new TreeSet<Shape>(new Comparator<Shape>() {
public int compare(Shape o1, Shape o2) {
double x1 = o1.getBounds().getMaxX();
double x2 = o2.getBounds().getMaxX();
return (int) Math.signum(x1 - x2);
private static void initializeTagTypes() {
// pre-seed from orientation colors
// fr Orientations (e.g. Illumina paired-end libraries)
frOrientationTypes = new HashMap();
frOrientationTypes.put("F1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
frOrientationTypes.put("F2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
frOrientationTypes.put("F R ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
frOrientationTypes.put("FR", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
frOrientationTypes.put("F1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
frOrientationTypes.put("F2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
frOrientationTypes.put("F F ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
frOrientationTypes.put("FF", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
frOrientationTypes.put("R1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
frOrientationTypes.put("R2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
frOrientationTypes.put("R R ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
frOrientationTypes.put("RR", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
frOrientationTypes.put("R1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
frOrientationTypes.put("R2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
frOrientationTypes.put("R F ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
frOrientationTypes.put("RF", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
// rf orienation (e.g. Illumina mate-pair libraries)
rfOrientationTypes = new HashMap();
rfOrientationTypes.put("R1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
rfOrientationTypes.put("R2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
//rfOrientationTypes.put("R F ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
//rfOrientationTypes.put("RF", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
rfOrientationTypes.put("R1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
rfOrientationTypes.put("R2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
rfOrientationTypes.put("R R ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
rfOrientationTypes.put("RR ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
rfOrientationTypes.put("F1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
rfOrientationTypes.put("F2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
rfOrientationTypes.put("F F ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
rfOrientationTypes.put("FF", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
rfOrientationTypes.put("F1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
rfOrientationTypes.put("F2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
rfOrientationTypes.put("F R ", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
rfOrientationTypes.put("FR", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
// f1f2 orienation (e.g. SOLID libraries, AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.second read appears first on + strand (leftmost))
f2f1OrientationTypes = new HashMap();
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("F2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("R1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("F2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("R1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("R2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("F1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("R2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
f2f1OrientationTypes.put("F1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
// f1f2 orienation (e.g. SOLID libraries, AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.actually is this one even possible?)
f1f2OrientationTypes = new HashMap();
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("F1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("R2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR);
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("F1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("R2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL);
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("R1F2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("F2R1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR);
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("R1R2", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
f1f2OrientationTypes.put("F2F1", AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL);
private void initializeTagColors() {
ColorPalette palette = ColorUtilities.getPalette("Pastel 1"); // TODO let user choose
readGroupColors = new PaletteColorTable(palette);
sampleColors = new PaletteColorTable(palette);
tagValueColors = new PaletteColorTable(palette);
typeToColorMap = new HashMap<AlignmentTrack.OrientationType, Color>(5);
typeToColorMap.put(AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LL, LL_COLOR);
typeToColorMap.put(AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.LR, LR_COLOR);
typeToColorMap.put(AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RL, RL_COLOR);
typeToColorMap.put(AlignmentTrack.OrientationType.RR, RR_COLOR);
typeToColorMap.put(null, grey1);
* Render a row of alignments in the given rectangle.
public void renderAlignments(List<Alignment> alignments,
RenderContext context,
Rectangle rowRect,
Rectangle trackRect, RenderOptions renderOptions,
boolean leaveMargin,
Map<String, Color> selectedReadNames) {
double origin = context.getOrigin();
double locScale = context.getScale();
Font font = FontManager.getFont(10);
if ((alignments != null) && (alignments.size() > 0)) {
int lastPixelDrawn = -1;
for (Alignment alignment : alignments) {
// Compute the start and dend of the alignment in pixels
double pixelStart = ((alignment.getStart() - origin) / locScale);
double pixelEnd = ((alignment.getEnd() - origin) / locScale);
// If the any part of the feature fits in the track rectangle draw it
if (pixelEnd < rowRect.x || pixelStart > rowRect.getMaxX()) {
// If the alignment is 3 pixels or less, draw alignment as a single block,
// further detail would not be seen and just add to drawing overhead
// Does the change for Bisulfite kill some machines?
double pixelWidth = pixelEnd - pixelStart;
if ((pixelWidth < 4) && !(AlignmentTrack.isBisulfiteColorType(renderOptions.getColorOption()) && (pixelWidth >= 1))) {
Color alignmentColor = getAlignmentColor(alignment, renderOptions);
// Optimization for really zoomed out views. If this alignment occupies screen space already taken,
// and it is the default color, skip drawing.
if (pixelEnd <= lastPixelDrawn && alignmentColor == grey1) {
Graphics2D g = context.getGraphic2DForColor(alignmentColor);
int w = Math.max(1, (int) (pixelWidth));
int h = (int) Math.max(1, rowRect.getHeight() - 2);
int y = (int) (rowRect.getY() + (rowRect.getHeight() - h) / 2);
g.fillRect((int) pixelStart, y, w, h);
lastPixelDrawn = (int) pixelStart + w;
} else if (alignment instanceof PairedAlignment) {
drawPairedAlignment((PairedAlignment) alignment, rowRect, trackRect, context, renderOptions, leaveMargin, selectedReadNames, font);
} else {
Color alignmentColor = getAlignmentColor(alignment, renderOptions);
Graphics2D g = context.getGraphic2DForColor(alignmentColor);
drawAlignment(alignment, rowRect, trackRect, g, context, alignmentColor, renderOptions, leaveMargin, selectedReadNames);
// Optionally draw a border around the center base
boolean showCenterLine = prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_SHOW_CENTER_LINE);
final int bottom = rowRect.y + rowRect.height;
if (locScale < 5 && showCenterLine) {
// Calculate center lines
double center = (int) (context.getReferenceFrame().getCenter() - origin);
int centerLeftP = (int) (center / locScale);
int centerRightP = (int) ((center + 1) / locScale);
//float transparency = Math.max(0.5f, (float) Math.round(10 * (1 - .75 * locScale)) / 10);
Graphics2D gBlack = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.black); //new Color(0, 0, 0, transparency));
GraphicUtils.drawDottedDashLine(gBlack, centerLeftP, rowRect.y, centerLeftP, bottom);
if ((centerRightP - centerLeftP > 2)) {
GraphicUtils.drawDottedDashLine(gBlack, centerRightP, rowRect.y, centerRightP, bottom);
* Method for drawing alignments without "blocks" (e.g. DotAlignedAlignment)
private void drawSimpleAlignment(Alignment alignment,
Rectangle rect,
Graphics2D g,
RenderContext context,
boolean flagUnmappedPair) {
double origin = context.getOrigin();
double locScale = context.getScale();
int x = (int) ((alignment.getStart() - origin) / locScale);
int length = alignment.getEnd() - alignment.getStart();
int w = (int) Math.ceil(length / locScale);
int h = (int) Math.max(1, rect.getHeight() - 2);
int y = (int) (rect.getY() + (rect.getHeight() - h) / 2);
int arrowLength = Math.min(5, w / 6);
int[] xPoly = null;
int[] yPoly = {y, y, y + h / 2, y + h, y + h};
// Don't draw off edge of clipping rect
if (x < rect.x && (x + w) > (rect.x + rect.width)) {
x = rect.x;
w = rect.width;
arrowLength = 0;
} else if (x < rect.x) {
int delta = rect.x - x;
x = rect.x;
w -= delta;
if (alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
arrowLength = 0;
} else if ((x + w) > (rect.x + rect.width)) {
w -= ((x + w) - (rect.x + rect.width));
if (!alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
arrowLength = 0;
if (alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
// 2 1
// 3
// 5 5
xPoly = new int[]{x + w, x, x - arrowLength, x, x + w};
} else {
// 1 2
// 3
// 5 4
xPoly = new int[]{x, x + w, x + w + arrowLength, x + w, x};
g.fillPolygon(xPoly, yPoly, xPoly.length);
if (flagUnmappedPair && alignment.isPaired() && !alignment.getMate().isMapped()) {
Graphics2D cRed = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.red);
cRed.drawPolygon(xPoly, yPoly, xPoly.length);
* Draw a pair of alignments as a single "template".
* @param pair
* @param rowRect
* @param context
* @param renderOptions
* @param leaveMargin
* @param selectedReadNames
* @param font
private void drawPairedAlignment(
PairedAlignment pair,
Rectangle rowRect,
Rectangle trackRect,
RenderContext context,
AlignmentTrack.RenderOptions renderOptions,
boolean leaveMargin,
Map<String, Color> selectedReadNames,
Font font) {
//Only plot outliers
if (renderOptions.isPairedArcView() && getOutlierStatus(pair, renderOptions) == 0) {
double locScale = context.getScale();
Color alignmentColor1;
Color alignmentColor2 = null;
if (renderOptions.isPairedArcView()) {
alignmentColor1 = getAlignmentColor(pair, renderOptions);
alignmentColor2 = alignmentColor1;
} else {
alignmentColor1 = getAlignmentColor(pair.firstAlignment, renderOptions);
Graphics2D g = context.getGraphic2DForColor(alignmentColor1);
drawAlignment(pair.firstAlignment, rowRect, trackRect, g, context, alignmentColor1, renderOptions, leaveMargin, selectedReadNames);
//If the paired alignment is in memory, we draw it.
//However, we get the coordinates from the first alignment
if (pair.secondAlignment != null) {
if (alignmentColor2 == null) {
alignmentColor2 = getAlignmentColor(pair.secondAlignment, renderOptions);
g = context.getGraphic2DForColor(alignmentColor2);
drawAlignment(pair.secondAlignment, rowRect, trackRect, g, context, alignmentColor2, renderOptions, leaveMargin, selectedReadNames);
} else {
Color lineColor = grey1;
if (alignmentColor1.equals(alignmentColor2) || pair.secondAlignment == null) {
lineColor = alignmentColor1;
Graphics2D gLine = context.getGraphic2DForColor(lineColor);
double origin = context.getOrigin();
int startX = (int) ((pair.firstAlignment.getEnd() - origin) / locScale);
int endX = (int) ((pair.firstAlignment.getMate().getStart() - origin) / locScale);
int h = (int) Math.max(1, rowRect.getHeight() - (leaveMargin ? 2 : 0));
int y = (int) (rowRect.getY());
if (renderOptions.isPairedArcView()) {
int relation = compareToBounds(pair, renderOptions);
if (relation <= -1 || relation >= +1) {
GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO, 4);
int curveHeight = (int) Math.log(endX - startX) * h;
double botY = y + h / 2;
double topY = y + h / 2 - curveHeight;
double midX = (endX + startX) / 2;
path.moveTo(startX, botY);
path.quadTo(midX, topY, endX, botY);
path.quadTo(midX, topY - 2, startX, botY);
curveMap.put(path, pair);
} else {
startX = Math.max(rowRect.x, startX);
endX = Math.min(rowRect.x + rowRect.width, endX);
gLine.drawLine(startX, y + h / 2, endX, y + h / 2);
* Draw a (possibly gapped) alignment
* @param alignment
* @param rowRect
* @param trackRect
* @param g
* @param context
* @param alignmentColor
* @param renderOptions
* @param leaveMargin
* @param selectedReadNames
private void drawAlignment(
Alignment alignment,
Rectangle rowRect,
Rectangle trackRect,
Graphics2D g,
RenderContext context,
Color alignmentColor,
AlignmentTrack.RenderOptions renderOptions,
boolean leaveMargin,
Map<String, Color> selectedReadNames) {
double origin = context.getOrigin();
double locScale = context.getScale();
AlignmentBlock[] blocks = alignment.getAlignmentBlocks();
// No blocks. Note: SAM/BAM alignments always have at least 1 block
if (blocks == null || blocks.length == 0) {
drawSimpleAlignment(alignment, rowRect, g, context, renderOptions.flagUnmappedPairs);
// Get the terminal block (last block with respect to read direction). This will have an "arrow" attached.
AlignmentBlock terminalBlock = alignment.isNegativeStrand() ? blocks[0] : blocks[blocks.length - 1];
int lastBlockEnd = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int blockNumber = -1;
char[] gapTypes = alignment.getGapTypes();
boolean highZoom = locScale < 0.1251;
// Get a graphics context for outlining reads
Graphics2D outlineGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(OUTLINE_COLOR);
Graphics2D terminalGrpahics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.DARK_GRAY);
boolean isZeroQuality = alignment.getMappingQuality() == 0 && renderOptions.flagZeroQualityAlignments;
int h = (int) Math.max(1, rowRect.getHeight() - (leaveMargin ? 2 : 0));
int y = (int) (rowRect.getY());
for (AlignmentBlock aBlock : alignment.getAlignmentBlocks()) {
int blockPixelStart = (int) ((aBlock.getStart() - origin) / locScale);
int blockPixelWidth = (int) Math.ceil(aBlock.getLength() / locScale);
// If we're zoomed in and this is a large block clip a pixel off each end. TODO - why?
if (highZoom && blockPixelWidth > 10) {
blockPixelWidth -= 2;
// If block is out of view skip -- this is important in the case of PacBio and other platforms with very long reads
if (blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth >= rowRect.x && blockPixelStart <= rowRect.getMaxX()) {
Shape blockShape = null;
// If this is a terminal block draw the "arrow" to indicate strand position. Otherwise draw a rectangle.
if ((aBlock == terminalBlock) && blockPixelWidth > 10)
if (h > 10) {
int arrowLength = Math.min(5, blockPixelWidth / 6);
// Don't draw off edge of clipping rect
if (blockPixelStart < rowRect.x && (blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth) > (rowRect.x + rowRect.width)) {
blockPixelStart = rowRect.x;
blockPixelWidth = rowRect.width;
arrowLength = 0;
} else if (blockPixelStart < rowRect.x) {
int delta = rowRect.x - blockPixelStart;
blockPixelStart = rowRect.x;
blockPixelWidth -= delta;
if (alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
arrowLength = 0;
} else if ((blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth) > (rowRect.x + rowRect.width)) {
blockPixelWidth -= ((blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth) - (rowRect.x + rowRect.width));
if (!alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
arrowLength = 0;
int[] xPoly;
int[] yPoly = {y, y, y + h / 2, y + h, y + h};
if (alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
xPoly = new int[]{blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth, blockPixelStart, blockPixelStart - arrowLength, blockPixelStart, blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth};
} else {
xPoly = new int[]{blockPixelStart, blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth, blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth + arrowLength, blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth, blockPixelStart};
blockShape = new Polygon(xPoly, yPoly, xPoly.length);
} else {
// Terminal block, but not enough height for arrow. Indicate with a line
int tH = Math.max(1, h - 1);
if (alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
blockShape = new Rectangle(blockPixelStart, y, blockPixelWidth, h);
terminalGrpahics.drawLine(blockPixelStart, y, blockPixelStart, y + tH);
} else {
blockShape = new Rectangle(blockPixelStart, y, blockPixelWidth, h);
terminalGrpahics.drawLine(blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth + 1, y, blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth + 1, y + tH);
else {
// Not a terminal block, or too small for arrow
blockShape = new Rectangle(blockPixelStart, y, blockPixelWidth, h);
if (isZeroQuality) {
if (renderOptions.flagUnmappedPairs && alignment.isPaired() && !alignment.getMate().isMapped()) {
Graphics2D cRed = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.red);
if(alignment.isSupplementary()) {
if (selectedReadNames.containsKey(alignment.getReadName())) {
Color c = selectedReadNames.get(alignment.getReadName());
if (c == null) {
c = Color.blue;
Graphics2D cBlue = context.getGraphic2DForColor(c);
Stroke s = cBlue.getStroke();
if ((locScale < 5) || (AlignmentTrack.isBisulfiteColorType(renderOptions.getColorOption()) && (locScale < 100))) // Is 100 here going to kill some machines? bpb
if (renderOptions.showMismatches || renderOptions.showAllBases) {
drawBases(context, rowRect, alignment, aBlock, alignmentColor, renderOptions);
// Draw connecting lines between blocks, if in view
if (lastBlockEnd > Integer.MIN_VALUE && blockPixelStart > rowRect.x) {
Graphics2D gLine;
Stroke stroke;
int gapIdx = blockNumber - 1;
Color gapLineColor = deletionColor;
if (gapTypes != null && gapIdx < gapTypes.length && gapTypes[gapIdx] == SAMAlignment.SKIPPED_REGION) {
gLine = context.getGraphic2DForColor(skippedColor);
stroke = gLine.getStroke();
} else {
gLine = context.getGraphic2DForColor(gapLineColor);
stroke = gLine.getStroke();
int startX = Math.max(rowRect.x, lastBlockEnd);
int endX = Math.min(rowRect.x + rowRect.width, blockPixelStart);
gLine.drawLine(startX, y + h / 2, endX, y + h / 2);
lastBlockEnd = blockPixelStart + blockPixelWidth;
// Next block cannot start before lastBlockEnd. If its out of view we are done.
if (lastBlockEnd > rowRect.getMaxX()) {
// Render insertions if locScale < 1 bp / pixel (base level)
if (locScale < 1) {
drawInsertions(origin, rowRect, locScale, alignment, context, renderOptions);
//Draw straight line up for viewing arc pairs, if mate on a different chromosome
if (renderOptions.isPairedArcView()) {
try {
Graphics2D gLine = context.getGraphic2DForColor(alignmentColor);
if (!alignment.getChr().equalsIgnoreCase(alignment.getMate().getChr())) {
gLine.drawLine(lastBlockEnd, y + h / 2, lastBlockEnd, (int) trackRect.getMinY());
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
//Don't have the info, don't plot anything
* Draw bases for an alignment block. The bases are "overlaid" on the block with a transparency value (alpha)
* that is proportional to the base quality score, or flow signal deviation, whichever is selected.
* @param context
* @param rect
* @param baseAlignment
* @param block
* @param alignmentColor
* @param renderOptions
private void drawBases(RenderContext context,
Rectangle rect,
Alignment baseAlignment,
AlignmentBlock block,
Color alignmentColor,
RenderOptions renderOptions) {
boolean isSoftClipped = block.isSoftClipped();
// Get the base qualities, start/end, and reference sequence
String chr = context.getChr();
final int start = block.getStart();
final int end = block.getEnd();
Genome genome = GenomeManager.getInstance().getCurrentGenome();
final byte[] reference = isSoftClipped ? softClippedReference : genome.getSequence(chr, start, end);
boolean haveBases = (block.hasBases() && block.getLength() > 0);
ShadeBasesOption shadeBasesOption = renderOptions.shadeBasesOption;
ColorOption colorOption = renderOptions.getColorOption();
// Disable showAllBases in bisulfite mode
boolean showAllBases = renderOptions.showAllBases &&
!(colorOption == ColorOption.BISULFITE || colorOption == ColorOption.NOMESEQ);
if (!showAllBases && (!haveBases || reference == null)) {
byte[] read;
read = block.getBases();
read = reference;
double locScale = context.getScale();
double origin = context.getOrigin();
// Compute bounds, get a graphics to use, and compute a font
int pY = (int) rect.getY();
int dY = (int) rect.getHeight();
int dX = (int) Math.max(1, (1.0 / locScale));
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) context.getGraphics().create();
if (PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.ENABLE_ANTIALISING)) {
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
if (dX >= 8) {
Font f = FontManager.getFont(Font.BOLD, Math.min(dX, 12));
BisulfiteBaseInfo bisinfo = null;
boolean nomeseqMode = (renderOptions.getColorOption().equals(AlignmentTrack.ColorOption.NOMESEQ));
boolean bisulfiteMode = AlignmentTrack.isBisulfiteColorType(renderOptions.getColorOption());
if (nomeseqMode) {
bisinfo = new BisulfiteBaseInfoNOMeseq(reference, baseAlignment, block, renderOptions.bisulfiteContext);
} else if (bisulfiteMode) {
bisinfo = new BisulfiteBaseInfo(reference, baseAlignment, block, renderOptions.bisulfiteContext);
for (int loc = start; loc < end; loc++) {
int idx = loc - start;
boolean misMatch = haveBases && AlignmentUtils.isMisMatch(reference, read, isSoftClipped, idx);
if (showAllBases || (!bisulfiteMode && misMatch) ||
(bisulfiteMode && (!DisplayStatus.NOTHING.equals(bisinfo.getDisplayStatus(idx))))) {
char c = (char) read[idx];
Color color = nucleotideColors.get(c);
if (bisulfiteMode) color = bisinfo.getDisplayColor(idx);
if (color == null) {
color = Color.black;
if (ShadeBasesOption.QUALITY == shadeBasesOption) {
byte qual = block.getQuality(loc - start);
color = getShadedColor(qual, color, alignmentColor, prefs);
} else if (ShadeBasesOption.FLOW_SIGNAL_DEVIATION_READ == shadeBasesOption || ShadeBasesOption.FLOW_SIGNAL_DEVIATION_REFERENCE == shadeBasesOption) {
if (block.hasFlowSignals()) {
color = getFlowSignalColor(reference, misMatch, genome, block, chr, start, loc, idx, shadeBasesOption, alignmentColor, color);
double bisulfiteXaxisShift = (bisulfiteMode) ? bisinfo.getXaxisShift(idx) : 0;
// If there is room for text draw the character, otherwise
// just draw a rectangle to represent the
int pX = (int) (((double) loc + bisulfiteXaxisShift - origin) / locScale);
// Don't draw out of clipping rect
if (pX > rect.getMaxX()) {
} else if (pX + dX < rect.getX()) {
BisulfiteBaseInfo.DisplayStatus bisstatus = (bisinfo == null) ? null : bisinfo.getDisplayStatus(idx);
drawBase(g, color, c, pX, pY, dX, dY, bisulfiteMode, bisstatus);
* NB: this may estimate the reference homopolymer length incorrect in some cases, especially when we have
* an overcall/undercall situation. Proper estimation of the reads observed versus expected homopolymer
* length should use flow signal alignment (SamToFlowspace): https://github.com/iontorrent/Ion-Variant-Hunter
* @param reference
* @param misMatch
* @param genome
* @param block
* @param chr
* @param start
* @param loc
* @param idx
* @param shadeBasesOption
* @param alignmentColor
* @param color
* @return
private Color getFlowSignalColor(byte[] reference, boolean misMatch, Genome genome,
AlignmentBlock block, String chr, int start, int loc, int idx,
ShadeBasesOption shadeBasesOption,
Color alignmentColor, Color color) {
int flowSignal = (int) block.getFlowSignalSubContext(loc - start).getCurrentSignal();
int expectedFlowSignal;
if (ShadeBasesOption.FLOW_SIGNAL_DEVIATION_READ == shadeBasesOption) {
expectedFlowSignal = 100 * (short) ((flowSignal + 50.0) / 100.0);
} else {
// NB: this may estimate the reference homopolymer length incorrect in some cases, especially when we have
// an overcall/undercall situation. Proper estimation of the reads observed versus expected homopolymer
// length should use flow signal alignment (SamToFlowspace): https://github.com/iontorrent/Ion-Variant-Hunter
if (!misMatch) {
byte refbase = reference[idx];
int pos; // zero based
expectedFlowSignal = 100;
// Count HP length
pos = start + idx - 1;
while (0 <= pos && genome.getReference(chr, pos) == refbase) {
expectedFlowSignal += 100;
pos = start + idx + 1;
while (pos < genome.getChromosome(chr).getLength() && genome.getReference(chr, pos) == refbase) {
expectedFlowSignal += 100;
} else {
expectedFlowSignal = 0;
int flowSignalDiff = (expectedFlowSignal < flowSignal) ? (flowSignal - expectedFlowSignal) : (expectedFlowSignal - flowSignal);
// NB: this next section is some mangling to use the base quality color preferences...
if (flowSignalDiff <= 0) {
flowSignalDiff = 0;
} else if (50 < flowSignalDiff) {
flowSignalDiff = 50;
flowSignalDiff = 50 - flowSignalDiff; // higher is better
int minQ = prefs.getAsInt(PreferenceManager.SAM_BASE_QUALITY_MIN);
int maxQ = prefs.getAsInt(PreferenceManager.SAM_BASE_QUALITY_MAX);
flowSignalDiff = flowSignalDiff * (maxQ - minQ) / 50;
byte qual;
if (Byte.MAX_VALUE < flowSignalDiff) {
qual = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
} else if (flowSignalDiff < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
qual = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
} else {
qual = (byte) flowSignalDiff;
// Finally, get the color
return getShadedColor(qual, color, alignmentColor, prefs);
* Draw the base using either a letter or character, using the given color,
* depending on size and bisulfite status
* @param g
* @param color
* @param c
* @param pX
* @param pY
* @param dX
* @param dY
* @param bisulfiteMode
* @param bisstatus
private void drawBase(Graphics2D g, Color color, char c, int pX, int pY, int dX, int dY, boolean bisulfiteMode,
DisplayStatus bisstatus) {
if (((dY >= 12) && (dX >= 8)) && (!bisulfiteMode || (bisulfiteMode && bisstatus.equals(DisplayStatus.CHARACTER)))) {
GraphicUtils.drawCenteredText(new char[]{c}, pX, pY + 1, dX, dY - 2, g);
} else {
int pX0i = pX, dXi = dX;
// If bisulfite mode, we expand the rectangle to make it more visible
if (bisulfiteMode && bisstatus.equals(DisplayStatus.COLOR)) {
if (dXi < 3) {
int expansion = dXi;
pX0i -= expansion;
dXi += (2 * expansion);
int dW = (dXi > 4 ? dXi - 1 : dXi);
if (color != null) {
if (dY < 10) {
g.fillRect(pX0i, pY, dXi, dY);
} else {
g.fillRect(pX0i, pY + 1, dW, dY - 3);
private Color getShadedColor(byte qual, Color foregroundColor, Color backgroundColor, PreferenceManager prefs) {
float alpha = 0;
int minQ = prefs.getAsInt(PreferenceManager.SAM_BASE_QUALITY_MIN);
if (qual < minQ) {
alpha = 0.1f;
} else {
int maxQ = prefs.getAsInt(PreferenceManager.SAM_BASE_QUALITY_MAX);
alpha = Math.max(0.1f, Math.min(1.0f, 0.1f + 0.9f * (qual - minQ) / (maxQ - minQ)));
// Round alpha to nearest 0.1
alpha = ((int) (alpha * 10 + 0.5f)) / 10.0f;
if (alpha >= 1) {
return foregroundColor;
Color color = ColorUtilities.getCompositeColor(backgroundColor, foregroundColor, alpha);
return color;
private void drawInsertions(double origin, Rectangle rect, double locScale, Alignment alignment, RenderContext context, RenderOptions renderOptions) {
AlignmentBlock[] insertions = alignment.getInsertions();
if (insertions != null) {
for (AlignmentBlock aBlock : insertions) {
int x = (int) ((aBlock.getStart() - origin) / locScale);
int h = (int) Math.max(1, rect.getHeight() - 2);
int y = (int) (rect.getY() + (rect.getHeight() - h) / 2);
// Don't draw out of clipping rect
if (x > rect.getMaxX()) {
} else if (x < rect.getX()) {
if (renderOptions.isFlagLargeInsertions() &&
aBlock.getBases().length > renderOptions.getLargeInsertionsThreshold()) {
Graphics2D gInsertion = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.red);
gInsertion.fillRect(x - 5, y, 10, 2);
gInsertion.fillRect(x - 3, y, 6, h);
gInsertion.fillRect(x - 5, y + h - 2, 10, 2);
} else {
Graphics2D gInsertion = context.getGraphic2DForColor(purple);
gInsertion.fillRect(x - 2, y, 4, 2);
gInsertion.fillRect(x - 1, y, 2, h);
gInsertion.fillRect(x - 2, y + h - 2, 4, 2);
private Color getAlignmentColor(Alignment alignment, AlignmentTrack.RenderOptions renderOptions) {
// Set color used to draw the feature. Highlight features that intersect the
// center line. Also restorePersistentState row "score" if alignment intersects center line
Color color = alignment.getColor();
if(color != null) return color; // Color has been explicitly set
Color c = alignment.isSupplementary() ? Color.darkGray : grey1;
ColorOption colorOption = renderOptions.getColorOption();
switch (colorOption) {
// Just a simple forward/reverse strand color scheme that won't clash with the
// methylation rectangles.
c = (alignment.getFirstOfPairStrand() == Strand.POSITIVE) ? bisulfiteColorFw1 : bisulfiteColorRev1;
// if (alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
// c = (alignment.isSecondOfPair()) ? bisulfiteColorRev2 : bisulfiteColorRev1;
// } else {
// c = (alignment.isSecondOfPair()) ? bisulfiteColorFw2 : bisulfiteColorFw1;
// }
c = nomeseqColor;
c = getOrientationColor(alignment, getPEStats(alignment, renderOptions));
if (colorOption == ColorOption.PAIR_ORIENTATION) {
boolean isPairedAlignment = alignment instanceof PairedAlignment;
if ((alignment.isPaired() && alignment.getMate().isMapped()) || isPairedAlignment) {
boolean sameChr = isPairedAlignment || alignment.getMate().getChr().equals(alignment.getChr());
if (sameChr) {
int readDistance = Math.abs(alignment.getInferredInsertSize());
if (readDistance != 0) {
int minThreshold = renderOptions.getMinInsertSize();
int maxThreshold = renderOptions.getMaxInsertSize();
PEStats peStats = getPEStats(alignment, renderOptions);
if (renderOptions.isComputeIsizes() && peStats != null) {
minThreshold = peStats.getMinThreshold();
maxThreshold = peStats.getMaxThreshold();
if (readDistance < minThreshold) {
c = smallISizeColor;
} else if (readDistance > maxThreshold) {
c = largeISizeColor;
//return renderOptions.insertSizeColorScale.getColor(readDistance);
} else {
c = ChromosomeColors.getColor(alignment.getMate().getChr());
if (c == null) {
c = Color.black;
if (alignment.isNegativeStrand()) {
c = negStrandColor;
} else {
c = posStrandColor;
final Strand fragmentStrand = alignment.getFirstOfPairStrand();
if (fragmentStrand == Strand.NEGATIVE) {
c = negStrandColor;
} else if (fragmentStrand == Strand.POSITIVE) {
c = posStrandColor;
String rg = alignment.getReadGroup();
if (rg != null) {
c = readGroupColors.get(rg);
case SAMPLE:
String sample = alignment.getSample();
if (sample != null) {
c = sampleColors.get(sample);
case TAG:
final String tag = renderOptions.getColorByTag();
if (tag != null) {
Object tagValue = alignment.getAttribute(tag);
if (tagValue != null) {
c = tagValueColors.get(tagValue.toString());
// if (renderOptions.shadeCenters && center >= alignment.getStart() && center <= alignment.getEnd()) {
// if (locScale < 1) {
// c = grey2;
// }
// }
if (c == null) c = grey1;
if (alignment.getMappingQuality() == 0 && renderOptions.flagZeroQualityAlignments) {
// Maping Q = 0
float alpha = 0.15f;
// Assuming white background TODO -- this should probably be passed in
return ColorUtilities.getCompositeColor(Color.white, c, alpha);
return c;
public static PEStats getPEStats(Alignment alignment, RenderOptions renderOptions) {
String lb = alignment.getLibrary();
if (lb == null) lb = "null";
PEStats peStats = null;
if (renderOptions.peStats != null) {
peStats = renderOptions.peStats.get(lb);
return peStats;
* Determine if alignment insert size is outside max or min
* range for outliers.
* @param alignment
* @param renderOptions
* @return -1 if unknown (stats not computed), 0 if not
* an outlier, 1 if outlier
private int getOutlierStatus(Alignment alignment, RenderOptions renderOptions) {
PEStats peStats = getPEStats(alignment, renderOptions);
if (renderOptions.isComputeIsizes() && peStats != null) {
int minThreshold = peStats.getMinOutlierInsertSize();
int maxThreshold = peStats.getMaxOutlierInsertSize();
int dist = Math.abs(alignment.getInferredInsertSize());
if (dist >= minThreshold || dist <= maxThreshold) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
* Returns -1 if alignment distance is less than minimum,
* 0 if within bounds, and +1 if above maximum.
* @param alignment
* @return
private int compareToBounds(Alignment alignment, RenderOptions renderOptions) {
int minThreshold = renderOptions.getMinInsertSize();
int maxThreshold = renderOptions.getMaxInsertSize();
PEStats peStats = getPEStats(alignment, renderOptions);
if (renderOptions.isComputeIsizes() && peStats != null) {
minThreshold = peStats.getMinThreshold();
maxThreshold = peStats.getMaxThreshold();
int dist = Math.abs(alignment.getInferredInsertSize());
if (dist < minThreshold) return -1;
if (dist > maxThreshold) return +1;
return 0;
* Assuming we want to color a pair of alignments based on their distance,
* this returns an appropriate color
* @param pair
* @return
private static Color getColorRelDistance(PairedAlignment pair) {
if (pair.secondAlignment == null) {
return grey1;
int dist = Math.abs(pair.getInferredInsertSize());
double logDist = Math.log(dist);
Color minColor = smallISizeColor;
Color maxColor = largeISizeColor;
ContinuousColorScale colorScale = new ContinuousColorScale(0, 20, minColor, maxColor);
return colorScale.getColor((float) logDist);
* Returns a color to flag unexpected pair orientations. Expected orientations (e.g. FR for Illumina) get the
* neutral grey color
* @param alignment
* @param peStats
* @return
private Color getOrientationColor(Alignment alignment, PEStats peStats) {
AlignmentTrack.OrientationType type = getOrientationType(alignment, peStats);
Color c = typeToColorMap.get(type);
return c == null ? grey1 : c;
static AlignmentTrack.OrientationType getOrientationType(Alignment alignment, PEStats peStats) {
AlignmentTrack.OrientationType type = null;
if (alignment.isPaired()) { // && !alignment.isProperPair()) {
final String pairOrientation = alignment.getPairOrientation();
if (peStats != null) {
PEStats.Orientation libraryOrientation = peStats.getOrientation();
switch (libraryOrientation) {
case FR:
//if (!alignment.isSmallInsert()) {
// if the isize < read length the reads might overlap, invalidating this test
type = frOrientationTypes.get(pairOrientation);
case RF:
type = rfOrientationTypes.get(pairOrientation);
case F1F2:
type = f1f2OrientationTypes.get(pairOrientation);
case F2F1:
type = f2f1OrientationTypes.get(pairOrientation);
} else {
// No peStats for this library, just guess
if (alignment.getAttribute("CS") != null) {
type = f2f1OrientationTypes.get(pairOrientation);
} else {
type = frOrientationTypes.get(pairOrientation);
return type;
* Similar to "pair orientation" color, but this method does not attempt to interpret orientations.
* @param alignment
* @return
private Color getTemplateStrandColor(Alignment alignment) {
Color c = null;
if (alignment.isPaired()) {
final String pairOrientation = alignment.getPairOrientation();
return tagValueColors.get(pairOrientation);
return c == null ? grey1 : c;
public SortedSet<Shape> curveOverlap(double x) {
QuadCurve2D tcurve = new QuadCurve2D.Double();
tcurve.setCurve(x, 0, x, 0, x, 0);
SortedSet overlap = new TreeSet(arcsByStart.headSet(tcurve, true));
overlap.retainAll(arcsByEnd.tailSet(tcurve, true));
return overlap;
public Alignment getAlignmentForCurve(Shape curve) {
return curveMap.get(curve);
public void clearCurveMaps() {