Package org.broad.igv.cli_plugin

Source Code of org.broad.igv.cli_plugin.Argument

* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at

package org.broad.igv.cli_plugin;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.broad.igv.sam.AlignmentTrack;
import org.broad.igv.session.SubtlyImportant;
import org.broad.igv.track.FeatureTrack;
import org.broad.igv.variant.VariantTrack;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
import java.util.List;

public class Argument{

    public static final String CMD_ARG = "cmd_arg";
    public static final String LIBS = "libs";

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Argument.class);

    private String name;

    private InputType type;

     * Text which goes before Argument value on command line
    @XmlAttribute(name = CMD_ARG)
    private String cmdArg;

    private String defaultValue;

     * Whether the argument gets written to the command line
     * This is true by default (usually it will be). Some only exist
     * to take user input, and feed the result to another argument
    private boolean output = false;

     * Whether this argument is displayed to the user.
     * If we just want to have a value in the XML spec
     * that the user can't change, set this to false
    private boolean visible = true;

     * id used by spec by which this argument can be referred.
     * Does not need to be human readable, must be unique
     * within a command
    private String id;

     * Full class name of encoding codec to be used
     * In addition to default classpath, will
     * also search {@link #libPaths}
    private String encodingCodec;

     * URLs to search for encoding codec class, in addition
     * to current classpath
    @XmlElement(name = LIBS)
    private String[] libPaths;

     * Key used in paths to indicate same directory as tool
    public static final CharSequence TOOL_DIR_KEY = "$toolDir";

    private boolean remembered;

    public boolean isRemembered() {
        return remembered;

    public enum InputType {

     * Used reading/writing to session files
    List<String> value;

    boolean isValidValue(Object value) {
        switch (this.type) {
            case BOOL:
                return value instanceof Boolean;
            case TEXT:
            case LONGTEXT:
                return value instanceof String || value == null;
            case VARIANT_TRACK:
                return value instanceof VariantTrack;
            case ALIGNMENT_TRACK:
                return value instanceof AlignmentTrack;
            case FEATURE_TRACK:
                return value instanceof FeatureTrack;
            case MULTI_FEATURE_TRACK:
                if (!(value instanceof List)) return false;
                try {
                    List<FeatureTrack> lVal = (List<FeatureTrack>) value;
                    FeatureTrack fVal = lVal.get(0);
                    return true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    return false;
                return false;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String getCmdArg() {
        return cmdArg;

    public InputType getType() {
        return type;

    public String getDefaultValue() {
        return defaultValue;

    public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue){
        this.defaultValue = defaultValue;

    public String[] getLibPaths(){
        return this.libPaths;

    public boolean isOutput() {
        return output;

    public void setOutput(boolean output){
        this.output = output;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public String getEncodingCodec() {
        return encodingCodec;

    public boolean isVisible() {
        return visible;

    private Argument(){}

    //This constructor is here largely for testing, should consider getting rid of it
    Argument(String name, InputType type, String cmdArg, String defaultValue, String encodingCodec,
             String[] libPaths, boolean isOutput, String id) { = name;
        this.type = type;
        this.cmdArg = cmdArg != null ? cmdArg : "";
        this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
        this.encodingCodec = encodingCodec;
        this.libPaths = libPaths;
        this.output = isOutput; = id;

        if (!output && id == null) {
  "Argument %s is not output but it also has no id. This argument" +
                    " will have no effect", (name)));


Related Classes of org.broad.igv.cli_plugin.Argument

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