package com.mattibal.meshnet;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import com.mattibal.meshnet.devices.Led1Analog2Device;
import com.mattibal.meshnet.devices.LedLamp1Device;
import com.mattibal.meshnet.devices.LedTestDevice;
* This class represent a real physical device that I might be able to contact
* with my network.
* It should not be tied with a particular base, this object can be shared across
* multiple bases, so it must contain some information about to what base is
* now connected the device.
* This class should contain high-level methods to access the sensors or actuators
* of the device. So this class should be extended with other classes that
* represent the capabilities of any specific kind of device
* (for example RgbLightDevices with a method setRgb(float r, float g, float b))
* When the layer3 connects to a device, it should ask with a layer7 thing the
* capabilities of the device and the universal unique id of the device, so
* an appropriate Device object can be created and linked to the layer3 node.
public class Device {
/** A code that is guaranteed to be different among all devices
* on a network. */
private final int uniqueDeviceId;
private final int deviceType;
/** This is not final because it can change during the life of this object! */
private Layer4SimpleRpc layer4 = null;
* This set must contain all the devices of this network that at least this
* base known that they exist (that they are associated with this network,
* also if now they are offline).
private static HashMap<Integer,Device> knownUniqueDevicesId = new HashMap<Integer,Device>();
* These are the listeners of every command (packet) sent to this Device.
private final Set<CommandReceivedListener> listeners = new HashSet<CommandReceivedListener>();
/** This constructor also add the Device to the knownDevices */
protected Device(int uniqueDeviceId, int deviceType){
* This method should be extended by the subclass.
* They must check here if they can handle the command type requested:
* if they can they handle and executes them, if not (because it's a general
* command implemented here) they call this implementation with super(...)
* @throws InexistentCommandException if the command requested doesn't
* exist in this Device implementation
public void onCommandRequestArrived(int command, ByteBuffer data) throws InexistentCommandException{
// If there is a command that every device must accept (EXCEPT command 0),
// it must be catched and implemented here!
// Notify the listeners
for(CommandReceivedListener listener: listeners){
listener.onCommandReceived(command, uniqueDeviceId, data);
// I don't know how to handle the command, so I raise an exception
throw new InexistentCommandException(command);
* Layer 4 must use this method to create (or get if is already "known")
* a Device of the appropriate type
public static Device createDeviceFromType(int deviceType, int uniqueDeviceId){
Device device = knownUniqueDevicesId.get(uniqueDeviceId);
if(device == null){
if(deviceType == LedTestDevice.DEVICE_TYPE){
// TODO workaround for duplicated device type
//device = new LedTestDevice(uniqueDeviceId);
device = new Led1Analog2Device(uniqueDeviceId);
} else if(deviceType == LedLamp1Device.DEVICE_TYPE){
device = new LedLamp1Device(uniqueDeviceId);
} else {
// Unknown device type
device = new Device(uniqueDeviceId, deviceType);
return device;
* This method must be called by users of the MeshNet library to get Device
* objects of the devices they want to access to control actuators
* or get sensor readings.
* TODO this method should be put on Layer3Base, because if it's here as
* a static method, I can't run multiple Layer3Base on the same JVM
* (this is unusual, but might be useful for test purposes or if I want
* to join two different MeshNet networks)
public static Device getDeviceFromUniqueId(int uniqueDeviceId){
return knownUniqueDevicesId.get(uniqueDeviceId);
public synchronized void setLayer4(Layer4SimpleRpc layer4){
this.layer4 = layer4;
public void sendCommand(int command, byte[] data) throws IOException{
Layer4SimpleRpc l4;
l4 = layer4;
l4.sendCommandRequest(command, data);
public int getUniqueId(){
return uniqueDeviceId;
* A listener should call this method to register himself as a listener
* of any command directed to this Device.
* @param command The command I want to listen for
public void addCommandReceivedListener(CommandReceivedListener listener){
* This is the interface that somebody must implements if he want to be
* notified when a command is sent to this Device.
public interface CommandReceivedListener {
public void onCommandReceived(int command, int senderDeviceId, ByteBuffer data);
* Thrown when it's requested the execution of a command that doesn't exist
* for this kind of device
public static class InexistentCommandException extends Exception {
public final int command;
public InexistentCommandException(int command){
this.command = command;