* Created on Jun 18, 2005
* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
package stage2;
import _game.Card;
import _io.*;
import _misc.Combinations;
import _misc.Constants;
import _misc.Helper;
import stage1.*;
import java.io.*;
* @author Adam
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
public class DoTerminalClusterValuesStep1 {
private static final String ROOT_INPUT_DIR = Constants.DATA_FILE_REPOSITORY +
"stage2" + Constants.dirSep;
private static final String ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR = Constants.DATA_FILE_REPOSITORY +
"stage2" + Constants.dirSep;
private static final int MAX_SIMULT_FILES_OPEN = Constants.choose(Card.NUM_CARDS, 2);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
double tTotal = System.currentTimeMillis();
int numHoleCards = Constants.choose(Card.NUM_CARDS, 2);
final int numBoardCards = 5;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// load up all input files
// ------------------------------------------------------------
String inputDir = ROOT_INPUT_DIR + "clustering_step2_5" + Constants.dirSep;
ReadBinaryClusterIdStream[] in =
new ReadBinaryClusterIdStream[numHoleCards];
int inPointer = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (Card.NUM_CARDS-1); i++) {
for(int j = i+1; j < Card.NUM_CARDS; j++) {
String path = inputDir + new Integer(i).toString() + "_" + new Integer(j).toString();
in[inPointer++] = new ReadBinaryClusterIdStream(
if(inPointer != numHoleCards) {
throw new RuntimeException();
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// do it
// ------------------------------------------------------------
byte[][] holeCards = new byte[numHoleCards][];
int holeCardsPointer = 0;
for(byte i = 0; i < (Card.NUM_CARDS-1); i++) {
for(byte j = (byte)(i+1); j < Card.NUM_CARDS; j++) {
holeCards[holeCardsPointer++] = new byte[] {i, j};
int numClusters = in[0].getNumClusters();
// strictly upper triangular matrix where higher values are in favor of the row-player
long[][] winCount = new long[numClusters][numClusters];
long[][] normalizeCount = new long[numClusters][numClusters];
Combinations rootCombo = new Combinations(Card.ALLCARDSINDEX, numBoardCards);
byte[] rootBoardCards;
int numLegalHoleCards = Constants.choose(Card.NUM_CARDS - numBoardCards, 2);
System.out.println("Entering phase 1 -- computing expected values...");
double tPhase = System.currentTimeMillis();
int progressCounter = 0;
int fiveThousands = (int) Math.floor(Constants.choose(Card.NUM_CARDS, numBoardCards) / 200);
while(rootCombo.hasMoreElements()) {
if (progressCounter % fiveThousands == 0) {
System.out.println(" " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - tPhase) +
": " + (new Double((double)progressCounter /
Constants.choose(Card.NUM_CARDS, numBoardCards))).toString() + "% done");
rootBoardCards = rootCombo.nextElement();
int[] score = new int[numLegalHoleCards];
byte[] clusterId = new byte[numLegalHoleCards];
int pointer = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < numHoleCards; i++) {
if(!Helper.contains(rootBoardCards, holeCards[i][0]) &&
!Helper.contains(rootBoardCards, holeCards[i][1])) {
score[pointer] = HandEvaluator.rankHand_Java(Helper.mergeByteArrays(rootBoardCards, holeCards[i]));
clusterId[pointer] = in[i].readRecord().clusterId;
if(pointer != numLegalHoleCards) {
throw new RuntimeException();
for(int i = 0; i < (numLegalHoleCards-1); i++) {
for(int j = i+1; j < numLegalHoleCards; j++) {
if(clusterId[i] == clusterId[j]) {
if(score[i] > score[j]) {
// i wins...is it the row or column player?
if(clusterId[i] < clusterId[j]) {
// i is the row player
winCount[clusterId[i]][clusterId[j]] += 2;
} else {
// i is the column player...only inc the counter
} else if(score[i] < score[j]) {
// i loses...is it the row or column player?
if(clusterId[i] < clusterId[j]) {
// i is the row player...only inc the counter
} else {
// i is the column player
winCount[clusterId[j]][clusterId[i]] += 2;
} else {
// a tie!
if(clusterId[i] < clusterId[j]) {
// i is the row player
winCount[clusterId[i]][clusterId[j]] += 1;
} else {
// i is the column player
winCount[clusterId[j]][clusterId[i]] += 1;
System.out.println(" Completed phase in time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tPhase));
for(int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) {
double[][] terminalValues = new double[numClusters][numClusters];
for(int i = 0; i < (numClusters-1); i++) {
for(int j = i+1; j < numClusters; j++) {
terminalValues[i][j] = (double)winCount[i][j];
terminalValues[i][j] /= (double)normalizeCount[i][j];
terminalValues[i][j] /= 2;
for(int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < numClusters; j++) {
System.out.println("[" + i + "," + j + "] = " + terminalValues[i][j]);
// output terminalValues[][] to file
ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR + "terminal_values_" + numBoardCards,
terminalValues, numClusters, Helper.getBufferSize(MAX_SIMULT_FILES_OPEN));
System.out.println("All terminal values computed+recorded in time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tTotal));