* Created on May 12, 2005
* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
package stage1;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import _game.Card;
import _io.ReadBinaryScoreStream;
import _io.WriteBinaryScoreMaps;
import _misc.Combinations;
import _misc.Constants;
import _misc.Helper;
* @author Adam
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
public class DoBacktracking {
private static final String ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR = Constants.DATA_FILE_REPOSITORY +
"stage1" + Constants.dirSep;
private static final String ROOT_INPUT_DIR = Constants.DATA_FILE_REPOSITORY +
"stage1" + Constants.dirSep;
private static final int MAX_SIMULT_FILES_OPEN = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
double tTotal = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] holeCards;
int numIterations = Constants.choose(Card.NUM_CARDS, 2);
int iterationCounter = 0;
while((holeCards = getNextTask()) != null) {
System.out.println(" Executing on hole cards: " + Helper.byteArrayToString(holeCards) + "...");
double tIteration = System.currentTimeMillis();
String inFile = ROOT_INPUT_DIR + "5" + Constants.dirSep + holeCards[0] + "_" + holeCards[1];
String outFile4 = ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR + "4" + Constants.dirSep + holeCards[0] + "_" + holeCards[1];
String outFile3 = ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR + "3" + Constants.dirSep + holeCards[0] + "_" + holeCards[1];
String outFile0 = ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR + "0" + Constants.dirSep + holeCards[0] + "_" + holeCards[1];
ScoreMaps sm4 = new ScoreMaps((byte) 4, holeCards);
ScoreMaps sm3 = new ScoreMaps((byte) 3, holeCards);
ScoreMaps sm0 = new ScoreMaps((byte) 0, holeCards);
ReadBinaryScoreStream in =
new ReadBinaryScoreStream(inFile, 5, Helper.getBufferSize(MAX_SIMULT_FILES_OPEN));
HandRecordScore hr ;
while ((hr = (HandRecordScore)in.readRecord()) != null) {
sm4.addScore(hr, hr.score);
sm3.addScore(hr, hr.score);
sm0.addScore(hr, hr.score);
WriteBinaryScoreMaps.writeScoreMapHR(sm4, outFile4, Helper.getBufferSize(MAX_SIMULT_FILES_OPEN));
WriteBinaryScoreMaps.writeScoreMapHR(sm3, outFile3, Helper.getBufferSize(MAX_SIMULT_FILES_OPEN));
WriteBinaryScoreMaps.writeScoreMapHR(sm0, outFile0, Helper.getBufferSize(MAX_SIMULT_FILES_OPEN));
System.out.println(" Iteration " + ((int) Math.floor(100*((double) ++iterationCounter/numIterations))) + "% done in time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tIteration));
System.out.println("All possible backtracking completed in time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - tTotal));
private static byte[] getNextTask() throws IOException {
Combinations combo = new Combinations(Card.ALLCARDSINDEX, 2);
byte[] holeCards;
while(combo.hasMoreElements()) {
holeCards = combo.nextElement();
// disqualified if it's already been done
if(new File(getOneOutputFileName(holeCards)).exists()) {
// disqualified if it's currently being done...otherwise lock it
// (check for lock, and lock, atomically)
File lock = new File(getInputFileName(holeCards) + ".lock");
if(lock.createNewFile()) {
// we got a lock!
return holeCards;
// we couldn't find any tasks
return null;
private static void deleteLock(byte[] holeCards) {
File lock = new File(getInputFileName(holeCards) + ".lock");
if(!lock.exists()) {
throw new RuntimeException();
private static String getInputFileName(byte[] holeCards) {
return ROOT_INPUT_DIR + "5" + Constants.dirSep + holeCards[0]
+ "_" + holeCards[1];
private static String getOneOutputFileName(byte[] holeCards) {
return ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR + "4" + Constants.dirSep + holeCards[0]
+ "_" + holeCards[1];