package models;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.persistence.Version;
import controllers.CRUD.Hidden;
import play.db.jpa.GenericModel;
import play.mvc.Http.Request;
* Model which supports optimistic locking.
public class OptimisticLockingModel extends GenericModel {
private transient Long initialVersion = null;
public Long id;
@CheckWith(value=OptimisticLockingCheck.class, message="optimisticLocking.modelHasChanged")
* The version which will be automatically updated which each update.
public Long version;
public void setVersion(Long newVersion) {
if (initialVersion == null) {
//If the model loaded via hibernate the setVersion-Method isn't called!
if (version != null) {
initialVersion = version;
} else {
initialVersion = newVersion;
version = newVersion;
public Long getId() {
return id;
* Check with proof if the version of the current edited object is lesser
* than the version in db.
* Messagecode: optimisticLocking.modelHasChanged
* Parameter: 2 the version of the edited model.
* Parameter: 3 the version in the database.
* Parameter: 4 the request URL.
* Example-Message: The object was changed. <a href="%2$s">Reload</a> and do your changes again.
public static class OptimisticLockingCheck extends Check {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isSatisfied(Object model, Object value) {
OptimisticLockingModel optimisticLockingModel = (OptimisticLockingModel) model;
if ((optimisticLockingModel.initialVersion != null &&
optimisticLockingModel.version != null) &&
(optimisticLockingModel.initialVersion.longValue() >
optimisticLockingModel.version.longValue())) {
final Request request = Request.current();
Long version = optimisticLockingModel.version;
Long initialVersion = optimisticLockingModel.initialVersion ;
//The following doesn't work see
// setMessage(checkWithCheck.getMessage(), version != null ? version.toString() : "",
// initialVersion != null ? initialVersion.toString() : "", request != null ? request.url : "");
setMessage("optimisticLocking.modelHasChanged", version != null ? version.toString() : "",
initialVersion != null ? initialVersion.toString() : "", request != null ? request.url : "");
return false;
return true;