* Copyright (c) 2009, Mikio L. Braun
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
* with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the Technische Universität Berlin nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
* products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission.
package org.jblas;
import org.jblas.exceptions.SizeException;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ComplexDoubleMatrix {
public int rows;
public int columns;
public int length;
public double[] data = null; // rows are contiguous
* Constructors and factory functions
* Create a new matrix with <i>newRows</i> rows, <i>newColumns</i> columns
* using <i>newData></i> as the data.
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(int newRows, int newColumns, double... newData) {
rows = newRows;
columns = newColumns;
length = rows * columns;
if (newData.length != 2 * newRows * newColumns)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Passed data must match matrix dimensions.");
data = newData;
* Creates a new <i>n</i> times <i>m</i> <tt>ComplexDoubleMatrix</tt>.
* @param newRows the number of rows (<i>n</i>) of the new matrix.
* @param newColumns the number of columns (<i>m</i>) of the new matrix.
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(int newRows, int newColumns) {
this(newRows, newColumns, new double[2 * newRows * newColumns]);
* Creates a new <tt>ComplexDoubleMatrix</tt> of size 0 times 0.
public ComplexDoubleMatrix() {
this(0, 0, null);
* Create a Matrix of length <tt>len</tt>. By default, this creates a row vector.
* @param len
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(int len) {
this(len, 1, new double[2 * len]);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(double[] newData) {
this(newData.length/2, 1, newData);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(ComplexDouble[] newData) {
for (int i = 0; i < newData.length; i++)
put(i, newData[i]);
/** Construct a complex matrix from a real matrix. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(DoubleMatrix m) {
this(m.rows, m.columns);
NativeBlas.dcopy(m.length, m.data, 0, 1, data, 0, 2);
/** Construct a complex matrix from separate real and imaginary parts. Either
* part can be set to null in which case it will be ignored.
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(DoubleMatrix real, DoubleMatrix imag) {
this(real.rows, real.columns);
if (real != null)
NativeBlas.dcopy(length, real.data, 0, 1, data, 0, 2);
if (imag != null)
NativeBlas.dcopy(length, imag.data, 0, 1, data, 1, 2);
* Creates a new matrix by reading it from a file.
* @param filename the path and name of the file to read the matrix from
* @throws IOException
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(String filename) throws IOException {
* Creates a new <i>n</i> times <i>m</i> <tt>ComplexDoubleMatrix</tt> from
* the given <i>n</i> times <i>m</i> 2D data array. The first dimension of the array makes the
* rows (<i>n</i>) and the second dimension the columns (<i>m</i>). For example, the
* given code <br/><br/>
* <code>new ComplexDoubleMatrix(new double[][]{{1d, 2d, 3d}, {4d, 5d, 6d}, {7d, 8d, 9d}}).print();</code><br/><br/>
* will constructs the following matrix:
* <pre>
* 1.0 2.0 3.0
* 4.0 5.0 6.0
* 7.0 8.0 9.0
* </pre>.
* @param data <i>n</i> times <i>m</i> data array
public ComplexDoubleMatrix(double[][] data) {
this(data.length, data[0].length);
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
assert(data[r].length == columns);
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
put(r, c, data[r][c]);
* Creates a new matrix in which all values are equal 0.
* @param rows number of rows
* @param columns number of columns
* @return new matrix
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix zeros(int rows, int columns) {
return new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns);
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix zeros(int length) {
return zeros(length, 1);
* Creates a new matrix in which all values are equal 1.
* @param rows number of rows
* @param columns number of columns
* @return new matrix
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix ones(int rows, int columns) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix m = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns);
for (int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++)
m.put(i, 1.0);
return m;
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix ones(int length) {
return ones(length, 1);
* Creates a new matrix where the values of the given vector are the diagonal values of
* the matrix.
* @param x the diagonal values
* @return new matrix
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix diag(ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix m = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(x.length, x.length);
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
m.put(i, i, x.get(i));
return m;
* Construct a matrix of arbitrary shape and set the diagonal according
* to a passed vector.
* length of needs to be smaller than rows or columns.
* @param x vector to fill the diagonal with
* @param rows number of rows of the resulting matrix
* @param columns number of columns of the resulting matrix
* @return a matrix with dimensions rows * columns whose diagonal elements are filled by x
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix diag(ComplexDoubleMatrix x, int rows, int columns) {
if (x.length > rows || x.length > columns) {
throw new SizeException("Length of diagonal matrix must be larger than both rows and columns.");
ComplexDoubleMatrix m = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns);
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
m.put(i, i, x.get(i));
return m;
* Create a 1 * 1 - matrix. For many operations, this matrix functions like a
* normal double
* @param s value of the matrix
* @return the constructed ComplexDoubleMatrix
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix scalar(double s) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix m = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(1, 1);
m.put(0, 0, s);
return m;
/** Test whether a matrix is scalar */
public boolean isScalar() {
return length == 1;
/** Return the first element of the matrix */
public ComplexDouble scalar() {
return get(0);
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix concatHorizontally(ComplexDoubleMatrix A, ComplexDoubleMatrix B) {
if (A.rows != B.rows)
throw new SizeException("Matrices don't have same number of rows.");
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(A.rows, A.columns + B.columns);
SimpleBlas.copy(A, result);
NativeBlas.zcopy(B.length, B.data, 0, 1, result.data, A.length, 1);
return result;
public static ComplexDoubleMatrix concatVertically(ComplexDoubleMatrix A, ComplexDoubleMatrix B) {
if (A.columns != B.columns)
throw new SizeException("Matrices don't have same number of columns.");
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(A.rows + B.rows, A.columns);
for (int i = 0; i < A.columns; i++) {
NativeBlas.zcopy(A.rows, A.data, A.index(0, i), 1, result.data, result.index(0, i), 1);
NativeBlas.zcopy(B.rows, B.data, B.index(0, i), 1, result.data, result.index(A.rows, i), 1);
return result;
* Working with slices (Man! 30+ methods just to make this a bit flexible...)
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(int[] indices) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(indices.length);
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
result.put(i, get(indices[i]));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(int r, int[] indices) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(1, indices.length);
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
result.put(i, get(r, indices[i]));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(int[] indices, int c) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(indices.length, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
result.put(i, get(indices[i], c));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(int[] rindices, int[] cindices) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rindices.length, cindices.length);
for (int i = 0; i < rindices.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cindices.length; j++)
result.put(i, j, get(rindices[i], cindices[j]));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices) {
return get(indices.findIndices());
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(int r, ComplexDoubleMatrix indices) {
return get(r, indices.findIndices());
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, int c) {
return get(indices.findIndices(), c);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix get(ComplexDoubleMatrix rindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix cindices) {
return get(rindices.findIndices(), cindices.findIndices());
private void checkLength(int l) {
if (length != l)
throw new SizeException("Matrix does not have the necessary length (" + length + " != " + l + ").");
private void checkRows(int r) {
if (rows != r)
throw new SizeException("Matrix does not have the necessary length (" + length + " != " + r + ").");
private void checkColumns(int c) {
if (columns != c)
throw new SizeException("Matrix does not have the necessary length (" + length + " != " + c + ").");
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] indices, ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
if (x.isScalar())
return put(indices, x.scalar());
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(indices[i], x.get(i));
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int r, int[] indices, ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
if (x.isScalar())
return put(r, indices, x.scalar());
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(r, indices[i], x.get(i));
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] indices, int c, ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
if (x.isScalar())
return put(indices, c, x.scalar());
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(indices[i], c, x.get(i));
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] rindices, int[] cindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
if (x.isScalar())
return put(rindices, cindices, x.scalar());
for (int i = 0; i < rindices.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cindices.length; j++)
put(rindices[i], cindices[j], x.get(i,j));
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] indices, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(indices[i], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(int[] indices, double v) {
return put(indices, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(int[] indices, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
putImag(indices[i], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] indices, ComplexDouble v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(indices[i], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int r, int[] indices, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(r, indices[i], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(int r, int[] indices, double v) {
return put(r, indices, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(int r, int[] indices, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
putImag(r, indices[i], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int r, int[] indices, ComplexDouble v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(r, indices[i], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] indices, int c, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(indices[i], c, v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(int[] indices, int c, double v) {
return put(indices, c, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(int[] indices, int c, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
putImag(indices[i], c, v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] indices, int c, ComplexDouble v) {
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)
put(indices[i], c, v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] rindices, int[] cindices, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < rindices.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cindices.length; j++)
put(rindices[i], cindices[j], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(int[] rindices, int[] cindices, double v) {
return put(rindices, cindices, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(int[] rindices, int[] cindices, double v) {
for (int i = 0; i < rindices.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cindices.length; j++)
put(rindices[i], cindices[j], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int[] rindices, int[] cindices, ComplexDouble v) {
for (int i = 0; i < rindices.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cindices.length; j++)
put(rindices[i], cindices[j], v);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, ComplexDoubleMatrix v) {
return put(indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int r, ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, ComplexDoubleMatrix v) {
return put(r, indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, int c, ComplexDoubleMatrix v) {
return put(indices.findIndices(), c, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix rindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix cindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix v) {
return put(rindices.findIndices(), cindices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, double v) {
return put(indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, double v) {
return put(indices, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, double v) {
return putImag(indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, ComplexDouble v) {
return put(indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int r, ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, double v) {
return put(r, indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(int r, ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, double v) {
return put(r, indices, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(int r, ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, double v) {
return putImag(r, indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int r, ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, ComplexDouble v) {
return put(r, indices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, int c, double v) {
return put(indices.findIndices(), c, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, int c, double v) {
return put(indices, c, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, int c, double v) {
return putImag(indices.findIndices(), c, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix indices, int c, ComplexDouble v) {
return put(indices.findIndices(), c, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix rindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix cindices, double v) {
return put(rindices.findIndices(), cindices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(ComplexDoubleMatrix rindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix cindices, double v) {
return putReal(rindices.findIndices(), cindices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(ComplexDoubleMatrix rindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix cindices, double v) {
return putImag(rindices.findIndices(), cindices.findIndices(), v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(ComplexDoubleMatrix rindices, ComplexDoubleMatrix cindices, ComplexDouble v) {
return put(rindices.findIndices(), cindices.findIndices(), v);
public int[] findIndices() {
int len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (!get(i).isZero())
int[] indices = new int[len];
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (!get(i).isZero())
indices[c++] = i;
return indices;
* Basic operations (copying, resizing, element access)
/** Return transposed copy of this matrix */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix transpose() {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(columns, rows);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
result.put(j, i, get(i, j, c));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix hermitian() {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(columns, rows);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
result.put(j, i, get(i, j, c).conji());
return result;
* Compute complex conjugate (in-place).
public ComplexDoubleMatrix conji() {
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
put(i, get(i, c).conji());
return this;
* Compute complex conjugate.
public ComplexDoubleMatrix conj() {
return dup().conji();
/** Compare two matrices.
* @param o Object to compare to
* @return true if and only if other is also a ComplexDoubleMatrix which has the same size and the
* maximal absolute difference in matrix elements is smaller thatn 1e-6. */
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof ComplexDoubleMatrix))
return false;
ComplexDoubleMatrix other = (ComplexDoubleMatrix) o;
if (!sameSize(other))
return false;
return Arrays.equals(data, other.data);
public int hashCode() {
return rows ^ columns ^ Arrays.hashCode(data);
/** Resize the matrix. All elements will be set to zero. */
public void resize(int newRows, int newColumns) {
rows = newRows;
columns = newColumns;
length = newRows * newColumns;
data = new double[2 * rows * columns];
/** Reshape the matrix. Number of elements must not change. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix reshape(int newRows, int newColumns) {
if (length != newRows * newColumns)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Number of elements must not change.");
rows = newRows;
columns = newColumns;
return this;
/** Checks whether two matrices have the same size. */
public boolean sameSize(ComplexDoubleMatrix a) {
return rows == a.rows && columns == a.columns;
* Assert that two matrices have the same size.
* @param a the other matrix
* @throws SizeException if matrix sizes don't match.
* */
public void assertSameSize(ComplexDoubleMatrix a) {
if (!sameSize(a))
throw new SizeException("Matrices must have the same size.");
* Check whether this can be multiplied with a.
* @param a right-hand-side of the multiplication.
* @return true iff <tt>this.columns == a.rows</tt>
public boolean multipliesWith(ComplexDoubleMatrix a) {
return columns == a.rows;
public void assertMultipliesWith(ComplexDoubleMatrix a) {
if (!multipliesWith(a))
throw new SizeException("Number of columns of left matrix must be equal to number of rows of right matrix.");
public boolean sameLength(ComplexDoubleMatrix a) {
return length == a.length;
public void assertSameLength(ComplexDoubleMatrix a) {
if (!sameLength(a))
throw new SizeException("Matrices must have same length (is: " + length + " and " + a.length + ")");
/** Copy ComplexDoubleMatrix a to this. this a is resized if necessary. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix copy(ComplexDoubleMatrix a) {
if (!sameSize(a))
resize(a.rows, a.columns);
SimpleBlas.copy(a, this);
return a;
/** Returns a duplicate of this matrix. Geometry is the same (including offsets, transpose, etc.),
* but the buffer is not shared.
public ComplexDoubleMatrix dup() {
ComplexDoubleMatrix out = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns);
JavaBlas.rcopy(2*length, data, 0, 1, out.data, 0, 1);
return out;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix swapColumns(int i, int j) {
NativeBlas.zswap(rows, data, index(0, i), 1, data, index(0, j), 1);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix swapRows(int i, int j) {
NativeBlas.zswap(columns, data, index(i, 0), rows, data, index(j, 0), rows);
return this;
/** Set matrix element */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, double value) {
data[2*index(rowIndex, columnIndex)] = value;
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, double realValue, double complexValue) {
data[2*index(rowIndex, columnIndex)] = realValue;
data[2*index(rowIndex, columnIndex)+1] = complexValue;
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, ComplexDouble value) {
int i = 2*index(rowIndex, columnIndex);
data[i] = value.real(); data[i+1] = value.imag();
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, double value) {
data[2*index(rowIndex, columnIndex)] = value;
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, double value) {
data[2*index(rowIndex, columnIndex)+1] = value;
return this;
/** Retrieve matrix element */
public ComplexDouble get(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
int i = 2*index(rowIndex, columnIndex);
return new ComplexDouble(data[i], data[i+1]);
/** Get matrix element, passing the variable to store the result. */
public ComplexDouble get(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, ComplexDouble result) {
return get(index(rowIndex, columnIndex), result);
public DoubleMatrix getReal() {
DoubleMatrix result = new DoubleMatrix(rows, columns);
NativeBlas.dcopy(length, data, 0, 2, result.data, 0, 1);
return result;
/** Get index of an element */
public int index(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return rows * columnIndex + rowIndex;
/** Compute the row index of a linear index. */
public int indexRows(int i) {
return i - indexColumns(i) * rows;
/** Compute the column index of a linear index. */
public int indexColumns(int i) {
return i / rows;
public ComplexDouble get(int i) {
return new ComplexDouble(data[i * 2], data[i * 2 + 1]);
public ComplexDouble get(int i, ComplexDouble result) {
return result.set(data[i * 2], data[i*2+1]);
public double getReal(int i) {
return data[2*i];
public double getImag(int i) {
return data[2*i + 1];
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int i, double v) {
data[2*i] = v;
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int i, double r, double c) {
data[2*i] = r;
data[2*i+1] = c;
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix put(int i, ComplexDouble v) {
data[2*i] = v.real();
data[2*i+1] = v.imag();
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putReal(int i, double v) {
return put(i, v);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix putImag(int i, double v) {
data[2*i+1] = v;
return this;
public int getRows() {
return rows;
public int getColumns() {
return columns;
public int getLength() {
return length;
/** Checks whether the matrix is empty. */
public boolean isEmpty() {
return columns == 0 || rows == 0;
/** Checks whether the matrix is square. */
public boolean isSquare() {
return columns == rows;
public void assertSquare() {
if (!isSquare())
throw new SizeException("Matrix must be square!");
/** Checks whether the matrix is a vector. */
public boolean isVector() {
return columns == 1 || rows == 1;
public boolean isRowVector() {
return columns == 1;
public boolean isColumnVector() {
return rows == 1;
/** Get diagonal of the matrix. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix diag() {
ComplexDoubleMatrix d = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows);
NativeBlas.zcopy(rows, data, 0, rows + 1, d.data, 0, 1);
return d;
/** Get real part of the matrix. */
public DoubleMatrix real() {
DoubleMatrix result = new DoubleMatrix(rows, columns);
NativeBlas.dcopy(length, data, 0, 2, result.data, 0, 1);
return result;
/** Get imaginary part of the matrix. */
public DoubleMatrix imag() {
DoubleMatrix result = new DoubleMatrix(rows, columns);
NativeBlas.dcopy(length, data, 1, 2, result.data, 0, 1);
return result;
* Pretty-print this matrix to <tt>System.out</tt>.
* */
public void print() {
* Generate string representation of this matrix
* (multi-line).
* */
public String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
s.append(get(i, j));
if (j < columns - 1)
s.append(", ");
if (i < rows - 1)
s.append("; ");
return s.toString();
public double[] toDoubleArray() {
return data.clone();
public ComplexDouble[] toArray() {
ComplexDouble[] array = new ComplexDouble[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
public ComplexDouble[][] toArray2() {
ComplexDouble[][] array = new ComplexDouble[rows][columns];
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
array[r][c] = get(r, c);
return array;
public boolean[] toBooleanArray() {
boolean[] array = new boolean[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = !get(i).isZero();
return array;
public boolean[][] toBooleanArray2() {
boolean[][] array = new boolean[rows][columns];
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
array[r][c] = !get(r, c).isZero();
return array;
* Arithmetic Operations
* Ensures that the result vector has the same length as this. If not,
* resizing result is tried, which fails if result == this or result == other.
private void ensureResultLength(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (!sameLength(result)) {
if (result == this || result == other)
throw new SizeException("Cannot resize result matrix because it is used in-place.");
result.resize(rows, columns);
/** Add two matrices. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix addi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return addi(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
if (result == this)
SimpleBlas.axpy(ComplexDouble.UNIT, other, result);
else if (result == other)
SimpleBlas.axpy(ComplexDouble.UNIT, this, result);
else {
SimpleBlas.copy(this, result);
SimpleBlas.axpy(ComplexDouble.UNIT, other, result);
return result;
/** Add a scalar to a matrix. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix addi(ComplexDouble v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i).add(v));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix addi(double v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return addi(new ComplexDouble(v), result);
/** Subtract two matrices. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix subi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return subi(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
if (result == this)
SimpleBlas.axpy(ComplexDouble.NEG_UNIT, other, result);
else if (result == other) {
SimpleBlas.scal(ComplexDouble.NEG_UNIT, result);
SimpleBlas.axpy(ComplexDouble.UNIT, this, result);
else {
SimpleBlas.copy(this, result);
SimpleBlas.axpy(ComplexDouble.NEG_UNIT, other, result);
return result;
/** Subtract a scalar from a matrix */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix subi(ComplexDouble v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i).sub(v));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix subi(double v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return subi(new ComplexDouble(v), result);
* Subtract two matrices, but subtract first from second matrix, that is,
* compute <em>result = other - this</em>.
* */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsubi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return other.subi(this, result);
/** Subtract a matrix from a scalar */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsubi(ComplexDouble a, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, a.sub(get(i)));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsubi(double a, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return rsubi(new ComplexDouble(a), result);
/** (Elementwise) Multiplication */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix muli(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return muli(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble d = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c).muli(other.get(i, d)));
return result;
/** (Elementwise) Multiplication with a scalar */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix muli(ComplexDouble v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c).muli(v));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix muli(double v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return muli(new ComplexDouble(v), result);
/** Matrix-Matrix Multiplication */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmuli(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return muli(other.scalar(), result);
/* check sizes and resize if necessary */
if (result.rows != rows || result.columns != other.columns) {
if (result != this && result != other)
result.resize(rows, other.columns);
throw new SizeException("Cannot resize result matrix because it is used in-place.");
if (result == this || result == other) {
/* actually, blas cannot do multiplications in-place. Therefore, we will fake by
* allocating a temporary object on the side and copy the result later.
ComplexDoubleMatrix temp = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(result.rows, result.columns);
SimpleBlas.gemm(ComplexDouble.UNIT, this, other, ComplexDouble.ZERO, temp);
SimpleBlas.copy(temp, result);
else {
SimpleBlas.gemm(ComplexDouble.UNIT, this, other, ComplexDouble.ZERO, result);
return result;
/** Matrix-Matrix Multiplication with a scalar (for symmetry, does the
* same as muli(scalar)
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmuli(ComplexDouble v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return muli(v, result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmuli(double v, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return muli(v, result);
/** (Elementwise) division */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix divi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return divi(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble c1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble c2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c1).divi(other.get(i, c2)));
return result;
/** (Elementwise) division with a scalar */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix divi(ComplexDouble a, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c).divi(a));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix divi(double a, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return divi(new ComplexDouble(a), result);
* (Elementwise) division, with operands switched. Computes
* <em>result = other / this</em>. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdivi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return divi(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble c1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble c2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, other.get(i, c1).divi(get(i, c2)));
return result;
/** (Elementwise) division with a scalar, with operands switched. Computes
* <em>result = a / this</em>.*/
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdivi(ComplexDouble a, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
ComplexDouble c1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble c2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.put(i, c1.divi(get(i, c2)));
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdivi(double a, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return rdivi(new ComplexDouble(a), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix negi() {
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
put(i, get(i, c).negi());
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix neg() {
return dup().negi();
public ComplexDoubleMatrix noti() {
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
put(i, get(i, c).isZero() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix not() {
return dup().noti();
public ComplexDoubleMatrix truthi() {
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
put(i, get(i, c).isZero() ? 0.0 : 1.0);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix truth() {
return dup().truthi();
* Rank one-updates
/** Computes a rank-1-update A = A + alpha * x * y'. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rankOneUpdate(ComplexDouble alpha, ComplexDoubleMatrix x, ComplexDoubleMatrix y) {
if (rows != x.length)
throw new SizeException("Vector x has wrong length (" + x.length + " != " + rows + ").");
if (columns != y.length)
throw new SizeException("Vector y has wrong length (" + x.length + " != " + columns + ").");
SimpleBlas.gerc(alpha, x, y, this);
return this;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rankOneUpdate(double alpha, ComplexDoubleMatrix x, ComplexDoubleMatrix y) {
return rankOneUpdate(new ComplexDouble(alpha), x, y);
/** Computes a rank-1-update A = A + alpha * x * x'. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rankOneUpdate(double alpha, ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
return rankOneUpdate(new ComplexDouble(alpha), x, x);
/** Computes a rank-1-update A = A + alpha * x * x'. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rankOneUpdate(ComplexDouble alpha, ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
return rankOneUpdate(alpha, x, x);
/** Computes a rank-1-update A = A + x * x'. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rankOneUpdate(ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
return rankOneUpdate(1.0, x, x);
/** Computes a rank-1-update A = A + x * y'. */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rankOneUpdate(ComplexDoubleMatrix x, ComplexDoubleMatrix y) {
return rankOneUpdate(1.0, x, y);
* Logical operations
public ComplexDouble sum() {
ComplexDouble s = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
s.addi(get(i, c));
return s;
public ComplexDouble mean() {
return sum().div((double)length);
/** Computes this^T * other */
public ComplexDouble dotc(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return SimpleBlas.dotc(this, other);
/** Computes this^H * other */
public ComplexDouble dotu(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return SimpleBlas.dotu(this, other);
public double norm2() {
return SimpleBlas.nrm2(this);
public double normmax() {
int i = SimpleBlas.iamax(this);
return get(i).abs();
public double norm1() {
return SimpleBlas.asum(this);
/** Return a vector containing the sums of the columns (having number of columns many entries) */
public ComplexDoubleMatrix columnSums() {
ComplexDoubleMatrix v =
new ComplexDoubleMatrix(1, columns);
for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
v.put(c, getColumn(c).sum());
return v;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix columnMeans() {
return columnSums().divi(rows);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rowSums() {
ComplexDoubleMatrix v = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows);
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
v.put(r, getRow(r).sum());
return v;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rowMeans() {
return rowSums().divi(columns);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix getColumn(int c) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, 1);
NativeBlas.zcopy(rows, data, index(0, c), 1, result.data, 0, 1);
return result;
public void putColumn(int c, ComplexDoubleMatrix v) {
NativeBlas.zcopy(rows, v.data, 0, 1, data, index(0, c), 1);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix getRow(int r) {
ComplexDoubleMatrix result = new ComplexDoubleMatrix(1, columns);
NativeBlas.zcopy(columns, data, index(r, 0), rows, result.data, 0, 1);
return result;
public void putRow(int r, ComplexDoubleMatrix v) {
NativeBlas.zcopy(columns, v.data, 0, 1, data, index(r, 0), rows);
* Elementwise Functions
/** Add a row vector to all rows of the matrix */
public void addRowVector(ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
NativeBlas.zaxpy(columns, ComplexDouble.UNIT, x.data, 0, 1, data, index(r, 0), rows);
/** Add a vector to all columns of the matrix */
public void addColumnVector(ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++) {
NativeBlas.zaxpy(rows, ComplexDouble.UNIT, x.data, 0, 1, data, index(0, c), 1);
/** Add a row vector to all rows of the matrix */
public void subRowVector(ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
NativeBlas.zaxpy(columns, ComplexDouble.NEG_UNIT, x.data, 0, 1, data, index(r, 0), rows);
/** Add a vector to all columns of the matrix */
public void subColumnVector(ComplexDoubleMatrix x) {
for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++) {
NativeBlas.zaxpy(rows, ComplexDouble.NEG_UNIT, x.data, 0, 1, data, index(0, c), 1);
* Writes out this matrix to the given data stream.
* @param dos the data output stream to write to.
* @throws IOException
public void out(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
for(int i=0; i < data.length;i++)
* Reads in a matrix from the given data stream. Note
* that the old data of this matrix will be discarded.
* @param dis the data input stream to read from.
* @throws IOException
public void in(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
throw new IllegalStateException("The matrix in the specified file is not of the correct type!");
this.columns = dis.readInt();
this.rows = dis.readInt();
final int MAX = dis.readInt();
data = new double[MAX];
for(int i=0; i < MAX;i++)
data[i] = dis.readDouble();
* Saves this matrix to the specified file.
* @param filename the file to write the matrix in.
* @throws IOException thrown on errors while writing the matrix to the file
public void save(String filename) throws IOException {
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename, false));
* Loads a matrix from a file into this matrix. Note that the old data
* of this matrix will be discarded.
* @param filename the file to read the matrix from
* @throws IOException thrown on errors while reading the matrix
public void load(String filename) throws IOException {
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
* Autogenerated code
/***** Code for operators ***************************************/
/* Overloads for the usual arithmetic operations */
def gen_overloads(base, result_rows, result_cols); <<-EOS
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{base}i(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return #{base}i(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{base}(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return #{base}i(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(#{result_rows}, #{result_cols}));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{base}i(ComplexDouble v) {
return #{base}i(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{base}i(double v) {
return #{base}i(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{base}(ComplexDouble v) {
return #{base}i(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{base}(double v) {
return #{base}i(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
/* Generating code for logical operators. This not only generates the stubs
* but really all of the code.
def gen_compare(name, op); <<-EOS
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return #{name}i(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble c1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble c2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c1).#{op}(other.get(i, c2)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return #{name}i(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return #{name}i(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDouble value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c).#{op}(value) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(double value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return #{name}i(new ComplexDouble(value), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDouble value) {
return #{name}i(value, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(double value) {
return #{name}i(new ComplexDouble(value));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}(ComplexDouble value) {
return #{name}i(value, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}(double value) {
return #{name}i(new ComplexDouble(value));
def gen_logical(name, op); <<-EOS
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble t1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble t2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, (!get(i, t1).isZero()) #{op} (!other.get(i, t2).isZero()) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return #{name}i(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return #{name}i(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDouble value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
boolean val = !value.isZero();
ComplexDouble t = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, !get(i, t).isZero() #{op} val ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(double value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return #{name}i(new ComplexDouble(value), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(ComplexDouble value) {
return #{name}i(value, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}i(double value) {
return #{name}i(new ComplexDouble(value), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}(ComplexDouble value) {
return #{name}i(value, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix #{name}(double value) {
return #{name}i(new ComplexDouble(value));
/*# collect(gen_overloads('add', 'rows', 'columns'),
gen_overloads('sub', 'rows', 'columns'),
gen_overloads('rsub', 'rows', 'columns'),
gen_overloads('div', 'rows', 'columns'),
gen_overloads('rdiv', 'rows', 'columns'),
gen_overloads('mul', 'rows', 'columns'),
gen_overloads('mmul', 'rows', 'other.columns'),
gen_compare('eq', 'eq'),
gen_compare('ne', 'eq'),
gen_logical('and', '&'),
gen_logical('or', '|'),
gen_logical('xor', '^'))
public ComplexDoubleMatrix addi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return addi(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix add(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return addi(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix addi(ComplexDouble v) {
return addi(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix addi(double v) {
return addi(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix add(ComplexDouble v) {
return addi(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix add(double v) {
return addi(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix subi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return subi(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix sub(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return subi(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix subi(ComplexDouble v) {
return subi(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix subi(double v) {
return subi(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix sub(ComplexDouble v) {
return subi(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix sub(double v) {
return subi(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsubi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return rsubi(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsub(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return rsubi(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsubi(ComplexDouble v) {
return rsubi(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsubi(double v) {
return rsubi(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsub(ComplexDouble v) {
return rsubi(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rsub(double v) {
return rsubi(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix divi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return divi(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix div(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return divi(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix divi(ComplexDouble v) {
return divi(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix divi(double v) {
return divi(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix div(ComplexDouble v) {
return divi(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix div(double v) {
return divi(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdivi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return rdivi(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdiv(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return rdivi(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdivi(ComplexDouble v) {
return rdivi(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdivi(double v) {
return rdivi(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdiv(ComplexDouble v) {
return rdivi(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix rdiv(double v) {
return rdivi(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix muli(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return muli(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mul(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return muli(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix muli(ComplexDouble v) {
return muli(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix muli(double v) {
return muli(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mul(ComplexDouble v) {
return muli(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mul(double v) {
return muli(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmuli(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return mmuli(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmul(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return mmuli(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, other.columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmuli(ComplexDouble v) {
return mmuli(v, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmuli(double v) {
return mmuli(new ComplexDouble(v), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmul(ComplexDouble v) {
return mmuli(v, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix mmul(double v) {
return mmuli(new ComplexDouble(v), new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eqi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return eqi(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble c1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble c2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c1).eq(other.get(i, c2)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eqi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return eqi(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eq(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return eqi(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eqi(ComplexDouble value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c).eq(value) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eqi(double value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return eqi(new ComplexDouble(value), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eqi(ComplexDouble value) {
return eqi(value, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eqi(double value) {
return eqi(new ComplexDouble(value));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eq(ComplexDouble value) {
return eqi(value, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix eq(double value) {
return eqi(new ComplexDouble(value));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix nei(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
if (other.isScalar())
return nei(other.scalar(), result);
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble c1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble c2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c1).eq(other.get(i, c2)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix nei(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return nei(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ne(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return nei(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix nei(ComplexDouble value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
ComplexDouble c = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, get(i, c).eq(value) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix nei(double value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return nei(new ComplexDouble(value), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix nei(ComplexDouble value) {
return nei(value, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix nei(double value) {
return nei(new ComplexDouble(value));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ne(ComplexDouble value) {
return nei(value, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ne(double value) {
return nei(new ComplexDouble(value));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix andi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble t1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble t2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, (!get(i, t1).isZero()) & (!other.get(i, t2).isZero()) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix andi(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return andi(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix and(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return andi(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix andi(ComplexDouble value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
boolean val = !value.isZero();
ComplexDouble t = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, !get(i, t).isZero() & val ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix andi(double value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return andi(new ComplexDouble(value), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix andi(ComplexDouble value) {
return andi(value, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix andi(double value) {
return andi(new ComplexDouble(value), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix and(ComplexDouble value) {
return andi(value, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix and(double value) {
return andi(new ComplexDouble(value));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ori(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble t1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble t2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, (!get(i, t1).isZero()) | (!other.get(i, t2).isZero()) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ori(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return ori(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix or(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return ori(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ori(ComplexDouble value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
boolean val = !value.isZero();
ComplexDouble t = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, !get(i, t).isZero() | val ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ori(double value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return ori(new ComplexDouble(value), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ori(ComplexDouble value) {
return ori(value, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix ori(double value) {
return ori(new ComplexDouble(value), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix or(ComplexDouble value) {
return ori(value, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix or(double value) {
return ori(new ComplexDouble(value));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xori(ComplexDoubleMatrix other, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(other, result);
ComplexDouble t1 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
ComplexDouble t2 = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, (!get(i, t1).isZero()) ^ (!other.get(i, t2).isZero()) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xori(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return xori(other, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xor(ComplexDoubleMatrix other) {
return xori(other, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xori(ComplexDouble value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
ensureResultLength(null, result);
boolean val = !value.isZero();
ComplexDouble t = new ComplexDouble(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result.put(i, !get(i, t).isZero() ^ val ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return result;
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xori(double value, ComplexDoubleMatrix result) {
return xori(new ComplexDouble(value), result);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xori(ComplexDouble value) {
return xori(value, this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xori(double value) {
return xori(new ComplexDouble(value), this);
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xor(ComplexDouble value) {
return xori(value, new ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns));
public ComplexDoubleMatrix xor(double value) {
return xori(new ComplexDouble(value));