// Copyright 2000-2006, FreeHEP
package org.freehep.graphicsio;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Color;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Dimension;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Font;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.GradientPaint;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Graphics;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Paint;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Rectangle;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Shape;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.TexturePaint;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import com.google.code.appengine.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.freehep.graphics2d.VectorGraphics;
* This class provides a dummy Graphics2D class, which issues warnings for all
* non implemented methods. It also describes how to implement these methods. It
* serves as an example to start the implementation for a new output format.
* @author Mark Donszelmann
* @version $Id: DummyGraphics2D.java 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $
public class DummyGraphics2D extends AbstractVectorGraphicsIO {
* ================================================================================
* Table of Contents: ------------------ 1. Constructors & Factory Methods
* 2. Document Settings 3. Header, Trailer, Multipage & Comments 3.1 Header &
* Trailer 3.2 MultipageDocument methods 4. Create & Dispose 5. Drawing
* Methods 5.1. shapes (draw/fill) 5.1.1. lines, rectangles, round
* rectangles 5.1.2. polylines, polygons 5.1.3. ovals, arcs 5.1.4. shapes
* 5.2. Images 5.3. Strings 6. Transformations 7. Clipping 8. Graphics State /
* Settings 8.1. stroke/linewidth 8.2. paint/color 8.3. font 8.4. rendering
* hints 9. Auxiliary 10. Private/Utility Methos
* ================================================================================
* ================================================================================
* 1. Constructors & Factory Methods
* ================================================================================
public DummyGraphics2D(Dimension size, boolean doRestoreOnDispose) {
super(size, doRestoreOnDispose);
// Create a graphics context with given imageBounds.
// This constructor is used by the user to create the initial graphics
// context.
// doRestoreOnDispose is used to call writeGraphicsRestore(),
// when the graphics context is being disposed off.
protected DummyGraphics2D(AbstractVectorGraphicsIO graphics,
boolean doRestoreOnDispose) {
super(graphics, doRestoreOnDispose);
// Create a graphics context from a given graphics context.
// This constructor is used by the system to clone a given graphics
// context.
// doRestoreOnDispose is used to call writeGraphicsRestore(),
// when the graphics context is being disposed off.
* ================================================================================ |
* 2. Document Settings
* ================================================================================
* ================================================================================ |
* 3. Header, Trailer, Multipage & Comments
* ================================================================================
/* 3.1 Header & Trailer */
public void writeHeader() throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeHeader() not implemented.");
// Write out the header to the output stream.
public void writeBackground() throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeBackground() not implemented.");
// Write out the background to the output stream.
public void writeTrailer() throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeTrailer() not implemented.");
// Write out the trailer to the output stream.
public void closeStream() throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": closeStream() not implemented.");
// Close the output stream.
/* 3.2 MultipageDocument methods */
* ================================================================================
* 4. Create & Dispose
* ================================================================================
public Graphics create() {
// Create a new graphics context from the current one.
try {
// Save the current context for restore later.
} catch (IOException e) {
// The correct graphics context should be created.
return new DummyGraphics2D(this, true);
public Graphics create(double x, double y, double width, double height) {
// Create a new graphics context from the current one.
try {
// Save the current context for restore later.
} catch (IOException e) {
// The correct graphics context should be created.
VectorGraphics graphics = new DummyGraphics2D(this, true);
graphics.clipRect(x, y, width, height);
return graphics;
protected void writeGraphicsSave() throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeGraphicsSave() not implemented.");
// Write a graphics context save.
// If the output format does not support this, keep a stack yourself.
protected void writeGraphicsRestore() throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeGraphicsRestore() not implemented.");
// Write a graphics context restore.
// If the output format does not support this, keep a stack yourself.
* ================================================================================ |
* 5. Drawing Methods
* ================================================================================
/* 5.1.4. shapes */
public void draw(Shape shape) {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": draw(Shape) not implemented.");
// Write out the stroke of the shape.
public void fill(Shape shape) {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": fill(Shape) not implemented.");
// Write out the fill of the shape.
public void fillAndDraw(Shape shape, Color fillColor) {
+ ": fillAndDraw(Shape, Color) not implemented.");
// Write out the fill with fillColor and stroke of the shape in
// getColor().
/* 5.2. Images */
public void copyArea(int x, int y, int width, int height, int dx, int dy) {
+ ": copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) not implemented.");
// Mostly unimplemented.
protected void writeImage(RenderedImage image, AffineTransform xform,
Color bkg) throws IOException {
+ ": writeImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform, Color) not implemented.");
// Write out the image.
/* 5.3. Strings */
protected void writeString(String string, double x, double y)
throws IOException {
+ ": drawString(String, double, double) not implemented.");
// Write out the string.
* ================================================================================ |
* 6. Transformations
* ================================================================================
protected void writeTransform(AffineTransform t) throws IOException {
+ ": writeTransform(AffineTransform) not implemented.");
// Write out the transform to be applied to the internal transform of
// the output
// format.
// You can also use the currentTransform.
protected void writeSetTransform(AffineTransform t) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass()+": writeTransform(AffineTransform) not implemented.");
// Clear the currentTransform and write out the transform to
// be applied to the internal transform of the output format.
* ================================================================================ |
* 7. Clipping
* ================================================================================
protected void writeClip(Shape s) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeClip(Shape) not implemented.");
// Write out the clip shape.
protected void writeSetClip(Shape s) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass()+": writeSetClip(Shape) not implemented.");
// Write out the clip shape.
* ================================================================================ |
* 8. Graphics State
* ================================================================================
/* 8.1. stroke/linewidth */
protected void writeWidth(float width) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeWidth(float) not implemented.");
// Write out the stroke width.
protected void writeCap(int cap) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeCap(int) not implemented.");
// Write out the stroke cap.
protected void writeJoin(int join) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeJoin(int) not implemented.");
// Write out the stroke join.
protected void writeMiterLimit(float limit) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeMiterLimit(float) not implemented.");
// Write out the stroke miter limit.
protected void writeDash(float[] dash, float phase) throws IOException {
+ ": writeDash(float[], float) not implemented.");
// Write out the stroke dash.
/* 8.2. paint/color */
public void setPaintMode() {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": setPaintMode() not implemented.");
// Mostly unimplemented.
public void setXORMode(Color c1) {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": setXORMode(Color) not implemented.");
// Mostly unimplemented.
protected void writePaint(Color p) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writePaint(Color) not implemented.");
// Write out the color paint.
protected void writePaint(GradientPaint p) throws IOException {
+ ": writePaint(GradientPaint) not implemented.");
// Write out the gradient paint.
protected void writePaint(TexturePaint p) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writePaint(TexturePaint) not implemented.");
// Write out the texture paint.
protected void writePaint(Paint p) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writePaint(Paint) not implemented for "
+ p.getClass());
// Write out the paint.
/* 8.3. font */
protected void writeFont(Font font) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeFont(Font) not implemented.");
/* 8.4. rendering hints */
* ================================================================================ |
* 9. Auxiliary
* ================================================================================
public GraphicsConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration() {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": getDeviceConfiguration() not implemented.");
// Mostly unimplemented
return null;
public boolean hit(Rectangle rect, Shape s, boolean onStroke) {
+ ": hit(Rectangle, Shape, boolean) not implemented.");
// Mostly unimplemented
return false;
public void writeComment(String comment) throws IOException {
writeWarning(getClass() + ": writeComment(String) not implemented.");
// Write out the comment.
public String toString() {
return "DummyGraphics";