package mikera.vectorz;
import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import mikera.arrayz.Arrayz;
import mikera.arrayz.INDArray;
import mikera.arrayz.ISparse;
import mikera.arrayz.impl.AbstractArray;
import mikera.arrayz.impl.SliceArray;
import mikera.indexz.Index;
import mikera.matrixx.AMatrix;
import mikera.matrixx.Matrix;
import mikera.matrixx.Matrixx;
import mikera.matrixx.impl.BroadcastVectorMatrix;
import mikera.matrixx.impl.ColumnMatrix;
import mikera.matrixx.impl.RowMatrix;
import mikera.randomz.Hash;
import mikera.util.Maths;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.ADenseArrayVector;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.ASizedVector;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.ImmutableVector;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.IndexedSubVector;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.JoinedVector;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.ListWrapper;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.Vector0;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.VectorIndexScalar;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.VectorIterator;
import mikera.vectorz.impl.WrappedSubVector;
import mikera.vectorz.ops.Logistic;
import mikera.vectorz.util.DoubleArrays;
import mikera.vectorz.util.ErrorMessages;
import mikera.vectorz.util.VectorzException;
* Main abstract base class for all types of vector
* Contains default implementations for most vector operations which can be
* overriden to achieve better performance in derived classes.
* @author Mike
public abstract class AVector extends AbstractArray<Double> implements IVector, Comparable<AVector> {
private static final long SPARSE_ELEMENT_THRESHOLD = 1000L;
// ================================================
// Abstract interface
public abstract int length();
public abstract double get(int i);
public abstract void set(int i, double value);
// ================================================
// Standard implementations
public double get(long i) {
return get((int)i);
public void set(long i, double value) {
public void set(int[] indexes, double value) {
if (indexes.length==1) {
} if (indexes.length==0) {
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""+indexes.length+"D set not supported on AVector");
public void unsafeSet(int i, double value) {
public double unsafeGet(int i) {
return get(i);
protected void unsafeSetInteger(Integer i,double value) {
protected double unsafeGetInteger(Integer i) {
return unsafeGet(i);
public double get(int x, int y) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.invalidIndex(this, x,y));
public final int dimensionality() {
return 1;
public final double get(int... indexes) {
return get(indexes[0]);
public double get() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't do 0-d get on a vector!");
public AScalar slice(int position) {
return VectorIndexScalar.wrap(this,position);
public Object sliceValue(int i) {
return get(i);
public AScalar slice(int dimension, int index) {
if (dimension!=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.invalidDimension(this, dimension));
return slice(index);
public int sliceCount() {
return length();
public List<Double> getSlices() {
// TODO: consider returning a ListWrapper directly?
ArrayList<Double> al=new ArrayList<Double>();
int l=length();
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
return al;
public int[] getShape() {
return new int[] {length()};
public int[] getShapeClone() {
return new int[] {length()};
public int getShape(int dim) {
if (dim==0) {
return length();
} else {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(ErrorMessages.invalidDimension(this, dim));
public long[] getLongShape() {
return new long[] {length()};
public long elementCount() {
return length();
public long nonZeroCount() {
int n=length();
long result=0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (unsafeGet(i)!=0.0) result++;
return result;
* Return an double array specifying the values in this vector which are non-zero
* @return
public double[] nonZeroValues() {
int len=length();
int n=(int)nonZeroCount();
if (n==0) return DoubleArrays.EMPTY;
double[] vs=new double[n];
int vi=0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double d=unsafeGet(i);
if (d!=0.0) {
if (vi>=n) return vs;
return vs;
public AVector subArray(int[] offsets, int[] shape) {
if (offsets.length!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.invalidIndex(this, offsets));
if (shape.length!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.invalidIndex(this, offsets));
return subVector(offsets[0],shape[0]);
public INDArray rotateView(int dimension, int shift) {
if (dimension!=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.invalidDimension(this, dimension));
return rotateView(shift);
public INDArray rotateView(int shift) {
int n=length();
if (n==0) return this;
shift = Maths.mod(shift,n);
if (shift==0) return this;
return subVector(shift,n-shift).join(subVector(0,shift));
* Obtains a sub-vector view that refers to this vector.
* Changes to the sub-vector will be reflected in this vector
public AVector subVector(int offset, int length) {
int len=checkRange(offset,length);
if (length==0) return Vector0.INSTANCE;
if (length==len) return this;
return WrappedSubVector.wrap(this,offset,length);
* Returns a new vector that refers to this vector joined to a second vector.
* Optimises the type of the returned vector to be as efficient as possible.
* @param second
* @return
public AVector join(INDArray b) {
if (b.dimensionality()!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, b));
return join(b.asVector());
public AVector join(AVector second) {
if (second.length()==0) return this;
AVector ej=tryEfficientJoin(second);
if (ej!=null) return ej;
return JoinedVector.joinVectors(this,second);
* Attempts to perform an efficient join with a second vector. An efficient join is guaranteed
* to be better than a simple JoinedVector(left,right)
* If possible, returns the joined vector. If not, returns null
public AVector tryEfficientJoin(AVector second) {
return null;
public INDArray join(INDArray a, int dimension) {
if (dimension!=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.invalidDimension(this, dimension));
if (a instanceof AVector) {
return join((AVector)a);
if (a.dimensionality()!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, a));
return join(a.asVector());
public int compareTo(AVector a) {
int len=checkSameLength(a);
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double diff=unsafeGet(i)-a.unsafeGet(i);
if (diff<0.0) return -1;
if (diff>0.0) return 1;
return 0;
* Test for equality on vectors. Returns true iff all values in the vector
* are identical
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof AVector) return equals((AVector)o);
if (o instanceof INDArray) return equals((INDArray)o);
return false;
public boolean equals(AVector v) {
if (v instanceof ADenseArrayVector) {
return equals((ADenseArrayVector)v);
if (this==v) return true;
int len=length();
if (len != v.length())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (unsafeGet(i) != v.unsafeGet(i))
return false;
return true;
public boolean equals(ADenseArrayVector v) {
if (length()!=v.length()) return false;
return equalsArray(v.getArray(),v.getArrayOffset());
public boolean equals(INDArray v) {
if (v instanceof AVector) return equals((AVector)v);
if (v.dimensionality()!=1) return false;
int len=length();
if (len != v.getShape(0)) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (unsafeGet(i) != v.get(i))
return false;
return true;
public List<Double> toList() {
ArrayList<Double> al=new ArrayList<Double>();
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
return al;
public boolean epsilonEquals(INDArray a, double tolerance) {
if (a instanceof AVector) return epsilonEquals((AVector)a,tolerance);
if (a.dimensionality()!=1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, a));
int len=length();
if (len!=a.getShape(0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, a));
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Tools.epsilonEquals(unsafeGet(i), a.get(i), tolerance)) return false;
return true;
public boolean epsilonEquals(INDArray a) {
return epsilonEquals(a,Vectorz.TEST_EPSILON);
public boolean epsilonEquals(AVector v) {
return epsilonEquals(v,Vectorz.TEST_EPSILON);
public boolean epsilonEquals(AVector v,double tolerance) {
if (this == v) return true;
int len=checkSameLength(v);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Tools.epsilonEquals(unsafeGet(i), v.unsafeGet(i), tolerance)) return false;
return true;
* Computes the hashcode of a vector.
* Currently defined to be equal to List.hashCode for a equivalent list of Double values,
* this may change in future versions.
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = 1;
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
hashCode = 31 * hashCode + (Hash.hashCode(unsafeGet(i)));
return hashCode;
public final void copyTo(double[] arr) {
public final void copyTo(double[] arr, int offset) {
* Copies a subset of this vector to a specified destination array offset
public void copyTo(int offset, double[] dest, int destOffset, int length) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
* Copies a subset of this vector to a specified destination array offset
* using the given stride.
* Unsafe operation: performs no bounds checking
public void copyTo(int offset, double[] dest, int destOffset, int length, int stride) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
public double[] toDoubleArray() {
double[] result=new double[length()];
return result;
public INDArray[] toSliceArray() {
int n=sliceCount();
INDArray[] al=new INDArray[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return al;
public double[] asDoubleArray() {
return null;
public void toDoubleBuffer(DoubleBuffer dest) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Copies a the contents of a vector to a vector at the specified offset
public void copyTo(AVector dest, int destOffset) {
if (dest instanceof ADenseArrayVector) {
copyTo((ADenseArrayVector) dest,destOffset);
int len = length();
if (destOffset+len>dest.length()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Copies a the contents of a vector to a vector at the specified offset
public void copyTo(ADenseArrayVector dest, int destOffset) {
* Copies a subset of this vector to a vector at the specified offset
public void copyTo(int offset, AVector dest, int destOffset, int length) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
* Fills the entire vector with a given value
* @param value
public void fill(double value) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
public void fillRange(int offset, int length, double value) {
* Clamps all values in the vector to a given range
* @param value
public void clamp(double min, double max) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
double v=unsafeGet(i);
if (v<min) {
} else if (v>max) {
public void clampMax(double max) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
double v=unsafeGet(i);
if (v>max) {
public void clampMin(double min) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
double v=unsafeGet(i);
if (v<min) {
* Multiplies the vector by a constant factor
* @param factor Factor by which to multiply each component of the vector
public void multiply(double factor) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
public void multiply(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
} else if (a instanceof AScalar) {
} else {
int dims=a.dimensionality();
switch (dims) {
case 0: multiply(a.get()); return;
case 1: multiply(a.asVector()); return;
default: throw new VectorzException("Can't multiply vector with array of dimensionality: "+dims);
public void multiply(AVector v) {
if (v instanceof ADenseArrayVector) {
multiply((ADenseArrayVector) v);
int len=checkSameLength(v);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
public void multiply(ADenseArrayVector v) {
public void multiply(double[] data, int offset) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
public void multiplyTo(double[] data, int offset) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
public void divide(double factor) {
public void divide(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
} else {
public void divide(AVector v) {
int len=checkSameLength(v);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
public void divide(double[] data, int offset) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
public void divideTo(double[] data, int offset) {
int len=length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
public void abs() {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double val=unsafeGet(i);
if (val<0) unsafeSet(i,-val);
public AVector absCopy() {
AVector v=clone();
return v;
public void log() {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double val=unsafeGet(i);
public void signum() {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
public void square() {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double x=unsafeGet(i);
public AVector squareCopy() {
AVector r=clone();
return r;
public AVector sqrtCopy() {
AVector r=clone();
return r;
public void tanh() {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double x=unsafeGet(i);
public void logistic() {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double x=unsafeGet(i);
* Scales the vector by another vector of the same size
* @param v
public final void scale(AVector v) {
* Scales the vector up to a specific target magnitude
* @return the old magnitude of the vector
public double scaleToMagnitude(double targetMagnitude) {
double oldMagnitude=magnitude();
return oldMagnitude;
public void scaleAdd(double factor, AVector v) {
public void interpolate(AVector v, double alpha) {
public void interpolate(AVector a, AVector b, double alpha) {
public double magnitudeSquared() {
int len=length();
double total=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double x=unsafeGet(i);
return total;
public AVector getTranspose() {return this;}
public Vector getTransposeCopy() {
return Vector.create(this);
public final AVector getTransposeView() {return this;}
public AVector select(int... inds) {
if (isMutable()) {
return selectView(inds);
} else {
return selectClone(inds);
public AVector selectView(int... inds) {
return IndexedSubVector.wrap(this, inds.clone());
public AVector selectClone(int... inds) {
Vector v=Vector.createLength(inds.length);
double[] tdata=v.getArray();
for (int i=0; i<inds.length; i++) {
return v;
public AMatrix outerProduct(AVector a) {
int rc=length();
int cc=a.length();
Matrix m=Matrix.create(rc, cc);
int di=0;
for (int i=0; i<rc; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<cc; j++) {[di++]=unsafeGet(i)*a.unsafeGet(j);
return m;
public INDArray outerProduct(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
return outerProduct((AVector)a);
return super.outerProduct(a);
public AScalar innerProduct(AVector v) {
return Scalar.create(dotProduct(v));
public Scalar innerProduct(Vector v) {
double[] data=v.getArray();
int vl=data.length;
return Scalar.create(dotProduct(data,0));
public AVector innerProduct(AMatrix m) {
int cc=m.columnCount();
int rc=m.rowCount();
Vector r=Vector.createLength(cc);
for (int i=0; i<cc; i++) {
return r;
public AVector innerProduct(AScalar s) {
return scaleCopy(s.get());
public INDArray innerProduct(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
return innerProduct((AVector)a);
} else if (a instanceof AScalar) {
return innerProduct((AScalar)a);
} else if (a instanceof AMatrix) {
return innerProduct((AMatrix)a);
} else if (a.dimensionality()<=2) {
return innerProduct(Arrayz.create(a));
int len=checkLength(a.sliceCount());
List<INDArray> al=a.getSliceViews();
INDArray result=Arrayz.newArray(al.get(0).getShape());
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
// TODO: make faster with addMultiple?
return result;
public AVector innerProduct(double a) {
return scaleCopy(a);
* Returns the dot product of this vector with another vector
* The vectors must have the same length: if not the result is undefined
* @param v
* @return
public double dotProduct(AVector v) {
if (v instanceof ADenseArrayVector) return dotProduct((ADenseArrayVector)v);
int len=checkSameLength(v);
double total=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
return total;
* Returns the dot product of this vector with a target Vector.
* @param v
* @return
public double dotProduct(Vector v) {
return dotProduct(v.getArray(), 0);
public double dotProduct(ADenseArrayVector v) {
return dotProduct(v.getArray(), v.getArrayOffset());
* Returns the dotProduct of this vector with the elements of another vector mapped to specified indexes in this vector.
* @param v
* @param ix
* @return
public double dotProduct(AVector v, Index ix) {
int vl=v.length();
if (vl!=ix.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatched source vector and index lengths. Index length should be "+vl);
double result=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<vl; i++) {
return result;
* Fast dot product with a double[] array. Performs no bounds checking.
* Likely to be faster than other dot product operations
public abstract double dotProduct(double[] data, int offset);
* Computes the crossProduct of this vector with another vector, and stores the result in this vector.
* Both vectors must have length 3.
* @param a
public void crossProduct(AVector a) {
if(!((length()==3)&&(a.length()==3))) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cross product requires length 3 vectors");
double x=unsafeGet(0);
double y=unsafeGet(1);
double z=unsafeGet(2);
double x2=a.unsafeGet(0);
double y2=a.unsafeGet(1);
double z2=a.unsafeGet(2);
double tx=y*z2-z*y2;
double ty=z*x2-x*z2;
double tz=x*y2-y*x2;
* Computes the crossProduct of this vector with another vector, and stores the result in this vector.
* Both vectors must have length 3.
* @param a
public void crossProduct(Vector3 a) {
if(!(length()==3)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cross product requires length 3 vectors");
double x=unsafeGet(0);
double y=unsafeGet(1);
double z=unsafeGet(2);
double x2=a.x;
double y2=a.y;
double z2=a.z;
double tx=y*z2-z*y2;
double ty=z*x2-x*z2;
double tz=x*y2-y*x2;
* Returns the magnitude (Euclidean length) of the vector
* @return
public double magnitude() {
return Math.sqrt(magnitudeSquared());
* Returns the squared Euclidean distance to another vector.
* @param v
* @return
public double distanceSquared(AVector v) {
int len=length();
double total=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double d=unsafeGet(i)-v.unsafeGet(i);
return total;
* Returns the Euclidean distance to another vector.
* @param v
* @return
public double distance(AVector v) {
return Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(v));
* Returns the distance from this vector to another vector according to the L1 (Taxicab) norm.
* @param v
* @return
public double distanceL1(AVector v) {
int len=length();
double total=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double d=unsafeGet(i)-v.unsafeGet(i);
return total;
public double distanceLinf(AVector v) {
int len=length();
double result=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double d=Math.abs(unsafeGet(i)-v.unsafeGet(i));
return result;
* Returns the maximum absolute element value of a vector
* @return
public double maxAbsElement() {
int len=length();
double result=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double comp=Math.abs(unsafeGet(i));
if (comp>result) {
return result;
* Returns the index of the maximum absolute element of a vector
* @return
public int maxAbsElementIndex() {
int len=length();
if (len==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find maxAbsElementIndex of a 0-length vector");
int result=0;
double best=Math.abs(unsafeGet(0));
for (int i=1; i<len; i++) {
double comp=Math.abs(unsafeGet(i));
if (comp>best) {
return result;
* Returns the maximum element value in a vector. Synonym for elementMax()
* @return
public final double maxElement() {
return elementMax();
* Returns the index of the maximum element of a vector
* @return
public int maxElementIndex() {
int len=length();
if (len==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find maxElementIndex of a 0-length vector");
int result=0;
double best=unsafeGet(0);
for (int i=1; i<len; i++) {
double comp=unsafeGet(i);
if (comp>best) {
return result;
* Returns the minimum element value in a vector. Synonym for elementMin()
public final double minElement() {
return elementMin();
* Returns the index of the minimum element of a vector
public int minElementIndex() {
int len=length();
if (len==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find minElementIndex of a 0-length vector");
int result=0;
double best=unsafeGet(0);
for (int i=1; i<len; i++) {
double comp=unsafeGet(i);
if (comp<best) {
return result;
* Normalises so that the maximum absolute element is 1.0
* Returns the previous maximum absolute element.
public double normaliseMaxAbsElement() {
double scale=maxAbsElement();
if (scale!=0.0) scale(1.0/scale);
return scale;
* Returns the sum of all elements in a vector
* @return
public double elementSum() {
int len=length();
double result=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
return result;
public double elementProduct() {
int len=length();
double result=1.0;
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
return result;
public double elementMax(){
return unsafeGet(maxElementIndex());
public double elementMin(){
return unsafeGet(minElementIndex());
@Override public final double elementSquaredSum() {
return magnitudeSquared();
public double elementPowSum(double exponent) {
int n=length();
double result=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
double x=unsafeGet(i);
return result;
public double elementAbsPowSum(double exponent) {
int n=length();
double result=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
double x=Math.abs(unsafeGet(i));
return result;
* Returns the Euclidean angle between this vector and another vector
* @return angle in radians
public double angle(AVector v) {
return Math.acos(dotProduct(v)/(v.magnitude()*this.magnitude()));
* Normalises this vector to a magnitude of 1.0
* Has no effect on a zero-length vector (i.e. it will remain zero)
public double normalise() {
double d=magnitude();
if (d>0) multiply(1.0/d);
return d;
* Returns a copy of this vector normalised to a Euclidean length of 1.0
public AVector normaliseCopy() {
double d=magnitude();
if (d>0.0) return multiplyCopy(1.0/d);
return copy();
* Negates all emlements of this vector in place.
public void negate() {
public AVector negateCopy() {
AVector r=clone();
return r;
public AVector scaleCopy(double d) {
AVector r=clone();
return r;
public void pow(double exponent) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Sets the vector to equal the value of another vector
public void set(AVector src) {
if (src instanceof ADenseArrayVector) {
} else {
int len=length();
if (src.length()!=len) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source Vector of wrong size: "+src.length());
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Sets the vector equal to the value of an ADenseArrayVector
* @param v
public void set(ADenseArrayVector v) {
if (v.length()!=length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, v));
public void set(double a) {
public void set(double[] data) {
public void setElements(double... data) {
public void setElements(double[] data,int offset) {
public void set(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {set((AVector)a); return;}
if (a.dimensionality()==1) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set vector using array of dimensonality: "+a.dimensionality());
public void setElements(int pos,double[] values, int offset, int length) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
public void getElements(double[] dest, int offset) {
* Set the vector equal to an offset into another vector
public void set(AVector src, int srcOffset) {
int len=length();
if ((srcOffset<0)||(len+srcOffset>src.length())) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
public long zeroCount() {
return elementCount()-nonZeroCount();
* Clones the vector, creating a new mutable copy of all data.
* The clone is:
* - not guaranteed to be of the same type.
* - guaranteed to be fully mutable
* - guaranteed not to contain a reference (i.e. is a full deep copy)
public AVector clone() {
return Vector.create(this);
public AVector copy() {
if (!isMutable()) return this;
return clone();
* Clones the vector into a sparse mutable format
public AVector sparseClone() {
return Vectorz.createSparseMutable(this);
public final AVector asVector() {
return this;
public INDArray reshape(int... dimensions) {
int ndims=dimensions.length;
if (ndims==1) {
return Vector.createFromVector(this, dimensions[0]);
} else if (ndims==2) {
return Matrixx.createFromVector(this, dimensions[0], dimensions[1]);
} else {
return Arrayz.createFromVector(this,dimensions);
public AVector reorder(int[] order) {
return reorder(0,order);
public AVector reorder(int dim, int[] order) {
if (dim!=0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(ErrorMessages.invalidDimension(this, dim));
Vector result=Vector.createLength(order.length);
result.set(this, order);
return result;
* Returns true if this vector is of a view type that references other vectors / data.
public boolean isView() {
return true;
* Returns true if this vector is mutable.
public boolean isMutable() {
return true;
public boolean isElementConstrained() {
return false;
* Returns true if this vector is fully mutable, i.e. can contain any unconstrained double values
public boolean isFullyMutable() {
return isMutable();
* Adds another vector to this one
public void add(AVector v) {
if (v instanceof ADenseArrayVector) {
int vlength=v.length();
int length=length();
if (vlength != length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, v));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
public void add(ADenseArrayVector v) {
if (length() != v.length()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, v));
public void add(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
} else if (a instanceof AScalar) {
}else {
public INDArray addCopy(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
return addCopy((AVector)a);
} else if (a.dimensionality()==1) {
if (length()!=a.getShape(0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, a));
return addCopy(a.asVector());
} else if (a.dimensionality()==0) {
return addCopy(a.get());
} else {
return addCopy(a.broadcastLike(this));
public AVector addCopy(AVector a) {
// clone ensures mutability
AVector r=this.clone();
return r;
public AVector addCopy(double a) {
// clone ensures mutability
AVector r=this.clone();
return r;
public INDArray subCopy(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
return subCopy((AVector)a);
} else if (a.dimensionality()==1) {
if (length()!=a.getShape(0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, a));
return subCopy(a.asVector());
} else {
return subCopy(a.broadcastLike(this));
public AVector subCopy(AVector a) {
// clone ensures mutability
AVector r=this.clone();
return r;
public INDArray multiplyCopy(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
return multiplyCopy((AVector)a);
} else if (a.dimensionality()==1) {
if (length()!=a.getShape(0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, a));
return multiplyCopy(a.asVector());
} else {
return multiplyCopy(a.broadcastLike(this));
public INDArray divideCopy(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
return divideCopy((AVector)a);
} else if (a.dimensionality()==1) {
if (length()!=a.getShape(0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, a));
return divideCopy(a.asVector());
} else {
return divideCopy(a.broadcastLike(this));
public AVector multiplyCopy(AVector a) {
AVector r=this.clone();
return r;
public AVector divideCopy(AVector a) {
AVector r=this.clone();
return r;
public void sub(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) {
} else if (a instanceof AScalar) {
}else {
* Adds part another vector to this one, starting at the specified offset in the source vector
* @param src
public void add(AVector src, int srcOffset) {
int length=length();
if (!((srcOffset>=0)&&(srcOffset+length<=src.length()))) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
public void add(Vector v) {
* Adds another vector into this one, at the specified offset
* @param offset
* @param a
public void add(int offset, AVector a) {
* Adds another vector into this one, at the specified offset
* @param offset
* @param a
public void add(int offset, AVector a, int aOffset, int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
public void addProduct(AVector a, AVector b) {
public AVector addProductCopy(AVector a, AVector b) {
AVector r=clone();
return r;
public AVector addProductCopy(AVector a, AVector b, double factor) {
AVector r=clone();
return r;
public void addProduct(AVector a, AVector b, double factor) {
if (factor==0.0) return;
if (a.isSparse()||b.isSparse()) {
AVector t=a.multiplyCopy(b);
} else {
* Checks that a vector is the specified length, throws an exception if not.
* @param length
* @return
public int checkLength(int length) {
int len=length();
if (len!=length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vector length mismatch, expected length = "+length+", but got length = "+len);
return len;
* Adds a scaled multiple of another vector to this one
* @param src
public void addMultiple(AVector src, double factor) {
public AVector addMultipleCopy(AVector src, double factor) {
AVector r=clone();
r.addMultiple(src, factor);
return r;
public void addMultiple(AVector src, int srcOffset, double factor) {
public void addMultiple(int offset, AVector src, int srcOffset, int length, double factor) {
src.checkRange(srcOffset, length);
if (factor==0.0) return;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
public void addMultiple(int offset, AVector v, double factor) {
* Updates a weighted average of this vector with another vector
* @param v
public void addWeighted(AVector v, double factor) {
* Subtracts a vector from this vector
* @param v
public void sub(AVector v) {
public void sub(double d) {
public void subAt(int i, double v) {
* Returns true if this vector is a zero vector (all components zero)
* @return
public boolean isZero() {
return isRangeZero(0,length());
* Returns true if a sub-vector range is completely zero.
* Unsafe operation - does not perform bounds checking, results are undefined if sub-vector is out of range
* @param start
* @param length
* @return
public boolean isRangeZero(int start, int length) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (unsafeGet(start+i)!=0.0) return false;
return true;
* Returns true if the vector has unit length
* @return
public boolean isUnitLengthVector() {
return isUnitLengthVector(Vectorz.TEST_EPSILON);
public boolean isUnitLengthVector(double tolerance) {
double mag=magnitudeSquared();
return Math.abs(mag-1.0)<tolerance;
public final boolean isSameShape(INDArray a) {
if (a instanceof AVector) return isSameShape((AVector)a);
if (a.dimensionality()!=1) return false;
return length()==a.getShape(0);
public boolean isSameShape(AVector a) {
return length()==a.length();
* Utility function to check vector length and throw an exception in not same shape
protected int checkSameLength(AVector v) {
int len=length();
if (len!=v.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, v));
return len;
protected int checkSameLength(AVector v, AVector w) {
int len=length();
if (len!=v.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, v));
if (len!=w.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, w));
return len;
* Utility function to check vector range and throw an exception if not valid.
* Returns the length of this vector
public int checkRange(int offset, int length) {
int len=this.length();
int end=offset+length;
if ((offset<0)||(end>len)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(ErrorMessages.invalidRange(this, offset, length));
return len;
* Utility function to check an index and throw an exception in not in bounds.
* Returns the vector length
protected int checkIndex(int i) {
int len=length();
if ((i<0)||(i>=len)) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(ErrorMessages.invalidIndex(this, i));
return len;
protected int checkSameLength(ASizedVector v) {
int len=length();
if (len!=v.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleShapes(this, v));
return len;
public void projectToPlane(AVector normal, double distance) {
assert(Tools.epsilonEquals(normal.magnitude(), 1.0));
double d=dotProduct(normal);
* Subtracts a scaled multiple of another vector from this vector
* @param v
public void subMultiple(AVector v, double factor) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
int length=length();
if (length>0) {
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
return sb.toString();
* Coerces this vector to the standard dense Vector format.
* May return the same vector is thsis is already a dense Vector, otherwise returns a Vector
* containing a new clone of the vector elements.
public Vector toVector() {
return Vector.create(this);
* Creates an immutable copy of a vector
* @return
public AVector immutable() {
if (!isMutable()) return this;
return ImmutableVector.create(this);
* Coerces to a mutable version of a vector. May or may not be a copy,
* but guaranteed to be fully mutable
* @return
public AVector mutable() {
if (this.isFullyMutable()) {
return this;
} else {
if (elementCount()>SPARSE_ELEMENT_THRESHOLD) {
return Vectorz.createSparseMutable(this);
} else {
return this.clone();
public AVector sparse() {
if (this instanceof ISparse) return this;
return Vectorz.createSparse(this);
public AVector dense() {
return denseClone();
public final Vector denseClone() {
return Vector.wrap(this.toDoubleArray());
* Creates a new mutable vector representing the normalised value of this vector
* @return
public AVector toNormal() {
Vector v= Vector.create(this);
return v;
public List<Double> asElementList() {
return new ListWrapper(this);
public Iterator<Double> iterator() {
return new VectorIterator(this);
public Iterator<Double> elementIterator() {
return iterator();
public void set(IVector vector) {
int len=length();
if (len!=vector.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.mismatch(this, vector));
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Adds source vector to this vector at the specified indexes which should map from source->this
* @param source
* @param sourceToDest
* @param factor
public void addMultiple(Vector source, Index sourceToDest, double factor) {
int len=source.length();
if (len!=sourceToDest.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index length must match source length.");
double[] data=source.getArray();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Adds source vector to this vector at the specified indexes which should map from source->this
* @param source
* @param sourceToDest
* @param factor
public void addMultiple(AVector source, Index sourceToDest, double factor) {
int len=source.length();
if (len!=sourceToDest.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index length must match source length.");
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Adds to this vector at taking values from source at the specified indexes which should map from this->source
* @param source
* @param destToSource
* @param factor
public void addMultiple(Index destToSource, Vector source, double factor) {
int len=this.length();
if (len!=destToSource.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index length must match this vector length.");
double[] data=source.getArray();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Adds to this vector at taking values from source at the specified indexes which should map from this->source
* @param source
* @param destToSource
* @param factor
public void addMultiple(Index destToSource, AVector source, double factor) {
int len=this.length();
if (len!=destToSource.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index length must match this vector length.");
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* sets the vector using values indexed from another vector
public final void set(AVector source, Index indexes) {
* sets the vector using values indexed from another vector
public void set(AVector source, int[] indexes) {
int len=length();
if (len!=indexes.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index length must match this vector length.");
for (int i=0; i<len ; i++) {
unsafeSet(i, source.get(indexes[i]));
* Adds this vector to a double[] array, starting at the specified offset.
* @param array
* @param offset
public void addToArray(double[] array, int offset) {
* Adds this vector to a double[] array, using the specified offset and stride into the target array
public void addToArray(double[] data, int offset, int stride) {
int n=length();
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
public void addToArray(int offset, double[] array, int arrayOffset, int length) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
public void addMultipleToArray(double factor, int offset, double[] array, int arrayOffset, int length) {
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
public void addProductToArray(double factor, int offset, AVector other,int otherOffset, double[] array, int arrayOffset, int length) {
if (other instanceof ADenseArrayVector) {
if((offset<0)||(offset+length>length())) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
public void addProductToArray(double factor, int offset, ADenseArrayVector other,int otherOffset, double[] array, int arrayOffset, int length) {
if((offset<0)||(offset+length>length())) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
double[] otherArray=other.getArray();
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
public void addProduct(AVector a, int aOffset, AVector b, int bOffset, double factor) {
int length=length();
a.checkRange(aOffset, length);
b.checkRange(bOffset, length);
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
addAt(i, (a.unsafeGet(i+aOffset)* b.unsafeGet(i+bOffset)*factor));
public void applyOp(IOperator op) {
if (op instanceof Op) {
applyOp((Op) op);
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
public void applyOp(Op op) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
public AVector applyOpCopy(Op op) {
AVector r=clone();
return r;
* Adds a value to a specific element of the vector
* This function does not perform bounds checking, i.e. is an unsafe operation
* @param i
* @param v
public void addAt(int i, double v) {
* Scales this vector and adds a constant to every element
public void scaleAdd(double factor, double constant) {
public void add(double constant) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
* Adds to this vector from a given double array.
* @param data
* @param offset
public void add(double[] data, int offset) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
public void add(double[] data) {
* Returns an exact clone of this vector, i.e. of the same type
* @return
public abstract AVector exactClone();
* Returns true if this vector exactly matches a double[] array.
* @param data
* @return
public boolean equalsArray(double[] data) {
if (length()!=data.length) return false;
return equalsArray(data,0);
public boolean elementsEqual(double value) {
int length=length();
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (unsafeGet(i)!=value) return false;
return true;
* Returns true if this vector exactly matches the elements in double[] array, starting
* from the specified offset
* @param data
* @return
public boolean equalsArray(double[] data, int offset) {
int len=length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (unsafeGet(i)!=data[offset+i]) return false;
return true;
* Set a subrange of this vector from a double array
public void setRange(int offset, double[] data, int dataOffset, int length) {
if ((offset<0)||(offset+length>this.length())) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(ErrorMessages.invalidRange(this, offset, length));
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
public INDArray broadcast(int... targetShape) {
int tdims=targetShape.length;
int len=this.length();
if (tdims<1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleBroadcast(this, targetShape));
} else if (tdims==1) {
if (targetShape[0]!=len) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleBroadcast(this, targetShape));
return this;
} else if (tdims==2) {
int n=targetShape[0];
if (len!=targetShape[1]) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleBroadcast(this, targetShape));
AVector[] vs=new AVector[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {vs[i]=this;}
return Matrixx.createFromVectors(vs);
} else {
int n=targetShape[0];
if (len!=targetShape[tdims-1]) throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleBroadcast(this, targetShape));
INDArray s=broadcast(Arrays.copyOfRange(targetShape, 1, tdims));
return SliceArray.repeat(s,n);
public INDArray broadcastLike(INDArray target) {
if (target instanceof AVector) {
return broadcastLike((AVector)target);
} else if (target instanceof AMatrix) {
return broadcastLike((AMatrix)target);
return broadcast(target.getShape());
public AVector broadcastLike(AVector target) {
if (this.length()==target.length()) {
return this;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleBroadcast(this, target));
public AMatrix broadcastLike(AMatrix target) {
int cc=target.columnCount();
if (length()==cc) {
int rc=target.rowCount();
if (rc==1) return RowMatrix.wrap(this);
return BroadcastVectorMatrix.wrap(this, rc);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMessages.incompatibleBroadcast(this, target));
public void validate() {
if (length()<0) throw new VectorzException("Illegal length! Length = "+length());
* Returns an Index indicating which elements of this vector are defined as non-sparse.
* A sparse index must be zero. A non-sparse element may be zero, but is expected be non-zero.
* @return
public Index nonSparseIndex(){
int n=(int)nonZeroCount();
int length=length();
Index ind=Index.createLength(n);
int di=0;
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
double v=unsafeGet(i);
if (v!=0.0) {[di++]=i;
return ind;
* Return an int array specifying the positions in this vector which are non-zero
* @return
public int[] nonZeroIndices() {
int n=(int)nonZeroCount();
int[] ret=new int[n];
int length=length();
int di=0;
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (unsafeGet(i)!=0.0) ret[di++]=i;
if (di!=n) throw new VectorzException("Invalid non-zero index count. Maybe concurrent modification of vector?");
return ret;
public AVector multiplyCopy(double d) {
AVector r= clone();
return r;
public boolean hasUncountable() {
int len = length();
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
double v=unsafeGet(i);
if (Double.isNaN(v) || Double.isInfinite(v)) {
return true;
return false;
public AMatrix asColumnMatrix() {
return ColumnMatrix.wrap(this);