* Copyright (c) 2011, The Dojo Foundation
* This software is distributed under the "Simplified BSD license",
* the text of which is available at http://www.winktoolkit.org/licence.txt
* or see the "license.txt" file for more details.
package com.orange.wink.test;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Script;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
import com.orange.wink.Main;
import com.orange.wink.exception.WinkAstException;
import com.orange.wink.exception.WinkBuildException;
import com.orange.wink.exception.WinkParseException;
import com.orange.wink.model.FunctionObject;
import com.orange.wink.model.GlobalObject;
import com.orange.wink.model.LiteralObject;
import com.orange.wink.model.Namespace;
import com.orange.wink.model.ScriptObject;
import com.orange.wink.parse.WinkParser;
import com.orange.wink.util.FileUtil;
import com.orange.wink.util.WinkJsFile;
* @author Sylvain Lalande
public class BuildTest extends BuildAbstractTest {
* @param args
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
final String testPath = "../wink/utils/build/test/";
final String rootTmpPath = testPath + "tmp/";
final String tmpPath = rootTmpPath + "js";
final String rootBuildPath = testPath + "builded/";
final String buildPath = rootBuildPath + "js";
final String modulePath = testPath + "modules/";
externalFile = modulePath + "module2_external.js";
final String[] arguments = new String[] {
"-WINK_PATH=" + modulePath,
"-TEMPORARY_PATH=" + tmpPath,
"-BUILD_DEST_PATH=" + buildPath,
// default, ie, android-1.5
// default, light
private static String externalFile = null;
* @param modulePath
* @throws IOException
private static void checkEncoding(final String modulePath) throws IOException {
String modfile = "module1.js";
String encexpected = "UTF-8";
String enc = FileUtil.getEncoding(modulePath + modfile);
assertTrue(enc.equals(encexpected), "expected encoding '" + encexpected + "' for " + modfile + ", got: '" + enc + "'");
modfile = "module1_ie.js";
encexpected = "windows-1252";
enc = FileUtil.getEncoding(modulePath + modfile);
assertTrue(enc.equals(encexpected), "expected encoding '" + encexpected + "' for " + modfile + ", got: '" + enc + "'");
modfile = "module2.js";
encexpected = "ASCII";
enc = FileUtil.getEncoding(modulePath + modfile);
assertTrue(enc.equals(encexpected), "expected encoding '" + encexpected + "' for " + modfile + ", got: '" + enc + "'");
modfile = "module2_ie.js";
encexpected = "UTF-8";
enc = FileUtil.getEncoding(modulePath + modfile);
assertTrue(enc.equals(encexpected), "expected encoding '" + encexpected + "' for " + modfile + ", got: '" + enc + "'");
* @param buildPath
* @throws WinkBuildException
* @throws IOException
private static void checkBuildFiles(final String buildPath) throws WinkBuildException, IOException {
final File[] files = getFiles(buildPath);
for (final File f : files) {
out("------- CHECK ------- " + f.getPath());
final List<FunctionObject> functions = new ArrayList<FunctionObject>();
final List<LiteralObject> literals = new ArrayList<LiteralObject>();
parseFile(f.getPath(), new String[] { externalFile }, functions, literals);
final List<Namespace> names = new ArrayList<Namespace>();
for (final FunctionObject fo : functions) {
final List<ScriptObject> exts = fo.getExtensions();
if (exts.size() > 0) {
final boolean isIE = f.getPath().contains("ie");
final boolean isLight = f.getPath().contains("light");
final String i18nNs = "wink.ui.other.i18n";
boolean hasHtmlElement = false;
boolean hasWindow = false;
boolean hasI18nEn = false;
boolean hasI18nFr = false;
boolean hasI18nEs = false;
boolean hasUa = isIE;
if (isIE || isLight) {
hasHtmlElement = true;
hasWindow = true;
for (final LiteralObject lo : literals) {
final List<ScriptObject> exts = lo.getExtensions();
if (exts.size() > 0) {
final String ns = lo.getNamespace().toString();
if (!isIE) {
if (ns.equals("wink.ua")) {
assertTrue(lo.getProperties().size() == 2, "Expected 2 properties in " + ns);
assertTrue(!(lo.getProperties().containsKey("isIE")), "Unexpected 'isIE' property in " + ns);
hasUa = true;
} else if (ns.equals("wink.ui.other")) {
assertTrue(lo.getFunctions().size() == 8, "Expected 7 functions in " + ns);
for (final FunctionObject fo : lo.getFunctions().values()) {
assertTrue(fo.getParameters().size() == 0, "Expected 0 parameters in " + ns + " functions");
if (fo.getName().equals("_validateProperties")) {
final String source = getSource(fo);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("{\nreturn true;\n}") != -1, "expected filtered validateProperties");
} else if (ns.equals("HTMLElement.prototype")) {
hasHtmlElement = true;
} else if (ns.equals("window")) {
hasWindow = true;
assertTrue(lo.getLiterals().size() == 2, "Expected 2 literals in " + ns);
if (ns.startsWith(i18nNs)) {
if (ns.startsWith(i18nNs + ".en")) {
hasI18nEn = true;
} else if (ns.startsWith(i18nNs + ".fr")) {
hasI18nFr = true;
} else if (ns.startsWith(i18nNs + ".es")) {
hasI18nEs = true;
assertTrue(hasUa, "Expected wink.ua in global");
assertTrue(hasHtmlElement, "Expected HTMLElement.prototype in global");
assertTrue(hasWindow, "Expected window in global");
if (isLight) {
if (isIE) {
assertFalse(hasI18nEn, "i18n en must not be declared for " + f.getName());
assertTrue(hasI18nFr, "i18n en must be declared for " + f.getName());
assertTrue(hasI18nEs, "i18n en must be declared for " + f.getName());
} else {
assertFalse(hasI18nEn, "i18n en must not be declared for " + f.getName());
assertTrue(hasI18nFr, "i18n en must be declared for " + f.getName());
assertFalse(hasI18nEs, "i18n en must not be declared for " + f.getName());
} else {
assertTrue(hasI18nEn, "i18n en must be declared for " + f.getName());
assertFalse(hasI18nFr, "i18n en must not be declared for " + f.getName());
assertFalse(hasI18nEs, "i18n en must not be declared for " + f.getName());
// out(functions.size() + " Functions, " + literals.size() +
// " Literals, " + names.size() + " extensions");
assertTrue(names.size() == 0, "Unexpected extension for : " + names);
* @param buildPath
* @throws WinkBuildException
* @throws IOException
private static void checkDetails(final String buildPath) throws WinkBuildException, IOException {
File fileToInspect = null;
final File[] files = getFiles(buildPath);
for (final File f : files) {
if (f.getPath().contains("default-ie")) {
fileToInspect = f;
assertTrue(fileToInspect != null, "Expected file 'default-ie'");
if (fileToInspect == null) {
out("------- CHECK DETAILS ------- " + fileToInspect.getPath());
final List<FunctionObject> functions = new ArrayList<FunctionObject>();
final List<LiteralObject> literals = new ArrayList<LiteralObject>();
parseFile(fileToInspect.getPath(), new String[] { externalFile }, functions, literals);
assertTrue(literals.size() == 22, "Expected 22 literals : " + literals.size());
assertTrue(functions.size() == 35, "Expected 35 functions : " + functions.size());
boolean hasRound = false;
for (final FunctionObject so : functions) {
final String source = getSource(so);
final String ns = so.getNamespace().toString();
assertTrue(source.indexOf("function") != -1, "Expected 'function' keyword in function source - " + ns);
for (final String param : so.getParameters()) {
assertTrue(source.indexOf(param) != -1, "Expected parameter '" + param + "' in function source - " + ns);
if (ns.equals("wink.byId")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == ';', "Expected ';' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("IE byId Impl é") != -1, "Expected 'IE byId Impl é' in function source - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith(ns), "Expected function start with '" + ns + "' - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("wink.log") == -1, "Expected 'wink.log' removed from '" + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("console.log") == -1, "Expected 'console.log' removed from '" + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.isUndefined")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == ';', "Expected ';' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("IE") != -1, "Expected 'IE' in function source - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith(ns), "Expected function start with '" + ns + "' - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.math.round")) {
hasRound = true;
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == '}', "Expected '}' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith("round"), "Expected function start with 'round' - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.ui.xy.Carousel")) {
assertTrue(source.indexOf("carousel_ie") != -1, "Expected 'carousel_ie' in function source - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith(ns), "Expected function start with '" + ns + "' - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == ';', "Expected ';' as last char - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.ui.xy.Carousel.prototype.goToItem")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == '}', "Expected '}' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith("goToItem"), "Expected function start with 'goToItem' - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("style_ie") != -1, "Expected 'style_ie' in function source - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.ui.xy.Carousel.prototype.getDomNode")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == ',', "Expected ',' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith("getDomNode"), "Expected function start with 'getDomNode' - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("domNode_ie") != -1, "Expected 'domNode_ie' in function source - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.fx.addClass")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == ';', "Expected ';' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("IE Impl é") != -1, "Expected 'IE Impl é' in function source - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith(ns), "Expected function start with '" + ns + "' - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.fx.removeClass")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == '}', "Expected '}' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith("removeClass"), "Expected function start with 'removeClass' - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("wink.trim") != -1, "Expected 'wink.trim' in function source - " + ns);
assertTrue(hasRound, "Expected math.round function");
boolean hasHtmlElement = false;
boolean hasWindow = false;
for (final LiteralObject so : literals) {
final String ns = so.getNamespace().toString();
if (so.isVirtual()) {
if (ns.equals("HTMLElement.prototype")) {
hasHtmlElement = true;
} else if (ns.equals("window")) {
hasWindow = true;
assertTrue(so.getLiterals().size() == 2, "Expected 2 literals in " + ns);
final String source = getSource(so);
if (!(so.getParent() instanceof LiteralObject)) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == ';', "Expected ';' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf("=") != -1, "Expected '=' in literal source - " + ns);
// out("source of " + ns + "\n" + source);
if (ns.equals("wink.ui.form") || ns.equals("wink.ui.xy") || ns.equals("wink.ui.layout")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == ',', "Expected ',' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith(so.getNamespace().getLastName()), "Expected literal start with '" + so.getNamespace().getLastName() + "' - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf(":") != -1, "Expected ':' in literal source - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.ui.xyz")) {
assertTrue(source.charAt(source.length() - 1) == '}', "Expected '}' as last char - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.startsWith(so.getNamespace().getLastName()), "Expected literal start with '" + so.getNamespace().getLastName() + "' - " + ns);
assertTrue(source.indexOf(":") != -1, "Expected ':' in literal source - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.api")) {
assertTrue(source.indexOf("IE") != -1, "Expected 'IE' in literal source - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.ui.xy.Carousel.prototype")) {
assertTrue(source.indexOf("left_ie") != -1, "Expected 'left_ie' in literal source - " + ns);
} else if (ns.equals("wink.ua")) {
assertTrue(so.getProperties().size() == 4, "Expected 4 properties in " + ns);
assertTrue(so.getProperties().containsKey("isIE"), "Expected 'isIE' property in " + ns);
assertFalse(hasHtmlElement, "Unexpected HTMLElement.prototype in global");
assertTrue(hasWindow, "Expected window in global");
* @param buildPath
* @throws WinkBuildException
* @throws IOException
private static void checkHas(final String buildPath) throws WinkBuildException, IOException {
final File[] files = getFiles(buildPath);
for (final File f : files) {
final String path = f.getPath();
out("------- CHECK HAS ------- " + path);
final List<FunctionObject> functions = new ArrayList<FunctionObject>();
final List<LiteralObject> literals = new ArrayList<LiteralObject>();
parseFile(path, new String[] { externalFile }, functions, literals);
boolean connectExists = false;
for (final FunctionObject fo : functions) {
if (fo.getName().equals("connect")) {
connectExists = true;
final String source = getSource(fo);
if (path.contains("default-ie")) {
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (true) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (true) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (false) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (false) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (wink.has(\"unknown\")) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (wink.has(\"unknown\")) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
} else if (path.contains("default-default")) {
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (wink.has(\"touch\")) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (wink.has(\"touch\")) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (false) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (false) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (wink.has(\"unknown\")) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (wink.has(\"unknown\")) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
} else {
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (wink.has(\"touch\")) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (wink.has(\"touch\")) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (wink.has(\"gesture\")) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (wink.has(\"gesture\")) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
assertTrue(source.indexOf("if (wink.has(\"unknown\")) {") != -1, "Expected 'if (wink.has(\"unknown\")) {' in function source - " + fo.getNamespace());
assertTrue(connectExists, "Expected 'connect' function in " + path);
* @param buildPath
* @throws WinkBuildException
private static void executeAll(final String buildPath) throws WinkBuildException {
final File[] files = getFiles(buildPath);
for (final File f : files) {
out("------- EXECUTE ------- " + f.getPath());
final List<FunctionObject> functions = new ArrayList<FunctionObject>();
final List<LiteralObject> literals = new ArrayList<LiteralObject>();
parseFile(f.getPath(), new String[] { externalFile }, functions, literals);
// "../../wink/wink-1.4.0-default-default.js"
// "../modules/module1.js"
* @param list
* @param so
private static void getFunctions(final List<FunctionObject> list, final ScriptObject so) {
final Collection<FunctionObject> fns = so.getFunctions().values();
for (final FunctionObject f : fns) {
getFunctions(list, f);
final Collection<LiteralObject> lts = so.getLiterals().values();
for (final LiteralObject l : lts) {
getFunctions(list, l);
* @param list
* @param so
private static void getLiterals(final List<LiteralObject> list, final ScriptObject so) {
final Collection<LiteralObject> lts = so.getLiterals().values();
for (final LiteralObject l : lts) {
getLiterals(list, l);
final Collection<FunctionObject> fns = so.getFunctions().values();
for (final FunctionObject f : fns) {
getLiterals(list, f);
* @param f
* @param externals
* @param fns
* @param lits
* @return
* @throws WinkAstException
* @throws WinkParseException
private static GlobalObject parseFile(final String f, final String[] externals, final List<FunctionObject> fns, final List<LiteralObject> lits) throws WinkAstException, WinkParseException {
final WinkParser wp = new WinkParser();
final List<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>();
if (externals != null) {
Collections.addAll(fileNames, externals);
// wp.print();
final GlobalObject scope = wp.getGlobalScope();
if (scope != null) {
getFunctions(fns, scope);
getLiterals(lits, scope);
return scope;
* @param filename
* @throws WinkBuildException
private static void executeJs(final String filename) throws WinkBuildException {
final Context cx = Context.enter();
final ScriptableObject scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
final String fileToInspect = new String(filename);
boolean goodExecution = false;
try {
final Reader buildFile = new FileReader(new File(fileToInspect));
final Script sc = cx.compileReader(buildFile, fileToInspect, 1, null);
final NativeObject window = new NativeObject();
ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, "window", window);
final NativeObject htmlelement = new NativeObject();
ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, "HTMLElement", htmlelement);
final NativeObject prototype = new NativeObject();
ScriptableObject.putProperty(htmlelement, "prototype", prototype);
final NativeObject external = new NativeObject();
ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, "external", external);
sc.exec(cx, scope);
goodExecution = true;
} catch (final org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError e) {
goodExecution = false;
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new WinkBuildException(e);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new WinkBuildException(e);
assertTrue(goodExecution, "Bad execution of " + filename);
* @param so
private static String getSource(final ScriptObject so) throws IOException {
final WinkJsFile jf = new WinkJsFile(so.getSourceName(), so.getGlobalScope());
final int ls = so.getLineStart();
final int le = so.getLineEnd();
final String lines = jf.getLinesAsString(ls, le);
final String source = lines.substring(so.getCharStart(), so.getCharEnd());
return source;