Package net.sf.farrago.test

Source Code of net.sf.farrago.test.FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest

// Licensed to DynamoBI Corporation (DynamoBI) under one
// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership.  DynamoBI licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package net.sf.farrago.test;


import junit.framework.*;

import net.sf.farrago.query.*;
import net.sf.farrago.session.*;

import openjava.ptree.*;

import org.eigenbase.oj.rel.*;
import org.eigenbase.oj.rex.*;
import org.eigenbase.rel.*;
import org.eigenbase.rex.*;
import org.eigenbase.sql.SqlKind;
import org.eigenbase.sql2rel.*;
import org.eigenbase.test.DiffRepository;
import org.eigenbase.trace.EigenbaseTrace;
import org.eigenbase.util.*;

* FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest contains unit tests for the translation code in
* {@link net.sf.farrago.ojrex}.
* <p>Tests are of two forms:<ul>
* <li>Tests that call {@link #checkTranslation(String)} take a single SQL row
* expression string as input, perform code generation, and then diffs the
* generated Java code snippet against an expected output in
* {@code FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest.ref.xml}.</li>
* <li>Tests that call {@link #checkQueryTranslation(String)} take a whole
* query and generate a whole Java class. These tests can focus on the nuances
* of common-subexpression elimination, for instance, when it is safe to reuse
* the value of an expression computed for the WHERE clause in a SELECT
* expression.</li>
* </ul>
* @author John V. Sichi
* @version $Id$
public class FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest
    extends FarragoSqlToRelTestBase
    private boolean full;

    //~ Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates a FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest.
     * @param testName Test case name
     * @throws Exception on error
    public FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest(String testName)
        throws Exception

    //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------

    // implement TestCase
    public static Test suite()
        return wrappedSuite(FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest.class);

    // override FarragoTestCase
    protected boolean shouldDiff()
        // this test should always work regardless of Fennel availability
        return true;

    protected DiffRepository getDiffRepos()
        return DiffRepository.lookup(FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest.class);

     * Tests translation of a single row expression.
     * @param rowExpression the text of the row expression to test (this is used
     * as the single select item in a constructed EXPLAIN PLAN statement)
     * @param tableExpression the table to use in the FROM clause (don't use
     * anything fancy here like a nested query because the optimizer used for
     * this test has its hands tied)
    private void checkTranslation(
        String rowExpression,
        String tableExpression)
        throws Exception
        final String query =
            "SELECT " + rowExpression + " FROM " + tableExpression;
        final String query2 = getDiffRepos().expand("query", query);
        final String explainQuery = "EXPLAIN PLAN FOR " + query2;
        full = false;


     * Tests the translation of a whole query.
     * @param query SELECT statement
     * @throws Exception
    protected void checkQueryTranslation(
        String query)
        throws Exception
        final String query2 = getDiffRepos().expand("query", query);
        final String explainQuery = "EXPLAIN PLAN FOR " + query2;
        full = true;


    protected void checkAbstract(
        FarragoPreparingStmt stmt,
        RelNode topRel)
        throws Exception
        assert (topRel instanceof IterCalcRel) : topRel.getClass().getName();
        IterCalcRel calcRel = (IterCalcRel) topRel;

        String actual;
        if (full) {
            actual = getJavaSourceForQuery(stmt, calcRel);
        } else {
            actual = getJavaSourceForRowExpr(stmt, calcRel);

        // OJ formats 'finally' wrong.
        actual = actual.replaceAll(" finally \n\\{", " finally {\n");
        actual = actual.replaceAll(" finally \r\n\\{", " finally {\r\n");

        // OJ has a nasty habit of creating multiple blank lines. Strip 'em out.
        int size;
        do {
            size = actual.length();
            actual = actual.replaceAll("\n *\n", "\n");
            actual = actual.replaceAll("\r\n *\r\n", "\r\n");
        } while (actual.length() < size);

        // Convert
        //    }, "FtrsIndexScanRel.#15:364", 26, null ) ){
        // to
        //    }, "FtrsIndexScanRel.#xx:xxx", xx, null ) ){
        actual = actual.replaceAll(
            "\"(FtrsIndexScanRel|AspenOldToIteratorConverter).#[0-9]+:[0-9]+\", [0-9]+,",
            "\"$1.#x:x\", x,");
        actual = actual.replaceAll("stmt[0-9]+", "stmtx");

        // and diff it against what we expect
        final DiffRepository diffRepos = getDiffRepos();
            TestUtil.NL + actual);

    private String getJavaSourceForRowExpr(
        FarragoPreparingStmt stmt,
        IterCalcRel calcRel)
        // grab the RexNode corresponding to our select item
        final RexProgram program = calcRel.getProgram();
        final RexLocalRef ref = program.getProjectList().get(0);
        RexNode rexNode = program.getExprList().get(ref.getIndex());

        // create objects needed for codegen
        SqlToRelConverter sqlToRelConverter = stmt.getSqlToRelConverter();
        FarragoRelImplementor relImplementor =
            new FarragoRelImplementor(

        StatementList stmtList = new StatementList();
        MemberDeclarationList memberList = new MemberDeclarationList();
        final RexToOJTranslator translator =
        Expression translatedExp;
        try {
            translatedExp = translator.translateRexNode(rexNode);
        } finally {

        // dump the generated code
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(sw);
        if (!memberList.isEmpty()) {
        if (!stmtList.isEmpty()) {
        printWriter.println("return " + translatedExp + ";");
        return sw.toString();

    private String getJavaSourceForQuery(
        FarragoPreparingStmt stmt,
        IterCalcRel calcRel)
        // Create a handler so that we can be told the java source code.
        final String[] source = { null };
            new Util.Function2<Void, File, String>()
                public Void apply(File p0, String p1)
                    source[0] = p1;
                    return null;
        // Note: Calling preImplement followed by implement just happens to
        // work. If the preparation process or FarragoPreparingStmt needs to
        // change, go ahead; just change this code to something else that works.
        stmt.implement(calcRel, SqlKind.SELECT, false);
        return source[0];

    protected void initPlanner(FarragoPreparingStmt stmt)
        // TODO jvs 9-Apr-2006:  Eliminate the init parameter
        // to newPlanner and construct a HepPlanner here.

        // NOTE jvs 22-June-2004:  We use a very stripped-down planner
        // so that the optimizer doesn't decide to rewrite our
        // carefully constructed expressions.  This also guarantees
        // that the Java calculator is used without having to
        // mess with system parameters.
        FarragoSessionPlanner planner =
            stmt.getSession().getPersonality().newPlanner(stmt, false);

        // Constant reduction hides what we're trying to test for.

     * Tests translation of a single row expression, using the SALES.EMPS table
     * for context.
     * @param rowExpression the text of the row expression to test (this is used
     * as the single select item in a constructed EXPLAIN PLAN statement)
    private void checkTranslation(String rowExpression)
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation(rowExpression, "SALES.EMPS");

    public void testPrimitiveEquals()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("empno = age");

    public void testPrimitiveEqualsNotNull()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose both not null
        checkTranslation("empno = empid");

    public void testPrimitiveLess()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("empno < age");

    public void testPrimitiveGreater()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("empno > age");

    public void testPrimitivePlus()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("empno + age");

    public void testPrimitiveMinus()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("empno - age");

    public void testPrimitiveTimes()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("empno * age");

    public void testPrimitiveDivide()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("empno / age");

    public void testDivideNullable()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("1e1 / cast(null as float)");

    public void testPrimitivePrefixMinus()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose nullable

    public void testPrimitiveGreaterBoolean()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE: choose one null, one not null
        checkTranslation("manager > slacker");

    public void testPrefixMinusCastNullTinyint()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("-cast(null as tinyint)");

    public void testPlusCastNullSmallint()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("cast(null as tinyint) + cast (null as smallint)");

    public void testVarcharEquals()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("name = city");

    public void testVarcharLess()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("name < city");

    public void testBooleanNot()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE: choose nullable
        checkTranslation("not slacker");

    public void testBooleanOr()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("slacker or manager");

    public void testBooleanOrNullable()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose both nullable
        checkTranslation("(empno < age) or (name = city)");

    public void testBooleanAnd()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose one nullable and one not null
        checkTranslation("slacker and manager");

    public void testBooleanConjunction()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose both nullable
        checkTranslation("(empno < age) and (name = city)");

    public void testBooleanConjunctionNotNull()
        throws Exception
        // NOTE:  choose all not null
        checkTranslation("(empno = empid) and (empno = deptno)");

    public void testNullableIsTrue()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("slacker is true");

    public void testNullableIsFalse()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("slacker is false");

    public void testNotNullIsTrue()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("manager is true");

    public void testNotNullIsFalse()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("manager is false");

    public void testNullableIsNull()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("age is null");

    public void testNullableIsNotNull()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("age is not null");

    public void testNotNullIsNull()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("empno is null");

    public void testNotNullIsNotNull()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("empno is not null");

    // FIXME

    public void testDynamicParam() throws Exception { checkTranslation("empno +
     ?"); }
    public void testUser()
        throws Exception

    public void testCurrentUser()
        throws Exception

    public void testSessionUser()
        throws Exception

    public void testSystemUser()
        throws Exception

    public void testCurrentDate()
        throws Exception

    public void testCurrentTime()
        throws Exception

    public void testCurrentTimestamp()
        throws Exception

    public void testCurrentPath()
        throws Exception

    public void testJavaUdfInvocation()
        throws Exception

    public void testSqlUdfInvocation()
        throws Exception

    // FIXME

    public void testCastNullToPrimitive() throws Exception { // FIXME:  should
     take cast(null as int) checkTranslation("cast(null as integer)"); }

    // FIXME

    public void testCastNullToVarchar() throws Exception {
     checkTranslation("cast(null as varchar(10))"); }
    public void testCastToVarcharImplicitTruncate()
        throws Exception
            "cast('supercalifragilistiexpialodocious' as varchar(10))");

    public void testCastToVarchar()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("cast('boo' as varchar(10))");

    // TODO (depends on dtbug 79)

    public void testCastToCharImplicitPad() throws Exception { checkTranslation(
     "cast('boo' as char(10))"); }

    // TODO (depends on dtbug 79)

    public void testCastToCharExact() throws Exception { checkTranslation(
     "cast('0123456789' as char(10))"); }

    // TODO (depends on dtbug 79)

    public void testCastToBinaryImplicitPad() throws Exception {
     checkTranslation(     "cast(x'58797A' as binary(10))"); }
    public void testCastToVarbinaryImplicitTruncate()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("cast(x'00112233445566778899AABB' as varbinary(10))");

    public void testCastIntToVarchar()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("cast(cast(null as tinyint) as varchar(30))");

    // TODO jvs 22-June-2004:  figure out a way to test codegen for
    // assignment of nullable value to NOT NULL field

    // start Case test cases.
    public void testCaseNotNullableCondWithElse()
        throws Exception
            "case manager when true then 'Yes' when false then 'No' else 'Other' end");

    public void testCaseNotNullableCondWithoutElse()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("case deptno when 10 then 'Yes' end");

    public void testCaseNullableCondWithElse()
        throws Exception
            "case age when 50 then 'fifty' when 25 then 'twenty-five' end");

    public void testCaseNullableCondWithoutElse()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("case gender when 'M' then 'Yes' end");

    public void testCaseNotNullableCondWithElsePrimitive()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("case empno when 120 then 1 else 2 end");

    public void testCaseNotNullableCondWithoutElsePrimitive()
        throws Exception
            "case name when 'Fred' then 1 when 'Eric' then 2  when 'Wilma' then 3 when 'John' then 4 end");

    public void testCaseNullableCondWithElsePrimitive()
        throws Exception
            "case deptno when 10 then 1 when 20 then 2 when 40 then 3 else 4 end");

    public void testCaseNullableCondWithoutElsePrimitive()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("case slacker when true then 1 end");

    public void testCommonReusePreviousWhen()
        throws Exception
        // At the second occurrence of 'empid * 2', the first occurrence has
        // definitely been evaluated, so it is safe to re-use it.
            + "  when empid > 50 then 1\n"
            + "  when empid * 2 > 50 then 2\n"
            + "  when empid + 3 > 50 then 3\n"
            + "  when 1 + empid * 2 > 40 then 4\n"
            + "  else 5\n"
            + "end");

    public void testCommonReusePrevious()
        throws Exception
        // At the second occurrence of 'empid * 2', the first occurrence has
        // definitely been evaluated, so it is safe to re-use it.
            "(empid * 2)\n"
            + "+\n"
            + "case\n"
            + "  when empid > 50 then 1\n"
            + "  when empid * 2 > 50 then 2\n"
            + "  else 5\n"
            + "end");

    public void testCommonCannotReusePrevious()
        throws Exception
        // At the second occurrence of 'empid * 2', the first occurrence may
        // or may not have been evaluated, so it is not safe to re-use it.
        // The third occurrence can re-use the second.
            + "  when empid > 50 then empid * 2\n"
            + "  else 100\n"
            + "end\n"
            + "+\n"
            + "case\n"
            + "  when empid > 50 then 1\n"
            + "  when empid * 2 > 50 then 2\n"
            + "  else empid * 2\n"
            + "end");

    public void testCommonReusePreviousFirstWhen()
        throws Exception
        // At the second occurrence of 'empid * 2', the first occurrence has
        // definitely been evaluated, because it was in the first WHEN clause of
        // a CASE, so it is not safe to re-use it.
        // The third occurrence can re-use the second.
            + "  when empid * 2 > 50 then 2\n"
            + "  else 100\n"
            + "end\n"
            + "+\n"
            + "case\n"
            + "  when empid > 50 then 1\n"
            + "  when empid * 2 > 50 then 2\n"
            + "  else empid * 2\n"
            + "end");

    public void testCommonCannotReuseThen()
        throws Exception
        // At the second and third occurrences of 'empid * 2', the first
        // occurrence has definitely not been evaluated. The fourth and fifth
        // can re-use the third.
            + "  when empid > 50 then empid * 2\n"
            + "  when empid > 70 then 1 + empid * 2\n"
            + "  when empid * 2 > 70 then 2 + empid * 2\n"
            + "  else 3 + empid * 2\n"
            + "end");

    public void testSubstringNullableLength()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("substring(city,  2, age/10)");

    public void testSubstringNullablePosition()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("substring(city,  age/20, empid)");

    public void testSubstringNoLength()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("substring(city, 3)");

    public void testSubstringPositionLessThanZero()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("substring(city, -1, 4)");

    public void testSubstringPositionZero()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("substring(city, 0, 4)");

    public void testSubstringNegativeLength()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("substring(city, 1, empid - 2)");

    public void testSubstringNothingNullable()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("substring(name, 2, empid)");

    public void testConcatNoNullable()
        throws Exception

    public void testConcatWithOneNullable()
        throws Exception

    public void testConcatBothNullable()
        throws Exception

    public void testOverlayNoLength()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("overlay(city placing 'MIDDLE' from 2)");

    public void testOverlayNullable()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("overlay(city placing 'MIDDLE' from 2 for 3)");

    public void testOverlayNoNullable()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("overlay(name placing 'MIDDLE' from 2 for 3)");

    public void testOverlayThreeNullable()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("overlay(city placing name from age for age)");

    public void testOverlayAllNullable()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("overlay(city placing gender from age for age)");

    public void testPower()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("power(2, empid)");

    public void testMod()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("mod(age, 3)");

    public void testTrimBoth()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("trim(both 'S' from city)");

    public void testTrimLeading()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("trim(leading 'W' from name)");

    public void testTrimTrailing()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("trim(trailing 'c' from name)");

    public void testUpper()
        throws Exception

    public void testLower()
        throws Exception

    public void testInitcap()
        throws Exception

    public void testCharLength()
        throws Exception

    public void testCharacterLength()
        throws Exception

    public void testPosition()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("position('Fran' in city)");

    public void testLikeLiteral()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City like 'San%'");

    public void testLikeRuntime()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City like Name");

    public void testLikeLiteralWithEscape()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City like 'San%' escape 'n'");

    public void testLikeRuntimeWithEscape()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City like Name escape 'n'");

    public void testSimilarLiteral()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City similar to '[S][[:ALPHA:]]n%'");

    public void testSimilarRuntime()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City similar to Name");

    public void testSimilarLiteralWithEscape()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City similar to 'San%' escape 'n'");

    public void testSimilarRuntimeWithEscape()
        throws Exception
        checkTranslation("City similar to Name escape 'n'");

    public void testQuery()
        throws Exception
        // Check the translation to make sure that:
        // 'deptno + 4' from WHERE clause is re-used in B and D;
        // 'empid * 3' from A is reused in D;
        // 'deptno * 7' from C is NOT reused in D (it's not computed on all
        //    paths).
        // Since 'deptno * 7' is always used, it would be better if we always
        // computed it. But we don't currently.
            "select empid * 3 * 2 as a,\n"
            + " deptno + 4 + 6 as b,\n"
            + " case when 1 = 1 then deptno * 7 else 0 end as c,\n"
            + " deptno + 4 + empid * 3 + 1 + deptno * 7 as d\n"
            + "from sales.emps\n"
            + "where deptno + 4 > 10");

    public void testQueryOr()
        throws Exception
        // Check that:
        // 'deptno + 1' is re-used later in WHERE and also in A
        // 'empno + 2' is NOT re-used in B
        // '100 / (deptno + 1)' is not evaluated if 'deptno + 1 = 0' has
        //   previously evaluated true
        // Some bad things we're living with:
        // * 'oj_var6.value / 10.0d' occurs mulitple times;
        // * the sqrt ('oj_var7 = pow ...') occurs unconditionally.
            "select deptno + 1 as a,\n"
            + " empno + 2 as b\n"
            + "from sales.emps\n"
            + "where deptno + 1 < 0\n"
            + " or 100 / (deptno + 1) < 5 / sqrt(deptno + 1)");

// End

Related Classes of net.sf.farrago.test.FarragoRexToOJTranslatorTest

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