package org.candle.decompiler.util;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.candle.decompiler.intermediate.graph.edge.IntermediateEdge;
import org.jgrapht.Graphs;
import org.jgrapht.graph.ListenableDirectedGraph;
public class GraphUtil<T> {
protected final ListenableDirectedGraph<T, IntermediateEdge> graph;
public GraphUtil(ListenableDirectedGraph<T, IntermediateEdge> graph) {
this.graph = graph;
public ListenableDirectedGraph<T, IntermediateEdge> getGraph() {
return graph;
public Set<IntermediateEdge> getIncomingEdges(T ai) {
return graph.incomingEdgesOf(ai);
public Set<IntermediateEdge> getOutgoingEdges(T ai) {
return graph.outgoingEdgesOf(ai);
public T getSingleSuccessor(T ai) {
List<T> successors = Graphs.successorListOf(graph, ai);
if(successors.size() == 1) {
return successors.get(0);
throw new IllegalStateException("Should have exactly 1 outgoing edge; actually: "+successors.size());
public T getSinglePredecessor(T ai) {
List<T> predecessors = Graphs.predecessorListOf(graph, ai);
if(predecessors.size() == 1) {
return predecessors.get(0);
throw new IllegalStateException("Should only have 1 incoming edge.");
* Takes all parent of source, and redirects their output to the target.
* @param source
* @param target
public void redirectPredecessors(T source, T target) {
List<T> predecessors = Graphs.predecessorListOf(this.graph, source);
//remove edges between predecessor and source.
for(T p : predecessors) {
IntermediateEdge existing = graph.getEdge(p, source);
redirectEnd(existing, target);
public void redirectSuccessors(T source, T target) {
List<T> successors = Graphs.successorListOf(this.graph, source);
//remove edges between predecessor and source.
for(T s : successors) {
IntermediateEdge existing = graph.getEdge(source, s);
redirectStart(existing, target);
public void redirectStart(IntermediateEdge ie, T newSource) {
//remove the edge to ci, add one to line.
if(!graph.containsEdge(newSource, (T)ie.getTarget())) {
graph.addEdge(newSource, (T)ie.getTarget(), (IntermediateEdge)ie.clone());
public void redirectEnd(IntermediateEdge ie, T newTarget) {
//remove the edge to ci, add one to line.
if(!graph.containsEdge((T)ie.getSource(), newTarget)) {
graph.addEdge((T)ie.getSource(), newTarget, (IntermediateEdge)ie.clone());
public List<T> getSuccessors(T iv) {
return Graphs.successorListOf(this.graph, iv);
public List<T> getPredecessors(T iv) {
return Graphs.predecessorListOf(this.graph, iv);