package org.yinwang.pysonar;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.yinwang.pysonar.types.ClassType;
import org.yinwang.pysonar.types.Type;
import org.yinwang.pysonar.types.UnionType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Generates a file outline from the index: a structure representing the
* variable and attribute definitions in a file.
public class Outliner {
public static abstract class Entry {
public String qname; // entry qualified name
public int offset; // file offset of referenced declaration
public Binding.Kind kind; // binding kind of outline entry
public Entry() {
public Entry(String qname, int offset, Binding.Kind kind) {
this.qname = qname;
this.offset = offset;
this.kind = kind;
public abstract boolean isLeaf();
public Leaf asLeaf() {
return (Leaf) this;
public abstract boolean isBranch();
public Branch asBranch() {
return (Branch) this;
public abstract boolean hasChildren();
public abstract List<Entry> getChildren();
public abstract void setChildren(List<Entry> children);
public String getQname() {
return qname;
public void setQname(@Nullable String qname) {
if (qname == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("qname param cannot be null");
this.qname = qname;
* Returns the file offset of the beginning of the identifier referenced
* by this outline entry.
public int getOffset() {
return offset;
public void setOffset(int offset) {
this.offset = offset;
public void setKind(@Nullable Binding.Kind kind) {
if (kind == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("kind param cannot be null");
this.kind = kind;
* Returns the simple (unqualified) name of the identifier.
public String getName() {
String[] parts = qname.split("[.&@%]");
return parts[parts.length - 1];
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
toString(sb, 0);
return sb.toString().trim();
public void toString(@NotNull StringBuilder sb, int depth) {
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append(" ");
if (hasChildren()) {
for (Entry e : getChildren()) {
e.toString(sb, depth + 1);
* An outline entry with children.
public static class Branch extends Entry {
private List<Entry> children = new ArrayList<>();
public Branch() {
public Branch(String qname, int start, Binding.Kind kind) {
super(qname, start, kind);
public boolean isLeaf() {
return false;
public boolean isBranch() {
return true;
public boolean hasChildren() {
return children != null && !children.isEmpty();
public List<Entry> getChildren() {
return children;
public void setChildren(List<Entry> children) {
this.children = children;
* An entry with no children.
public static class Leaf extends Entry {
public boolean isLeaf() {
return true;
public boolean isBranch() {
return false;
public Leaf() {
public Leaf(String qname, int start, Binding.Kind kind) {
super(qname, start, kind);
public boolean hasChildren() {
return false;
public List<Entry> getChildren() {
return new ArrayList<>();
public void setChildren(List<Entry> children) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Leaf nodes cannot have children.");
* Create an outline for a file in the index.
* @param scope the file scope
* @param path the file for which to build the outline
* @return a list of entries constituting the file outline.
* Returns an empty list if the analyzer hasn't analyzed that path.
public List<Entry> generate(@NotNull Analyzer idx, @NotNull String abspath) {
Type mt = idx.loadFile(abspath);
if (mt == null) {
return new ArrayList<>();
return generate(mt.table, abspath);
* Create an outline for a symbol table.
* @param state the file state
* @param path the file for which we're building the outline
* @return a list of entries constituting the outline
public List<Entry> generate(@NotNull State state, @NotNull String path) {
List<Entry> result = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Binding> entries = new TreeSet<>();
for (Binding b : state.values()) {
if (!b.isSynthetic()
&& !b.isBuiltin()
&& path.equals(b.getFile()))
for (Binding nb : entries) {
List<Entry> kids = null;
if (nb.kind == Binding.Kind.CLASS) {
Type realType = nb.type;
if (realType instanceof UnionType) {
for (Type t : ((UnionType) realType).types) {
if (t instanceof ClassType) {
realType = t;
kids = generate(realType.table, path);
Entry kid = kids != null ? new Branch() : new Leaf();
if (kids != null) {
return result;