package org.yinwang.pysonar;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.yinwang.pysonar.ast.*;
import org.yinwang.pysonar.types.ModuleType;
import org.yinwang.pysonar.types.Type;
import org.yinwang.pysonar.types.UnionType;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class Binding implements Comparable<Object> {
public enum Kind {
ATTRIBUTE, // attr accessed with "." on some other object
CLASS, // class definition
CONSTRUCTOR, // __init__ functions in classes
FUNCTION, // plain function
METHOD, // static or instance method
MODULE, // file
PARAMETER, // function param
SCOPE, // top-level variable ("scope" means we assume it can have attrs)
VARIABLE // local variable
private boolean isStatic = false; // static fields/methods
private boolean isSynthetic = false; // auto-generated bindings
private boolean isBuiltin = false; // not from a source file
public String name; // unqualified name
public Node node;
public String qname; // qualified name
public Type type; // inferred type
public Kind kind; // name usage context
public Set<Node> refs = new LinkedHashSet<>(1);
// fields from Def
public int start = -1;
public int end = -1;
public int bodyStart = -1;
public int bodyEnd = -1;
public String fileOrUrl;
public Binding(@NotNull String id, @NotNull Node node, @NotNull Type type, @NotNull Kind kind) { = id;
this.qname = type.table.path;
this.type = type;
this.kind = kind;
this.node = node;
if (node instanceof Url) {
String url = ((Url) node).url;
if (url.startsWith("file://")) {
fileOrUrl = url.substring("file://".length());
} else {
fileOrUrl = url;
} else {
fileOrUrl = node.file;
if (node instanceof Name) {
name = ((Name) node).id;
private void initLocationInfo(Node node) {
start = node.start;
end = node.end;
Node parent = node.parent;
if ((parent instanceof FunctionDef && ((FunctionDef) parent).name == node) ||
(parent instanceof ClassDef && ((ClassDef) parent).name == node))
bodyStart = parent.start;
bodyEnd = parent.end;
} else if (node instanceof Module) {
name = ((Module) node).name;
start = 0;
end = 0;
bodyStart = node.start;
bodyEnd = node.end;
} else {
bodyStart = node.start;
bodyEnd = node.end;
public Str getDocstring() {
Node parent = node.parent;
if ((parent instanceof FunctionDef && ((FunctionDef) parent).name == node) ||
(parent instanceof ClassDef && ((ClassDef) parent).name == node))
return parent.getDocString();
} else {
return node.getDocString();
public void setQname(@NotNull String qname) {
this.qname = qname;
public void addRef(Node node) {
// merge one more type into the type
// used by stateful assignments which we can't track down the control flow
public void addType(Type t) {
type = UnionType.union(type, t);
public void setType(Type type) {
this.type = type;
public void setKind(Kind kind) {
this.kind = kind;
public void markStatic() {
isStatic = true;
public boolean isStatic() {
return isStatic;
public void markSynthetic() {
isSynthetic = true;
public boolean isSynthetic() {
return isSynthetic;
public boolean isBuiltin() {
return isBuiltin;
public String getFirstFile() {
Type bt = type;
if (bt instanceof ModuleType) {
String file = bt.asModuleType().file;
return file != null ? file : "<built-in module>";
String file = getFile();
if (file != null) {
return file;
return "<built-in binding>";
public String getFile() {
return isURL() ? null : fileOrUrl;
public String getURL() {
return isURL() ? fileOrUrl : null;
public boolean isURL() {
return fileOrUrl != null && fileOrUrl.startsWith("http://");
* Bindings can be sorted by their location for outlining purposes.
public int compareTo(@NotNull Object o) {
return start - ((Binding) o).start;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (refs.size() > 10) {
sb.append(", ...(");
sb.append(refs.size() - 1);
sb.append(" more)]");
} else {
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Binding)) {
return false;
} else {
Binding b = (Binding) obj;
return (start == b.start &&
end == b.end &&
_.same(fileOrUrl, b.fileOrUrl));
public int hashCode() {
return node.hashCode();