// BlogBridge -- RSS feed reader, manager, and web based service
// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by R. Pito Salas
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
// Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Contact: R. Pito Salas
// mailto:pitosalas@users.sourceforge.net
// More information: about BlogBridge
// http://www.blogbridge.com
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/blogbridge
// $Id: TestSearchFeed.java,v 1.11 2007/02/06 15:34:02 spyromus Exp $
package com.salas.bb.domain;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import com.salas.bb.domain.query.ICriteria;
import com.salas.bb.domain.query.general.StringEqualsCO;
import com.salas.bb.domain.query.articles.Query;
import com.salas.bb.domain.query.articles.ArticleStatusProperty;
import java.util.Date;
* This suite contains tests for <code>SearchFeed</code> unit.
public class TestSearchFeed extends TestCase
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Acceptance Tests
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Simple feed creating scenario.
public void testCreatingFeed()
Query sampleQuery = createUnreadArticlesQuery();
createSearchFeed(sampleQuery, 10);
* Fetching articles from feeds and replacements scenario.
public void testFetchingData()
Query sampleQuery = createUnreadArticlesQuery();
SearchFeed sampleFeed = createSearchFeed(sampleQuery, 1);
// Suppose we have some article at some data feed
IArticle articleFromSomeFeed = createArticle(10);
IArticle olderArticleFromSomeFeed = createArticle(9);
IArticle newerArticleFromSomeFeed = createArticle(11);
// We can check if it's matching our criteria and add it to the feed if it is.
assertEquals(1, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
assertEquals(1, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
assertTrue("Newer article should replace the older.",
sampleFeed.getArticleAt(0) == newerArticleFromSomeFeed);
assertEquals(1, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
assertTrue("Older article should not replace the older.",
sampleFeed.getArticleAt(0) == newerArticleFromSomeFeed);
* When user changes query of the search feed all of the articles should be
* removed and new fetching cycle initiated. As the fetching is internal process
* the only change should happen to the search feed is clearning of the articles
* list.
public void testChangingQuery()
Query sampleQuery = createUnreadArticlesQuery();
Query similarQuery = createUnreadArticlesQuery();
Query differentQuery = createNoArticlesQuery();
// We initialize the feed with some sample query and article
SearchFeed sampleFeed = createSearchFeed(sampleQuery, 1);
// Now we change query to the similar one -- article should stay
assertEquals(1, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
// Now we change query to the different one -- articles should be rescanned
// This task is no longer on the search feed object. It's handled by the search feeds manager
// sampleFeed.setQuery(differentQuery);
// assertEquals(0, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
* Tests automatic removing of articles which are no longer matching the criteria.
public void testAutoRemovingUnmatchingArticles()
Query sampleQuery = createUnreadArticlesQuery();
SearchFeed sampleFeed = createSearchFeed(sampleQuery, 1);
IArticle article = createArticle(10);
assertEquals(1, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
// Mark article as read. It no longer matches the search feed criteria and
// should be automatically removed.
assertEquals(0, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
* Tests shifting new articles from invisible pool when visible articles
* become non-matching.
public void testShifting()
Query sampleQuery = createUnreadArticlesQuery();
SearchFeed sampleFeed = createSearchFeed(sampleQuery, 1);
// Adding two articles with first one visible from the start
IArticle article1 = createArticle(10);
IArticle article2 = createArticle(9);
assertEquals(1, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
assertTrue(article1 == sampleFeed.getArticleAt(0));
// Marking first article as read, so that it becomes non-matching and shifted out.
// The second article should take its place.
assertEquals(1, sampleFeed.getArticlesCount());
assertTrue(article2 == sampleFeed.getArticleAt(0));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Supplementary functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static IArticle createArticle(int aPublicationTimestamp)
StandardArticle article = new StandardArticle("");
article.setPublicationDate(new Date(aPublicationTimestamp));
return article;
private SearchFeed createSearchFeed(Query aSampleQuery, int anArticlesLimit)
SearchFeed searchFeed = new SearchFeed();
searchFeed.setBaseTitle("Some title");
return searchFeed;
private Query createNoArticlesQuery()
Query sampleQuery = new Query();
ICriteria sampleCriteria = sampleQuery.addCriteria();
sampleCriteria = sampleQuery.addCriteria();
return sampleQuery;
private Query createUnreadArticlesQuery()
Query sampleQuery = new Query();
ICriteria sampleCriteria = sampleQuery.addCriteria();
return sampleQuery;