// BlogBridge -- RSS feed reader, manager, and web based service
// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by R. Pito Salas
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
// Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Contact: R. Pito Salas
// mailto:pitosalas@users.sourceforge.net
// More information: about BlogBridge
// http://www.blogbridge.com
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/blogbridge
// $Id: FeedRenderingSettings.java,v 1.14 2008/02/28 15:59:46 spyromus Exp $
package com.salas.bb.views.settings;
import com.jgoodies.binding.beans.Model;
import com.jgoodies.uif.util.ResourceUtils;
import com.salas.bb.utils.i18n.Strings;
import com.salas.bb.utils.uif.UifUtilities;
import com.salas.bb.views.feeds.IFeedDisplayConstants;
import com.salas.bb.views.themes.ITheme;
import com.salas.bb.views.themes.Theme;
import com.salas.bb.views.themes.ThemeKey;
import com.salas.bb.views.themes.ThemeSupport;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
* Settings for articles and feed rendering. Setting these values doesn't mean that changes
* become visible immediately. This class is only the storage for them.
* <p/>
* The objects of this class hold settings data in maps. Access to settings may be provided through
* simple <code>get/set</code> methods or through special accessors (which is preferrable).
* <p/>
* Unlike previous revision you don't need to fire any events on changes by hand. Instead, every
* object notifies all his listeners on change in settings immediately.
* <p/>
* Each object may have associated parent object which will be the source of values if current
* <p/>
* Each object is listening for its parent changes as well and passes events upper only if it has no
* overwritten value for the property changed in parent object and the changed value affects the
* returned value of this object during the call to it.
public final class FeedRenderingSettings extends Model implements IFRS, PropertyChangeListener
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FeedRenderingSettings.class.getName());
private static final int RGB_MASK = 0xffffff;
private static final String RESOURCE_DEFAULT_THEME_NAME = "theme.default.name";
private HashMap<String, Object> settings = new HashMap<String, Object>();
private IFRS parent;
/** Mode when articles are shown completely. */
public static final Integer VIEW_MODE_FULL = IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_FULL;
/** Mode when articles are shown in plain text with limited number of symbols. */
public static final Integer VIEW_MODE_BRIEF = IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_BRIEF;
/** Mode when only titles of the articles are shown. */
public static final Integer VIEW_MODE_MINIMAL = IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_MINIMAL;
// Visual theme
private ITheme theme;
* Registers parent settings object. When we have no value for the specified
* property to return on <code>get()</code> call we will try to get it from
* our parent.
* @param aParent parent settings.
public void setParent(IFRS aParent)
if (this.parent == aParent) return;
// Unregister current parent
if (this.parent != null) this.removeListener(this);
// Replace parent wih new one
IFRS oldParent = this.parent;
this.parent = aParent;
if (this.parent != null)
// Perform check if some of non-overwritten settings changed
for (int i = 0; i < RenderingSettingsNames.KEYS.length; i++)
if (!isOverwritten(RenderingSettingsNames.KEYS[i]))
oldParent == null ? null : oldParent.get(RenderingSettingsNames.KEYS[i]),
aParent == null ? null : aParent.get(RenderingSettingsNames.KEYS[i]));
* Returns value of a setting under specified key.
* @param key key name of the setting.
* @return value of the setting.
public Object get(final String key)
Object oval = settings.get(key);
return (oval == null && parent != null) ? parent.get(key) : oval;
* Registers new value of the setting.
* @param key key name of the setting.
* @param value value of the setting or NULL to remove setting value.
public void set(final String key, final Object value)
Object oldValue = get(key);
if (value == null)
} else
settings.put(key, value);
// fire change of the property
fireChange(key, oldValue, get(key));
* Fires change in property.
* @param key name of property.
* @param oldValue old value.
* @param newValue new value.
public void fireChange(final String key, final Object oldValue, final Object newValue)
firePropertyChange(key, oldValue, newValue);
* Returns TRUE if current settings list has overwritten property
* with the given name.
* @param property propery name.
* @return TRUE if has value.
private boolean isOverwritten(final String property)
return settings.get(property) != null;
* Removes all properties values.
public void reset()
final Set<String> set = settings.keySet();
String[] keys = set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
for (String key : keys)
Object oval = settings.get(key);
firePropertyChange(key, oval, get(key));
* Restores current settings object from preferences.
* @param preferences preferences object to get data from.
public void restoreFrom(Preferences preferences)
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_GROUPING_ENABLED, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SHOW_EMPTY_GROUPS, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ARTICLE_DATE_SHOWING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SORTING_ASCENDING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SUPPRESSING_OLDER_THAN, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_DISPLAYING_FULL_TITLES, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_STARZ_SHOWING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_UNREAD_IN_FEEDS_SHOWING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ACTIVITY_CHART_SHOWING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_UNREAD_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ICON_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_TEXT_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING, preferences);
setBoolean(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_BIG_ICON_IN_GUIDES, preferences);
setInteger(RenderingSettingsNames.SUPPRESS_OLDER_THAN, preferences);
setInteger(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_SIZE_LIMIT, preferences);
setInteger(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_VIEW_MODE, preferences);
setInteger(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FILTER, preferences);
// restore theme
String defaultThemeName = ResourceUtils.getString(RESOURCE_DEFAULT_THEME_NAME);
String themeName = preferences.get(RenderingSettingsNames.THEME, defaultThemeName);
ITheme restoredTheme = ThemeSupport.getThemeByName(themeName);
if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
LOG.fine("Default theme name : " + defaultThemeName);
LOG.fine("Stored theme name : " + themeName);
LOG.fine("Loaded theme name : " + restoredTheme.getName());
if (restoredTheme == null) restoredTheme = ThemeSupport.getThemeByName(defaultThemeName);
setInteger(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FONT_BIAS, preferences);
// Main content font
String mcfS = preferences.get(RenderingSettingsNames.MAIN_CONTENT_FONT, null);
Font fnt = mcfS == null ? null : Font.decode(mcfS);
* Sets boolean property with value taken from preferences stored for the given key.
* @param key key of setting.
* @param prefs preferences object.
private void setBoolean(final String key, final Preferences prefs)
if (prefs.get("render." + key, null) != null)
set(key, Boolean.valueOf(prefs.getBoolean("render." + key, false)));
} else
set(key, null);
* Sets integer property with value taken from preferences stored for the given key.
* @param key key of setting.
* @param prefs preferences object.
private void setInteger(final String key, final Preferences prefs)
if (prefs.get("render." + key, null) != null)
set(key, new Integer(prefs.getInt("render." + key, 0)));
} else
set(key, null);
* Saves all the properties into preferences store.
* @param prefs preferences storage.
public void storeIn(Preferences prefs)
String[] keys = settings.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
// iterate through all the KEYS and store them
for (final String key : keys)
final Object oval = settings.get(key);
// Skip NULL values
if (oval == null) continue;
final String newKey = "render." + key;
if (oval instanceof Boolean)
prefs.putBoolean(newKey, (Boolean)oval);
} else if (oval instanceof Integer)
prefs.putInt(newKey, (Integer)oval);
} else if (oval instanceof String)
prefs.put(newKey, (String)oval);
} else if (oval instanceof Color)
final Color cval = (Color)oval;
prefs.put(newKey, "#" + Integer.toHexString(cval.getRGB() & RGB_MASK));
} else if (oval instanceof Font)
final Font fval = (Font)oval;
putFont(prefs, newKey, fval);
// save theme
if (theme != null) prefs.put(RenderingSettingsNames.THEME, theme.getName());
if (getMainContentFont() != null)
putFont(prefs, RenderingSettingsNames.MAIN_CONTENT_FONT, getMainContentFont());
* Puts font in the preferences.
* @param prefs preferences.
* @param key key.
* @param font value.
private void putFont(Preferences prefs, String key, Font font)
prefs.put(key, UifUtilities.fontToString(font));
* Registers listener of settings changes.
* @param l new listener object.
public void addListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
* Removes listener of settings changes.
* @param l listener object.
public void removeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
* This method gets called when something changes in parent settings.
* We are looking if we have overwritten value for that setting and
* if we don't then we fire this event further as the change is affecting
* our own value.
* @param evt A PropertyChangeEvent object describing the event source
* and the property that has changed.
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
final String property = evt.getPropertyName();
if (!isOverwritten(property))
firePropertyChange(property, evt.getOldValue(), evt.getNewValue());
// --- Implementation of particular properties ----------------------------
* Returns view mode of articles.
* @return view mode.
* @see FeedRenderingSettings#VIEW_MODE_FULL
* @see FeedRenderingSettings#VIEW_MODE_BRIEF
* @see FeedRenderingSettings#VIEW_MODE_MINIMAL
public int getArticleViewMode()
return (Integer)get(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_VIEW_MODE);
* Sets new articles view mode.
* @param mode mode.
* @see FeedRenderingSettings#VIEW_MODE_FULL
* @see FeedRenderingSettings#VIEW_MODE_BRIEF
* @see FeedRenderingSettings#VIEW_MODE_MINIMAL
public void setArticleViewMode(int mode)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_VIEW_MODE, new Integer(mode));
* Returns TRUE if grouping of articles is enabled.
* @return TRUE if enabled.
public boolean isGroupingEnabled()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_GROUPING_ENABLED);
* Sets new value for grouping of articles.
* @param groupingEnabled TRUE to enable.
public void setGroupingEnabled(boolean groupingEnabled)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_GROUPING_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(groupingEnabled));
* Returns TRUE if showing of empty groups is allowed.
* @return TRUE if showing is allowed.
public boolean isShowEmptyGroups()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SHOW_EMPTY_GROUPS);
* Sets new state of showing empty groups.
* @param showEmptyGroups TRUE to allow showing.
public void setShowEmptyGroups(boolean showEmptyGroups)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SHOW_EMPTY_GROUPS, Boolean.valueOf(showEmptyGroups));
* Returns TRUE if date of the article creation should be showed.
* @return TRUE if date showing is enabled.
public boolean isArticleDateShowing()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ARTICLE_DATE_SHOWING);
* Sets the state of showing article date.
* @param articleDateShowing TRUE to enable showing of dates.
public void setArticleDateShowing(boolean articleDateShowing)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ARTICLE_DATE_SHOWING, Boolean.valueOf(articleDateShowing));
* Returns TRUE if Starz should be shown.
* @return TRUE if showing Starz is enabled.
public boolean isShowStarz()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_STARZ_SHOWING);
* Sets the state of showing Starz.
* @param showStarz TRUE to enable showing of starz.
public void setShowStarz(boolean showStarz)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_STARZ_SHOWING, Boolean.valueOf(showStarz));
* Sets the state of showing unread counts in feeds.
* @param showUnreadInFeeds TRUE to enable showing of unread counts in feeds.
public void setShowUnreadInFeeds(boolean showUnreadInFeeds)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_UNREAD_IN_FEEDS_SHOWING, Boolean.valueOf(showUnreadInFeeds));
* Returns TRUE if unread counts in feeds should be shown.
* @return TRUE if showing unread counts in feeds is enabled.
public boolean isShowUnreadInFeeds()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_UNREAD_IN_FEEDS_SHOWING);
* Returns TRUE if article activity chart should be shown in feed area.
* @return TRUE if showing article activity chart is enabled.
public boolean isShowActivityChart()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ACTIVITY_CHART_SHOWING);
* Sets the state of showing the article activity chart.
* @param showActivityChart TRUE to enable showing of activity chart.
public void setShowActivityChart(boolean showActivityChart)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ACTIVITY_CHART_SHOWING, Boolean.valueOf(showActivityChart));
* Sets the state of showing unread counts in guides.
* @param show TRUE to enable showing of unread counts in guides.
public void setShowUnreadInGuides(boolean show)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_UNREAD_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING, Boolean.valueOf(show));
* Returns <code>TRUE</code> if unread counts in guides should be shown.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if showing unread counts in guides is enabled.
public boolean isShowUnreadInGuides()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_UNREAD_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING);
* Sets the state of showing icons in guides.
* @param show TRUE to enable showing of icons in guides.
public void setShowIconInGuides(boolean show)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ICON_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING, Boolean.valueOf(show));
* Returns <code>TRUE</code> if icons in guides should be shown.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if showing icons in guides is enabled.
public boolean isShowIconInGuides()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_ICON_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING);
* Sets the state of showing text in guides.
* @param show TRUE to enable showing of text in guides.
public void setShowTextInGuides(boolean show)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_TEXT_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING, Boolean.valueOf(show));
* Returns <code>TRUE</code> if text in guides should be shown.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if showing text in guides is enabled.
public boolean isShowTextInGuides()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_TEXT_IN_GUIDES_SHOWING);
* Sets the size of icon in guides.
* @param big <code>TRUE</code> for a big icon.
public void setBigIconInGuides(boolean big)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_BIG_ICON_IN_GUIDES, Boolean.valueOf(big));
* Returns <code>TRUE</code> if big icon should be shown in guides.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if big icon should be shown in guides.
public boolean isBigIconInGuides()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_BIG_ICON_IN_GUIDES);
// Theming -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns font for rendering of article body.
* @return font for article body text.
public Font getArticleBodyFont()
return getTheme().getFontWithBias(ThemeKey.Font.ARTICLE_TEXT, getArticleFontBias());
* Returns font for rendering of article title.
* @return font for rendering of article title.
public Font getArticleTitleFont()
return getTheme().getFontWithBias(ThemeKey.Font.ARTICLE_TITLE, getArticleFontBias());
* Returns font for rendering of article date.
* @return font.
public Font getArticleDateFont()
return getTheme().getFontWithBias(ThemeKey.Font.ARTICLE_DATE, getArticleFontBias());
* Returns font for rendering of groups divider title text.
* @return font.
public Font getDividerTextFont()
return getTheme().getFontWithBias(ThemeKey.Font.ARTICLEGROUP, getArticleFontBias());
* Returns color for selected article background.
* @return color of background.
public Color getSelectedArticleBackground()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.ARTICLE_SEL_BG);
* Returns color for normal article background.
* @return color of background.
public Color getArticleBackground()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.ARTICLE_UNSEL_BG);
* Returns color of article body background.
* @return color of background.
public Color getArticleBodyBackground()
// TODO what this for?
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.ARTICLE_UNSEL_BG);
* Returns color for article title background.
* @return color of background.
public Color getArticleTitleBackground()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.ARTICLE_UNSEL_BG);
* Returns color for feed name in the header of articles list panel.
* @return color for the feed name.
public Color getArticleListFeedNameForeground()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.ARTICLELIST_FEEDNAME_FG);
* Returns font for feed name in the header of articles list panel.
* @return font for the feed name.
public Font getArticleListFeedNameFont()
return getTheme().getFont(ThemeKey.Font.ARTICLELIST_FEEDNAME);
* Returns grouping divider background color.
* @return color of background.
public Color getGroupingDividerColor()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.ARTICLEGROUP_BG);
* Returns TRUE if we should suppress rendering of old articles.
* @return TRUE to suppress.
public boolean isSuppressingOlderThan()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SUPPRESSING_OLDER_THAN);
* Sets the flag whether we should suppress old articles or not.
* @param suppressingOlderThan TRUE to suppress old articles.
public void setSuppressingOlderThan(boolean suppressingOlderThan)
* Returns number of days starting from which artiles should not be displayed.
* @return number of days.
public int getSuppressOlderThan()
return (Integer)get(RenderingSettingsNames.SUPPRESS_OLDER_THAN);
* Sets number of days to limit the age of the articles to be displayed.
* @param suppressOlderThan number of days.
public void setSuppressOlderThan(int suppressOlderThan)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.SUPPRESS_OLDER_THAN, new Integer(suppressOlderThan));
* Sets FROM STRING number of days to limit the age of the articles to be displayed.
* @param valueAsString number of days as a String
public void setSuppressOlderThanString(String valueAsString)
Integer value = Integer.valueOf(valueAsString);
* Returns AS STRING the number of days starting from which artiles should not be displayed.
* @return value as a String
public String getSuppressOlderThanString()
return String.valueOf(getSuppressOlderThan());
* Returns TRUE if ascending sorting is enabled.
* @return TRUE to sort articles ascending.
public boolean isSortingAscending()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SORTING_ASCENDING);
* Sets the order of sorting.
* @param sortingAscending TRUE to sort ascending.
public void setSortingAscending(boolean sortingAscending)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_SORTING_ASCENDING, Boolean.valueOf(sortingAscending));
* Returns number of characters for limiting of articles size while in brief mode.
* @return number of chars.
public int getArticleSizeLimit()
return (Integer)get(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_SIZE_LIMIT);
* Sets new maximum number of chars for limiting of article size for brief mode.
* @param articleSizeLimit new number of chars.
public void setArticleSizeLimit(int articleSizeLimit)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_SIZE_LIMIT, new Integer(articleSizeLimit));
* Returns current article font bias.
* @return bias.
public int getArticleFontBias()
return (Integer)get(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FONT_BIAS);
* Changes current value for the articleFontBias.
* @param articleFontBiasChangeAmount 0 means reset to zero. Non-zero gets added to font bias.
public void setArticleFontBias(int articleFontBiasChangeAmount)
int oldFontBias = getArticleFontBias();
int newFontBias;
if (articleFontBiasChangeAmount == 0)
// means the user wants no bias
newFontBias = 0;
set(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FONT_BIAS, new Integer(newFontBias));
} else
// otherwise apply the change amount to the existing bias
newFontBias = oldFontBias + articleFontBiasChangeAmount;
set(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FONT_BIAS, new Integer(newFontBias));
fireChange(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FONT_BIAS, oldFontBias, newFontBias);
* Returns a code to indicate which articles are filtered out.
* <ul>
* <li>0 = Show all articles</li>
* <li>1 = Show Unread articles only</li>
* <li>2 = Show Unread, recommended articles only</li>
* </ul>
* @return code.
public int getArticleFilter()
return (Integer)get(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FILTER);
* Sets a code to indicate how much detail we show for each article.
* <ul>
* <li>0 = Show all articles</li>
* <li>1 = Show Unread articles only</li>
* <li>2 = Show Unread, recommended articles only</li>
* </ul>
* @param artFilter set article filter code.
public void setArticleFilter(int artFilter)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.ARTICLE_FILTER, new Integer(artFilter));
* Returns the color of registered BlogLinks.
* @return color.
public Color getRegisteredBlogLinkColor()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.BLOGLINK_DISC_BG);
* Returns the color of unregistered BlogLinks.
* @return color.
public Color getUnregisteredBlogLinkColor()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.BLOGLINK_UNDISC_BG);
* Returns value of flag for displaying of full article titles.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for on.
public boolean isDisplayingFullTitles()
return (Boolean)get(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_DISPLAYING_FULL_TITLES);
* Turns on / off displaying of full titles.
* @param value new value.
public void setDisplayingFullTitles(boolean value)
set(RenderingSettingsNames.IS_DISPLAYING_FULL_TITLES, Boolean.valueOf(value));
* Returns current theme.
* @return theme.
public ITheme getTheme()
ITheme theTheme = theme;
if (theTheme == null && parent != null) theTheme = parent.getTheme();
return theTheme;
* Sets new current theme.
* @param aTheme theme.
public void setTheme(ITheme aTheme)
if (aTheme == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Strings.error("unspecified.theme"));
ITheme oldTheme = theme;
theme = aTheme;
firePropertyChange(RenderingSettingsNames.THEME, oldTheme, theme);
* Returns color of the article title.
* @param aSelected if article is selected.
* @return color of title.
public Color getArticleTitleColor(boolean aSelected)
ThemeKey.Color key = aSelected
return getTheme().getColor(key);
* Returns color of the article text.
* @param aSelected if article is selected.
* @return color of text.
public Color getArticleTextColor(boolean aSelected)
ThemeKey.Color key = aSelected
return getTheme().getColor(key);
* Returns color of the article date.
* @param aSelected if article is selected.
* @return color of date.
public Color getArticleDateColor(boolean aSelected)
ThemeKey.Color key = aSelected
return getTheme().getColor(key);
* Returns selected background color for feeds list.
* @return color.
public Color getFeedsListSelectedBackground()
return getTheme().getColor(ThemeKey.Color.FEEDSLIST_SEL_BG);
* Returns background color for feeds list.
* @param alternating TRUE if alternating color required.
* @return color.
public Color getFeedsListBackground(boolean alternating)
ThemeKey.Color key = alternating
: ThemeKey.Color.FEEDSLIST_BG;
return getTheme().getColor(key);
* Returns foreground color for feeds list.
* @param selected TRUE if selected color required.
* @return color.
public Color getFeedsListForeground(boolean selected)
ThemeKey.Color key = selected
: ThemeKey.Color.FEEDSLIST_FG;
return getTheme().getColor(key);
* Returns current main content font taking in account overrides.
* @return font.
public Font getMainContentFont()
return getTheme().getFont(ThemeKey.Font.MAIN);
* Sets new content font as override and fires theme change event.
* @param font new font.
public void setMainContentFont(Font font)
Font oldFont = getMainContentFont();
if (!oldFont.equals(font))
firePropertyChange(RenderingSettingsNames.THEME, null, theme);