// BlogBridge -- RSS feed reader, manager, and web based service
// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by R. Pito Salas
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
// Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Contact: R. Pito Salas
// mailto:pitosalas@users.sourceforge.net
// More information: about BlogBridge
// http://www.blogbridge.com
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/blogbridge
// $Id: HTMLArticleDisplay.java,v 1.65 2008/02/29 06:17:46 spyromus Exp $
package com.salas.bb.views.feeds.html;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout;
import com.jgoodies.uif.util.SystemUtils;
import com.salas.bb.core.GlobalController;
import com.salas.bb.core.GlobalModel;
import com.salas.bb.domain.IArticle;
import com.salas.bb.domain.IArticleListener;
import com.salas.bb.domain.IFeed;
import com.salas.bb.domain.NetworkFeed;
import com.salas.bb.domain.prefs.ViewModePreferences;
import com.salas.bb.domain.utils.TextRange;
import com.salas.bb.sentiments.Calculator;
import com.salas.bb.sentiments.SentimentsConfig;
import com.salas.bb.sentiments.SentimentsFeature;
import com.salas.bb.utils.StringUtils;
import com.salas.bb.utils.i18n.Strings;
import com.salas.bb.utils.swinghtml.TextProcessor;
import com.salas.bb.utils.uif.*;
import com.salas.bb.utils.uif.html.CustomImageView;
import com.salas.bb.views.feeds.ArticlePinControl;
import com.salas.bb.views.feeds.IFeedDisplayConstants;
import com.salas.bb.views.feeds.IHighlightsAdvisor;
import com.salas.bb.views.mainframe.MainFrame;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTML;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* A view for article.
public class HTMLArticleDisplay extends AbstractArticleDisplay implements IArticleListener
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HTMLArticleDisplay.class.getName());
private static final String MSG_SIZING_DATE;
private static final String MSG_SIZING_TIME;
private static final ExecutorService executor;
public static final Color COLOR_BORDER_LINE = Color.decode("#dfdfdf"); //bfbfbf
/** Name of the style we use to apply customized fonts. */
private static final String TEXT_STYLE_NAME = "normal";
private static final CellConstraints CELL_CONSTRAINTS = new CellConstraints();
// WARNING: we need to have "pref" for title row (1st) height as JTextArea (used for multi-line
// titles) reports incorrect minimum dimensions after font change (read/unread)
private static final String LAYOUT_ROWS = "0, pref, pref, min, min, min, 1px";
/** URL of an image the mouse was clicked on. */
public static URL clickImageURL;
private final ColExIconLabel lbSign;
private final LinkExtendedLabel lbTitle;
private final JComponent pnlInfo;
private final JComponent pnlFromFeed;
private final JPanel pnlContent;
private final JEditorPane tpText;
private final IArticle article;
private final IArticleDisplayConfig config;
private JLabel lbDate;
private JLabel lbTime;
private JLabel lbCategories;
private JLabel lbFrom;
private LinkLabel lbFeedTitle;
private LinkLabel lbURL;
private SentimentColorCode lbColorCode;
/** Current view mode. */
private int mode;
* Current mode of text. When in title-only mode, text can be both in brief
* and full state. This property holds the state of text.
private int textMode;
/** Selection state of the view. */
private boolean selected;
/** Focus state of the view. */
private boolean focused;
* Map of string URL's to text ranges occupied with those links.
* <code>NULL</code> means that the links were not collected yet.
private volatile Map<String, List<TextRange>> linksRanges;
private final Object linksRangesLock = new Object();
/** <code>TRUE</code> when view is collapsed (title only mode or user). */
private boolean collapsed;
/** Pin icon component. */
private ArticlePinControl lbPin;
Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(2007, 11, 31, 23, 59);
MSG_SIZING_DATE = getDateFormat().format(c.getTime()) + "2";
MSG_SIZING_TIME = getTimeFormat().format(c.getTime()) + "2";
executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2, new ThreadFactory()
public Thread newThread(Runnable r)
Thread th = new Thread(r, "Article Tasks");
return th;
* Creates view for some article.
* @param aArticle article.
* @param aConfig configuration.
* @param aShowFeed <code>TRUE</code> to show origin feed.
* @param aCallback jump link clicks callback.
* @param aEditorKit the editor kit to use for rendering document.
public HTMLArticleDisplay(IArticle aArticle, IArticleDisplayConfig aConfig,
boolean aShowFeed, IFeedJumpLinkClickCallback aCallback, EditorKit aEditorKit)
article = aArticle;
config = aConfig;
MouseListener ml = new DelegatingMouseListener(this);
lbSign = new ColExIconLabel();
lbSign.addMouseListener(new CollapseExpandListener());
lbTitle = createTitle(ml);
pnlInfo = createInfoPanel();
pnlFromFeed = createFromFeedPanel(ml, aCallback, aShowFeed);
tpText = createTextPane(ml, aEditorKit);
pnlContent = createContentPanel(tpText, ml);
lbCategories = createCategoriesLabel();
lbURL = createURLLabel();
selected = false;
focused = false;
// Create new style for article and init it with default style settings
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)tpText.getDocument();
Style def = doc.getStyle("default");
doc.addStyle(TEXT_STYLE_NAME, def);
UifUtilities.setFontAttributes(doc, TEXT_STYLE_NAME, config.getTextFont());
// Set base URL to resolve relative links
final IFeed feed = article.getFeed();
if (feed instanceof NetworkFeed)
doc.putProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty, ((NetworkFeed)feed).getXmlURL());
setBorder(new UpDownBorder(COLOR_BORDER_LINE));
mode = -1;
textMode = -1;
linksRanges = null;
* Returns currently selected text.
* @return text.
public String getSelectedText()
return tpText.getSelectedText();
* Creates categories label.
* @return label.
private JLabel createCategoriesLabel()
JLabel label = new JLabel();
String subject = article.getSubject();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(subject))
} else
label.setText(MessageFormat.format(Strings.message("articledisplay.categories"), subject));
return label;
* Creates URL label.
* @return label.
private LinkLabel createURLLabel()
LinkLabel label = new LinkLabel();
URL url = article.getLink();
if (url == null)
} else
return label;
* Creates a sentiment color code.
* @return code.
private SentimentColorCode createColorCode()
return new SentimentColorCode();
* Updates a color code.
public void updateColorCode()
if (lbColorCode == null) return;
// Update color
SentimentsConfig sconfig = Calculator.getConfig();
Color color = article.isPositive() ? sconfig.getPositiveColor()
: article.isNegative() ? sconfig.getNegativeColor() : null;
lbColorCode.setToolTipText("<html>" +
"Pos words: " + article.getPositiveSentimentsCount() + "<br>" +
"Neg words: " + article.getNegativeSentimentsCount());
// Update visibility
boolean cColorCode = isCompVisible(lbColorCode);
boolean colorCode = isColorCodeVisible();
if (colorCode != cColorCode) rescaleTitle();
* Creates a panel if the showing feed is necessary.
* @param ml mouse listener.
* @param aCallback callback.
* @param aShowFeed <code>TRUE</code> to show feed info.
* @return panel or NULL.
private JComponent createFromFeedPanel(MouseListener ml, IFeedJumpLinkClickCallback aCallback,
boolean aShowFeed)
if (!aShowFeed) return null;
IFeed feed = article.getFeed();
lbFrom = new JLabel("from: ");
lbFeedTitle = new FeedLabel(feed, aCallback);
// If we enable this listener, the feed menu will disappear
// lbFeedTitle.addMouseListener(ml);
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FormLayout("p, p", "p"));
panel.add(lbFrom, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(1, 1));
panel.add(lbFeedTitle, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(2, 1));
return panel;
* Creates info header panel.
* @return header panel.
private JComponent createInfoPanel()
Date date = article.getPublicationDate();
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FormLayout("p, p, 2px, p, p", "pref"));
lbDate = new JLabel(getDateFormat().format(date), SwingConstants.LEFT);
lbTime = new JLabel(getTimeFormat().format(date), SwingConstants.LEFT);
GlobalModel model = GlobalModel.SINGLETON;
lbPin = new ArticlePinControl(model.getSelectedGuide(), model.getSelectedFeed(), article);
lbColorCode = createColorCode();
panel.add(lbDate, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(1, 1));
panel.add(lbTime, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(2, 1));
panel.add(lbPin, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(4, 1));
panel.add(lbColorCode, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(5, 1));
return panel;
* Returns date format used for the date output.
* @return date format.
private static DateFormat getDateFormat()
return SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance();
* Returns time format used for the time output.
* @return time format.
private static DateFormat getTimeFormat()
return SimpleDateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
* Updates date visibility status.
public void updateDateStatus()
// if (lbDate != null) lbDate.setVisible(config.isShowingDate());
* Puts all components together.
private void setupLayout()
setLayout(new FormLayout("5dlu, min, 5dlu, min:grow, 2dlu, left:min, 5dlu", LAYOUT_ROWS));
add(lbSign, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(2, 2, "c, t"));
add(lbTitle, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(4, 2));
if (pnlInfo != null) add(pnlInfo, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(6, 2, "c, t"));
if (pnlFromFeed != null) add(pnlFromFeed, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xyw(4, 3, 3));
add(lbURL, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xyw(4, 4, 3));
add(lbCategories, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xyw(4, 5, 3));
add(pnlContent, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xyw(4, 6, 3));
* Returns wrapped article.
* @return article.
public IArticle getArticle()
return article;
* Returns current article display view mode.
* @return mode.
public int getViewMode()
return mode;
* Sets a view model of this view.
* @param aMode new mode.
public void setViewMode(int aMode)
if (mode == aMode) return;
mode = aMode;
boolean isTitleOnlyMode = aMode == IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_MINIMAL;
// Hide content when in title-only mode
boolean fo = tpText.isFocusOwner();
if (isTitleOnlyMode && fo) getParent().requestFocusInWindow();
// If switching to non-title-only mode we may wish to
// set text if it is currently in different mode.
if (!isTitleOnlyMode && aMode != textMode)
setText(aMode == IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_BRIEF);
textMode = aMode;
// If it's the first time we switched to the FULL mode,
// collect links from the text.
synchronized (linksRangesLock)
if (aMode == IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_FULL && linksRanges == null)
linksRanges = collectLinks((HTMLDocument)tpText.getDocument());
// Collapse icons when in title-only mode
collapsed = isTitleOnlyMode;
* Updates the state of visual components of the title bar.
void updateComponentsState()
ViewModePreferences prefs = config.getViewModePreferences();
boolean cDate = isCompVisible(lbDate);
boolean date = prefs.isDateVisible(mode);
boolean cTime = isCompVisible(lbTime);
boolean time = prefs.isTimeVisible(mode) && date;
boolean cCategories = isCompVisible(lbCategories);
boolean categories = prefs.isCategoriesVisible(mode);
boolean cURL = isCompVisible(lbURL);
boolean url = prefs.isUrlVisible(mode);
boolean cPin = isCompVisible(lbPin);
boolean pin = prefs.isPinVisible(mode);
boolean cColorCode = isCompVisible(lbColorCode);
boolean colorCode = isColorCodeVisible();
if (lbDate != null) lbDate.setVisible(date);
if (lbTime != null) lbTime.setVisible(time);
if (lbCategories != null) lbCategories.setVisible(lbCategories.isEnabled() && categories);
if (lbURL != null) lbURL.setVisible(url);
if (lbPin != null) lbPin.setVisible(pin);
if (lbColorCode != null) lbColorCode.setVisible(colorCode);
// Rescale title if the number of visible components increased
if ((!cDate && date) || (!cTime && time) || (!cCategories && categories) ||
(!cPin && pin) || (!cURL && url) || (!cColorCode && colorCode))
* Returns TRUE if the color code component has to be visible. Takes the availability of the feature
* into account.
* @return TRUE if visible.
private boolean isColorCodeVisible()
ViewModePreferences prefs = config.getViewModePreferences();
return prefs.isColorCodeVisible(mode) && SentimentsFeature.isAvailable();
* Returns <code>TRUE</code> if component is visible.
* @param cmp component.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if visible.
private static boolean isCompVisible(Component cmp)
return cmp != null && cmp.isVisible();
* Changes mode according to collapse state.
* @param aCollapsed collapsed.
public void setCollapsed(boolean aCollapsed)
setViewMode(aCollapsed ? IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_MINIMAL
: textMode == -1 ? IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_FULL : textMode);
* Returns <code>TRUE</code> if the display is collapsed.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if the display is collapsed.
public boolean isCollapsed()
return collapsed;
* Collects links from text of the pane.
* @param doc document to process.
* @return map of lower-cased string links to <code>TextRange</code> objects.
private static Map<String, List<TextRange>> collectLinks(HTMLDocument doc)
Map<String, List<TextRange>> links = new HashMap<String, List<TextRange>>();
HTMLDocument.Iterator tagIterator = doc.getIterator(HTML.Tag.A);
while (tagIterator.isValid())
SimpleAttributeSet attrSet = (SimpleAttributeSet)tagIterator.getAttributes();
String link = (String)attrSet.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF);
if (link != null)
int startOffset = tagIterator.getStartOffset();
int endOffset = tagIterator.getEndOffset();
TextRange textRange = new TextRange(startOffset, endOffset);
addLinkToMap(links, link, textRange);
return links;
* Adds another link to the map.
* @param aLinks map of links.
* @param aLink link to add.
* @param aTextRange corresponding text range.
static void addLinkToMap(Map<String, List<TextRange>> aLinks, String aLink, TextRange aTextRange)
List<TextRange> ranges = aLinks.get(aLink);
if (ranges == null)
ranges = new LinkedList<TextRange>();
aLinks.put(aLink, ranges);
* Hyperlink listener.
* @param l listener.
public void addHyperlinkListener(HyperlinkListener l)
* Repaints article text if is currently in the given mode.
* @param briefMode <code>TRUE</code> for brief mode, otherwise -- full mode.
public void repaintIfInMode(boolean briefMode)
if (mode == (briefMode ? IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_BRIEF : IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_FULL))
* Sets the text corresponding to given view mode.
* @param briefMode <code>TRUE</code> if in brief mode.
private void setText(boolean briefMode)
String text = getArticleText(briefMode);
} catch (Throwable e)
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, MessageFormat.format(
article.getLink()), e);
* Sets the text.
* @param text text.
private void setText(String text)
// This is the special trick to outsmart Mac OS implementation of HTMLEditorKit.
// Otherwise under some conditions the height will be equal to zero and
// no text will be displayed.
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC) text = text == null ? null : "<p id='start'>" + text;
UifUtilities.installTextStyle(tpText, TEXT_STYLE_NAME);
* Returns text of the article.
* @param briefMode TRUE if currently in brief mode.
* @return text of the article.
private String getArticleText(boolean briefMode)
String text = briefMode ? article.getBriefText() : article.getHtmlText();
return text == null ? Strings.message("articledisplay.no.text") : text;
* Changes the selection state. Updates foreground, background and border.
* @param sel <code>TRUE</code> to display the article as selected.
public void setSelected(boolean sel)
if (selected != sel)
if (config.isAutoExpandingMini()) handleAutoOpeningOnSelection(sel);
selected = sel;
* Sets or resets the focus for this view.
* @param foc <code>TRUE</code> to display the article focused.
public void setFocused(boolean foc)
if (focused != foc)
focused = foc;
* Invoked when highlights should be repainted.
public void updateHighlights()
String text = getText(tpText);
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)tpText.getDocument();
UpdateHighlights task = new UpdateHighlights(text, doc);
* Returns text from the given pane.
* @param aPane text pane.
* @return text.
private static String getText(JEditorPane aPane)
String text;
Document document = aPane.getDocument();
text = document.getText(0, document.getLength());
} catch (BadLocationException e)
text = "";
return text;
* Updates the border.
private void updateBorder()
// TODO do we need any borders here?
// setBorder(config.getBorder(selected, focused));
* Updates foreground color.
private void updateForegrounds()
Color titleColor = config.getTitleFGColor(selected);
Color dateColor = config.getDateFGColor(selected);
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)tpText.getDocument();
UifUtilities.setTextColor(doc, TEXT_STYLE_NAME, config.getTextColor(selected));
UifUtilities.installTextStyle(tpText, TEXT_STYLE_NAME);
if (lbDate != null) lbDate.setForeground(dateColor);
if (lbTime != null) lbTime.setForeground(dateColor);
* Updates background color.
private void updateBackgrounds()
Color globalColor = config.getGlobalBGColor(selected);
Color titleColor = config.getTitleBGColor(selected);
Color textColor = config.getTextBGColor(selected);
if (pnlInfo != null) pnlInfo.setBackground(titleColor);
if (pnlFromFeed != null) pnlFromFeed.setBackground(titleColor);
* Updates fonts of components.
private void updateFonts()
if (lbDate != null)
Font dateFont = config.getDateFont();
if (lbTime != null) lbTime.setFont(dateFont);
UifUtilities.setPreferredWidth(lbDate, UifUtilities.estimateWidth(dateFont, MSG_SIZING_DATE));
UifUtilities.setPreferredWidth(lbTime, UifUtilities.estimateWidth(dateFont, MSG_SIZING_TIME));
if (lbFrom != null)
if (lbCategories != null) lbCategories.setFont(config.getDateFont());
if (lbURL != null) lbURL.setFont(config.getDateFont());
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)tpText.getDocument();
UifUtilities.setFontAttributes(doc, TEXT_STYLE_NAME, config.getTextFont());
UifUtilities.installTextStyle(tpText, TEXT_STYLE_NAME);
* Updates the font of the title label.
private void updateTitleFont()
* Updates the title of the view.
private void updateTitle()
String title = cutTitle(article.getTitle());
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(article.getAuthor()) &&
title += " (" + article.getAuthor() + ")";
URL link = article.getLink();
// We need to set any tooltip text just to enable tooltip showing
if (link == null) lbTitle.setToolTipText("");
* Cuts the title text according to configuration.
* @param aTitle title.
* @return title to use in visual component.
private String cutTitle(String aTitle)
if (aTitle == null)
aTitle = Strings.message("untitled");
} else if (config.isSingleLineTitles())
int maxLength = config.getMaxSingleLineTitleLength();
if (aTitle.length() > maxLength)
aTitle = aTitle.substring(0, maxLength) + "\u2026";
return aTitle.trim();
* Returns <code>TRUE</code> if content panel is currently visible.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if content panel is currently visible.
boolean isContentPanelVisible()
return pnlContent.isVisible();
* Returns listener.
* @return listener.
public IArticleListener getArticleListener()
return this;
* Returns visual component.
* @return visual component.
public Component getComponent()
return this;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Components factorying
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates content panel.
* @param textPane text pane.
* @param l mouse listener.
* @return panel.
private static JPanel createContentPanel(Component textPane, MouseListener l)
// WARNING: we need to have "pref" for text row (1st) height as JEditorPane reports
// incorrect minimum dimensions on MacOS X and, probably, under JRE 1.5.
FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("min:grow", "2dlu, pref, 5dlu");
JPanel panel = new JPanel(layout);
panel.add(textPane, CELL_CONSTRAINTS.xy(1, 2));
return panel;
* Creates title component.
* @param l mouse listener.
* @return title.
private LinkExtendedLabel createTitle(MouseListener l)
LinkExtendedLabel comp = new CustomTitleLabel();
return comp;
* Creates text pane.
* @param l mouse listener.
* @param editorKit the editor kit to use.
* @return text pane.
private JEditorPane createTextPane(MouseListener l, EditorKit editorKit)
JEditorPane pane = new EditorPane();
return pane;
* Invoked on theme change.
public void onThemeChange()
* Invoked on view mode change.
public void onViewModeChange()
* Invoked on font bias change.
public void onFontBiasChange()
* Requests that this <code>Component</code> gets the input focus. Refer to {@link
* java.awt.Component#requestFocusInWindow() Component.requestFocusInWindow()} for a complete
* description of this method. <p> If you would like more information on focus, see <a
* href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/misc/focus.html"> How to Use the Focus
* Subsystem</a>, a section in <em>The Java Tutorial</em>.
* @return <code>false</code> if the focus change request is guaranteed to fail;
* <code>true</code> if it is likely to succeed
* @see java.awt.Component#requestFocusInWindow()
* @see java.awt.Component#requestFocusInWindow(boolean)
* @since 1.4
public boolean focus()
boolean focusGiven = false;
if (pnlContent.isVisible())
focusGiven = tpText.isFocusOwner() || tpText.requestFocusInWindow();
return focusGiven;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Events
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Editor pane which isn't processing any keyboard events, but delegating them
* to the parent of this view.
private class EditorPane extends JEditorPane
/** Overrides <code>processKeyEvent</code> to process events. * */
protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)
* Processes mouse events occurring on this component by dispatching them to any registered
* <code>MouseListener</code> objects, refer to {@link java.awt.Component#processMouseEvent(
*java.awt.event.MouseEvent)} for a complete description of this method.
* @param e the mouse event
* @see java.awt.Component#processMouseEvent
* @since 1.5
protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
if (e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED)
} else if (e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED)
clickImageURL = null;
* Checks if the mouse was clicked over the image view and saves the link.
* @param e mouse event.
private void checkIfClickOverTheImage(MouseEvent e)
Point point = e.getPoint();
// Version 1
View view = this.getUI().getRootView(this);
float x = (float)point.getX();
float y = (float)point.getY();
Shape allocation = getRootViewAllocation();
CustomImageView imageView = getImageView(view, x, y, allocation);
clickImageURL = (imageView != null) ? imageView.getImageURL() : null;
* Finds an image view behind the cursor and returns it unless there's no one.
* @param view view to start traversing children from.
* @param x x coordinate of a click.
* @param y y coordinate of a click.
* @param allocation allocation shape.
* @return view or NULL.
private CustomImageView getImageView(View view, float x, float y, Shape allocation)
if (view instanceof CustomImageView) return (CustomImageView)view;
int viewIndex = view.getViewIndex(x, y, allocation);
if (viewIndex >= 0)
allocation = view.getChildAllocation(viewIndex, allocation);
Rectangle rect = (allocation instanceof Rectangle) ?
(Rectangle)allocation : allocation.getBounds();
if (rect.contains(x, y))
return getImageView(view.getView(viewIndex), x, y, allocation);
return null;
* Returns the allocation shape of the editor root view.
* @return allocation shape.
protected Rectangle getRootViewAllocation()
Rectangle alloc = this.getBounds();
if ((alloc.width > 0) && (alloc.height > 0))
alloc.x = alloc.y = 0;
Insets insets = this.getInsets();
alloc.x += insets.left;
alloc.y += insets.top;
alloc.width -= insets.left + insets.right;
alloc.height -= insets.top + insets.bottom;
return alloc;
return null;
* Delegating the event to the parent.
* @param e event.
private void delegateToParent(KeyEvent e)
if (e.getKeyCode() == 'C' &&
(SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC ? e.isMetaDown() : e.isControlDown()))
} else
UifUtilities.delegateEventToParent(HTMLArticleDisplay.this, e);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Invoked when the property of the article has been changed.
* @param article article.
* @param property property of the article.
* @param oldValue old property value.
* @param newValue new property value.
public void propertyChanged(IArticle article, String property, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
if (IArticle.PROP_READ.equals(property))
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
} else if (lbPin != null && IArticle.PROP_PINNED.equals(property))
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
} else if (lbColorCode != null &&
(IArticle.PROP_POSITIVE.equals(property) || IArticle.PROP_NEGATIVE.equals(property)))
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
* Sets the font of the read status change.
private void onReadChange()
* Invoked when pin state changes.
private void onPinnedChange()
* Invoked when the color or article sentiment analysis results change.
private void onSentimentChange()
* Feed label.
private static class FeedLabel extends LinkLabel
/** Maximum length of feed title. */
private static final int MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 50;
private final IFeed feed;
private final IFeedJumpLinkClickCallback callback;
* Creates feed label.
* @param aFeed feed label.
* @param aCallback callback.
public FeedLabel(IFeed aFeed, IFeedJumpLinkClickCallback aCallback)
feed = aFeed;
if (feed != null)
String title = aFeed.getTitle();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(title) && title.length() > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH)
title = title.substring(0, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) + "\u2026";
setText("<html><u>" + title);
callback = aCallback;
* Handles the event.
* @param e event.
protected void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
MainFrame.feedLinkFeed = feed;
} finally
MainFrame.feedLinkFeed = null;
* Returns status to be displayed.
* @return status.
protected String getStatus()
return feed == null ? null : MessageFormat.format(Strings.message("articledisplay.link.jump.to.feed"),
* Jumps to the feed.
protected void doAction()
if (callback != null) callback.onFeedJumpLinkClicked(feed);
* Listens for clicks over collapse/expand icon.
private class CollapseExpandListener extends MouseAdapter
* Invoked when mouse clicked.
* @param e event.
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
* Moves and resizes this component. The new location of the top-left corner is specified by
* <code>x</code> and <code>y</code>, and the new size is specified by <code>width</code> and
* <code>height</code>.
* @param x the new <i>x</i>-coordinate of this component
* @param y the new <i>y</i>-coordinate of this component
* @param width the new <code>width</code> of this component
* @param height the new <code>height</code> of this component
public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height)
// If width of the article display decreases -- decrease the width
// of title as well
if (getSize().width > width) rescaleTitle();
super.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
* Rescales the title to recalculate the desired width.
private void rescaleTitle()
lbTitle.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(0, 0));
* Simple compoent that paints the color code indicator.
private static class SentimentColorCode extends JComponent
private static final Dimension SIZE = new Dimension(18, 13);
private static final Insets INSETS = new Insets(1, 6, 2, 2);
private Color color;
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
return SIZE;
* Sets the color.
* @param color color.
public void setColor(Color color)
this.color = color;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
int x = INSETS.left;
int y = INSETS.top;
int w = SIZE.width - INSETS.left - INSETS.right;
int h = SIZE.height - INSETS.top - INSETS.bottom;
((Graphics2D)g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
if (color == null)
// Neutral
g.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
} else
// Not neutral
g.fillOval(x, y, w, h);
* Custom label with the tool-tip made of the article text excerpt.
private class CustomTitleLabel extends LinkExtendedLabel
/** Number of characters the tool-tip has max. */
private static final int TITLE_TOOLTIP_LENGTH = 90;
private String tooltipText;
* Returns the string to be used as the tooltip for <code>event</code>.
* @param event the event in question.
* @return the string to be used as the tooltip for <code>event</code>
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
if (tooltipText == null)
tooltipText = article.getPlainText();
if (tooltipText != null)
tooltipText = TextProcessor.toPlainText(tooltipText).trim();
tooltipText = StringUtils.left(tooltipText, TITLE_TOOLTIP_LENGTH) + "...";
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tooltipText)) tooltipText = Strings.message("articledisplay.no.description");
return tooltipText;
* Returns number of clicks triggering opening the link in bowser.
* @return number of clicks.
protected int getTriggerClickCount()
// We return 0 instead of 2 because double clicking anywhere over the
// article body will produce the same effect, so we just need to skip
// this event.
return config.isBrowseOnTitleDoubleClick() ? 0 : 1;
* Performs an action when triggered.
protected void doAction()
IArticle article = getArticle();
GlobalModel model = GlobalModel.SINGLETON;
// Mark an article as read and update stats
IFeed feed = HTMLArticleDisplay.this.article.getFeed();
if (feed != null) feed.setClickthroughs(feed.getClickthroughs() + 1);
/** Updates highlights. */
private class UpdateHighlights implements Runnable
private final String text;
private final HTMLDocument doc;
* Creates an updates task.
* @param text text to process.
* @param doc document to process.
public UpdateHighlights(String text, HTMLDocument doc)
this.text = text;
this.doc = doc;
* Runs the task.
public void run()
TextRange[] searchRanges = null;
Map<IArticleDisplayConfig.LinkType, List<TextRange>> linkRanges = null;
// Collect keywords & search ranges
IHighlightsAdvisor ha = config.getHighlightsAdvisor();
if (ha != null)
searchRanges = ha.getSearchwordsRanges(text);
// TODO Allow repainting of highlights when in temp-full mode
// Collect links ranges
if (mode == IFeedDisplayConstants.MODE_FULL)
synchronized (linksRangesLock)
if (linksRanges == null) linksRanges = collectLinks(doc);
linkRanges = new HashMap<IArticleDisplayConfig.LinkType, List<TextRange>>();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<TextRange>> entry : linksRanges.entrySet())
String link = entry.getKey();
IArticleDisplayConfig.LinkType type = config.getLinkType(link);
// Add the range to the list
List<TextRange> ranges = linkRanges.get(type);
if (ranges == null)
ranges = new LinkedList<TextRange>();
linkRanges.put(type, ranges);
// Perform actual ranges selection
final TextRange[] fSeaRanges = searchRanges;
final Map<IArticleDisplayConfig.LinkType, List<TextRange>> fLinRanges = linkRanges;
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
if (fSeaRanges != null) Highlighter.highlight(tpText, fSeaRanges, config.getSearchwordBGColor());
if (fLinRanges != null)
for (Map.Entry<IArticleDisplayConfig.LinkType, List<TextRange>> entry : fLinRanges.entrySet())
Color color = config.getLinkBGColor(entry.getKey());
if (color != null)
List<TextRange> ranges = entry.getValue();
for (TextRange range : ranges) Highlighter.highlight(tpText, range, color);