// BlogBridge -- RSS feed reader, manager, and web based service
// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by R. Pito Salas
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
// either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
// if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
// Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Contact: R. Pito Salas
// mailto:pitosalas@users.sourceforge.net
// More information: about BlogBridge
// http://www.blogbridge.com
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/blogbridge
// $Id $
package com.salas.bb.utils.feedscollections;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints;
import com.jgoodies.uif.util.SystemUtils;
import com.salas.bb.utils.uif.BBFormBuilder;
import com.salas.bb.utils.uif.UifUtilities;
import com.salas.bb.utils.uif.html.CustomHTMLEditorKit;
import com.salas.bb.utils.i18n.Strings;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
import javax.swing.text.Style;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
* List/Tree component.
class CListTree extends JPanel
private static final String TEXT_STYLE = "normal";
private Boolean treeMode;
private Collection collection;
private final boolean readingLists;
private JComponent tree;
private JComponent list;
private JEditorPane taDescription;
private CItemListener itemListener;
private CList listComp;
* Creates component.
* @param collection collection to show.
* @param treeMode <code>TRUE</code> to set tree mode by default.
* @param readingLists <code>TRUE</code> if showing reading lists.
public CListTree(Collection collection, boolean treeMode, boolean readingLists)
this.collection = collection;
this.readingLists = readingLists;
itemListener = new CItemListener();
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
BBFormBuilder builder = new BBFormBuilder("p, 2dlu, p, 0:grow");
JComboBox cbViewMode = new JComboBox(new Object[] {
Strings.message("collections.viewmode.list") });
cbViewMode.setSelectedIndex(treeMode ? 0 : 1);
cbViewMode.addItemListener(new ItemListener()
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
JComboBox box = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
boolean isTree = box.getSelectedIndex() == 0;
builder.append(Strings.message("collections.viewmode"), cbViewMode);
add(builder.getPanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH);
// Description area
taDescription = new JEditorPane();
Color back = taDescription.getBackground();
taDescription.setEditorKit(new CustomHTMLEditorKit());
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)taDescription.getDocument();
Style def = doc.getStyle("default");
Font font = UIManager.getFont("TextArea.font");
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC) font = UifUtilities.applyFontBias(font, -2);
UifUtilities.setFontAttributes(doc.addStyle(TEXT_STYLE, def), font);
builder = new BBFormBuilder("0:grow");
builder.append(Strings.message("collections.description"), 1);
builder.append(taDescription, 1, CellConstraints.FILL, CellConstraints.FILL);
add(builder.getPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
* Changes tree mode and displays correct component.
* @param treeMode <code>TRUE</code> to switch to the tree mode.
public void setTreeMode(boolean treeMode)
if (this.treeMode != null && this.treeMode.booleanValue() == treeMode) return;
this.treeMode = Boolean.valueOf(treeMode);
JComponent removeComponent, setComponent;
if (treeMode)
removeComponent = list;
setComponent = getTreeComponent();
} else
removeComponent = tree;
setComponent = getListComponent();
if (removeComponent != null) remove(removeComponent);
add(setComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER);
* Returns tree component and creates it if it's not there yet.
* @return tree component.
private JComponent getTreeComponent()
if (tree == null)
CTree cmp = new CTree(collection, readingLists);
tree = new JScrollPane(cmp);
return tree;
* Returns list component and creates it if it's not there yet.
* @return list component.
private synchronized JComponent getListComponent()
if (list == null)
listComp = new CList(collection, readingLists);
list = new JScrollPane(listComp);
return list;
* Listens to item selections and shows the description in the box.
private class CItemListener implements ListSelectionListener, TreeSelectionListener
* Called whenever the value of the selection changes.
* @param e the event that characterizes the change.
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
CList.CItemCheckBox box = (CList.CItemCheckBox)listComp.getSelectedValue();
onNodeSelected(box == null ? null : box.getItem());
* Called whenever the value of the selection changes.
* @param e the event that characterizes the change.
public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e)
TreePath path = e.getNewLeadSelectionPath();
CollectionNode node = path == null ? null : (CollectionNode)path.getLastPathComponent();
* On node selection changes description text.
* @param node node.
private void onNodeSelected(CollectionNode node)
if (node == null)
} else
UifUtilities.installTextStyle(taDescription, TEXT_STYLE);