package edu.drexel.cs544.mcmuc.actions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import edu.drexel.cs544.mcmuc.channels.Channel;
import edu.drexel.cs544.mcmuc.channels.Controller;
import edu.drexel.cs544.mcmuc.channels.Room;
import edu.drexel.cs544.mcmuc.util.Certificate;
import edu.drexel.cs544.mcmuc.util.JSON;
* Presence is used by each client to respond to a broadcast PollPresence.
* The JSON format of a Presence is:
* {'action':'presence','from':'<from>','status':'<status>'} if no public-keys are included or
* {'action':'presence','from':'<from>','status':'<status>','keys':[<keys>]} if they are.
public class Presence extends Action implements JSON {
public static final String action = "presence";
private String from;
private Status status;
private List<Certificate> keys;
public enum Status {
Online, Offline
* Initializes the from, status, and keys attributes of the Presence class. Status must be either:
* 'online' or 'offline'
* @param from
* @param status must be 'online' or 'offline'
* @param keys
* @throws Exception thrown if status is not 'online' or 'offline'
private void init(String from, Status status, List<Certificate> keys) {
this.from = from;
this.status = status;
this.keys = keys;
* Calls init with passed-in parameters - exception is forwarded from init. Use if user desires
* to include public-keys with presence.
* @param from
* @param status
* @param keys
* @throws Exception
public Presence(String from, Status status, List<Certificate> keys) {
init(from, status, keys);
* Calls init with passed-in parameters - exception is forwarded from init. Use if no keys are
* required to be sent along with presence.
* @param from
* @param status
* @throws Exception
public Presence(String from, Status status) {
init(from, status, null);
* Accessor for message's from field
* @return
public String getFrom() {
return this.from;
* Accessor for message's status field
* @return
public Status getStatus() {
return this.status;
* Accessor for message's (optional) list of public-key certificates
* @return
public List<Certificate> getKeys() {
return this.keys;
* Deserializes JSON into a Presence object. The status key must have 'offline' or 'online' as its value.
* The keys key/value pair is optional.
* @param json the JSON to deserialize
* @throws Exception thrown if status is not 'online' or 'offline'
public Presence(JSONObject json) throws Exception {
super(json, Presence.action);
try {
this.from = json.getString("from");
String rawStatus = json.getString("status");
if (rawStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("online"))
this.status = Status.Online;
else if (rawStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("offline"))
this.status = Status.Offline;
throw new Exception("Unsupported status");
if (json.has("keys")) {
JSONArray keys = json.getJSONArray("keys");
this.keys = new ArrayList<Certificate>(keys.length());
if (keys != null) {
int len = keys.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
this.keys.add(new Certificate(keys.getJSONObject(i)));
} catch (JSONException e) {
* Serializes Presence object into JSON. keys key/value pair is only set if object was created with
* a list of keys.
public JSONObject toJSON() {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
JSONArray list = new JSONArray();
try {
json.put("action", Presence.action);
json.put("uid", uid);
json.put("from", from);
if (status == Status.Offline)
json.put("status", "offline");
else if (status == Status.Online)
json.put("status", "online");
if (keys != null) {
Iterator<Certificate> itr = keys.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
json.put("keys", list);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return json;
* Upon receiving a Presence from another client, display it to the user. If any keys are
* included, also display those to the user, then forward it on the channel.
public void process(Channel channel) {
class Runner implements Runnable {
Presence message;
Channel channel;
Runner(Presence m, Channel c) {
channel = c;
message = m;
public void run() {
if (message.getStatus() == Status.Online)
Controller.getInstance().alert(message.getFrom() + "@" + ((Room) channel).getName() + " is online " + " (" + message.getUID() + ")");
else if (message.getStatus() == Status.Offline)
Controller.getInstance().alert(message.getFrom() + "@" + ((Room) channel).getName() + " is offline " + " (" + message.getUID() + ")");
List<Certificate> keys = message.getKeys();
if (keys != null) {
Iterator<Certificate> it = keys.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Certificate c =;
Controller.getInstance().output("Advertised " + c.getFormat() + " public-key cert from " + message.getFrom() + ":\n\t" + c.getCertificate());
Thread t = new Thread(new Runner(this, channel));