package com.voltvoodoo.brew;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ErrorReporter;
* @goal optimize
* @phase process-classes
public class OptimizeMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* Javascript source directory.
* @parameter expression="${}"
private File optimizeSourceDir;
* Source tree is copied here, minified and aggregated.
* @parameter expression="${}"
private File optimizeBuildDir;
* Built modules are put here, moved from the build directory after
* minification and aggregation. By default this is the same as the
* output directory.
* @parameter expression="${}"
private File optimizeOutputDir;
* File name suffix for optimized modules. Set this to "false" to
* not use a suffix.
* @parameter expression="-min"
private String optimizedFileNameSuffix;
* Used to inline i18n resources into the built file. If no locale
* is specified, i18n resources will not be inlined. Only one locale
* can be inlined for a build. Root bundles referenced by a build layer
* will be included in a build layer regardless of locale being set.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.locale}" default="en-us"
private String locale = "en-us";
* How to optimize all the JS files in the build output directory.
* Right now only the following values
* are supported:
* - "uglify": uses UglifyJS to minify the code.
* - "closure": (default) uses Google's Closure Compiler in simple optimization
* mode to minify the code.
* - "closure.keepLines": Same as closure option, but keeps line returns
* in the minified files.
* - "none": no minification will be done.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.jsOptimizer}" default="uglify"
private String jsOptimizer = "uglify";
* Allow CSS optimizations. Allowed values:
* - "standard": @import inlining, comment removal and line returns.
* Removing line returns may have problems in IE, depending on the type
* of CSS.
* - "standard.keepLines": like "standard" but keeps line returns.
* - "none": skip CSS optimizations.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.cssOptimizer}" default="standard"
private String cssOptimizer = "standard";
* If optimizeCss is in use, a list of of files to ignore for the @import
* inlining. The value of this option should be a comma separated list
* of CSS file names to ignore. The file names should match whatever
* strings are used in the @import calls.
* @parameter
private List<String> cssExcludes;
* If includeRequire is specified on a module, then import require.js from
* the specified resource.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.requireUrl}" default=false
private String requireUrl = "require.js";
* Inlines the text for any text! dependencies, to avoid the separate
* async XMLHttpRequest calls to load those dependencies.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.inlineText}" default=true
private boolean inlineText = true;
* Allow "use strict"; be included in the RequireJS files.
* Default is false because there are not many browsers that can properly
* process and give errors on code for ES5 strict mode,
* and there is a lot of legacy code that will not work in strict mode.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.useStrictJs}" default=false
private boolean useStrictJs = false;
* Specify build pragmas. If the source files contain comments like so:
* >>excludeStart("fooExclude", pragmas.fooExclude);
* >>excludeEnd("fooExclude");
* Then the comments that start with //>> are the build pragmas.
* excludeStart/excludeEnd and includeStart/includeEnd work, and the
* the pragmas value to the includeStart or excludeStart lines
* is evaluated to see if the code between the Start and End pragma
* lines should be included or excluded.
* @parameter
private Map<String, Boolean> pragmas;
* Skip processing for pragmas.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.skipPragmas}" default=false
private boolean skipPragmas = false;
* If skipModuleInsertion is false, then files that do not use define()
* to define modules will get a define() placeholder inserted for them
* Also, require.pause/resume calls will be inserted.
* Set it to true to avoid this. This is useful if you are building code that
* does not use require() in the built project or in the JS files, but you
* still want to use the optimization tool from RequireJS to concatenate modules
* together.
* @parameter default-value=false
private boolean skipModuleInsertion = false;
* Shorthand for specifying a single module to compile.
* This will be overriden if you use the {@link #modules} parameter.
* @parameter expression="${requirejs.module}" default="main"
private String module = "main";
* List the modules that will be optimized. All their immediate and deep
* dependencies will be included in the module's file when the build is
* done. If that module or any of its dependencies includes i18n bundles,
* only the root bundles will be included unless the locale: section is set above.
* @parameter
private List<Module> modules;
* Set paths for modules. If relative paths, set relative to baseUrl above.
* If a special value of "empty:" is used for the path value, then that
* acts like mapping the path to an empty file. It allows the optimizer to
* resolve the dependency to path, but then does not include it in the output.
* Useful to map module names that are to resources on a CDN or other
* http: URL when running in the browser and during an optimization that
* file should be skipped because it has no dependencies.
* @parameter
private Map<String, String> paths = Collections.emptyMap();
* Configure CommonJS packages. See
* @parameter
private Map<String, List<String>> packagePaths;
* @parameter
private List<String> packages;
* Set to true to only minify the aggregated module files, rather
* than all files in the dependency tree.
* @parameter
private boolean minifyOnlyAggregatedFiles = false;
* If using UglifyJS for script optimization, these config options can be
* used to pass configuration values to UglifyJS.
* See for the possible values.
* @parameter
private Uglify uglify;
* If using Closure Compiler for script optimization, these config options
* can be used to configure Closure Compiler. See the documentation for
* Closure compiler for more information.
* @parameter
private Closure closure;
* Same as "pragmas", but only applied once during the file save phase
* of an optimization. "pragmas" are applied both during the dependency
* mapping and file saving phases on an optimization. Some pragmas
* should not be processed during the dependency mapping phase of an
* operation, such as the pragma in the CoffeeScript loader plugin,
* which wants the CoffeeScript compiler during the dependency mapping
* phase, but once files are saved as plain JavaScript, the CoffeeScript
* compiler is no longer needed. In that case, pragmasOnSave would be used
* to exclude the compiler code during the save phase.
* @parameter
private Map<String, Boolean> pragmasOnSave;
* Allows trimming of code branches that use has.js-based feature detection:
* The code branch trimming only happens if minification with UglifyJS or
* Closure Compiler is done. For more information, see:
* @parameter
private Map<String, Boolean> has;
* Similar to pragmasOnSave, but for has tests -- only applied during the
* file save phase of optimization, where "has" is applied to both
* dependency mapping and file save phases.
* @parameter
private Map<String, Boolean> hasOnSave;
* Allows namespacing requirejs, require and define calls to a new name.
* This allows stronger assurances of getting a module space that will
* not interfere with others using a define/require AMD-based module
* system. The example below will rename define() calls to foo.define().
* See for a more
* complete example.
* @parameter
private String namespace;
* If it is not a one file optimization, scan through all .js files in the
* output directory for any plugin resource dependencies, and if the plugin
* supports optimizing them as separate files, optimize them. Can be a
* slower optimization. Only use if there are some plugins that use things
* like XMLHttpRequest that do not work across domains, but the built code
* will be placed on another domain.
* @parameter default-value=false
private boolean optimizeAllPluginResources;
* Wrap any build layer in a start and end text specified by wrap.
* @parameter
private Wrap wrap;
* Defines whether the default requirejs plugins text, order and i18n should
* be copied to the working directory.
* @parameter default-value=false
private boolean providePlugins = false;
* Skip execution of this mojo.
* @parameter expression="${brew.skip}" default="false"
private boolean skip = false;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
try {
Optimizer builder = new Optimizer();
ErrorReporter reporter = new DefaultErrorReporter(getLog(), true); optimizeBuildDir, providePlugins, createBuildProfile(), reporter );
} catch (RuntimeException exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(exc.getMessage(), exc);
public String getBaseUrl()
return optimizeSourceDir.getAbsolutePath();
public File getDir()
return optimizeBuildDir;
public String getLocale()
return locale;
public String getRequireUrl()
return requireUrl;
public String getOptimize()
return jsOptimizer;
public String getOptimizeCss()
return cssOptimizer;
public boolean isInlineText()
return inlineText;
public boolean isUseStrict()
return useStrictJs;
public boolean isSkipPragmas()
return skipPragmas;
public Map<String, Boolean> getPragmas() {
return pragmas;
public List<String> getCssImportIgnore() {
return cssExcludes;
public boolean isSkipModuleInsertion()
return skipModuleInsertion;
public List<Module> getModules() {
if(modules == null) {
modules = new ArrayList<Module>();
modules.add( new Module(module));
return modules;
public Map<String, String> getPaths() {
return paths;
public Map<String, List<String>> getPackagePaths() {
return packagePaths;
public List<String> getPackages() {
return packages;
public Uglify getUglify() {
return uglify;
public Closure getClosure() {
return closure;
public Map<String, Boolean> getPragmasOnSave() {
return pragmasOnSave;
public Map<String, Boolean> getHas() {
return has;
public Map<String, Boolean> getHasOnSave() {
return hasOnSave;
public String getNamespace() {
return namespace;
public boolean isOptimizeAllPluginResources() {
return optimizeAllPluginResources;
public Wrap getWrap() {
return wrap;
public Log getLog() {
return super.getLog();
@SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )
public Map getPluginContext() {
return super.getPluginContext();
private File createBuildProfile() throws IOException {
File profileFile = File.createTempFile( "profile", "js" );
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.writeValue( profileFile, this );
return profileFile;
private void moveModulesToOutputDir() throws IOException {
if( ! optimizeBuildDir.equals(optimizeOutputDir) || getOptimizedFileNameSuffix().length() > 0) {
File from, to;
for(Module mod : getModules() ) {
from = new File(optimizeBuildDir, mod.getName() + ".js");
to = new File(optimizeOutputDir, mod.getName() + getOptimizedFileNameSuffix() + ".js");
FileUtils.copyFile( from, to );
private String getOptimizedFileNameSuffix() {
return optimizedFileNameSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase("false") ? "" : optimizedFileNameSuffix;
public boolean isMinifyOnlyAggregatedFiles() {
return minifyOnlyAggregatedFiles;