Package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.test

Source Code of edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.test.SparqlExecutorTest$ValuesChecker

package edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.test;

import java.util.List;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Executor;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Formulas;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.Value;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.ListValue;
import edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.SparqlExecutor;
import fig.basic.LispTree;
import fig.basic.LogInfo;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

* Test execution of Formulas on a SPARQL server.
* @author Percy Liang
public class SparqlExecutorTest {
  interface ValuesChecker {
    void checkValues(List<Value> values);

  public static ValuesChecker size(final int expectedNumResults) {
    return new ValuesChecker() {
      public void checkValues(List<Value> values) {
        if (values.size() != expectedNumResults)
          throw new RuntimeException("Expected " + expectedNumResults + " results, but got " + values.size() + ": " + values);

  public static ValuesChecker sizeAtLeast(final int expectedNumResults) {
    return new ValuesChecker() {
      public void checkValues(List<Value> values) {
        if (values.size() < expectedNumResults)
          throw new RuntimeException("Expected at least " + expectedNumResults + " results, but got " + values.size() + ": " + values);

  public static ValuesChecker matches(String expected) {
    final Value expectedValue = Value.fromString(expected);
    return new ValuesChecker() {
      public void checkValues(List<Value> values) {
        if (values.size() != 1 || !values.get(0).equals(expectedValue))
          throw new RuntimeException("Expected " + expectedValue + ", but got " + values);

  public static ValuesChecker regexMatches(final String expectedPattern) {
    return new ValuesChecker() {
      public void checkValues(List<Value> values) {
        if (values.size() != 1 || !values.get(0).toString().matches(expectedPattern))
          throw new RuntimeException("Expected " + expectedPattern + ", but got " + values);

  protected static void runFormula(SparqlExecutor executor, String formula) {
    runFormula(executor, formula, sizeAtLeast(0));

  protected static void runFormula(SparqlExecutor executor, String formula, ValuesChecker checker) {
    Executor.Response response = executor.execute(Formulas.fromLispTree(LispTree.proto.parseFromString(formula)));
    LogInfo.logs("RESULT: %s", response.value);

  SparqlExecutor executor = new SparqlExecutor();

  public SparqlExecutorTest() {
    // Hard-coding not ideal.
    SparqlExecutor.opts.endpointUrl = "http://localhost:3093/sparql";
    SparqlExecutor.opts.verbose = 3;

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlTrivial() {
    runFormula(executor, "fb:en.barack_obama", size(1));

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlJoin() {
    runFormula(executor, "(!fb:people.person.place_of_birth fb:en.barack_obama)", matches("(name fb:en.honolulu)"))// place of birth of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "(!fb:people.person.date_of_birth fb:en.barack_obama)", matches("(date 1961 8 4)"))// date of birth of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "(!fb:common.topic.alias fb:en.barack_obama)", sizeAtLeast(2))// Names of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "(!fb:people.person.children fb:en.barack_obama)", size(2))// children of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "(!fb:people.marriage.spouse (!fb:people.person.spouse_s fb:en.barack_obama))", size(2))// spouse of Obama (will include Barack and Michelle)

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlIntersect() {
    runFormula(executor, "(and (fb:type.object.type fb:type.datetime) (!fb:people.person.date_of_birth fb:en.barack_obama))", size(1))// date of birth of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "(and (fb:type.object.type fb:people.person) (!fb:people.person.parents fb:en.barack_obama))", size(2))// parents of Obama

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlLambda() {
    runFormula(executor, "((lambda x (!fb:people.person.parents (var x))) fb:en.barack_obama)", size(2))// parents of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "((lambda x (!fb:people.marriage.spouse (!fb:people.person.spouse_s (var x)))) fb:en.barack_obama)", size(1))// spouse of Obama (only includes Michelle)

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlReverse() {
    runFormula(executor, "((reverse fb:people.person.parents) fb:en.barack_obama)", size(2))// parents of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "((reverse (reverse fb:people.person.parents)) fb:en.barack_obama)", size(2))// children of Obama
    runFormula(executor, "((reverse (lambda x (fb:people.person.parents (fb:people.person.parents (var x))))) fb:en.barack_obama)", size(4))// grandparents of Obama

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlUnion() {
    runFormula(executor, "(or (!fb:people.person.children fb:en.barack_obama) (!fb:people.person.parents fb:en.barack_obama))", size(4))// children or parents of Obama

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlNot() {
    runFormula(executor, "(and (!fb:people.person.parents fb:en.barack_obama) (not (fb:people.person.gender fb:en.male)))", size(1))// parents of Obama who are not male

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlRelations() {
    runFormula(executor, "(and (fb:type.object.type fb:location.citytown) ( (string \"Palo Alto\")))", size(8))// cities called "Palo Alto"
    runFormula(executor, "(and (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) ( (STRSTARTS (string A))))", size(4))// cities whose names begin with "A"
    runFormula(executor, "(and (!fb:people.person.parents fb:en.barack_obama) (!= fb:en.ann_dunham))", size(1))// parents of Obama who are not Ann Dunham
    runFormula(executor, "(fb:geography.mountain.elevation (>= 8500))", size(4))// mountains at least 8500 meters tall
    runFormula(executor, "(fb:people.person.height_meters (> 1.8))", sizeAtLeast(10))// people over 1.8 meters tall

    // Dates are tricky
    runFormula(executor, "(and (!fb:people.person.children fb:en.barack_obama) (fb:people.person.date_of_birth (= (date 2001 -1 -1))))", size(1))// children of Obama born in 2001
    runFormula(executor, "(and (!fb:people.person.children fb:en.barack_obama) (fb:people.person.date_of_birth (<= (date 2001 -1 -1))))", size(2))// children of Obama born no later than 2001
    runFormula(executor, "(and (!fb:people.person.children fb:en.barack_obama) (fb:people.person.date_of_birth (>= (date 2001 -1 -1))))", size(1))// children of Obama born no earlier than 2001

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlMark() {
    runFormula(executor, "(mark x (and (fb:type.object.type fb:people.person) (fb:people.person.place_of_birth (!fb:people.deceased_person.place_of_death (var x)))))", sizeAtLeast(10))// people who were born in the place that they died

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlAggregate() {
    runFormula(executor, "(count (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state))", matches("(number 50)"))// number of US states
    runFormula(executor, "(min (!fb:location.location.area (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state)))", matches("(number 3140 fb:en.square_kilometer)"))// minimum area of all US states
    runFormula(executor, "(max (!fb:location.location.area (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state)))", matches("(number 1717850 fb:en.square_kilometer)"))// maximum area of all US states
    runFormula(executor, "(sum (!fb:location.location.area (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state)))", regexMatches("\\(number .* fb:en.square_kilometer\\)"))// total area of all US states
    runFormula(executor, "((reverse (lambda x (count (!fb:people.person.children (var x))))) (>= 50))", size(2))// people with at least 50 children

    runFormula(executor, "(and (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) ((reverse (lambda x (count ((reverse (lambda y (fb:location.location.adjoin_s (fb:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins (and (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) (var y)))))) (var x))))) (mark x (> 6))))", size(4))// states bordering more than 6 states
    // TODO: known bug (bordering less than 2 states doesn't include Alaska and Hawaii - need to make things optional)

  @Test(groups = "sparql") public void sparqlSuperlative() {
    runFormula(executor, "(argmax 1 1 (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) fb:location.location.area)", matches("(name fb:en.alaska)"))// largest state
    runFormula(executor, "(argmax 1 3 (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) fb:location.location.area)", size(3))// 3 largest states
    runFormula(executor, "(argmax 3 1 (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) fb:location.location.area)", matches("(name fb:en.california)"))// 3rd largest state

    runFormula(executor, "(!fb:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number (argmax 1 1 (!fb:location.statistical_region.population fb:en.california) fb:measurement_unit.dated_integer.year))", size(1))// (most recent) population of california
    runFormula(executor, "(!fb:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number (argmax 1 2 (!fb:location.statistical_region.population fb:en.california) fb:measurement_unit.dated_integer.year))", size(2))// (most recent) two populations of california
    // TODO: this query seems to time out, figure out why.
    //runFormula(executor, "(argmax 1 1 (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) (lambda x (!fb:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number (argmax 1 1 (!fb:location.statistical_region.population (var x)) fb:measurement_unit.dated_integer.year))))", matches("(name fb:en.california)"));

    runFormula(executor, "(argmax 1 1 (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) (reverse (lambda x (count ((reverse (lambda y (fb:location.location.adjoin_s (fb:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins (and (fb:type.object.type fb:location.us_state) (var y)))))) (var x))))))", size(2))// states that borders the most states

Related Classes of edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.test.SparqlExecutorTest$ValuesChecker

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